Faculty Association

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Faculty Association


Minutes of the Executive Council

March 8, 2007 Ammerman Campus at Selden Southampton 22

Present: Officers: Ellen Schuler Mauk, Kevin Peterman, Joyce Gabriele, Marie Hanna, Sean Tvelia, Frank DiGregorio

Adjuncts: MaryAnne Ellinger, PA/Specialists Instructional Labs; Barbara Leek, PA/Specialists Academic Skills Centers; Maureen Sandford, PA/Specialist At-Large; Charles Grippi, Retiree/Guild; Pauline Pharr, Foreign Language/ESL/Sign Language/Music/Visual Arts/Philosophy; Nicholas Giordano, Econ/Hist/Pol Sci/Crim Justice/Psych/Counseling/Student Activities

PAs: Deborah Kiesel, Instructional Labs; Kathy Massimo, Programmatic

Ammerman: Darryl Butkos, Biology & Physical Sciences; Michael Bonanno, Math; Karen Wolf, Communication/Language/Reading/Philosophy/ Theatre/ TV/Radio/Film; Krista Gruber, Library/Central; Karen Pepe, Counseling; Adam Penna, English; Bob Sardegna, Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Technology

East: Laurey Russo, Library, Humanities, Social Sciences; Louise Johnston, Counseling, Science, Math & Business

Grant: John Burgess; Natural & Health Sciences, Math & PE; Gayle Sheridan and Mohini Ratna, Library Arts, Counseling, Library; Pete DiGregorio, Business Programs, ETU, HVAC

Schuler Mauk called the meeting to order at 3:50 p.m.

Approval of Minutes: The following correction to the minutes was made:  Page 5 - grammatical correction Tvelia motioned to approve the minutes as corrected; Sandford seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected.

EC Rep Issues: Minutes of the EC 2

 Sardegna stated that the 2/3/05 memo on Parking for Evening Students was supposed to be a pilot program. He asked what has been done to evaluate the success of this pilot. Schuler Mauk responded that there has been no evaluation on this pilot. It is continuing since there have been no complaints of lack of space.  Kiesel stated that there is a problem in the parking lot near the Gym. There are not enough spaces for adjuncts since the students are taking these spots. Schuler Mauk will speak with John Williams.  Johnston stated that there is a problem with the Shirley/Patchogue office of General Vision. This office is dirty. Schuler Mauk urged all to report any problems to the Benefits Administrator, Mary Kaffaga, about these problems. Peterman reported that he has met with the President of General Vision regarding complaints by our members. As a result, the SmithHaven store has been closed. General Vision is concerned with complaints and welcomes them. If you contact Mary Kaffaga, she will address your concerns with General Vision and have them corrected.  Johnston stated that the biannual salary on the Teacher’s Retirement System report is incorrect. Schuler Mauk stated that if you are a 10 month employee receiving pay over 12 months the salary will appear lower. The College certifies how much money a person earns in the last three years of employment. This is the report that counts. Peterman agreed to put an article in The WORD on this issue.  Giordano asked who he calls to find out where he is on the senority list. Schuler Mauk stated that Dean Tvelia has this information.  Sardegna asked what the College’s stance is on the affirmative action/career action plan especially during a search process. Peterman reported that he has met with Dr. Pippins and she will direct the writing of a comprehensive search committee manual. It is important to keep all notes until the person is approved for the job. It is also imperative that all conversations about these meetings not be discussed in a public area.  Wolf received the list of constituents and did not understand what the “F” next to the names meant. Gabriele responded that the “F” (fee payers) means that this individual has not signed a membership card. Dues are coming out of their pay regardless if they fill out a form but they are not able to vote or hold an office. Gabriele encouraged all EC reps to encourage these individuals to sign a membership card. (Forms were given to EC members at this meeting.)  Pharr asked rather than reinventing the wheel, if there was a letter written that the EC reps could send to these “fee payers” encouraging them to join by stating the benefits of membership, etc. Gabriele agreed to e-mail all EC reps a letter that has been used in the past explaining the importance of membership.

Policy on Using Dues to Fund College Events: Schuler Mauk reported that the Ammerman Campus TLC is having an end-of-year celebration and is requesting money from the FA. It is felt that the FA needs a formal policy to address this request and others that are received. Schuler Mauk read the following draft: Based on available funds and sufficient prior notice of the request, the FA will Minutes of the EC 3

entertain using dues to fund College events, if the request meets the following criteria:  That the event is inclusive of the entire faculty on all three campuses;  That it is not for individuals or individual campuses/groups/departments;  That there is a nexus between the purpose of the event and the FA’s programs and goals.

Sardegna motioned to approve the draft, Giordano seconded the motion. Tvelia amended the draft to read that the request must meet all of the criteria listed. This amendment to the motion was unanimously accepted. Burgess asked how many request are made each year. Schuler Mauk responded that there is at least one a year. Peterman stated that in the FA budget which has been voted on by all has a $3,000 budget line for the Foundation.. Schuler Mauk stated that if there are any exceptions it would be brought back to the EC for a vote.

Fair Trade: Schuler Mauk explained that Fair Trade products is a term used which means that a fair wage is being given to workers who produce coffee and chocolate. She would like the FA to formally endorse & encourage the use of Fair Trade products. Currently, the FA office uses Fair Trade coffee. Leek motioned to encourage the use Fair Trade products, Sardegna seconded this motion. Grippi asked if this will be confused with the economic concept of fair trade. Wolf asked what if we do not like the product. Peterman suggested we table this discussion to the next EC meeting so everyone can go to the web sites to learn about the products, etc. Motion was tabled. www.equalexchange.com and www.crsfairtrade.org

State Aid Lobbying: Peterman reported that he, Gabriele, Schuler Mauk, Cynthia Villanti, and Tom Coleman attended the NYSUT Higher Ed Lobby Day in Albany. He gave out the SCCC Fact Sheet (can be found on the FA scroll) to all legislators which remind them that the State and the County are not giving their fair share to the College’s budget. Our bullets are the same as NYSUT’S requesting $250 per FTE and an additional $100 per FTE to fund the high need, high cost program, like nursing. In addition, we support the full time faculty initiative to increase in full time faculty in community colleges. Collaborating with College officials and NYSUT Higher Ed presented a united front. Everyone is hoping for an on time budget (April 1st). Some FA officers will be going to Albany on March 19th and 20th for the Committee of 100 joining NYSUT K-12 and SUNY Higher Ed. faculty.

New Member Program: Gruber reported the following:  Article in The Insider, NY Teacher selected the FA’s New Member program to highlight the way a local can involve new members.  Spring semester matches have been completed.  Annual new member get-together this year will be held at “Painters” on May 4th.  Mentors will receive a $40 reimbursement to take their mentees to lunch again this semester. Minutes of the EC 4

 Anita Greifenstein is getting the white folders ready for new members which will include a new logo with reminders of what should go into the folders

 The New Member “March Madness” email campaign has begun with items of interest to the new members such as promotion workshops and cultural events. Schuler Mauk stated that she has received really good feedback on these e-mails and thank you’s for the luncheons.

Community Outreach: Co-Chair Adam Penna reported the following:  Two events have raised $800 and are featured in The WORD.  Check the Community Outreach web site for announcements  Collected $200 from the sale of mugs and chocolates  Harold Marcus donated the food and space for the cooking demonstration last month. He would be willing to conduct another cooking demo Gala event in the Fall. The COC will be looking into this.  New Events: o Another Day of Building for the Habitat of Humanity will be May 5th. Fifteen volunteers are needed. o On April 18th, Kathie Rogers will present “Housing 101: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Buying a Home” at the East Campus at 11:15 a.m. This program was a great success at the Ammerman campus. Kathie Rogers explains the ins and outs of buying a house in this volatile market. o The AHRC Spring plant sale will take place on all three campuses - at Ammerman on 5/1, at Grant campus on 5/2 and at East on 5/3/07. Please contact Jenn Ortiz (Ammerman), Mohini Ratna (Grant) and Laurey Russo (East) if you would like to volunteer. This is a low impact, high visibility College service committee. o The committee will continue to sell raffle tickets and have the raffle prizes given out on the All College Day to enable it to continue its Habitat for Humanity “day of building” program. Volunteers are needed to sell tickets on all three campuses. o There will be a dedication of the house that was built in the fall. There is no date yet for this event but all who were involved are invited.

Officers’ Reports: President’s Report: Schuler Mauk reported that:  The updated MOU on student opinion surveys states that no summary of the student opinion surveys can be included on the B Form for faculty. It has been approved by the College attorney and is now on Dr. Canniff’s desk for signature.  The March 2nd Here and Now stated that the College has hired a firm to review all College documents for any potential security problems.  The Court of Appeals decision that public employees do not have Weingarten Rights when an investigatory interview occurs does not apply to employees Minutes of the EC 5

covered under the FA contract because we have a provision that states the College has to notify the Union and a faculty member has the right to request union representation.

Vice President’s Report: Peterman reported that:  Promotion Workshops are scheduled for faculty and administrators. o Grant Campus on March 14th @ 11:10 a.m. in Sag -160 o Ammerman Campus on March 21st @ 11:10 a.m. in L-111 o East Campus on March 28th @ 11:10 a.m. in P-228B  Friday, March 2nd letters went out to faculty eligible for promotion 2008. Worked with Dean Tvelia on this list. The A Form is due June 15, 2007. Please encourage faculty to attend a promotion workshop.  Promotions for 2007 are as follows: o 20 applied for Asst. Prof. – 19 recommended o 29 applied for Assoc. Prof. – 26 recommended o 14 applied for Prof. – 8 recommended, 2 are contingent on completing educational requirements before Sept. 1st. Individuals were told why, if they were not promoted. Met with individuals and Campus Deans. Tried to advise what is needed to get promoted. Also tried to have Administration reconsider. This is difficult because we can only advise. College attorney is not involved with promotions this round.  Specialist promotion – There is a lot of confusion. These forms were due December 1, 2006. Deadline for B7 forms is March 30th. Will be meeting during the first week of April. Administration did not properly inform managers to get the B7 form done.  If anyone has been left off the adjunct list, there is still time to apply.  Peterman stated that there is a new cover sheet for the A Form that will now be used.  Pharr stated that in the past some adjuncts were turned down when they applied for promotion because they did not have the master’s in the discipline. Schuler Mauk stated that there is new contract language for adjunct promotion to Asst. Prof. by using the criteria waiver form on the FASCC website (promotion tab).

Treasurer’s Report: Gabriele reported that:  Distributed the January budget report. Awaiting bank statement for February.  Data has been updated and send to Audit and Control  New member analysis o 452 members, 25 agency fee = 477 members o 847 adjuncts, agency fee = 1,215 members o 50 new adjuncts  Adjunct list has been sent by Anita via e-mail. If you have not received this list, please call Anita at the FA office and she will print it out and mail it to you. If there are any individuals missing form your list, please let the FA know. Minutes of the EC 6

Secretary’s Report: Hanna reported that:  A call for nominations has been made. This information is in The WORD. EC members were given page 3 taken directly from this publication.  All applications for Faculty Retraining and Development have been received. There are five applications for Faculty Retraining and five applications for Faculty Development. The committee will met on March 19th to review all applications.

Grievance Officer’s Report: Tvelia reports that:  One grievance is in arbitration involving an involuntary transfer.  Working on a problem involving a supervisor calling in a faculty member stating general complaints about this individual. Unless a faculty member is shown a specific complaint in writing, there is no complaint.

Adjunct Coordinator’s Report: DiGregorio reports that:  Meeting with Dean Connors regarding the office space for adjuncts and lockable storage space. Cabinet selection will take place next week. Furniture will be replaced, rooms painted and computers replaced. Meeting with Dean McKay next and then will go to East campus.  Met with Dean McKay regarding the codes needed for the copying machines. So far this problem has not been resolved.  A new trifold on “Adjunct Rights and Benefits” has been completed and available to all today. Please distribute these trifolds to all adjunct offices. It contains updated information from the new contract as well as benefits.  Still working on the Guide for Adjuncts

Unfinished Business:  Sandford reported that the window situation in the Islip Arts building has not been corrected. The building administrator has been notified. She asked when this will get addressed. Tvelia will look into this.  Do not have the specifics yet on Steve Klipstien’s request for support, will e-mail EC reps for an e-mail vote when info becomes available.

New Business:  Penna stated that a toilet in the English wing on the second floor doesn’t work. Perhaps we should bring a camera around campus to get things fixed. It worked the last time.  Sardegna stated that the Shoreham Public Library has an excellent video on Wal- Mart, The High Price of Low Cost.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. Minutes of the EC 7

Respectfully submitted, Marie S. Hanna, Secretary

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