Coppin State College

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Coppin State College


NAME ______

1. (1pt) Write a C++ constant declaration that gives the name PI to the value 3.142. const float PI = 3.142 ;

2. (1pt) Write a C++ constant declaration that gives the name A_CHARACTER to the value 'z'. cons char A_CHARACTER = ‘z’ ;

3. (1pt) Write a C++ constant declaration that gives the name LAST_NAME to the value"Smith". Const string LAST_NAME = “Smith”;

4. (2pts) What is the difference between the literal string “area” and the identifier area? “area” – string constant value area – a variable

5. (2pts) Write a declaration statement and an assignment (input) statement to assign 30 meter to a variable named length. int length; length = 30;

OR int length = 30;

6. (2pts) Declare two integer variables in one declaration statement. The two integer variables should be named testNumber and testScore.

int testNumber, testScore;

7. (5pts) Place a check in the appropriate column.


a. _filesOf2004 ___X______b. $first ______X____ c. 25Days ______X____ d. my state ______X___ e. my_state __X______

8. (5pts) Place a check identifying reserve words and programmer-defined identifiers.

Reserved Programmer-Defined a. double __X______b. Char ______X____ c. integer ______X_____ d. sqrt ______X____ e. int ____X______9. You want to divide 21 by 4.

(a) (1pt) How do you write the expression in C++ if you want the result to be the floating- point value 5.25? _____21 / 4.0 or 21.0 / 4.0, or 21.0 / 4______

(b) (1pt) How do you write the expression in C++ if you want only the integer quotient? ____21 / 4______

(c) (1pt) How do you write the expression in C++ if you want only the remainder? _____21 % 4 ____

10. (1pt) Among the C++ operators +, *, /, %, <, &&, ||, ! which one(s) has or have the lowest precedence?

A) && B) || C) *, /, and % D) < E) ! F. +

11. (1pt) Among the C++ operators unary -, +, -, *, /, %, and =, which one(s) has or have the highest precedence?

A) +, - B) = C) *, /, and % D) % E) / F) +

12. (2pts) The value of the C++ expression 9 / 5 * 2 is:

A) 3.6 B) 0.9 C) 0 D) 2 E) none

13. (2pts) The value of the C++ expression 5 / 9 * 2 is:

A) 0.27… B) 1.11… C) 0 D) 2 E) none

14. (2pts) Given that x is a int variable and num is an float variable containing the value 10.5, what will x contain after execution of the following statement: x = num + 2;

A) 12.5 B) 10.5 C) 12 D) nothing; a compile-time error occurs

15. (2pts) Given that x is a float variable containing the value 80.9 and num is an int variable, what will num contain after execution of the following statement: num = x + 2.9;

A) 83.8 B) 84.0 C) 83 D) 83.0 E) nothing; a compile-time error occurs

16. (2pts) The value of the C++ expression 13 + 21 % 4 - 2 is:

A) 0 B) 12 C) 16 D) 14 E) none of the above

17. (2pts) Given that x is a float variable and num is an int variable containing the value 38, what will x contain after execution of the following statement: x = num / 4 + 3.0;

A) 12.5 B) 13 C) 12 D) 12.0 E) nothing; a compile-time error occurs

18. (5pts) If originally x = 5, y = 4, and z = 2, what is the value of the following expression? Solve step-by- step. y * (x + y) % 3 / z + 10 = 10

19. (2pts) Write a valid C++ expression for the following algebraic expression:

x ---- - 32 _x / (y * z) - 32 yz

20. (2pts) Write a valid C++ expression for the following algebraic expression:

xy ------______x * y / (y – 32)______y - 32

21. (2pts) Write a valid C++ expression for the following algebraic expression:

x + 32 ------(x – 2y) ______(x + 32) / (y – 32) – (x – 2 * y) y - 32

22. A.(5pts) Write the following mathematical equation to a C++ equivalent expression. Use sqrt(x) and pow(x, y) functions where appropriate.

3ijk + k9 result = ------Answer: 7ik - 5j + k result = (3 * I * j * k + pow (k, 9)) / (7 * I * k – 5 * sqrt(j = k))

B. (2pts) In the above expression, identify input variables and output variables.

Input variable(s): _____i , j, k______

Output variable(s): _____result ______

C. (2pts) If you have to write a C++ program to solve the above equation, what is or are the header file(s) to be included as Preprocessor Directive Statements? using namespace std;

23. (2pts) Write an output statement that prints your first name.

cout << “Joe”;

24. (2pts) Given the constant declaration: const int CONSTANT = 95; Which of the following is not a valid use of CONSTANT? A. cout << CONSTANT * 3; B. CONSTANT = 24; C. cin >> CONSTANT; D. A and C E. B and C above

25. (10pts) the following program is to convert temperatures in Celsius from Fahrenheit temperatures. In the following program, two types of blanks are there: Comment types (inactive statements) and C++ codes (active statements). Fill up the blanks appropriately.

// ___Preprocessor Directives______#include using namespace std;

int main() { // Declaration Statements float celsius; // __output______variable. float fahrenheit; // ___input______variable

// _____Input______Statements cout << "Please enter the temperature: ; cin >> ___fahrenheit______;

// ______?Process statement______celsius = 5.0 / 9.0 * (fahrenheit - 32.0) ;

// Output Statements cout<< "Given Temperature in degree Fah = " << __ fahrenheit __ << endl << "Equivalent Temperature in degree ____Celsius______is " << ____ celsius _____ << endl ;

// Terminate the main function and return to Operating System return 0; } B. (2pts) Write the OUTPUT of the program if you enter the value of the input variable, fahrenheit = 32.0 Given Temperature in degree Fah = 32.0 Equivalent Temperature in degree Celsius is 0.0

26. (10pts) Trace the following program:

Statements 1. #include ______syntax______2. const int TOT_COST = 120; ______TOT_COST = 120 ______3. const int POUNDS = 5; ______POUNDS = 5______4. const int OUNCE = 10; ______OUNCE = 10______5. int main () ______....______6. { ______....______7. int totOz; ______empty memory location for “totOz” ______8. float uCost; ______empty memory location for “totOz” ______9. totOz = 16 * POUNDS; ______totOz = 80______10. totOz = totOz + OUNCES; ______totOz = 90 ______11. uCost = TOT_COST / totOz; ______uCost = 1.3333 _____ 12. cout << "Cost per unit: ” << uCost << endl; ___Cost per Unit: 1.3333 ___ 13. return 0; ______....______14. } ______....______

27. The following C++ program has several syntax errors: (Note line numbers are not included in the program)

1. #include; 2. using namespace std; 3. const float PI; 4. PI = 3.142; 5. int main () 6. [ 7. double radius; areaOfCircle; 8. cout >> “please enter the value of radius: ” ; 9. cin >> Radius; 10. areaOfCircle = PI (radius)2 ; 11. cout << "The Area of the Circle is" << “areaOfCircle” ; 12. << “for the radius = ” << Radius << endl; 13 Return 0; 14. ]

A. (5pts) Identify the line numbers (all lines are essential to solve the problem) that are not correctly written:

__1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13______

B. (5pts) Write only those lines in correct syntax below:

#include using namespace std; const float PI; PI = 3.142; int main () { double radius, areaOfCircle; cout << “please enter the value of radius: ” ; cin >> radius; areaOfCircle = PI * radius * radius ; cout << "The Area of the Circle is" << areaOfCircle ; << “for the radius = ” << radius << endl; return 0; }

NOTE: Line 11 is a logical error and not a syntax error. Fin why? C. (5pts) After the syntax corrections, suppose you entered the value of radius as 3.0 in Line #8. Write the correct output of the program.

The Area of the Circle is201.09for the radius = 8

28. (2pts) What is the output of the following C++ Code?

x = 5; if ( x > 10 ) { cout << “Line 1” << endl; cout << “Line 2” << endl; } else cout << “Line 3” << endl; cout << “Line 4” << endl;

OUTPUT: Line 3 Line 4

29. (2pts) What is the output of the following C++ Code?

p = 1; if ( p >= 0 ) cout << “Hi” << endl; else cout << “Bye” << endl; cout << “Thank you” << endl;

OUTPUT: HI Thank you

30. (2pts) What is the output of the following C++ Code for the input data 35 30 36 24 cin >> a >> b >> c >> d; if (a > b | | a > c && c != d ) 35> 30 || 35 > 36 && 36 != 24 T || F && T T || F = T m = a; else if (b > d) m = b; else m = c; cout << m << endl;


31. (2pts) After execution of the following code, what will be the value of angle if the input value is 4?

cin >> angle; if (angle == 5) angle = angle + 10; else if (angle > 2) angle = angle + 5;

Value of angle is _____9 ______

32. (2pts) After execution of the following code, what will be the value of angle if the input value is 0?

cin >> angle; if (angle == 5) angle = angle + 10; else if (angle > 2) angle = angle + 5;

Value of angle is ____0 ______

32. (2pts) What is the output of the following C++ code fragment?

int1 = 5; cin >> int2; // Assume user types 6 if ((int1 <= 5) || (int2 > 6)) int3 = int1 / int2; else int3 = int1 % int2; cout << int1 << int2 << int3;


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