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Student Name: School Year: 6 th GRADE STANDARDS

Language Arts


6.1a 6th grade level word recognition skills 6.1b 6th grade level word analysis skills 6.1c 6th grade level comprehension (literal & inferential meanings) 6.1d Forms & characteristics of fiction 6.1e Effects of qualities of character on plot 6.1f Tone of poetry & its effect on meaning 6.1g 1st & 3rd person narration 6.1h Themes as conveyed through characters, actions & images 6.1i Symbolism, imagery, metaphor & credibility of characters


6.2a Write at the 6th grade level (150 words independently that are responsive to a prompt utilizing correct punctuation & grammar, accurate spelling, exhibiting a smooth flow of words, purpose, unity, cohesion, interest & insight) 6.2a Use narrative, expository & persuasive forms. Write literary responses. Revise & edit text as necessary


6.3a Compound & complete sentences 6.3b Indefinite pronouns, verb tenses, subject/ verb agreement 6.3c Colons, semicolons & advanced capitalization rules 6.3d Frequently misspelled words

Listening & Speaking

6.4a Verbal & non-verbal messages 6.4b ID tone & mood of oral communication 6.4c Multi-step oral instructions 6.4d Oral presentations w/ focus, organization, vocal modulations emphasis as appropriate; support opinions w/ evidence 6.4e Propaganda techniques 6.4f Narrative, informative, persuasive presentations 6.5g Respond orally to literature & speak on problems offering at least one solution Math

Number Sense

6.1a Place positive & negative fractions, decimals & mixed #’s on number line 6.1b Use & apply ratios & proportions 6.1c Calculate percentages of quantities, discounts & interest 6.1d Word problems w/ +, -, , and  of fractions 6.1e +, -, , and  of positive & negative integers 6.1f Least common multiples and greatest common divisor – use for common denominators in fractions

Algebra & Functions

6.2a Linear equations in one variable 6.2b Algebraic expressions w/ 3 variables 6.2c Order of operations and commutative, associative and distributive properties 6.2d Unit conversions (e.g. feet  miles) 6.2e Rate problems 6.2f Geometric formulas (e.g. P= 2w + 21, C= 2r)

Measurement & Geometry

6.3a Concept of  & use in formulae 6.3b Area & perimeter of a circle 6.3c Volume calculations for 3- dimensional objects 6.3d Vertical, adjacent, complementary & supplementary angles 6.3e Calculate degrees of unknown angle in a triangle 6.3f Draw polygons based on their descriptions

Statistics, Data Analysis & Probability

6.4a Range, mean, median & mode 6.4b Central tendency of data 6.4c Use of sampling for representative data 6.4d Influence of questioning method on data results 6.4e Sampling errors and sample bias 6.4f Validity of statistical data 6.4g Representation of possible outcomes, theoretical probability of outcomes 6.4h Use data to predict probability of future events 6.4i Probability expressed as ratios, proportion, decimals & percentages 6.4j Multiple trial probability possible outcome 6th GRADE MATH cont’d

Mathematical Reasoning

6.5a Formulate strategies based on problem posed 6.5b Break problem into simpler parts (use simpler problems as guide for more complex problems) 6.5c Use arithmetic & algebraic problem solving techniques 6.5d Use numbers, symbols, charts, diagrams & models 6.5e Express solution w/ appropriate mathematical notation 6.5f Solve to the specified degree of accuracy & check for validity 6.5g Check for reasonableness of solution 6.5h Apply solution methods to other problem situations

Science (Earth Science)

Plate Tectonics & Earth’s Structure

6.1a Plate tectonic evidence 6.1b Earth layers (core, mantle, etc.) 6.1c Mantle & plate movements (earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building etc.) 6.1d California geology 6.1e Earthquake epicenters and regional effects of the event

Shaping Earth’s Surface

6.2a Water moving shaping earth’s surface 6.2b Rivers causing erosion & sediment deposition 6.2c Effects of waves on coastline 6.2d Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides & floods effect on habitats

Heat/ Energy in Earth’s System

6.3a Energy movement by heat flow, water, light, sound & objects 6.3b Consumption of fuel produces heat energy 6.3c Conduction & convection 6.3d Radiation heat transfer 6.3e Sun – major Earth energy source 6.3f Most of solar energy in form of visible light 6.3g Convection from Earth’s interior, atmosphere & oceans 6.3 h Weather caused by differences in air pressure, heat & humidity Ecology

6.4a Transfer of light energy through photosynthesis 6.4b Transfer of energy through food chain 6.4c Categorize organisms by their functions in ecosystem 6.4d Organisms play similar ecological roles in similar biomes 6.4e Carrying capacity of ecosystem 6.4f Utility efficiencies of energy sources 6.4g Renewable/ non-renewable resources 6.4h Natural origins of common objects

Investigation & Experimentation

6.5a Develop a hypothesis, perform tests, collect data and display data 6.5b Use graphs & charts to show relationships between variables 6.5c Show results in written reports & oral presentations 6.5d Evaluate whether evidence is consistent w/ an explanation 6.5e Topographic & geographic maps 6.5f Calculate time relationships from natural phenomena (e.g. relative ages of rocks)

Social Studies

Paleolithic Era  Agricultural Revolution

6.1a Hunter – gatherer societies 6.1b Locations & environments of human communities 6.1c Domestications of plants & animals

Early Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt & Kush

6.2a River systems that supported early civilizations 6.2b Emergence of cities w/ agricultural surpluses 6.2c Religion, social & political order in Mesopotamia & Egypt 6.2d Hammurabi’s Code 6.2e Egyptian art & architecture 6.2f Egyptian trade in Eastern Mediterranean & Nile Valley 6.2g Queen Hatshepsut & Ramses the Great 6.2h Kush civilization & its relations w/ Egypt 6.2i Evolution of written language

Early Civilizations of Ancient Hebrews

6.3a Monotheism (Judaism) 6.3b Hebrew traditions as moral & ethical basis of Western Civilization 6.3c Significance of Old Testament Biblical characters 6.3d Hebrew exodus from Egypt 6.3e Dispersion of Jewish population

Early Civilizations of Ancient Greece

6.4a Developments of city-states 6.4b Government transitions (tyranny & oligarchy  democracy  dictatorship); idea of citizenship 6.4c Direct vs. representative democracies 6.4d Greek mythology 6.4e Founding & expansion of Persian Empire 6.4f Life in Athens vs. Sparta; Persian & Peloponesian Wars 6.4g Alexander the Great 6.4h Greek figures in the arts (Socrates, Plato, Euclid, etc.)

Early Civilizations of India

6.5a River system & physical setting of Indian civilization 6.5b Aryan invasions 6.5c Brahmanism & Hinduism 6.5d Caste system 6.5e Buddha & Buddhism 6.5f Maurya empire & emperor Asoka 6.5g Sanskrit literature, Hindu-Arabic numerals & zero, advances in Indian medicine

Early Civilizations of China

6.6a Shang dynasty in Huang –He Valley 6.6b Geographic isolation of China 6.6c Confucius, Confucianism & Taoism 6.6d Emperor Shi Huangdi – unification of Northern China under Qin Dynasty 6.6e Han Dynasty – imperial bureaucratic state & expansion of empire 6.6f Trans- Eurasian “silk roads” during Han dynasty & Roman Empire 6.6g Diffusion of Buddhism northward during Han dynasty

Development of Rome

6.7a Rise of Roman republic & important mythical & historical figures (Aeneas, Caesar, Cicero, etc.) 6.7b Roman Republic significance (constitution, civic duty, tripartite government, etc.) 6.7c Expansion of Roman Empire 6.7d Transition of power – Julius Caesar  Augustus Caesar 6.7e Jewish/ Roman conflict 6.7f Origin of Christianity & spread of Christian beliefs in Europe & Roman territories 6.7g Legacies of Roman art, architecture, technology, science, literature, language & law

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