Memoradnum for Record

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Memoradnum for Record

What follows are the notes from Allan Osborn for the January TCCS meeting:


SUBJECT: Trip Report to the Technical Committee on Communications Systems (TCCS) Meeting on 4 January 2010 in Orlando, FL.

Attendance: In person: Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, Tom Butash, Mario Caron, Richard Houston, Allan Osborn, and Megan Scheidt (AIAA) Telecon: Eduardo Elizondo, Denis Curtin, Bob Freuholz, Ronald Smith, Takashi Iida, Eugene Kopp, Yutaka Kazekami (?), Krishna Pande, Hajime Fukuchi, Naoto Kadowaki, Brian Saunders (?), others (?)

1. Agenda Items / Introductions / Approval of Minutes: Elizabeth proposed, was seconded, and approved that Mario Caron will be the next TCCS chair; Allan Osborn will stay on as Vice Chair until another can be elected. TCCS Chair to take over at the ICSSC 2010 Conference.

2. TCCS Subcommittee Reports: A. Conference Subcommittees: a. ICSSC-2010 – Elizabeth K-L. i. Will be held in conjunction with the Space 2010 Conference, Aug- Sep at the Anaheim Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA. ii. Anticipating approx. 1000 attendees iii. 3 TCCS tracks (72-90 papers) iv. Joint plenary sessions v. Colloquium Monday, 30 Aug. vi. General Chair: Chris Hoeber (SSD, Loral) vii. Technical Chair: Eric Butte (Lockheed Martin) viii. Colloquium Chair: Denis Curtin (XStar) ix. Call for papers is out, need TC members to chair sessions. x. (Tom B) We need to be more proactive, seek abstracts and papers. Need to seek session organizers, then they chair the session, recruiting attendees and papers. xi. (Elizabeth K-L) We need the TC to get more involved this time to generate support. xii. We should look at a 5013 organization to self-insure, share risk/profits. Should we pursue this next year? Incorporate the conference as a 5013. AIAA position is unknown. (Ed Elizondo will follow up with AIAA on their position.) Digital Avionics

Page 1 of 11 Systems (DAS) has incorporated and Science Fiction Corporations do this too. xiii. (Rick H) Did Sumner Matsunaga (Aerospace) run an IEEE conference with a 5013 organization? What is the time commitment to organize? Issues / concerns / advantages. xiv. (Tom B) Aerospace Electronics System Society (AESS) did this but they are a big elephant in AIAA. Expect AIAA will not support, even with big TC funding support to AIAA. AIAA is hardware oriented, not Info Systems. b. ICSSC-2011 – Hajime Fukuchi i. See briefing charts. Recommend a co-organized conference with the International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (28th ISTS), June 2011, in Okinawa, Japan. ii. We can run multiple sessions if the number of papers support. ISTS is in English, but uses its own publication and paper uploading process. May not work for AIAA or ICSSC. Need to meet with ISTS organizers in February. iii. (Tom B) Don’t bury ICSSC in another conference. We must maintain our identity. iv. Karen Sklencar (AIAA) is the POC to negotiate an MOU with ISTS. Karen to talk with ISTS and determine if they can work together. v. Results from Karen’s discussions will be used to support a telecon in February and March with TC to determine our way ahead. c. ICSSC-2012 – Mario Caron i. See presentation, “ICSSC Conference in 2012.” ii. Joint conference with Ka Broadband (FGM) iii. Need decisions to lock in the venue iv. Location will be Ottawa, Canada. v. (Tom B) strongly in favor of the site, and partnering with Ka Broadband conference. vi. TAC leadership should be involved, but a TCCS decision. vii. (Megan S, AIAA) AIAA Conference Management System is new; costs depend on the number of attendees, staff support, number of papers, and on-line registrations. With abstracts and publishing unknown, AIAA cannot give a ball park cost at this time. viii. (Elizabeth K-L) In agreement, just need to make it happen. Joint / integrated, with separate organizations, separate tracks. ix. (Megan S) This will be a challenge to work. AIAA likes to run / organize the full conference. B. Steering Subcommittee – All. a. Revitalize the TC by canvassing existing members and determining their desire to get more involved. b. Thoughts on who can be session organizers and chairs. c. Neil Helm has retired. d. Promotion and marketing are paramount.

Page 2 of 11 e. Need e-mail blasts with personal level graphics on why you need to attend the conference, updated / changed with each additional e-mail. f. Conference attendees are modulated by the number of papers, sponsorship, and promotion of conferences in related magazines (Space News, etc…). C. Japan Forum – Naoto Kadowaki. a. See presentation, “Activities on AIAA Japan Forum on Satellite Communications (JFSC) in 2009.” D. Web Committee – Ed Elizondo. a. Need to add web statistics to TCCS AIAA site. b. Can add permissions to author and link to AIAA membership. c. Meeting announcements (such as this meeting) can be added to the web site. d. Need a new group picture, as the current one is from 2008 in San Diego, CA. e. Aerospace 2006 to 2009 articles are needed to add to the web site. E. Awards – Ron Smith. a. Christopher Hoeber and Takashi Iida were elected AIAA Fellows. b. Aerospace Communications Award: Three nominations turned in. When one is selected, the other two will roll over to the next year. F. ICSSC Steering Committee – Tom Butash a. See report, “ICSSC Steering Subcommittee Report 1-4-2010.” G. Treasury– Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink. a. The ICSSC awarded a $500 best student paper at the ICSSC-09 conference. H. Publications – Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink. a. Chris Hoeber asked for help as he is the Chair for the 2010 Conference. Brian Saunders (Boeing) offered to help.

3. TCSS Any Other Business – Elizabeth K-L. a. Update the roster for inactivity, Allan O. to help. b. Strategic planning, Rick H. to help. c. TAC funding ($400/yr) can be used for student paper awards, and other conference efforts. d. Develop a new member welcome packet; Elizabeth will see if Ayhan S. can help. e. Put a summary of action items in the minutes up front, or at the end of the minutes with a poc.

4. Next Meeting: April 2010. Focus on ICSSC 2010. Hotel walk through in Anaheim, CA.

Allan Osborn TCCS Vice Chair The Aerospace Corporation

Page 3 of 11 (571) 307-5355 [email protected] Appendix 1, Charts presented by Mario Caron for ICSSC 2012

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TCCS Monday 4 Jan 2009 Meeting Agenda

9 AM – 1 PM EDT (2 PM, 4 Jan GMT) Marriott World Center 8701 World Center Drive Orlando, Florida, 32821 407-239-4200 Phone number 1-888-482-6001, pass code: 2760020 For callers outside of the US, use 1-214-765-0456, same pass code Room: TBD

Note: Times below are estimates meeting may start and/or end early.

Agenda Item Lead Time (Eastern) 1. Introductions, approval of minutes Elizabeth KL 9:00 AM 2. TCCS Subcommittee Reports A. Conference Subcommittees Chris Hoeber 9:05 AM a. ICSSC-2010 Dr. Hajime 9:10 AM b. ICSSC-2011 Fukuchi 10:00 AM c. ICSSC-2012 Mario Caron 10:30 AM 3. TCCS Subcommittee Reports, continued B. Steering Allan Osborn 11:00 AM C. Japan Forum Dr. Iida 11:15 AM D. Web Committee Ed Elizondo 11:30 AM E. Awards Ron Smith 11:40 AM F. ICSSC Steering Committee Tom Butash 11:50 AM G. Treasury Denis Curtin 12:10 PM H. Publications Chris Hoeber 12:20 PM New chairman Elizabeth KL 12:30 PM 3. TCCS Any Other Business Elizabeth KL 12:45 PM 4 Next Meeting Elizabeth KL 13:00 PM

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