2E Haunted Houses

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2E Haunted Houses BA RBAR A VIL L IE RS D C H ESS O F C L E VE L AN D , U . m th m z z o tu z t t r in in o e e af e W g . K 3 :2 e HA UN T E D H O US E S T ALES O F T HE SUPERNAT URAL With S o me Acco unt o f H ereditary C ur s e s a n d Fa mil y Le g e n ds By CH A RL E S G A R PE R Ill ustr ated by the A uthor a n ha t ohnson sa id I mer ely me to say w J . T hat i n the cour se of some sex tho usand year s A 11 nations ha ve beli eved tha t f rom the dead A visitant at interva ls appea r s ; t s str n t u on this str a n e hea d A nd wha e a g es p g , bar the r eason rear s ’ ‘ nst such hehe s some thin str on er sh ll Gaz . “g In its beha t those den who w ill f YRO N . lf . y LON DON H L T D C H A PM A N 85 A L L , . 1 907 P RE FA CE vii lands o distant seas and amon the most un is f , g l etter ed sava es r eli ion has been ever o und g , g f , as inva r ia bl th li h t this an d y e be ef in g os s . If w er e a wor k up on the p hilosop hy of r elig ion a nd of the sup er na tur a l (instea d of being mer ely an a ttemp t to inter est a nd am use) it could be con clusivel shown I have no doubt tha t a belie in y , , f r elig ion necessita tes tha t of the existence of g hosts a nd e e s But e m t lea tha t t vic v r a. w us ve o the r pr ofesso s. L CHAR ES G . HARPER . ' Pxrxnsnm S R RE . , U Y Octo ber 1907. Go nms mms Is r aonuc ro nr CH A P TER I ’ H NTE P ALAcns : The T ower of Lon on—St J ames s AU D d . — P alaeo H ampton Co ur t Richmond Palace CH APTE R II Ri e Cas e—B es e C in o n—Littleco and the sto r pl y tl add l y l t te, y — o f Wild Darell Bisha m A bbey and Lady H oby — — W oodcroft Manor Eastbury Par k The H aunted — H ouse at Egham Dalha m H all CHAPTER III ’ — — Spedlin s Tower Cranford P ar k H am H ouse and the D uchess of Lauder- dale CH A PT E R IV ’ — Mannin on Ha —Dr JeSSO s G os - s or The Rec or gt ll . p h t t y t y, — — Uplyme Felbrig g H all Croglin Grange and the ’ — - V ampire The Bishop of Winchester s Ghost story — — Powis Castle Creslow Manor H ouse Ramhurst — W e llingto n The H aunted H ouse in Berkeley Square Walpole H ouse CH A PTE R V So n s Bron-m Is sn s cns : The Tenant of Silver-ton A bbey — — The Strange Case of Ballechin H ouse Bayhall CON TE N T S CH APT ER VI TALES or r un P om nao ms'rs : The Lege nd of Begg ar- t — — H ole Clough T he Cauld Lad of H ylton The Demon — Dr umm er of Tedworth T he H aunted H ouse at Sampford Peverell Button Cap at Barnack — Rectory The Epwor th Ghost CH A PT ER VII H O Usss wrm SKULLS AND SKULL Lsoss ns : Bur ton A gnes — - H all Wardley H all Bettiscombe Manor house — — War bleton Priory T unstea d Far m H igher Chilton Far m CH A PT ER VIII FAMILY Cum s : The Mystery of Glamis Castle a nd the Ear ls of Strathmore CH A PTER I! FAMILY CURsns (continued) : Thom as the Rhymer and the E rs ines Ear s of Mar - The Bra an Seer a d k , l h n the Seaforths CH A PT ER ! F MIL Cvasns continued : The Da r m es Ear s of A Y ( ) l y pl , l — — Stair The Tichborne Family The Lambto n Worm 2 04 CH A PT ER ! I T ar Doou o r run SAcaILno mUs : Sher borne Castle and — the Curse of King Osmond Cowdre y H o use and the — Montagues Ne wstead A bbey and the Byrons—Fyvie — — Castle Mor eton Cor bet Smithills H all and the CON TE N T S xi CH A PTE R ! II PAGE O m s AND WARNINGS : The R adiant Boy of Corby — ’ Castle Lor d Cas tlereagh Lo r d Lyttelto n s Warning — — — The D r ummer of Cor tachy R oslin Castle The E arls Ferrers and the Char tley Bla ck Calves CHA PTE R ! III — — Ca l ver ley H all Sykes Lumb Far m Samlesbur y H all H eath O ld H all CH A PT E R ! IV T un LUCK or EDEN H ALL IN D E! In sm O B ILLUS T RAT IO NS SE PARATE P LATE S B RB R VILLIERs D UCR Ess or CLE VEL N Fr om the A A A , A D . ( FACING PLO ! KENEINCTO N PALACE : TE E CLOCK T O WER T HE T own or LO NDO N ’ ST J Anne s P L CE . A A T HE H A NTE G LLE R H MPTO N CO RT U D A Y, A U ’ M PENN T o e as . s n N P L E T E E GATEKousE, RICRN O D A AC BADDERLE T CLINTO N BADDEsLEY CLINTO N CR UROR Tm : H A NT E CR AN BER LIT TLECOT E U D , BIRRA II A BBEY Woo DCRo rT MANOR EAsTBURY H ILLsIDE E CKAII , CO N RE BANK DALKAIr H ALL ’ Sr EDLIN s T OWE R CRANFO RD P ARK HAN H O UsE MANNINCT O N H ALL FELRRIoo H ALL CRoo LIN Lo w HALL Pom s CAsT LE xiv LIS T OF ILL US TE A TION S FACl NG PAGE CRESLO W MANO R - R o ver R AN KURS T MANO R - R O USE ” TE E H UNT E H O SE BER ELE S RE A D U , K Y QUA W LPO LE H O SE CR ISWICK M LL A U , A BA LLEGBIN H O USE GREAT BAYKA LD MANO R - H O USE P EN BURY CE URCRYARD T O E B o r ME A NN WE T : S . S . ” T E E GR OST H O SE SAN PEORD P EVERE LL U , IN TH E VILLAGE o r SAN PEO RD PEVE RE LL BURTO N A GNES H ALL A NNE GRIr rIT E AND BER T wo SISTERS From the a intin . ( p g at Bur ton Ag nes) TE E WARDLEY H ALL SKULL WARDLEY H A LL BET TISCO E RE MANO R - H O US E WARBLET ON P RIO RY T UNSTEAD FARE PER H IL N CBIL N UP C TO FARE , TO CANT ELO GLAN IS CASTLE A LLO A T O WER BRAKAN CAST LE T H E LAST or TE E SEAEO RTR S TICKBO RNE H O USE LAN RTON CAST LE T R E R UINS o r CO WDRAY H O USE N EWST EAD A BBEY FYVIE CA ST LE R UINS or MO RETO N 003 3 “ ’ ’ T a n M RT R S FOOT PRINT SN ITR ILL S H A LL A Y , CO REY CAST LE VISCO UNT CASTLE RE AGB TBO E AS SECO N BA RON L TT E LTO N , D Y ’ LO RD LYT TELTO N S WARNING (Fr om a contemp or ary p r int) CO RTACR Y CASTLE R OSLIN CASTLE LIS T OF ILL US T KA T ION S FACING PAGE CHA RTLEY PARK R UINS or CH A RTLE Y CAS TLE CALVERLE Y H ALL SYKES L UN B FAB) ! S AILB BURY H ALL H E AT H O LD H ALL E DEN H ALL ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TE! T PAGE L a H o Fr om the cra on dr awin b dy by . y g y Barnack Rectory S her borne Castle Monumenta Br ass to Bisho W il e in Sa is ur l p yv l , l b y Cathedral T he Luc of E en Ha l wi its Le a ern C k d l , th th ase HA UN TE D H 0USE S i an a di e e is a he i e aga nst y bo st of sb li f . It r tag from imm emorial ancestors which one must needs accept . e e t e es the era of the a e But, n v r h l s, h unt d has ee on the a e e e too house long b n w n .
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