Tribal Newscast Names______

Final Project Option Menu

Please select one of the following projects. Your project should reflect maximum effort, time investment, creativity and thought. It should be outstanding work! This project is worth 100 points. Whatever project you choose, you must:  Type your script and make sure it is 12 point font, double space, and written in dialogue format.  Make sure that you go through the writing process (pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and final copy).  All stories must have a topic sentence, at least 3 detailed sentences, and a conclusion that mirrors the topic sentence.  All projects will be presented to the class in a newscast-type format.

Newscast Televisionnews consists of several different elements, introduced by a news presenter or presenters. The presenters read 'links' and do interviews. Most news stories come in the form of short 'packages'. These are pre-recorded reports usually lasting from three to five minutes. News reporters gather and edit together interview clips, pictures and their own 'pieces to camera' to tell a story. They script and record a 'voice-over' to explain the pictures and link the elements together. Live Reporting. Some stories are done as live reports. This can be a reporter on the scene of a story either being interviewed by a studio presenter (sometimes known as a 'two-way'), a reporter interviewing one or more other people, or simply live pictures and sound of an event. With the growth of "rolling news" channels the use of live material has increased enormously and TV reporters are now often judged as much on their ability to perform live in front of a camera as on their package-making or writing skills. Podcast A podcast combines the terms iPod and broadcast into a single catchy word. As the name suggests, podcasts are audio and video broadcasts that can be played on an iPod. News organizations such as NPR and CNN offer podcasts of their news stories, as do many other broadcasting companies. If you choose this option, you will need to tell me, and then set up a recording appt. with Ms. Pappas 24 hours in advance. You will be given time during class to record your podcast.

Tribal Newscast Score sheet Names______Each requirement scored on quality work (spelling, grammar, presentation). The points given for each represent roughly the amount of details you should include. I.e. 5 pts = 5 details about their art objects REQUIRED Person POINTS responsible Project craft Criteria:  Title of broadcast (includes tribe name) ______/2 ______/2  Newscaster names ______/1  Station name ______/1  Date ______/1  Lasts between 3 to 5 minutes ______/5 ______/2  5 stories minimum _____/20  2 commercials minimum ______/2  Typed script in dialogue format  2 interviews(minimum)

Tribal info

 Refers to tribal website ______/2

 Tribal associations, organizations, businesses mentioned ______/3 Menu choices: Menu of story options(5 minimum): * religious practices/beliefs * art *medicine *music/dance *famous ______Native Americans(artists, poets, actors, sports figures, politicians, ______/5 activists…) *cultural preservation *fishing/hunting rights *college ______grants/scholarships *casinos *cultural events *awards/grants *court ______/5 cases *newsworthy events *other(write- ______in)______/5 ______/5

______/5 Reservation life

 Location-where in Washington? How many live there? ______/4 ______/4  Conditions-what sort of conditions do they live in? ______/4 ______/4  Education-what services are offered to educate children/adults? ______/4 ______/4  Confederations-do they have tribal alliances? Who or why not?  How do they become eligible to live on the reservation?  How does the US govt. support the reservation financially? Tribal Structure  Structure of tribal government-who makes decisions and how? ______/3 ______/3  Laws- how are laws created and enforced inside the reservation? GRAND TOTAL ______/100 Proficient: a. Write out a news report telling a major dramatic event in the story. Your story should include the events before, during, and after the event. You should also include insight into the development of the event, where the “suspects” or characters are assumed to be, and what police are doing to locate them and solve the crime, or resolve the conflict. Use as much detail as possible when describing the event. b. Act out the newscast in front of the class. Presentations should last 1-3 minutes Above and beyond: c. Dress up a news reporter in realistic attire d. Include photographs, interviews with police, family members, and friends.