Mosby’s Nursing Skills Adding/Editing Preceptors to a Module with Skills

Adding/Editing Preceptors for a Module with Skills Once a module is created you have the opportunity to add properties for any Skills in the module including selecting one or more preceptors for the module. You add and remove preceptors for an entire selected Skill’s module.

Note: You will need to create your Preceptors before you can assign them to a module. To be a Preceptor the individual must first be a Learner in the system.

Steps to Create a Preceptor 1. Admin Home — Learners – Lookup Learners. 2. Enter all or part of a Learner’s last name.

3. Click Search button. 4. Choose Edit to the right of the Learner’s name 5. The ‘Edit Learner’ page opens

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6. Check the box to left of the Skills Preceptor – May Grade Skills Checklist 7. Click the Save Changes button on the upper right.

Steps to Add/Edit Preceptors in a Module 1. Click E-learning — Edit Existing Modules, choose the module you want to add/edit the Preceptors. 2. Click the Skills Preceptors tab.

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3. From the left pane, “Available Preceptors”, select a name. If you want to select more than one name, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard while you make your selections. When you are done making selections, release the CTRL key. 4. Click the (right arrow) to add the selected name(s) to the right pane. The name(s) you selected display in the right pane “Preceptors Assigned to this Module.” These Learners will be the preceptors for the selected module.

Note: To remove names on the right, select the names you want to remove as Assigned Preceptors, then click the (left arrow) and the names return to the “Available Preceptors” pane on the left.

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