Devon Hockey Umpires Association
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Minutes of Management Committee Meeting
DATE: Monday 4th July 2016 TIME: 7.30pm VENUE: The Dolphin Inn, Bovey Tracey, TQ13 9AL
Present: Bob Whitell (BW), Jon Drew (JD), Jackie Brooks (JB), Keith Dingle (KD), Denise Aplin (DA), Paul Earnshaw (PE), Pete Hammond (PH), Matt Reynolds (MR), Jamie Oxley (JO), Richard Hill (RH), Tom Spencer (TS)
1. Apologies for absence and welcome: Apologies received from Graham Woolcock and Roger Triscott.
Bob Whitell, newly elected President, welcomed everyone to the first Committee Meeting for the 2016/17 Season. Bob thanked all those Committee Members who were continuing in their various roles and those who were taking up new roles as officers. Bob also welcomed Matt Reynolds and Richard Hill as new members of the Committee.
2. Minutes from last meeting held on 9th May 2016 Proposed as accepted by Pete Hammond and Seconded by Keith Dingle
3. Matters arising from minutes: None
4. Matters brought to the attention of the Committee by the President:
Actions required from DHUA AGM: The issue regarding the ‘window’ for recording games umpired on the website has been addressed, namely 30 December and 30 April deadlines.
PH confirmed that the SCC will be considering the issue re the assessment of umpires away from his/her ‘home’ club and details will be issued once this had been thought through.
The proposed Honorarium for the Membership Secretary was confirmed. Devon Hockey Forum action points: BW reported that he had attended the last Forum Meeting in order to introduce himself as the new President and to gain some understanding of the organisational processes operating. There was an opportunity to indicate that DHUA was seeking to support the development of all aspects of hockey across the County and that we must all recognize the importance of increasing the numbers of active umpires. There was an emphasis upon promoting youth hockey and umpiring. This is a long term project and we would do all we can to be supportive. As JD is now secretary to DHUA he wishes to resign from his role re. Junior Umpiring – BW indicated to the forum that we would try to produce an action plan by end October 2016. JO was able to outline how funding is being made available for a competitions organizer (post currently advertised on DH website)
DCUA Aims and Priorities for the new season BW indicated that we should all be clear about our developmental priorities as an Association. This will be the focus of our next meeting. Officers are requested to present their thoughts re Aims / Priorities at next Committee Meeting.
Club Status and Club Agreement for 2016/17 It was agreed after some discussion that the Club Agreement prepared by KD is implemented as written. Fees remain unchanged for this season. BW indicated that the Club Agreement will be subject to review. There will be an opportunity to evaluate the responses from Clubs early in the season. Club UDOs should encourage their members to umpire more appointments. Action point: guidance information to be prepared for UDOs.
Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members/Committee Membership, including any sub-committees Roles of Committees are on the website. Members of Committee asked to look at these and feedback for a review at next meeting.
Level 1 Course Co-ordinator: BW may approach Club UDOs for a volunteer to organise venues for courses.
Signatories: Following Treasurer’s recommendations the Committee agreed to that we should now remove Paddy Porter/Andy Rowe and add Bob Whitell as DHUA signatories
Pre-season Tournament Committee – Bob indicated that we should have a Committee identified to consider organisation for next year’s 2017 Tournament. JB, MR, PH agreed to form the 2017 tournament committee JO to advise Committee of a date when the University of St Mark and St John’s new facilities might be available for the Tournament in September 2017. DHUA Representation at other Committee Meetings We agreed to have the following members as regular representatives of DHUA at these meetings: Devon HA rep – KD Devon HA Club Forum – PE West HA rep – PH These reps will report to DHUA Committee on issues discussed and any needs for action we should consider.
Devon Hockey Association No further discussion/actions
West Hockey Association No further discussion/actions
Annual Calendar of dates and venue for Meetings: BW requested that we detail key dates for the next year and the following provisional dates for new season were agreed: Management Committee Meetings: - Monday 15th August 2017 to include Pre-Tournament meeting - Monday 10th October 2016 - Monday 5th December 2016 - Monday 30th January 2017 - Monday 13th March 2017 - Monday 15th May 2017
AGM: Friday 19th May 2017
All of the above to be 7.30pm start at The Dolphin Inn, Bovey Tracey
Other Meetings: UDO Meeting TBA September 2016
JD to check above proposed dates and venue and inform BW
Finals Day proposal to Devon HA: Saturday 21st April 2017 JO to follow up.
Umpires Kit: ordering and distribution process - Order compiled to be placed with Silver Fx (JD) - Qualified but Non-Pool umpires requesting orange shirts discussed and declined. JD to advise that they are not eligible. - Re-charge of costs. JD will compile a single spreadsheet for Treasurer to charge members through expenses. (JB) - Stock of shirts held by DHUA. Orange only 5x44” 5x42”. JD to hold stock. - Distribution process: at the pre-season tournament and then at selected venues
BW thanked JD for his work in organising the launch of the new kit 2016 Pre-Season Tournament: response from Clubs / organisation of the final arrangements: BW reported on the response from Clubs wishing to take part. Currently entries: 8 (possibly 9) Mens teams; 4 (possibly 5) Ladies teams. Agreed that BW would now finalise entries and format, liaise with Clubs and Exeter University re pitch requirements. Other arrangements are to be discussed and agreed at the next Committee Meeting.
EH Umpire Status Policy KD and PH reported on the West response to the EH proposals.It was agreed that like the West UA we felt that the EH proposals were not serving the best interests of raising umpiring standards. We agreed to maintain our existing policy.
5. Any other matters brought to Committee attention by…
- Secretary (Correspondence) Silver Fx – Contract Agreement. JD to sign agreement on behalf of DHUA
Andy Rowe – Letter to President expressing gratitude and appreciation for the messages received and for his nomination as Vice-president
- Treasurer BUCS Appointment Fees to remain un-changed. To be reviewed during year.
- Membership Secretary DA to supply a list of changes. DA has updated personal histories and KD to assist with any missing information.
- Chief Coach As per report from PH (attached)
- Level 1 Umpires Course Co-ordinator BW reported on the Level 1 course led at University of St Mark and St John on 2nd July 2016. There were 13 participants including 3 Under 18s.BW expressed gratitude to JO for the excellent facilities that were available at the University to support delivery of the course.
BW proposed umpire courses next season at Tavistock, Okehampton, University of St Mark and St John and Exeter University – dates TBA. We agreed that we would like to urge Clubs to be more pro-active in requesting the courses.
JO reminded the Committee of the Google-form that might aid the planning process.JO to liaise with KD to make this available on the website. The form would help us to ascertain interest and plan accordingly.
- Appointments Secretary and BUCS appointments secretary GJW absent BUCS appointments will continue to be coordinated by BW for the time being.
- DHA representative We agreed that we need to be working more closely with DHA and that this would be a focus for the future development.
- West representative RYUAG Secretary needed to replace JD KD to feedback from next meeting
6. Any other business
- JD – Resigning from West Junior Umpiring (RYUAG) - JD – Arrange a date/venue for UDO meeting in September, prior to start of league. - KD – review of Website layout. Some observations offered and agreed some updating might be useful.
7. Dates for meetings: Provisional dates were agreed as above (tbc asap…see note attached)
N:B The next Committee Meeting and Pre-Tournament meeting will be on Monday 8 th August 2017 at 7.30pm
Bob thanked everyone for their attendance and for the work being done in support of DHUA.
Meeting closed 9.35pm
Bob Whitell President
Jon Drew Secretary