Characteristics of a good note  title  sub-titles for main sections of the reading  important points are listed under the appropriate sub-titles  point form and abbreviations are used  unimportant points are left out  notes are legible

Steps for Taking a Good Note  Skim the reading for a few seconds to decide what the main idea is. Use this as a title. The title should be obvious, not creative or cryptic.  Skim the whole reading for a few minutes. Pay attention to the topic sentence of each paragraph. Identify the main sections of the reading. Pick a sub-heading for each one.  Read carefully. Identify key points that must be included. Close /cover the book while writing.

Characteristics of good textbook responses  title- chapter and page numbers.  Responses in order with clear numbers.  Responses include the question in the answer.  Complete sentences are used.  Specific examples are used to demonstrate points.  Neatly written or typed.

Steps for Writing Good Textbook Responses  Read the questions first so you know what to keep an eye out for.  Read the textbook selection until you see the topic relating to the first question. Keep reading until the narrative moves on to the next topic.  Read the question again, and reflect on what you have read. Think about how you will respond to the question. If you are not sure of the correct response, re-read the relevant sections again.  Write your response, using complete sentences, and referring to specific examples when possible.