NORTH COASTAL PREVENTION COALITION Serving the Communities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista

Minutes of the General Membership 9:00 a.m. Thursday, January 14, 2010 Community Rooms SD County HHSA/ADS North Regional Offices

Attendance: Aaron Byzak, UCSD Health Sciences/NCPC Board President Ray Thomson, OHS/NCPC Board Member Margie O’Hern, Oceanside Resident/NCPC Board Treasurer Nicole Pappas, CUSD/NCPC Board Member Leonard Mata, Oceanside Police Department/NCPC Board Member Maria Yanez, VCC/NCPC Board Member Ray Pearson, Carlsbad Resident/NCPC Board Member Candyce Yee, Supervisor Bill Horn’s Office Ulises Villalba, CBAD/Drug Demand Reduction Kathleen Sanders, Community Member Danel Vickerman, VCC/HPC Richard McGaffigan, PIRE Judi Strang, San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth Kathy Valdez, City of Vista Erica Leary, VCC/TCPC Program Manager John Byrom, VCC/TCPC Community Organizing Specialist Leticia Robles, VCC/TCPC Media Specialist Taneil Canaday, VCC/TCPC Prevention Specialist Carmela Muñoz, VCC/ENA Program Dannah Hosford, VCC/Tobacco Control Programs Lilianna Sandoval, VCC/Tobacco Control Programs Loretta Adame, Phoenix House Jim Provenza, Oceanside Police and Fire Commission Rigo Garcia, McAlister Institute Mike Robertson, Aspen Education Group Debbie Obregon, VCC/TCPC/NCPC Admin.

I. Welcome and Introductions – Aaron Byzak: The meeting was brought to order at 9:05 a.m. Self-introductions were made, giving names and organizations represented and all new attendees welcomed. II. Approval Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2009: Meeting minutes were approved as presented. III. Treasurer’s Report – Margie O’Hern: Margie reported a current general account balance of $4701.41. PLEASE NOTE: 2010 Membership dues are now being accepted. Dues are collected annually starting in January, $25/organization or $15/individual. If you require an invoice, please contact Debbie. Thank you for your ongoing support.

IV. 2010 Board Election Results - Aaron Byzak: Elected for 2010/2011 term: Board Officers Elected for 2010: 1. Aaron Byzak 1st Alternate: John Lundblad President – Aaron Byzak 2. Margie O’Hern 2nd Alternate: Tess Stewart-Todd Vice President – Fred Becker 3. Nicole Pappas Treasurer – Margie O’Hern 4. Ray Pearson Secretary – Ray Pearson 5. Maria Yanez

V. NCPC Meeting Time Change for 2010 – Aaron Byzak: Aaron reported that due to meeting schedule conflicts, the board discussed possibly moving the general membership meeting up from 9 a.m. to 8 a.m., and the board of directors meeting will meet at 7:30 a.m. preceding the general meeting. He asked members for their input.

The overall consensus for the time change was positive with only one member stating that the earlier time would pose a problem due to childcare schedule, but she would attempt to get to the meeting ASAP. It was noted that this change was dependent on staff having early NCPC General Membership Meeting Minutes 2 January 14, 2010 access to setup the room. Members were asked to mark the new time on their calendar, and Debbie will be sending out reminders to be sure all members get the word. Thank you to everyone for your flexibility and ongoing support for NCPC. VI. HARM Video Presentation: John Byrom. John offered a brief background on the HARM (Health Advocates Rejecting Marijuana) DVD that showcases the group’s work being done in San Diego County to address marijuana issues. The DVD was a CADCA production and was featured on a CADCA nationwide downlink TV show. Some members asked if they could use it for groups that might donate to the annual 420 Remix event. Please check with John if you would like to borrow a copy.

VII. 420 Fundraising Efforts – Aaron Byzak: Aaron noted that grant funding from the DFC program used in the past to support 420 event is no longer available (grant ended June 2009). Last year’s 420 event was very successful; it was held at Boomers! in Vista with over 800 youth in attendance. The same event plan is being formulated for 2010, but the venue rental cost of about $3500 needs to be raised. Staff will try to work with Boomers! management to get a reduced fee, but still need funding for other incidental costs. Board agreed to focus this year’s fundraising effort on community service organizations with a ‘$420 for 4/20 Campaign’. Members are being asked to use their personal contacts and seek funding support for the event. Also looking for in-kind donations/prizes for “opportunity drawings” and give-aways. Please let staff know your thoughts, suggestions, connections (i.e. Padres, Chargers) for possible fundraising opportunities. Also suggest reaching out to local hospital (TCMC). A sample letter is available for presentations or can be submitted to clubs, businesses, organizations. Debbie will email to NCPC roster. Help us out if you can; any support will be greatly appreciated.

VIII. ‘Parenting in the Age of Alcohol’ Video Clip – Erica Leary: Erica explained that she recently was researching for educational materials for parents and came across the video, ‘Parenting in the Age of Alcohol.’ She purchased the video and wanted to share a couple of segments focusing on parties where parents allowed underage drinking to take place. She said she would be happy to loan the video to anyone interested in showing it at community venues; please contact Erica if you are interested in viewing/borrowing the video.

IX. Announcements:  Carmela Muñoz and Leticia Robles presented a brief PPT recap of annual La Posada Event held December 18 in Oceanside. The event was presented in collaboration by the Eastside Neighborhood Association and the City of Oceanside; over 250 residents attended.  Erica Leary noted that Youth Coalition members participated in a DUI Checkpoint on December 18 with Vista Sheriff’s Department. There was great media coverage and several DUI arrests made - a good learning opportunity for our youth members.  Loretta Adame reported that Phoenix House is facing funding cuts that will adversely affect program services. She asked members to offer their support and submit MOU’s on behalf of Phoenix House teen services. Thank you.  Danel Vickerman noted that in addition to Vista Community Clinic’s prevention programs represented at NCPC, the clinic provides low-cost/no-cost health care to low income/uninsured residents, very important during this difficult economic down time. Please contact staff for more information or refer to VCC when possible.  Judi Strang, San Dieguito Alliance, reported: SDA’s quarterly Networking Meeting will be held January 22; if you are not on the mailing list and would like to be included, please let her know. Everyone is invited to attend. Congratulations to the VCC Tobacco Control Programs on their great work and successes; the North County Transit District was recently acknowledged for its NO SMOKING POLICY, which went into affect just about a year ago. Two recent editorials in the Union Tribune relative to work being done by HARM (Health Advocates Rejecting Marijuana): one written by TCPC staff and the second on what’s going on in the City of San Diego and the number of marijuana dispensaries; both outstanding editorials! TCPC and SDA staff will attend annual CADCA Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. in February. Erica, Carmela and Leticia will present workshop on Mobilizing Community Residents, and HARM staff will present for the third consecutive year on work being done in San Diego County to address marijuana issues.

X. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m. The next general membership meeting date is Thursday, February 11, 2010, 8-9 a.m.

PLEASE NOTE NEW MEETING TIME – 8:00 A.M. – ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL!! Call Debbie if you have any questions. Thank you.

Respectfully submitted by: For information contact NCPC office at (760) 631-5000 ext.7 174 or email [email protected] NCPC General Membership Meeting Minutes 3 January 14, 2010

Debbie Obregon on behalf of Ray Pearson, Secretary Ray Thomson, Secretary

For information contact NCPC office at (760) 631-5000 ext.7 174 or email [email protected]