Central Michigan University College of Arts & Sciences

Course Syllabus

CHM 421 ______Survey of Biochemistry______3(3-0) __ Desg. No. Title Credit(Mode)

I. Bulletin Description

Introductory course in biochemistry. Intended for students in biology, chemistry, allied health, dietetics, public health and food preparation. No credit toward major.

II. Prerequisites

CHM 120 or 132 and 342 or 346

III. Rationale for Course Level

The course enrolls junior and senior students and has 300-level prerequisites.

IV. Textbooks and Other Materials To Be Furnished by the Student

Campbell “Biochemistry” or equivalent.

V. Special Requirements of the Course


VI. General Methodology Used in Conducting the Course

Lecture and discussion.

VII. Course Objectives

This is a one-semester Biochemistry course that has the following objectives:

1. The student should know the structure and function of various subcellular components of a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell. 2. The student should understand the structure and chemistry of amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids. 3. The student should be able to use the Henderson-Hasselbach equation to calculate and predict the different ionized forms of a biomolecule or biochemical such as a buffer. 4. The student should understand the mechanism by which enzymes accelerate rates of reactions. 5. The student should be able to perform calculations on enzyme kinetics and determine Vmax and Km by the use of statistics (preferably on a PC). 6. The student should be able to apply basic thermodynamics in understanding the bioenergetics of reactions in a cell. 7. The student should understand the design of metabolic pathways in a cell and the functions of each pathway. 8. The student should be familiar with the important reactions in the metabolism (i.e. synthesis and degradation) of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides and the role that vitamins play. 9. The student should be able to relate the various metabolic pathways to the production of energy (in the form of ATP) via biological oxidation in the Kreb’s cycle and electron transport chain. The student should be able to determine the amount of free energy available in biological redox reactions. 10. The student should understand the field of molecular biology through a comprehension of the structure of DNA and RNA and their synthesis.

VIII. Course Outline

Week 1

Introduction to biochemistry Cells and organelles

Week 2

Water, acids, bases, and buffers Carbohydrates and monosaccharides Discaccharides and polysaccharides

Week 3

Nucleotide structure Amino Acids Structure and function of peptides

Week 4

Protein structure Protein function Examination I on Chapters 1-4, 6-1, and 10 Week 5

Enzyme nomenclature Vitamins and coenzymes Enzyme catalysis and assay of activity

Week 6

Enzyme kinetics and inhibition Regulation of enzymes Fatty acids and phosphoglycerides

Week 7

Sphingolipids and cholesterol Terpenes and fat-soluble vitamins Membrane structure and function

Week 8

ATP and bioenergetics Introduction to metabolism Examination II on Ch. 5, 11, 12 and 13-1

Week 9

Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis Pentose phosphate pathway

Week 10

The citric acid cycle Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism Respiratory chain of electron transport

Week 11

Oxidative phosphorylation Photosynthesis

Week 12

Fatty acid oxidation Biosynthesis of fatty acids Cholesterol and steroid metabolism Week 13

Examination III on chapters 13-17 Amino acid synthesis and degradation The urea cycle

Week 14

Nucleotide metabolism Regulation of nitrogen metabolism Nucleic acid structure

Week 15

Transcription and gene expression DNA replication and recombinant DNA Protein biosynthesis

Week 16

Final examination, comprehensive with emphasis on Chapters 6-9 and 18

IX. Evaluation

100 points for Examination I 100 points for Examination II 100 points for Examination III 200 points for the Final Examination 108 points for Class Participation 608 total points in the course

X. Bibliography

A. Textbooks

1. Biochemistry by Stryer (3rd edition) (on reserve at library) 2. Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger (on reserve) 3. Biochemistry by Rawn (1983 edition) (on reserve) 4. Biochemistry by Armstrong (3rd edition) 5. Biochemistry by Zubay (2nd edition) 6. Harper’s Biochemistry by Martin, et al (22nd edition) 7. Principles of Biochemistry by Smith, et al (7th edition) 8. Biochemistry by Kuchel and Ralston (Shaum’s Outline Series) 9. Biochemistry by Voet and Voet 10. Outlines of Biochemistry by Conn, et al (5th edition) 11. Human Biochemistry by Orten and Newhaus (10th edition) 12. Biochemistry by Mathews and van Holde

B. References

1. Annual Review of Biochemistry 2. CRC Handbook of Biochemistry 3. Comprehensive Biochemistry 4. Methods in Enzymology 5. Advances in Enzymology 6. Advances in Enzyme Regulation 7. The Enzymes 8. Vitamins and Hormones 9. Advances in Protein Chemistry 10. The Proteins 11. Advances in Lipid Research 12. Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology

C. Periodicals

1. Science 2. Chemical and Engineering News 3. Nature 4. Scientific American 5. Science News 6. Trends in Biological Sciences

D. Abstracts

1. Chemical Abstracts 2. Biological Abstracts

E. Titles

1. Current Contents 2. Biological and Agricultural Index 3. Chemical Titles 4. Index Medicus

F. Journals

1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 3. Biochemistry 4. Biochemistry Journal 5. International Journal of Biochemistry 6. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 7. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 8. Analytical Biochemistry 9. Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communication 10. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 12. Journal of Lipid Research 13. Journal of Molecular Biology

Books: A large variety are located on the 4th floor of Park Library in Sections QD, QH, and QP.

Syllabus Prepared By: Ajit Sharma______Name


November 30, 1995 ______Date