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Report of Day 3 [January 1, 2009]

The Congress followed its planned schedule even on the first day of the New year 2009 (January 1, 2009) with the Holy Mass at 7 am presided over by Fr Kanaga Maria Arokiam, the Regional Councillor for South Asia and concelebrated by Fr Stanislaus Swamikannu, the Provincial of Chennai and Fr John Berger, the Rector of the formation house at Kalyani. In his homily, Fr Maria Arokiam highlighted four points: the idea of becoming blessings to everyone, looking for newness in life, constantly being attuned to God calling us by our pet name and finally the two significant Salesian moments this year – 150 anniversary of the founding of the Congregation and the strenna 2009 stressing on making the Salesian Family grow into a vast movement.

The assembly prayed in a special way for Br Kulandaiyesu (INM) who celebrated his birthday this day during the Mass and felicitated him thereafter. The souvenir of the Congress (only a ceremonial copy) was released by the Economer General and Regional. Br Meril promised that the real one would be ready by the time of the Rector Major’s visit to Chennai (in February 2009). After breakfast, the assembly gathered in the hall at 09.15 am for the first session of the day: ‘A Salesian Brother’s response to the faith and spiritual challenges of the new world’ by Br Vincent Castilino (INH). He began by listing a few of the problems that plague Salesian religious life and then singled out three points that trouble Salesian Brothers (a sense of inadequacy, doubts about the vocation itself and lack of inner joy). Later using the analogy of Jacob the Biblical figure and his wrestling bout with the angel, he pointed out the need for Brothers to take responsibility for their own vocation and do their best in living it out joyfully with total dedication to Jesus, Don Bosco and the youth. During the interactive session that followed, when asked if he was ever coaxed to become a Priest, he replied that several of his superiors did try to change his decision but in vain. He concluded stating that he really cherished and enjoyed his choice to be a Salesian Brother.

The assembly then spent time discussing in groups about some of the painful experiences which continue to inspire and generate meaning in and for the lives of the Brothers. At 11.30 am the assembly then took up the discussion about the Magistero course (post-novitiate specific formation for Salesian Brothers) at Kalyani. Moderated by Fr John Berger, the present Rector of Kalyani, the discussion saw several opinions and views aired by the Brothers, most of whom were past pupils of the institute itself. While all the Brothers recalled with nostalgia and great joy, the time they spent in Kalyani, there were differing opinions about its future scope and needs. Some of the points that emerged during the floor discussion are the following:  Let Brothers join the clerics to do a course in Philosophy  Retain Kalyani as the centre for Brothers but update/revamp the courses offered and the content of those courses, on par with other philosophates (Sunny IND)  Concentrate only on Philosophical subjects for the DCT (at Shillong) would cater to the theological subjects (Sagayaraj INT)  Provide added financial support to Kalyani study centre to facilitate the staff to invite visiting professors rather than shift the centre to Nashik (PM Thomas INB)  Quality at Kalyani can be improved only if the formation at lower levels (in the Provinces) is improved with special emphasis on the intellectual capabilities, English language and grasping power of students (Fr Berger INC)  Extend the two year course to three years and offer a degree too.


6th Salesian Brothers’ Congress [Report: Day 3 – January 1, 2009] P a g e | 1  Even though at times the quality of candidates may not be the best, the formators should not compromise on the quality of intellectual formation. (Stephen INT)  If possible, provide government recognised certificates at the end of the course (Dianetious ING)  Those Brothers who opt for Priesthood and are told to attend a full course of Philosophy should be able to go through the grind of doing that if they are serious about their ‘new’ vocation (TV Johny INC)  The course content as of now has been revised but the problem of competent personnel remains. Therefore if need by shift it to a place where Professors are available and extend it for another year (PA Jose INC)  We should not compromise on the specificity of the formation of the Salesian Brother by comparing it with the formation of the clerics. Problems arise due to the possibility of changeover to priesthood and the attainment of a healthy balance between specificity and complementarity of the two forms of the Salesian vocation, when in the context of a community. (Fr Thomas Ellicherial INC)  Do whatever modifications or revamping, go anywhere you want but do all changes only after due preparation and not in a hasty haphazard way (Cyriac INC)

Finally, put to vote, the following was the result:

Brothers Priests Shift the study centre to Nashik 11 3 Continue the course at Kalyani 68 5 Abstentions 5 4

Shift the study centre to a new location 7 3 Not to shift at all 51 6 Abstentions 17

At 2.30 pm the members gathered back in the hall to share in the lives and experiences of some of the Brothers. Br Valeri shared about his experiences at the GC 26 beautifully bringing out the significant issues about the Salesian Brothers discussed during the Chapter. Br Ramesh Duriaraj then shared his experience about his involvement in the social work at Kawant, Gujarat. He also narrated the tragic event of December 2007 wherein Salesians and children were badly beaten by religious fundamentalists. In the same incident he lost four of his fingers of his right hand and needed 28 stitches on his head. Br Anthony Tigga (INN) working at Kormanda shared his Salesian life over the years and work experience with the students in various formal, non-formal and technical centres of the Province. Br Anthony Rocha (INP) in his captivating style narrated his vocation story beginning with his school days in Goa and all his mischief which was tolerated by his superiors then. He kept the assembly in good humour, narrating some of his antics along the years and concluding boldly proclaiming his ardent love for Don Bosco. Br Sunny (IND) shared the events that led him to North- East and make a decisive choice for Brotherhood following the ‘voice that called him’.

The last sitting of the day was in groups as per Provinces to elect the delegates from each Province and formulate the specific resolutions for the coming five years. The following confreres were elected by the respective provinces as delegates for the Salesian Brothers: Bangalore – Br Paul Gopurathinkal Chennai – Br Sawarinathan Anandraj Dimapur – Br Poonamkavil Biju Joseph ______

6th Salesian Brothers’ Congress [Report: Day 3 – January 1, 2009] P a g e | 2 Guwahati – Br Angelus Tete Hyderabad – Br Chinnabathuni Gregory Kolkata – Br Thaiparambil Johny Mumbai – Br Ramesh Duriaraj New Delhi – Br Anthony Tigga Panjim – Br James Marcus Sri Lanka – Br Lasantha Pereira Trichy – Br Edwin Arockiadoss

The delegates would now have to meet and elect a chairperson, the one spokesperson at the national level. It would be done sometime tomorrow. The adoration service for the evening was animated by Fr Jose Kuttianimattathil and Fr James Poonthuruthil, the Provincial of Dimapur, gave the goodnight. Taking a cue from the talk given during the day, he said that a sincerely joyful and deep rooted cheer would certainly be a very good vocation promotion strategy for the promotion of vocations to Brotherhood.

Immediately after the goodnight, we gathered to felicitate and thank the golden and silver Jubilarians of the various Provinces. DBICA prepared and screened an interesting collage of the video clippings of the Brothers speaking about the Jubilarians. The presence and lively dances of the various youth centres of the city made the evening colourful. The occasion was also used to thank Br Marangio and Fr Kanaga as they were to leave in the night, back go Rome. The grand supper for the night was by the SIGA community. The steering committee met for sometime after supper to evaluate the day and plan for the final working day tomorrow.


6th Salesian Brothers’ Congress [Report: Day 3 – January 1, 2009] P a g e | 3

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