Personal Details Reference Details

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Personal Details Reference Details

VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Personal Details Reference Details .

Please supply details of a friend or colleague who can give a reference Title Title First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Address Address

Postcode Postcode Telephone (day) Occupation Telephone (evening) Telephone Mobile Email Email How they know you Your preferred contact method

Please tick the tasks you will be willing to undertake (not all tasks may be regularly available) . Dog Walking Assisting with fundraising events Dog Socialising Gardening / Maintenance Fostering – short term/emergency Driving locally – Vet visits Fostering – long term Driving – collection of dogs Other (please specify) General admin duties

Availability please circle Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Other:

Please give details of any relevant work history or skills that you may have : .

(have owned dogs & enjoy grooming, have worked in customer service etc.)

(please continue over the page if you need more space)

Health/Disability/Special Needs Please indicate any health issues / special needs which you feel we would need to know about to ensure your safety as a BCTGB volunteer. This information will enable us to act swiftly in case of an emergency and will not in any way preclude full consideration of your application.

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 No / Yes (please circle) Do you have unspent criminal convictions registered against you? If Yes, this may not prevent you volunteering, but please provide details of any conviction in a sealed envelope addressed to: The Trustees (confidential) Border Collie Trust GB.

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 1 How did you find out about this volunteering opportunity?

SIGNED ______DATE ______

Please return this form to Border Collie Trust GB, Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY

Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 2 Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

Border Collie Trust G.B Volunteer Policy & Agreement

In this Volunteer Policy and Agreement:- the Trust means the Border Collie Trust G.B. and the Volunteer means you (your name)…………….………………………………… of (your address)………………………………………………………………………

The Trust relies on the support of volunteers in the areas of animal care and grooming, fund raising, and various other tasks as necessary. Volunteers must however at all times work within the policies and in accordance with the Trust’s standards and procedures. All volunteers must be 18 years of age or above.

Declaration – I have read and understood the policy, terms and conditions, and agree to comply with them and such additional substituted and amended terms and conditions as are notified to me in writing from time to time


Name (in capitals): …………………………… Signed: ......

Telephone number: …………………..

Emergency Contact: ……………………………………………………………………

Volunteer Application and this page to office once completed

Remainder to be retained by Volunteer

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 3 Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 4 Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14


1. Duties a. The Volunteer undertakes with the Trust to perform such duties as are assigned, within the scope agreed with the Volunteer, and to comply with all reasonable directions given by any employee or Trustee of the Trust. b. In all reasonable circumstances the Volunteer must be guided by common sense and be prepared to act accordingly. If in any case action must be taken and it is not possible to obtain the authority or permission of any employee or Trustee of the Trust, the Volunteer should take such action as he or she thinks best in accordance with the Trust’s objects and report as soon as possible to a manager or Trustee. c. All duties carried out at the centre will be done so under the control of the centre manager and employed staff.

2. Duties involving dogs The following advice must be followed when involved with any dogs in our care.

 Under no circumstances may a walker enter a kennel or remove a dog unless authorised to do so by a senior member of staff. A member of staff will fit a lead and then bring the dog to you. Only the collars and leads provided by staff may be used. Volunteers may only handle the category of dog they have been authorised to handle.

 Where a Volunteer wishes to bring a young person (under 18 years of age) with them then the dog MUST remain under the control of the Volunteer who has agreed to exercise the dog. Under no circumstances must any young person under 18 years of age be in control of a dog.  Dogs MUST be kept on leads at all times and under control of the handler responsible at the time. Mobile phones must not be used when handling or walking any dog.

 Dogs must not be taken off site unless permission is given by a member of staff. There is a field for use when dog walking. There is a public right of way across the field, so dogs must be kept under control. At certain times dogs from our boarding kennels are being exercised and volunteers should always ask staff where to exercise a rescue dog.

 When approaching another person or dog, please take extra care as some dogs do not get on. Either stay at a safe distance or try to get past the other person/dog as calmly and as safely as possible.

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 5  If the dog has shown any adverse behaviour please let a staff member know. Report barking, aggression, chasing, illness, injury i.e. limp, coughing, diarrhoea etc.

 Please collect a poop scoop bag from the staff before walking, and deposit it in the bins provided within the centre grounds.

Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

 No food or treats are to be given to the dogs without first having been given permission from a staff member.

 When walking, praise all good behaviour with a ‘GOOD BOY/GIRL’ and some fuss. Only praise if the dog has all four feet on the ground.

 Please do not walk with a tight lead, let the lead have some slack in its length.

 Do not try to teach the dogs any commands, and never push the dogs into a position, i.e. sit.

 Please refrain from smoking when walking dogs.

 Any volunteers carrying out jobs around the centre must satisfy themselves that equipment is safe to use. Volunteers must wear the protective clothing provided i.e. gloves, masks. Please report any equipment which is damaged or broken to a member of staff.

3. No Agency Except when expressly authorised in writing, the Volunteer is not the agent or representative of the Trust in any way and does not have any authority or right to assume any obligation of any kind express or implied on behalf of the Trust or to bind or commit the Trust in any way.

4. Expenses Although the Volunteer will receive no salary, gratuity, payment in kind, or privileged use of the Trust’s facilities, expenses may be reimbursed if they are expressly authorised by a Trustee. All claims for expenses must be accompanied by receipts, vouchers or other evidence of actual payment and be submitted by the end of the month immediately after that in which they are incurred.

5. Motor Vehicles (a) If the Volunteer is required to drive any vehicle belonging to the Trust then he or she must when requested by a manager or Trustee produce a valid driving licence, a copy of which will be retained and checked on an annual basis. In the event of a Volunteer being convicted of any motoring offence (other than one for parking) then he or she must report that to a manager or Trustee forthwith and stop driving any trust vehicle immediately until (if at all) he or she receives written authority to do so from a Trustee.

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 6 (b) If the Volunteer is required to drive any other vehicle (i.e. not belonging to the Trust) in connection with the Trust’s activities he or she will do so at his or her own risk and upon request will produce to any Trustee or Manager of the Trust a valid driving licence certificate of insurance and (if applicable) MOT certificate. It is the responsibility of the Volunteer to ensure that his or her motor insurance provides full cover for any use of the vehicle for Trust purposes. Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

6. Insurance The Trust maintains insurance against risks which it considers necessary, including loss and damage to or destruction of its property and the injury or death of members of the public affected by its activities and of its employees and volunteers undertaking authorised work for it. The insurance does not extend, for example, to unauthorised work or to authorised work carried on by persons not authorised by the Trust; or to work or activities which are not properly supervised by a member of staff or a Trustee. It is therefore most important that the Volunteer ensures that he or she complies with the conditions of the Trust’s insurance and does not do anything which might result in the insurance being void.

7. Health and Safety a. The Trust is under a duty to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees and other persons (including volunteers and members of the public) who are affected by its activities. The Volunteer must take reasonable care for the health and safety of his or her self and other persons who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions at work and to co-operate with the Trust so far as is necessary to perform any duty or comply with any requirement imposed by any law. b. Notices will be posted or issued giving information to all employed and volunteer staff to ensure that they are fully aware of the health and safety hazards within their working environment and procedures and precautions in respect of them as necessary. c. It is the duty of the Volunteer to co-operate fully with the health and safety policy by all means including: 1. performing his or her duties safely and efficiently 2. not doing anything which does or might injure any other person or expose any person to risk 3. making full and proper use of all safety and protective equipment and clothing 4. adhering to all procedures specified or any instructions issued with any plant or machinery or substances used at work 5. reporting to Trust management or employed staff any actually or potentially unsafe conditions, system of work, buildings, vehicles, plant or other equipment. d. The Trust recommends that if working with animals the Volunteer maintains up to date inoculation against tetanus. e. The Trust operates a no smoking policy in the workplace and smoking is only permitted in designated areas as approved by the Trust. f. The Volunteer must report to the centre manager or member of permanent staff upon arrival and on leaving the centre. The Volunteer must not work Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 7 on Trust property outside normal Trust working hours unless by prior arrangement with a Manager or Trustee.

Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

8. Fundraising

The Volunteer is encouraged to hold fund raising events, but he or she must first discuss the proposal in advance with a Manager or Trustee. If the Manager or Trustee approves the proposal the Trust may be prepared to support it with publicity material and help. However, the Trust will not support any fundraising proposal which is not approved and the organiser of any such event must not use the Trust’s name or logo or in any way imply or permit it to be believed that the fundraising is approved by the Trust.

9. Confidentiality a. All information relating to the Trust (including its organisation, finances, supporters and activities) is confidential. The Volunteer must keep this information confidential and not use or disclose it except as authorised or required by his or her duties and shall use best endeavours to prevent the use or disclosure of it by any other person. b. All records in any medium (whether written, computer readable or otherwise) including accounts, documents, drawings and private notes about the Trust and its activities and all copies and extracts of them made or acquired by the Volunteer in the course of his or her work shall be: 1. the Trust’s property 2. used for the Trust’s purposes only 3. returned to the Trust at any time on demand at any time; and 4. returned to the Trust without demand if the Volunteer ceases for more than one month to be actively involved with the Trust’s work.

10. Public and Publicity The Volunteer may not at any time make any statement about the Trust to the press or other form of public media; or represent him or her self as working for or employed by or in any way connected with the Trust or its activities after ceasing for more than one month to be actively involved with its work . 11. Termination The Trust reserves the right to refuse the offer of services of the Volunteer, generally or in any particular case, and to terminate any work being done by the Volunteer. The Trust may exercise these rights at any time, with or without prior notice and without giving any reason.

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 8 Volunteer Application & Policy V2-14

Border Collie Trust (Great Britain), Heathway, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LY Registered as a charity in England & Wales No. 1053585. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 3159703 9

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