DIRECTORY.] DORSETSHJRE. . 47 Councillors. Sanctuary Campbell Fortescue Stapleton esq. Manger· North Ward. South Ward. ton, Melplash 1 Pre,iding Alderman at Ward Presiding Alderman at Ward ~andwich The Earl of K.C.V.O. H?ok court, Beam~nster Electwns, T. A. Colfox Elections,Jo3eph '1'. Stephens Stephens Joseph Thompson e~q. Wanderwell ho.Bndport Retire Nov. Igu.. Retire Nov 1 I Udal John Symonds esq. Antigua, Leeward Islands Thomas Day Thomas C. Budde~ I. Weld Humphrey Frederick Joseph esq. Chideoc~, Bridprt John W. Houn•ell Harr N Cox Woodroffe Alban James esq. Ware, John Suttill A d ~w S ·nE' The Mayors of Bridport & Lyme Regis & the Chair- • Retire Nov. 19r2 n r Retif: N~v. rgr2. n:en of the B:idport. & Beaminste~ ~ural District Coun- W. G. F. Cornick James Abbott Cils, for the t1me bemg, are ex-offiCio magistrates Henry H. Hounsell William S. Edwards Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles George Nantes, 36 George W. Read John 0. Palmer East street, Bridport Retire Nov. 1913. Retire Nov. 1913. Petty Sessions are held every alternate month on mon- William E. Bates Sidney R. Edwards day at the Town Hall, at 11 a.m. The following places John Blarney Al~e~t Norman are included in the Petty Sessional Division :-Alling- Arthur E. Champ Wllham J. G. West ton, , , , , Mayor's Auditor, Arthur Edwin Champ , , , Burton Elective Auditors, Samuel White & Stephen Ackerman Bradstock, Cheddington, . Chelborough East & West, , , , Catherston Officers of the Corporation. Leweston, Hook, , , Lyme Regis, Map­ 1'own Clerk & Clerk to the Cemetery, Charles George perton, , . . Poorton Xantes, 36 East street North, Perrott South, , , , Trea~urer, Reginald Douglas Thornton, Wilts & Stoke Ab bott, Stanton St. G 1 briel, , Bank, Dorcheste.,. , . Wald tch, Whitchurch )ledical Officer of Health, Waiter Edward Manby M.B., Canonicorum, , Wraxall B.C.Camb., M R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lqnd. 63 East st Public Analyst, Edward Joseph Day M.D.Durh., D.P.H. BRIDPORT RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. R.C.P.S.I., :M.R.C.S.Eng., F.C.S. 4 Weymouth ann The parishes in the district are the same as in the Dorchester union with the exception of Bridport. The area is Borough Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Frederick Cooper, 32,164 acres; population in 1911, 6,731 Borough offices, South street C Hector & School Attendance Officer, Thomas H. Foob, Council meets at Bridport Union ·workhouse last wed­ 25 East street nesday in the month, when not a Board day, at 3 p.m. T wn Crier, .Andrew Spiller, 70 East street Chairman, Frederick Samways, Manor house, Chilcombe, Toll Collector, James H. Norman, Melville square Bridport Town Hall Keeper, Mrs. Norman, 85 East street Officials. Clerk, John James Roper, 74 Ea•t street BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. Treasurer, Col. Robert Williams M.P. Wilts & Dorset The Mayor & Ex-Mayor Bank, Dorchester Cornick '\-VilEam George Fowler, East sbreet ~edical Officer of Health, William .Alfred Edward Hay Gundry Edward Pearkes, M.R.C.S.Eng. 22 West Allington Hav William Alired Edward, West Allington Survevor of Highways & Inspector of Nuisances, Henrv James William, West Allington S. Richardson, 70 West Bay road, B idport • Rendall Edward Pratt, West Allington Roper John James, East street PUBLIC ESTABLISH\IENTS. Stephens Joseph Thompson, Wanderwell house A~sembly Rooms, Gundry lane, J. C. & R. H. Palmer, Suttill Henry Squire, Pymore lessees Suttill J hn, We!>t street Borough Infectious Disea~es Hospital, Allington, Waiter furner Frederick, Riverdale, St. Andrew's road E. Manby M.B., C.M.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O P. Wilson Charles William Lond. medical officer Clerk, Arthur Waldie Temple, 7 Barrack street Cemetery, Ea~t road, Charles G. Nantes, clerk; William B rough Petty Sessions are held at the Town Hall ever:t Elliott, caret'tker- Coast Guard, West Bay, Richard Ma)O, chief officer three weeks on tuesday, at II a.m County Court Office, 36 East stre t; His Honor Arthur COUNTY MAGISTRATES. O'Connor K.C. judg-e; Charles George Nantes, regis­ trar & high bailiff ; Fredk. Bal,er Lamg Maunsell, For Bridport Petty Sessional Division, sitting alternately deputy registrar & high bailiff ; Ernest Percy Powell at Bridport & Beaminster monthly, & at Thorncombe clerk; assistant bailiff, James Hockey Norman, Mel: every two months. ville square. The court is held at the Town hall every The senior magistrate present acts as chairman. rr.tonth. ~he district comprises t~e following places, Alexander William Arthur esq. Downe hall, Bridport v1z. :-Allmgton, A~kerswell, BE'~mmster, Bettiscombe, Bragge Capt. John A. Sadborow, Thorncombe, Chard Bothenhampton, Bradpole, Bndport, Broadwindsor Bullen Col. John Bullen Symes D.L. Catherston house, Burstock, , Chideock, Chiicombe: Charmouth , Hook, , Loders, , Busk William Gould esq. Wraxall manor, CattistQck, Marshwood, Netherbury, Pilsdon. Powersock, North Dorchester Poorton, Puncknoll, , Shipton Gorge, Stan­ Colfox Lt.-Col. Thomas Alfred T.D. Coneygar, Bridport ton St. Gabriels, Stoke .A.bbott, , Symondsbury Colville Hugh Ker esq. Loders court, Bridport , Whit-church Canonioornrn & Wraxall ' Compton Henry Francis esq. Mapperton ho. Beaminster For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that Cox John Russell esq. Lewesdon, Lansdowne, Bath of Dorchester; Tilney Barton, City chambers, Salis­ Dammers Baron Fredk. Hounsell, Harbour ho. Bridport burv, official receiver Digby Commander Hon. Gerald Fitzmaurice R.N. Lew- Certified Bailiff under the "Law of D'str ss Amendment combe manor, Dorchester Act," Geo. Abraham Morey, 20 V'ct ria gro. Bridport G rdon Arthur Byron esq. Portland lodge, Lyme Regis Coa~t Guard Station, West Bay, R1chard Mayo, chief Gundry Edward Pearkes esq. Chilfrome, , cfficer DorchPster Custom House, 'Vest Bay, Edwin Horace Gowan, principal G mdry Joseph esq. Wales house, Dorchester coast officer Henley Col. Henry Cornish, Leigh hoase, Chard Customs & Excise Office, 66 West Bay road, Geor"'e Hu~:.ey Augustus Henry e~q. Grey, officer "' Kennedy Rev. John. Fern Hill, Charmouth Dispensary & Cottage H spital, 7r North Allincton, W. Langdon Jn. Churchill Stuf'key esq.Parrocks lo. Chard A. E. Hay M R.O.S.Eng. Walt!>r E. Manby M.B., ~Iunro Sir Campbell hart. Fairfield, Lyme Regis B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L RC P.Lond., R. F. :X1 holson Capt. Hugh Blomfield, ~lappercombe manor, Yencken L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., <\ B Ma Car-thy M B .• Melplash B.S.Edin. Charles Edwarch "\'[ R.C.S.Eng., L R.C.P. Pass Alfred Dou!!las esq. Wootton manor, Charmouth Lond. medical officers ; Willi:o~m P lk L D. S.R.C. S. Philpot Thomas Embray Davenport esq. Holme cleve, Irel. & William Cha:les Pall· L.J? S.R.C.S.Eng. hon. S1dmonth road, Lyme Regis snrgMn-tlent'sts; Miss S. Mol'TJS, matron; Alfred Pmney Georg-e Fredericlc esq. Brooklands, Beaminster Bflkel'. sec Finnev Col. Reoin:1.ld John, The Lodg-e, Broadwindsor Fire Brigade, South street, Edw:nd S. Revnolds, superin­ Rodd Edward Stanhope e~q. Chardstock house, Chard trndent · GE'orge S. Abbott. h " ~ ~"' & 12 men R per Freeman esq. , Chard Foresters' Hall, 46 Victoria grove, W'llhm Lee, sec