Lesson Plans R. Williamson Subject: English 10

Week of: August 28-September 1

Monday COS Standard: L37,38, 42 Lesson Objective: Recognize and correct incorrect pronoun usage and shifts in pronoun number and person, recognize unclear antecedents, and use pronouns correctly in sentences. Lesson Objective: Determine meaning of unknown words using context clues.

Before/During/After Briefly Explain what I would observe if I walked in your class at the beginning of a period. What objective are you covering today? Are there any strategic teaching strategies being used? How will you end this lesson? Before: Journal – Write about something that’s on your mind. Review ACT Vocabulary Words. Good Things: Teacher will share a good thing or good thought for the day and invite students to share as well. During: Finish Pronoun Packet. Students will work collaboratively to identify types of pronouns and use them correctly.

After: Teacher will review packet. Test on first 10 ACT Vocabulary words. Launch: Teacher will read inspirational quote to students and students will respond with their interpretation.

Classwork/Homework Add any assessments or accommodations being made.... Vocabulary Test

Tuesday COS Standard: L37,38 Lesson Objective: Recognize and correct incorrect pronoun usage and shifts in pronoun number and person, recognize unclear antecedents, and use pronouns correctly in sentences.

Before/During/After Briefly Explain what I would observe if I walked in your class at the beginning of a period. What objective are you covering today? Are there any strategic teaching strategies being used? How will you end this lesson? Journal: (Build writing skills) If you could have a super power what would it be? How would you use it? Before: (Activate Prior Knowledge) – Review pronoun packet. Students can ask questions if they are unclear on anything about pronouns.

During: Test on Pronouns

After: Pronoun Word Search

Classwork/Homework Add any assessments or accommodations being made.... Pronoun Test

Wednesday COS Standard: L 37, 38, 39, 40 Lesson Objective: Recognize and use correctly different types and tenses of verbs. Lesson Objective: Use context clues to define new vocabulary words.

Before/During/After Briefly Explain what I would observe if I walked in your class at the beginning of a period. What objective are you covering today? Are there any strategic teaching strategies being used? How will you end this lesson? Journal: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go? How would you get there? What would you do while you were there? Before: (Activate Prior Knowledge) – Students will define new ACT Vocabulary words. Teacher will review types of verbs and define them using their Writers’ Choice books, pages 308-414. They will discuss what they know about each type and how they are used. During: Students will read a magazine article/newspaper article and underline all the verbs After: Each student will write 10 on the board under the correct column: (present, past, future) of action, linking, and helping verbs.

Classwork/Homework Add any assessments or accommodations being made.... Students may work in pairs if needed.

Thursday COS Standard and Lesson Objective: COS Standard: L 37, 38, 39, 40 Lesson Objective: Recognize and use correctly different types and tenses of verbs. Lesson Objective: Create sentences using new vocabulary words.

Before/During/After Briefly Explain what I would observe if I walked in your class at the beginning of a period. What objective are you covering today? Are there any strategic teaching strategies being used? How will you end this lesson? Journal: Describe your perfect job. Before: (Activate Prior Knowledge) Class will review charts from yesterday. Teacher will introduce transitive and intransitive verbs. During: Students will complete Practice 13.2B on p. 311 and 13.2C & D on p. 314 After: Check and Correct

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Friday COS Standard and Lesson Objective: COS Standard: L 37, 38, 39, 40 Lesson Objective: Recognize and use correctly different types and tenses of verbs. Lesson Objective: Identify parts of speech of new vocabulary words.

Before/During/After Briefly Explain what I would observe if I walked in your class at the beginning of a period. What objective are you covering today? Are there any strategic teaching strategies being used? How will you end this lesson? Journal: If you could have lived in another time period, which one would you like to have lived in? Why? How would your life be different? Before: (Make connections) Students will copy down four sentences off of the board and explain the differences in the verbs. Teacher will explain differences between Active and Passive Voice verbs. During: (Notes) Students will take notes on definitions and examples. Students will also give oral examples of each. After: (Written Practice) Students will convert active voice sentences into passive voice sentences in Practice 17.4A on p. 463. Students will create active and passive voice sentences in Practice 17.4B on p. 463.

Classwork/Homework Add any assessments or accommodations being made.... Students who need to can work in pairs.