Technical Services – Technical Skills Self Assessment

The following is a technical skills self assessment form. Please fill the form out to the best of your ability. Information gathered will be used to develop the Skill Matrix Table for the Technical Services Department. A clearer view of the skill levels and abilities will provide us with information to help your career development and training as well as improve how we resource support and development work. Please indicate, by placing a tick in the appropriate box that closely represents your current skill level, based on the Skill Levels table below.

Skill Levels 1 = No Knowledge, 2 = Some knowledge but cannot support, 3 = Able to support, 4 = Able to support and develop Note: No .5 results will be accepted. (i.e. only a whole number 1,2,3,4).

Name: ______

Mail & Identity 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Mail List Management CRUX Administration SIMS Account Administration - Staff SIMS Account Administration - Student LDAP NDS Active Directory

Network 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Data point administration Addhost Administration Computer Room Backbone TCP/IP IPX Routers Switches Wireless WAN Technologies

Online Systems 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Web Server Administration Altiris Server Administration Lotus Notes Administration SIMS Student Servers SIMS Staff Servers

Note: The transfer and/or printing of this document will render it an uncontrolled copy. Document Technical Services Self Assessment Title: Date & 05–08-2003 Draft V3.0 Version: Authorised by: Page: 1 of 3 FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Server Operations 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Server Backups Server Hardware Server Installations Computer room operations

PC Desktop 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Student SOE Design & Development Staff SOE Design & Development Desktop Management Desktop Imaging Deployable applications setup PC Desktop Hardware

Operation Systems 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Professional Microsoft Windows Server Novell Linux Unix DOS Apple Mac

Desktop Applications 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Novell Client Netscape Navigator and Messenger Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Office Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visio Microsoft Project Microsoft FrontPage SPSS Console Software (eg. Teraterm) Virus Software (Sophos)

Server Applications 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications

Note: The transfer and/or printing of this document will render it an uncontrolled copy. Document Technical Services Self Assessment Title: Date & 05–08-2003 Draft V3.0 Version: Authorised by: Page: 2 of 3 FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Experience Microsoft IIS Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Heat Altiris Docushare Novell ZENWorks

Printing 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience Printer Hardware Network Printing - IP Network Printing - Novell Network Printing - Microsoft Network Printing - Unix Network Printing - Lixux Network Printing - MAC

Programming 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications Experience C,C++, Visual C++ Lotus Notes Visual Basic Foxpro, Visual Foxpro Java ASP, ASP .net Coldfusion, Coldfusion MX PSP Perl SQL Crystal Reports

Additional Skills (Please detail any 1 2 3 4 Years of Relevant Qualifications extra technical skills) Experience

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