Service of Worship
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August 24, 2014 Opportunities this week for Worship, Study, and Service 11th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8/24/14 8/25/14 8/26/14 8/27/14 8/28/14 8/29/14 8/30/14 8/31/14 5th Sunday Mission GATHERING 9:45 AM Visitation: 11:30 AM 7 PM 5:30 PM Undie/Diaper Sunday Sunday School Litten Circle #2 Choir Allied Rehearsal Churches 9:45 AM Welcome and Announcements Pastor Sybil Parks 10 AM 2:30-7PM 7 PM Bag Sunday School Kickoff Sunday School Please sign the attendance pad as it is passed to you. If you have a prayer request, please fill out Blood Drive Alive in Christ Lunches Breakfast 11 AM a prayer card located in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. Worship 11 AM 7 PM Boy Scouts Worship *Mutual Greeting 1:30-4:30 PM Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. Brownies People: And also with you. 4 PM Back to School Bash *Chiming the Trinity Worship Assistants For August 24, 2014 Worship Assistants for August 31, 2014 This is the Lord’s Day and it is our great privilege and responsibility to worship Him with His Acolyte: Austin Smith Acolyte: Lillie Cline people. Gathered by God in worship: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Altar Guild: Ben & Sandy McMillan Altar Flowers: Buzz & Suzie Griggs Camera Operator: Gary McIntyre Altar Guild: Ben & Sandy McMillan *Light of Christ Leads Us Into Worship Acolyte Counters (Offering) Purple Team: Deleno Flynn, Camera Operator: Susan Teague Howard Hendricks, Nancy Shepherd Counters (Offering) Purple Team: Deleno Flynn, Greeters: David & Mandy Uberig Howard Hendricks, Nancy Shepherd WORSHIP IN SONG Kid’s Own Worship: Open Greeters: David & Mandy Uberig Liturgical Color of the Day: Red Kid’s Own Worship: Open Nursery (Infant): Emily Jones Liturgical Color of the Day: Red *Invitational to Worship Diane Jones Nursery(Toddler): Lauren Cline Nursery (Infant): Amy Riley Leader: We gather together in the name of Jesus Christ, Head Usher: Tommy Norwood Nursery(Toddler): Fred Barringer Head Usher: Tommy Norwood Who calls us away from the customs and attitudes of the world around us, Ministers: All Our Members And invites us into a transforming relationship with Him. Pastor: Rev. Sybil Parks – [email protected] He comes to our aid in times of trouble; Home Phone Number: (336) 603-8135/Cell Phone Number (336) 529-3005 Director of Christian Education: Diane Jones – [email protected] Cell (336) 255-3477/Office (336) 449-4810 He gives us courage to do what we know is right. Administrative Assistant: Edith Younger – [email protected] He alone is our Savior and Lord. Music and Creative Worship Arts Team: Bonita Chrismon & Susan Pyles Let us worship together. Custodian: Kibble Davis Website: *Hymn of Praise O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing #57 (Stanzas 1-5) *A Statement of Faith #883 PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE We are not alone, we live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, who Children’s Time Blessing of the Bookbags Diane Jones works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the church: to Children ages 4 through 2nd grades are invited to follow the leaders to Kid’s Own Worship. celebrate God’s presence, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond Anthem We are One, Lord death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. Amen. Scripture Reading: Exodus 1:8-20; Romans 12:1-2 Vicki Stafford WORSHIP IN PRAYER Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God. Bidding Prayers of the People In a bidding prayer, Pastor Sybil will guide our prayer by the statements below. Message Pastor Sybil Parks During the silence after each statement, you may pray silently or aloud. SENDING FORTH Response after each section: Leader: Lord in your mercy… *Hymn How Firm a Foundation #529 People: Hear our prayers. Together let us pray for all the people of the earth… *The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World Acolyte Together let us pray for the Church throughout the world… Together let us pray for friends and family who need God’s healing touch, especially… And those you *Benediction name aloud… Together let us pray for ourselves and the ministries of this church… The flowers placed on the altar are given to the glory of God in memory of Laura Moore by Ann and Van Moore. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done The white carnation placed on the altar is in memory of Reggie Wall who passed away on Monday, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, August 18, 2014. Our sincere Christian love and sympathy is extended to his family. as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Back to School Bash – Today at 4:00pm Response Gloria Patri (Glory Be to the Father) #71 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is Back to School begins in the 11:00am worship with the Blessing of the Bookbags, both the children’s now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. bookbags and the bookbags and school supplies donated by the church.
WORSHIP IN GIVING Then, from 4:00pm – 6:00pm, the congregation will gather with our children and special guests from the school and community to share in a picnic and games and fun at the church. We will bless the bookbags First time visitors you are our guests. Your presence is your gift today. that have been collected again for our guests and bless the children for a great school year.
Offertory Let’s celebrate the end of a great summer and start the new school year with prayer, food, and lots of fun.
*Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow #95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below: Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Prayer of Dedication Diane Jones Upcoming Activities & Information Blood Drive - Monday, August 25 from 2:30 until 7:00pm: Call Faye Cheek at 449-7990 to make an Matt Younger Amy Whitesell Improved blood report appointment. There is also a need for refreshments to be given to donors. If you would be willing to provide some home baked goodies such as brownies, cookies, etc. please drop them off any time during the day on Monday, August 25. Long Term Prayer Needs Carol Beck, Eddie Brown, Etta Brown, Tootie Burke, Dee Dee Ezekiel, Pam Fagan, Logan Forbis, Anita Newsletter Deadline: Please have all articles and information for the September Newsletter in the church Johnson, Janis Hawk, David Hix, John Learned, Michael Meehan, Matt McIntyre, Beverly McLeod, Bill office by Monday, August 25. Modlin, Van Moore, Carol Neece, Katherine Schipp, Beverly Souther, Juanita Wicker, Matt Younger
Circle #2: Circle #2 will meet Tuesday, August 26 at 11:30am in the church parlor. Circle #2 meets on the Extended Care Facilities, Retirement Facilities and Homebound fourth Tuesday of every month. For additional information concerning this group, contact Judy Novak at Lorraine Apple, Etta Brown, Nell Gerringer, Beatrice Jadlocki, Margaret Shepherd, Jane Trim, Margie 449-6357. Underwood, Evelyn Wall, Amy Whitesell Allied Churches Bag Lunches – Friday, August 29: Volunteers needed to make bag lunches for the Military Personnel Allied Churches ministry at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Great fellowship for an important ministry!
5th Sunday Mission – Next Sunday, August 31: The mission for August 31 is Undie and Diaper Sunday, so begin collecting now for Allied Churches. New packages of underwear for babies, children, girls, boys, men and women can be placed in the collection box in the Welcome Center. Families without a home at Allied Churches will be grateful. Thank you for your generosity.
Parents/Relatives of College Students – Reminder! If you wish to have your student(s) assigned a church member sponsor who will keep in touch with your student during the school year and will offer friendship, prayers, support, encouragement, and occasional goodies or gift cards throughout the year, I need the following information for the 2014-15 school year: mailing address, email address, text/cell number, birth date if during school year, and any other information you think would be helpful to the assigned sponsor in contacting your student. Please reply to Shirley Beyer at [email protected] or 584-6911 no later than August 31. Thanks for your help and participating in this ministry.
Promotion Sunday – September 7 is Promotion Sunday. All rising 3rd Graders will be receiving their bibles.
Membership Sunday- September 7: We will receive new members in worship on Sunday, September 7. If you are ready to join the church, please let Pastor Sybil know.
Lay Nominations Committee: The Lay Nominations Committee will meet Monday, September 8 at 6:30pm in the conference room. If you are currently serving in a leadership position and would like to change OR if there is an area where you would like to serve, see Pastor Sybil BEFORE September 8. Members of the Nominations Committee are: Pastor Sybil Parks, chairperson, Julie Isley, Boyce Johnson, Ginger Jarrett, Paula Lewis, Denise Little, Judy Novak, Donna Plumley, Howard Ray, Linda Waynick and Amy Whitesell.
Remember In Prayer Requested By: Prayer Request Carol Beck Amy Whitesell Healing and peace The Family Reggie Wall Friends Peace and love Cameron Barfield, Alan Bowlsby, Jeremy Cobb, James Dahl, Mike Gidcumb, Jimmy Hawks, Jay Lawler, Jerry Moize, Jr., Rick Moor, Tommy Pollard, Jeffrey Shepherd, Jonathan Small, Evan Strickland, Jr., Aaron Traywick, Chuck Walker, Joshua Webster
Brownie Troop 40485: Troop 40485 (Open to 2nd and 3rd Graders, will meet one Sunday every month at Gibsonville UMC. Leaders are: Kristi Rosz and Cathy Cook. For more information call 817-714-9797 or email [email protected].
Altar Flowers: (Only 3 dates left!) Volunteers are needed to place flowers on the altar for September 21, 28, and October 19. If you would be willing to take one of these dates, please call 449-4810 or email [email protected].