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APPROVED 10-21-2014
Duxbury Public Schools School Building Committee Minutes of the Meeting
September 9, 2014
Committee Members Present: Matt Ali, Barbara Bartlett, Shawn Dahlen, Elizabeth Lewis, Mickey McGonagle, Jon Lemieux
Ex Officio Members Present: Ben Tantillo, Laurie Hunter, Blake Dalton, Andrew Stephens
OPM/Design/CM-R Team: Lee Keller (KVA), Dave Lewek (KVA) Dennis Daly (MVG), Frank Allard (DCC)
The meeting convened at approximately 7:05 pm.
1. Public Comment Blake Dalton thanked Building Construction Team for providing an outstanding place to work.
2. KVA Project Update/Forecast:
Overview of Project Budget and Contingency Project Schedule to completion. FFE update – review of handout. Dividers arrive next week. Tavares addressing outstanding issues -- desks and power. TV studio due in two weeks. Technology update – Valley continues installation. HDMI cables to be tested. Building needs more WAP (25) approx. $38k. Program/Day 2 List. No new items. Invoice and Change Order Review and Approvals:
Payment #31 and for Dimeo, KVA, MVG, Garrity, Comcast, RH Lord, DSCI, Monitor Equipment, Acoustic Strings.
Motion to recommend approval of invoices was made. Motion to recommend approval was seconded. Motion was approved.
Change Orders #57 & 58 Motion to recommend approval of change order was made. Motion to recommend approval was seconded. Motion was approved.
Authorization for CCD for mercury abatement not to exceed $190,000. Motion to recommend approval of CCD was made. Motion to recommend approval was seconded. Motion was approved.
2. Dimeo Update:
Abatement/Haz Mat Removal and Demo Update MS base abatement almost complete, beginning soft demo. HS is behind schedule. Demo contractor adding shift. DEP still reviewing vermiculite removal process. Punchlist Schedule: Down to 10 items. Warranty items being addressed. Traffic seems to be flowing.
3. Duxbury Public Schools School start debrief Traffic and parking review – minor adjustments made to traffic flow into old HS Cafeteria ventilation and cooling. MVG discussed options and is developing cost estimates. Additional dehumidification will not impact MACHPS.
4. Public Comment. None offered.
5. Approve meeting minutes: Motion to recommend approval of meeting minutes 8-12-14 was made. Motion to recommend approval was seconded. Motion was approved.
Next meeting date – Tuesday, October 14, MS-HS Library. Submit agenda items to E. Lewis. Agenda is posted on the Thursday before the Tuesday meeting
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 pm
Handouts: KVA – Budget/ Contingency Analysis KVA- FF&E/Tech Budget Update KVA – GM/GC AIA-G702 Dimeo Application for Payment # 31 KVA- Project Milestones KVA – Change Order Summary KVA- Change Order #57, 58 Meeting Minutes 08-12-14