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References to Makaton in publications and research 2010-2016
Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Department of Education: 2010 Research Lindsay, Dockrell, Law, Report DFE- communication-research-programme-2nd-interim-report Roulstone, Vignoles RR070 Better Communicati available and useful on Research Programme: 1st interim report Goldbart J, Caton S 2010 Communicati Mencap signing, on and signing 12/Comms_guide_dec_10.pdf people with culture, most complex adult focus. Excellent summary of evidence-based needs: what practice works and why this is essential Joffe V L 2010 Developing Enhancing Language and secondary confident Communication in Secondary school, SL&C in secondary aged pupils. ICan communicato Schools language rs in impairmen secondary t, social school: and barriers, emotional challenges difficulties and opportunities Khan T M 2010 The effects of Procedia - Social and multimedia multimedia on Behavioural Sciences learning, 305 children with special different needs, Looks at learning needs of Autism/ Downs Syndrome special autism, individuals and use of multimedia education Down needs syndrome
1 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Lal R 2010 Effect of Educational Research and alternative Reviews a.pdf and augmentative Discusses positive effect of AAC with individuals with communicatio Autism 9-12 years n on language and social behavior of children with autism Department of Education: 2011 Research Lindsay, Dockrell, Law, Report DFE- communication-research-programme-2nd-interim-report Roulstone, Vignoles RR070 Better Communicati Available on Research Programme: 2nd interim report Harrison D, Virden F 2011 Assistant British Journal of Healthcare Makaton, Practitioners Assistants adults, A short piece focusing on sustaining signing skills in lead way learning the workplace. Good disabilities , assistant practitione r, confidence , revision
2 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Jackson J 2011 Could the The Independent communic success of ation success-of-the-kings-speech-boost-efforts-to-help-children- the King's difficulties, with-communication-difficulties-2189107.html Speech boost speech efforts to help therapy, online only children with Makaton, communicatio speech n difficulties? delay, stammer Public Health England 2011 Reasonable ref to use adjustments of 8_IHaL%20NHS%20Trust%20Reasonable%20Adjustments for people Makaton %20survey%202010.pdf with learning disabilities in Adult focus re ethics, capacity, consent etc England 2010 : a national survey of NHS trusts Royal College of Speech 2011 Guidance on ref to use and Language Therapists quality of g/qual_standards_schools standards for Makaton local Not particularly useful re Makaton but interesting authorities and schools as commissioner s of speech and language therapy services in the UK
3 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Green, D, Reed, W & 2011 How I get scribd confidence Angier, R signing into and skills, practice-1-It-s-Signsational practice (1): yourhealth Its care online only. Relevant signsational Thwaite N 2011 How I get Speech & Language Therapy Makaton, signing into in Practice peer practice-2-Learning-by-teaching practice (2): tutors, Learning by improve Now marked ‘private’ unavailable teaching communic ation environme nts, augmentat ive and alternative (AAC) Royal College of 2012 Clinical ref to use Surgeons - RCS Guidelines of guidelines/clinical_guidelines/documents/BSD and Makaton %20Guidelines%20(Web).pdf Integrated Care Good section on Communication, p26-29 Pathways for the Oral Health Care of People with Learning Disabilities
4 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Department of Education: 2012 Technical interventio Roulstone S, Wren Y, report DFE- n, research-programme Bakopoulou I, Goodlad S, RR247- approach, Lindsay G BCRP13: activties Really good document re all SALT interventions, Exploring by SLTs Makaton used with younger age range interventions for children and young people with speech, language and communicatio n needs: a study of practice Department of Education 2012 Technical Makaton report DFE- facilitating research-programme RR247- service BCRP10: users to Useful info re how the ‘What Works’ site decides on What Works: contribute impact of interventions Interventions to for children teaching & and young conferenc people with e, training, speech, fidelity, language and feasibility, communicatio workforce n needs
5 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Department of Education 2012 Technical children's report DFE- outcomes, research-programme RR247- parents BCRP12: The values, Available preferred everyone outcomes of should be children with learning to speech, sign language and communicatio n needs and their parents Harding C, Bukhari S, 2012 The People in Tizard Learning Disability Makaton, Hickin J, Harrison K Control Review university articleid=17058180&show=abstract Conference teaching, at City design, University, methodolo London: “We gy, have opinions approach to share about our lives” Hassell J, James A, 2012 Signing Journal of Assistive Wright M, Litterick I etc recognition Technologies articleid=17037211&show=abstract and Cloud bring advances for inclusion
6 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Meer L. A. v. d. et al. 2012 A further Research in Autism Spectrum ref to use comparison Disorders 6(4), pp. 1247-1257. of signs of-manual-signing-picture-exchange-and-speech- of manual and generating-devices-as-communication-modes-for-children- signing, symbols with-autism-spectrum-disorders. picture exchange, and speech- generating devices as communicatio n modes for children with autism spectrum disorders. Mistry M, and Barnes D 2012 The use of Education 3-13, 41:6, 603-616 Makaton, Makaton for EAL, .631560 supporting EYFS, talk, through inclusion, have to pay for it. Relevant. Evidence of Makaton for play, for supporting all primary school age groups, not just EAL pupils who developm “The findings suggest that Makaton can assist in the development of talk, have English ent of talk, as the data showed a positive correlation between the use of Makaton and as an the use of spoken English. This study has implications for practitioners Additional and schools, not only those catering for the specific needs of EAL Language learners because Makaton1 is a skilfully devised programme that is underpinned by the very principles that are documented to support pupils (EAL) in the who have EAL.” Foundation Stage
7 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Bendik L, Groves E, 2013 Peer Tutoring Llais evidence Hunter S, Hughes C Makaton for using makaton.pdf peer tutoring to Relevant. Gave out at network meeting teach Makaton to children with intellectual disabilities Chambers S 2013 Shona's Cerebra website Makaton Makaton training, x story parts 1- regional 3 tutor not found
Gratton S 2013 Use of the Advances in Mental Health and Mental Mental Intellectual Disabilities Capacity articleid=17084283&show=abstract Capacity Act Act, with Children Intellectual and Young Disability People with Intellectual Disability
8 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Gross J 2013 Time To Talk David Fulton makaton, implementing best Book outstanding practice, practice in wave 1, speech, shine a language and light, communicatio EYFS, n adults, changng interaction s, signing training for all staff, pairing, expression , effective use Kyffin F 2013 Strategies to SLD Experience support the abstract/687C2603951 communicatio n needs of not found. LDP link - good document for AAC children with Down Syndrome and English as an additional language in the Early Years' Foundation Stage
9 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Mental Welfare 2013 People with ref to use Commission for Scotland learning of _-_final.pdf difficulties Makaton with intensive support packages Mental Welfare 2013 Working with ref to use Commission for Scotland an of practitioners_and_interpreters_march_2013.pdf interpreter : a Makaton, toolkit for BSL, Sign Really clear guidelines re communication support practitioners supported workers and speech interpreters. Improving communicatio n for people who use ment al health and learning disability services in Scotland
10 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Reed A 2013 To what Manchester Communication Makaton, extent does Academy EAL, learning sign SPLD Relevant. Gave out at network meeting language alongside a foreign language in Modern Foreign Languages lessons support oral vocabulary retention in the foreign language? Sense 2013 Multi-sensory ref to use impaired of df children in Makaton hospital Down Syndrome Signing refer Miller Education International improves 1992 early Short but relevant for parents of young children. Also vocabulary links to DS Ed learning and communicatio n
11 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Coleman A 2014 MyChoicePad The Study: Adults effectivene with Learning ss of using Saved. Relevant Disability. MyChoice Pad as a communic ation and learning tool in a specialist college in the UK. Mencap 2014 Bags of sensory Ability with story, grip, gs_of_Ability_MyChoicePad_Project_Report-v5.docx-2.pdf MyChoicePad ipad, understan Compliments 2 evidence-based strategies: sensory ding stories and Makaton
Penninsula Cerebra 2014 To what Research Unit (Pencru) extent does ommunication/ the use of Read more at Makaton Sign & Symbol pies/communication/#oSpTW8DG5zhjulZL.99 support the communicatio Makaton evidence in 'moderate'. Call for further n of children research re effectiveness of Makaton who have neurological conditions? Sense 2014 A practical ref to use guide to of %20Care%20Act.pdf implementing Makaton the Care Act for deafblind people
12 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Devine, A 2015 Literacy for Jessica Kingsley Publishers literacy, visual portesbury learners Challenging Behaviour 2015 Paving the challengin Foundation Way g news/paving-the-way.html Behaviour good document, focusing on PSED needs
Evie's mum 2015 its all about blog training, evie signing, downs, blog understan d speech Healthwatch England 2015 Proposed ref to use standards for of watch_advocacy_standards_10022015.pdf complaints Makaton advocacy Sense 2015 Getting a ref to use result : of ation_pack_with_templates.pdf transition into Makaton adulthood
13 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Roulstone S, Marshall 2015 Evidence- NHS National Institute for JE, Powell GG, Goldbart based Health Research 51119/FullReport-pgfar03050.pdf J, Wren YE, Coad J, intervention Daykin N, Powell JE, for preschool Comprehensive, EYPS interventions. Useful Lascelles L, Hollingworth children with W, Emond A, Peters TJ, primary Pollock JI, Fernandes C, speech and Moultrie J, Harding SA, language Morgan L, Hambly HF, impairments: Parker NK and Coad RA Child Talk – an exploratory mixed- methods study NHS England 2014, updated The friends ref to use 2015 and family of guidance-160615.pdf test : updated Makaton, March 2015 feedback, (original disclosure version July 2014) Jones K (Speech and 2016 Using What Works, The Language Therapist, Makaton to Communication Trust _case_study.pdf Learning Talking develop a Independent Practice Total Relevant, short, very easy to read. Gave out at network Communicati meeting on environment
14 Author Date of Title Journal Keywords PDF/Link Publication and comments from a Makaton Tutor Welsh Government 2016 More than ref to use just words.... of words/?lang=en Follow-on Makaton strategic framework for Welsh language services in health, social services and social care Knott J 2016 Exploring the Museums Association: coventry use of Trendswatch transport journal/features/01042016-trendswatch Makaton, an museum, image- and signage, Could not find gesture-led access, language Combe martin museum, Makaton Friendly