Mathematics Teaching Plan 1A & 1B

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Mathematics Teaching Plan 1A & 1B

Mathematics Teaching Plan

______to ______, first term (1A) Class ______

Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 1 Number 1N1 Be able to tell the 1. Enable pupils to 1 1. Develop an 2 • number Learning contents: Numbers 1 to 10 Numbers to numbers 1 to 10. count, read and write Counting understanding of cards 1. Small presents

• cubes 10 the numbers 1 to 10. numbers numbers 1 to 10 2. Counting • 3. Comparing the objects 2. Enable pupils to (1 to 10) through counting. Class Activities: compare the 2. Compare the numbers Classroom 1. Classroom Learning 1A, numbers 1 to 10. 1 to 10. Learning Activity 1 ─ Collector - Activity 1 2. Classroom Learning 1A, - Activity 2 Activity 2 ─ Comparing the numbers - Worksheet Follow-up exercises:

Textbook: Exercise 1

Workbook: Unit 1

* Problem-solving Training Camp

1 Enable pupils to count 2 Develop pupils’ 2 • number Learning contents: on and count back the Counting understanding of cards 1. Arranging the number cards in order • numbers 1 to 10. on and counting on and counting 2. Lockers

3. Playing a board game counting back the numbers 1 to 10. Classroom Class Activities: back Learning Classroom Learning 1A, - Activity Activity ─ Number maze - Worksheet Follow-up exercises:

Textbook: Exercise 2

Workbook: Unit 2

1. Enable pupils to 3 1. Recognise odd and 2 • cubes Learning contents:

identify odd and Odd and even numbers up to • 1. Playing with cards

even numbers. even 10. 2. How many objects are there? stickers 2. Enable pupils to numbers 2. Identify odd and even Follow-up exercises: • Textbook: Exercise 3 read and write odd (1 to 10) numbers. Workbook: Unit 3 and even numbers *3.Investigate the Classroom * Advanced Learning Centre: relationship between up to 10. Learning The relationship between odd and even odd and even - Worksheet numbers numbers.


* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

2 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 2 Number 1N1 Be able to count, read 1. Enable pupils to 4 Develop an 4 • cubes Learning contents: Composition of numbers Numbers to Composition • number 1. Counting the stickers and write the understand the (1 to 10) understanding of the cards 10 numbers 1 to 10. composition of of numbers composition of numbers 2. Yummy snacks • picture Class Activities: numbers up to 5. (1 to 5) up to 5. cards 1. Classroom Learning 1A, 2. Enable pupils to • Activity 1 ─ Cube game recognise 2. Classroom Learning 1A, mathematical signs Classroom Activity 2 ─ Make a guess ‘+’, ‘–‘ and ‘=’, and Learning Follow-up exercises: use them for - Activity 1 Textbook: Exercise 4 - Activity 2 recording purpose. Workbook: Unit 4 - Worksheet

1. Enable pupils to 5 Develop an 4 • picture Learning contents:

understand the Composition understanding of the cards 1. Making sandwiches • composition of of numbers composition of 6 to 8. 2. Sharing the sandwiches

Class Activities: numbers 6 to 5. (6 to 8) Classroom 1. Classroom Learning 1A, 2. Enable pupils to use Learning Activity 1 ─ Grouping the pencils mathematical signs - Activity 1 2. Classroom Learning 1A, ‘+’, ‘–‘ and ‘=’ for - Activity 2 Activity 2 ─ Grouping the erasers recording purpose. - Activity 3 3. Classroom Learning 1A, - Worksheet Activity 3 ─ Grouping the rulers

3 Follow-up exercises:

Textbook: Exercise 5

Workbook: Unit 5

* Problem-solving Training Camp

1. Enable pupils to 6 1. Develop an 4 • picture Learning contents:

understand the Composition understanding of the cards 1. Making some crafts • composition of of numbers composition of 9 and 2. Interesting compositions

Class Activities: numbers 9 and 10. (9 and 10) 10. Classroom Classroom Learning 1A, 2. Enable pupils to use 2. Investigate the pattern Learning Activity ─ Grouping the paper clips mathematical signs of the compositions of - Activity Follow-up exercises: ‘+’, ‘–‘ and ‘=’ for 10. - Worksheet Textbook: Exercise 6 recording purpose. *3.Investigate some Workbook: Unit 6 patterns of the * Advanced Learning Centre: composition of the An interesting finding numbers 2 to 10.

Summary Test on Concepts

Integrated Assessment 1

Exercise 1

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

4 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 3 Number 1N3 1. Be able to count 1. Enable pupils to 7 Develop the basic 3 • cubes Learning contents: Basic Addition Basic Basic • 1. How many animals are there? numbers (1 to 10). understand the basic and concept of addition, and Subtraction addition and 2. Recognise the concept of addition. addition learn the addition of 2. The farmer’s harvest

Classroom Follow-up exercises: subtraction composition of 2. Enable pupils to numbers up to 10 by Learning Textbook: Exercise 7 numbers (1 to 10). recognise ‘+’ and counting objects. - Worksheet Workbook: Unit 7 ‘=’, and read and

write addition.

3. Enable pupils to

perform addition.

4. Enable pupils to

solve simple

problems of addition.

1. Enable pupils to 8 1. Develop the basic 3 • sweets Learning contents:

understand the basic Basic concept of • cubes 1. How many fruit tarts are left? • concept of subtraction subtraction, and learn 2. Comparing fruit items

Class Activities: subtraction. the subtraction of Classroom Classroom Learning 1A, 2. Enable pupils to numbers up to 10 by Learning Activity ─ Taking away the objects recognise ‘–’ and counting objects. - Activity Follow-up exercises: ‘=’, and read and 2. Learn subtraction by - Worksheet Textbook: Exercise 8 write subtraction. counting numbers.

5 3. Enable pupils to Workbook: Unit 8

perform subtraction.

4. Enable pupils to

solve simple

problems of


1. Enable pupils to 9 1. Develop and 3 • chocola Learning contents:

developing an What is understanding of zero. te eggs 1. Practising handwriting • understanding of zero? 2. Learn how to count, 2. Chocolate eggs

3. Telling stories zero. read and write zero. Classroom Follow-up exercises: 2. Enable pupils to 3. Develop an Learning Textbook: Exercise 9 perform addition and understanding of zero - Worksheet Workbook: Unit 9 subtraction through addition and

involving zero. subtraction.

4. Perform addition and

subtraction involving


Summary Test on Concepts

6 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 4 Shape and 1S1 Be able to compare 1. Enable pupils to 10 1. Identify 3-D shapes 3 • Learning contents: 3-D Shapes Space 3-D shapes sizes and relative make different Playing intuitively through 1. Playing with blocks

(I) with blocks 2. What do the blocks look like? positions of objects. shapes using blocks observing the shapes 3-D models 3. Finding the partners and tell the name of of blocks. • Follow-up exercises: shapes formed by the 2. Reinforce pupils’ Textbook: Exercise 10 blocks. recognition of 3-D shapes blocks Workbook: Unit 10 2. Enable pupils to through observing and • * Advanced Learning Centre: identify real objects comparing with real The interesting blocks that have similar objects. Classroom

shapes as the blocks. 3. Identify the objects Learning

3. Enable pupils to which look like prisms, - Worksheet

classify objects that cylinders, pyramids,

have similar shapes. cones and spheres.

*4.Investigate the

properties of blocks.

1. Enable pupils to 11 1. Recognise prisms, 3 • Learning contents:

recognise prisms, 3-D shapes cylinders, pyramids, 1. Different 3-D shapes

2. Grouping the shapes cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres. blocks

2. Group and compare 3. Comparing the blocks cones and spheres. • 4. Putting the blocks together 2. Enable pupils to the 3-D shapes in

7 describe the relative different ways. Class Activities:

positions of 3-D 3. Describe the relative 3-D models Classroom Learning 1A,

Activity ─ Touch, feel and guess shapes. positions of two 3-D •

3. Enable pupils to shapes. Follow-up exercises:

Textbook: Exercise 11 make simple 3-D *4.Try to make 3-D tapes Workbook: Unit 11 models. shapes. • * Advanced Learning Centre:

Making models Classroom


- Activity

- Worksheet

Summary Test on Concepts Module 5 Number 1N1 Be able to count 1. Enable pupils to 12 1. Compare the number 3 • Learning contents: Basic Data Numbers to Basic data 1. Which is more? numbers (1 to 10). compare the number Handling of objects through exercise 10 of objects through handling observation. 2. How can we compare the objects?

books Class Activities: observation. 2. Use the method of • pencils Classroom Learning 1A, 2. Enable pupils to use the ‘one-to-one • Activity ─ Counting the chess pieces method of ‘one-to-one correspondence’ to Follow-up exercises: correspondence’ to compare the number Classroom Textbook: Exercise 12 compare the number of of objects. Learning Workbook: Unit 12 objects. - Activity

- Worksheet

Summary Test on Concepts

8 Integrated Assessment 2

Exercise 2

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

______to ______, first term (1B) Class ______

Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 1 Number 1N2 1. Be able to count 1. Enable pupils to 13 1. Count, read and write 2 • cubes Learning contents: Numbers 1 to 20 Numbers to the numbers 1 to count, read and write Counting the numbers 11 to 20. • number 1. Mum goes shopping

cards 20 10. the numbers 11 to numbers (11 2. Compare the numbers 2. Compare the objects • picture Class activity: 2 Be able to 20. to 20) up to 20 and show the cards Classroom Learning 1B, compare the 2. Enable pupils to results by the ‘>’ and • Activity ─ Number card game numbers up to 10. compare the ‘<’ signs. Follow-up exercises: 3. Be able to count numbers 11 to 20. Classroom Textbook: Exercise 13 on and count back Learning Workbook: Unit 13 the numbers 1 to - Activity

10. - Worksheet

1. Enable pupils to 14 Develop an 2 • number Learning contents: 4. Recognise odd

count on and count Counting on understanding of cards 1. A number track and even numbers • back the numbers 1 and counting on and counting 2. Let’s hop together (1 to 10). Follow-up exercises: to 20. counting back the numbers 1 to 20. Classroom Textbook: Exercise 14 2. Enable pupils to back

9 arrange the numbers (1 to 20) Learning Workbook: Unit 14

up to 20 in - Worksheet

ascending or

descending order.

1. Enable pupils to 15 1. Recognise odd and 2 • cubes Learning contents:

recognise odd and Odd and even numbers up to • picture 1. Do you remember?

cards even numbers up to even 20. 2. How many stamps are there? • 3. Arranging the number cards 20. numbers 2. Learn how to arrange Class activity: 2. Enable pupils to (1 to 20) odd or even numbers Classroom Identify odd or even numbers through putting identify odd and in order. Learning cubes together. even numbers. - Worksheet Follow-up exercises: 3. Enable pupils to Textbook: Exercise 15 arrange odd or even Workbook: Unit 15 numbers in order.

Summary Test on Concepts

10 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 2 Number 1N2 1. Be able to count 1. Enable pupils to 16 Develop an 2 • Learning contents: Composition of Numbers to Composition 1. Collecting specimens the numbers 1 to understand the Numbers understanding of the (11 to 18) number cards 20 20. composition of 11 of numbers composition of numbers 2. Storing the specimens • cubes Class activity: 2. Be able to and 12. (11 and 12) 11 and 12. • pencils Classroom Learning 1B, recognise the 2. Enable pupils to • picture Activity ─ Game of grouping composition of apply the cards Follow-up exercises: numbers 1 to 10. composition of 11 • Textbook: Exercise 16 3. Be able to perform and 12 for Workbook: Unit 16 basic addition and performing basic Classroom

Learning subtraction. addition and - Activity subtraction. - Worksheet

1. Enable pupils to 17 Develop an 2 • paper c Learning contents:

understand the Composition understanding of the lips 1. Finding food

• numbe composition of 13 to of numbers composition of numbers 2. Vegetable soup

r cards Class activity: 15. (13 to 15) 13, 14 and 15. • cubes Classroom Learning 1B, 2. Enable pupils to • Activity ─ Game of grouping apply the Follow-up exercises: composition of 13 to Classroom Textbook: Exercise 17

11 15 for performing Learning Workbook: Unit 17

basic addition and - Activity

- Worksheet subtraction.

1. Enable pupils to 18 1. Develop an 2 • cubes Learning contents:

understand the Composition understanding of the • paper c 1. In an ice-cream house

lips composition of 16 to of numbers composition of 2. In a soft toy house • numbe Class activity: 18. (16 to 18) numbers 16, 17 and r cards Classroom Learning 1B, 2. Enable pupils to 18. • Activity ─ Game of grouping apply the *2.Summarise and Follow-up exercises: composition of 16 to investigate the pattern Classroom Textbook: Exercise 18 18 for performing of the compositions Learning Workbook: Unit 18 basic addition and of numbers up to 18. - Activity

- Worksheet subtraction.

Summary Test on Concepts

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

12 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 3 Number 1N2 Be able to count the 1. Enable pupils to use 19 Develop an 2 • number Learning contents: Counting Objects Numbers to Counting cards 1. The badminton team numbers 1 to 20. natural numbers to and understanding of cardinal Ordering • 20 show the quantity of objects and number to show the 2. Animals’ Meeting

Follow-up exercises: items (cardinal ordering quantity of items and Classroom Textbook: Exercise 19 numbers). ordinal numbers to show Learning Workbook: Unit 19 2. Enable pupils to use the order of items. - Worksheet * Problem-solving Training Camp natural numbers to

show the order of

items (ordinal


Summary Test on Concepts

Integrated Assessment 3

Exercise 3 Module 4 Number 1N3 1. Be able to recognise 1. Enable pupils to 20 1. Learn how to perform 4 • number Learning contents: Addition and Basic Addition cards The fast food shop the composition of perform addition up Subtraction addition up to 18 by up to 18 • cubes addition and numbers 1 to 18. to 18. up to 18 counting objects Follow-up exercises: • Textbook: Exercise 20 subtraction 2. Be able to perform 2. Enable pupils to (with focus on the Workbook: Unit 20 basic addition and solve simple basic addition Classroom * Advanced Learning Centre: subtraction. problems involving compositions up to Learning Doughnuts addition up to 18 18). - Worksheet

13 through observation *2.Investigate the pattern

of pictures. of addition of odd and

even numbers.

1. Enable pupils to 21 1. Learn how to perform 6 • cubes Learning contents:

perform subtraction Subtraction subtraction up to 18 • number 1. How many items are left?

cards up to 18. up to 18 by counting objects 2. Comparing the objects • 3. Addition and subtraction 2. Enable pupils to (with focus on the Class activity: solve simple basic subtraction subtraction Classroom Learning 1B, problems involving compositions up to cards Activity ─ Number card game subtraction up to 18 18). • Follow-up exercises: through observation 2. Learn subtraction Textbook: Exercise 21 of pictures. involving the Classroom Workbook: Unit 21 Learning 3. Enable pupils to comparison of the * Problem-solving Training Camp - Activity recognise and numbers of objects. - Worksheet understand the 3. Investigate the

relationship between relationship between

addition and addition and

subtraction. subtraction.

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

14 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 4 Number 1N3 Enable pupils to 22 1. Learn the 5 • blocks Learning contents: Addition and Basic Interesting • cubes 1. Number card game recognise and Subtraction commutative property up to 18 • addition and understand the addition of addition. 2. Picture cards

Class activity: subtraction commutative property *2.Learn how to Classroom Do activity about the commutative property of of addition. complete the number Learning addition using blocks or cubes. sentences using - Worksheet Follow-up exercises: addition and Textbook: Exercise 22 subtraction. Workbook: Unit 22

* Advanced Learning Centre:

Addition and subtraction

Summary Test on Concepts Module 5 Measures 1M1 Be able to understand 1. Enable pupils to 23 1. Understand the 3 • scissors Learning contents: Lengths and Length and Lengths and • 1. Comparing lengths the concept of long understand the Distances concept of length and

distance (I) and short, tall and concept of length. distances compare the lengths 2. Let's play!

3. Facilities near our school short, wide and 2. Enable pupils to of objecrs directly. rulers 4. Arranging the blocks narrow, etc. compare the lengths 2. Develop the concept • Class Activities: of objects directly. of distance and 1. Compare the lengths of objects in the 3. Enable pupils to compare the distances glues classroom, and report orally. recognise the between objects

15 relationship between directly. • 2. Discuss about the distances between lengths and different objects in the classroom.

Follow-up exercises: distances. coloured Textbook: Exercise 23 • Workbook: Unit 23


• ropes



- Worksheet

* This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.

16 Date Week Dimension Learning Previous Teaching objectives Module Unit Learning targets Periods Resources Activities / Tasks Assessment / unit knowledge Evaluation Module 5 Measures 1M1 1. Enable pupils to 24 1. Learn how to 3 • Learning contents: Lengths and Length and Measuring 1. Which side is longer? compare the lengths Distances compare and measure

distance (I) activities 2. Measuring objects of objects and the lengths using objects. paper clips

2. Encourage pupils to 3. Buying new furniture distances between • 4. The best choice objects with estimate the lengths Class activity: improvised units. before measuring. envelopes Classroom Learning 1B, 2. Enable pupils to 3. Reinforce pupils’ • Activity ─ Measuring activities measure lengths observation and Follow-up exercises: using suitable judgement on the textbooks Textbook: Exercise 24 improvised units. lengths of objects. • Workbook: Unit 24 4. Develop an

understanding of the

relationship between strings

• paper s lengths and distances. trips 5. Use body parts to • measure the lengths

of objects. Classroom 6. Learn how to measure Learning

with appropriate - Activity

tools. - Worksheet

17 Summary Test on Concepts Module 6 Shape and 1S2 Able to write or draw 1. Enable pupils to 25 1. Recognise straight 3 • Learning contents: Straight Lines and Straight Straight 1. A Christmas card Space with lines. recognise and Curves lines and curves.

lines and lines and 2. Identify straight lines 2. Letters, characters and numbers identify straight strings

curves curves and curves. 3. Making straight lines and curves lines and curves • Class Activities: intuitively. 3. Make straight lines 1. Classroom Learning 2B, 2. Enable pupils to and curves in various rulers Activity ─ Be a painter draw straight lines ways using different • 2. Make straight lines and curves using and curves. kinds of tools. different kinds of tools.

coins Follow-up exercises:

• Textbook: Exercise 25

Workbook: Unit 25


compact discs

paper cups

• hair


18 Classroom


- Activity

- Worksheet

Summary Test on Concepts

Integrated Assessment 4

Exercise 4


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