2011 IMBIZO OUTCOMES and PROGRESS to DATE (November 2012)

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2011 IMBIZO OUTCOMES and PROGRESS to DATE (November 2012)


Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE  Imbizo presentations and 1 Faculty and 1 Division has had broader All discussions should be discussions. widened to include the rest of the University.  Summary of Imbizo Presentations available on Institutional Amanda presentations by Amanda Planning Unit Website. Hlengwa, Louise Hlengwa, Louise Vincent Vincent, Sally and Sally Matthews to be Will go onto new website of Equity and Matthews made available. Institutional Culture.  Think pieces will be placed Think pieces available on Institutional Sandy on the intranet and Planning Unit Website. Stephenson members of the University made aware of their availability.  Separate ‘Mini’ Imbizos to HoD Management Imbizos done. Follow On-going be held for: all HoDs; up session with HoDs to be held late in middle managers in 2012/early 2013. support services; and possibly one with a wider group of stakeholders  Future discussions to be No structured approach yet. Vice taken up in more detail on Chancellorate, the following CE, Some discussions at SAM/ALF; IPC. IPU Research, accountability, operational efficiency.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 1 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  Further Discussion should Limited initiatives from at least one Faculty On-going Deans, HoDs, take place at departmental and one Division. level then feed into faculties.  Creation of Physical and None. E & IC Committee raised matter IaIn L’Ange, Ross social spaces for staff – a with Executive Director: Infrastructure, Mariner, staff canteen, tea rooms Operations & Finance – August 2012 etc.  Creation of spaces for staff Staff Survey – panel to oversee process On-going Tshidi Hashatse, whose voices have been has begun its work. Sarah Fischer ‘silent/muted’ to be heard – especially about their experiences of the ‘Rhodes institutional culture’.  Staff and students should It is done on ad hoc basis. On-going Tshidi Hashatse be invited to submit their There are also other avenues such as personal stories to the reporting officers. Director of Equity & Institutional Culture.  Develop a ‘Story Stock’ Drama Dept and prof Louise Vincent could 2013 Managed by not accommodate this in their schedules established during 2012. reporting Now looking at 2013 structures e.g. Gender Action Forum??  Explore ways to broaden Conversations with the VC for students On-going Tshidi Hashatse conversations. initiated. Director Equity & IC has held Round Table discussions with SRC and WASA NEHAWU and NTEU approached, but unable to garner members to attend.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 2 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  Using the ‘staff stories’ to Schedule pressures for the Drama Dept, 2013 Tshidi Hashatse, create a drama production idea will be explored for 2013. Louise Vincent, which can be used to Andrew Buckland illuminate different experiences and the way in which people navigate the institution.  Also collect positive As part of survey and drama project. 2013 Tshidi Hashatse, stories. All  Celebrate the positive aspects of our IC.  Future discussions should In progress – annual report is on the way. On-going attempt to identify and Staff survey. acknowledge progress made in the area of Institutional Culture.  Relevant Institutional HoD Forum intervention to address. On-going HoDs Culture issues should be placed on departmental agendas.  Conduct an Institutional Work in progress – IC panel Constituted 2013 HR, Tshidi Climate/Culture Survey. 2012 Hashatse  A discussion on Shelved. Deans, HoDs, ‘Accountability is not equal Directors to managerialism’. ( VC lead discussion)  VC’s Forum should be held Conversations with the VC started in 2012. VC around issues of IC.  Revise role of the Done – 2012. Deputy Registrar, Institutional Forum. Institutional Forum

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 3 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  HoD Forum to continue IC Minimal progress. HoD Forum, conversation and work on Tshidi Hashatse qualitative transformation goals  Middle Management Middle Management Forum not right Roger Adams, Forum to be used as a vehicle? Middle safe space where middle No progress to date. Management management can explore Forum issues that are common to that group.  Interrogate the ‘where Leadership Institute – Pedro Tabensky. CHERTL, DoS, leaders learn’ slogan. SRC  T&L, Research, CE and Judging from the minutes and agenda Deans Transformation should be available currently, there has been reinstated as standing progress at Law meetings (formation of items on Faculty Boards. committee leading to document draft); Pharmacy and Science mention discussions led by the Dean, whilst Education mentions Dr. Vorster as lead discussant on Transformation and Equity in particular.

Humanities and Commerce Faculty minutes still to be checked with regards to this.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 4 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  Improve staff induction This was implemented as from 1 March HR, HoDs, process: have a longer 2012. Training of HoDs and support staff Directors period and more structured managers and HR staff took place. programme of supporting Templates have been developed to and helping staff to settle support managers and mentors. First in Rhodes and evaluations have been conducted of Grahamstown. process.

 Work on exit interview Revised system was implemented as from HR, EE Sub- system and analyse the 1 March 2012. Protocol for this process Committee information emanating written and available. Pool of exit from that regularly. interviewers identified and trained. Process taking place. No report has been issued as yet as insufficient data has been collected to date.

UNGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE DEVELOPMENT  Develop an undergraduate Tshidi ask Chertl Teaching and T&L Strategy in Learning conjunction with CHERTL, Committee. and present it at the September 2011 HoD/middle management Imbizo. This should include ‘T&L principles at RU’.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 5 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  An ad hoc use of On agenda of EE&IC Committee Meeting postgraduate teaching of 11 April 2011. Extract of minute: 6.1 assistants is to be placed Noting that Teaching Assistants were on the agenda of the included in the professionally qualified Employment Equity and category, according to the Department of Institutional Culture Labour reporting format, but that decisions Committee concerning the employment of TA’s were made within departments with no external input. The Committee RECOMMENDED to Faculties that attention be given to demographics within the TA category.

 Develop a ‘critical Work in progress CHERTL, DoS citizenship’ course for students, a common course.  Vice-Chancellor’s postgrad Done – July / Aug 2011 Deans development document to be taken to faculty meetings and Faculty Boards should be asked to respond to the documents ’14 issues’ with Yes/No/Maybe.  Round Table(s) on the Done concept of a ‘secular university’. EQUITY  Operationalise Policy for HR and DoS have been asked for HR, DoS the Eradication of Unfair progress report Discrimination and Harassment.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 6 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  Ensure proper On going implementation and monitoring of policies.  Latest EE plan should be Done – available on the intranet. Sarah Fischer distributed to all through Sandy participants. Stephenson  Investigate how to achieve Work in progress, recruitment and On going consistent application of selection review is an example as is the EE Policy and align the annual report policy to practices, and whether there are enough checks and balances.  Selection Committee HR has done some work and will be asked HR does training processes and practices for a progress report should be revisited by EE Committee and workshops/re-training of Chairs held where necessary.  Develop ideas to attract challenge On going Institutional more black South Africans, Culture and other new strategies. Committee  The HR representative on HR staff have a EE Fact sheet that On going HR selection committees outlines issues to be considered (this acts (representative should monitor and check as a checklist for them as well) on selection on the process committees- feedback)  Departments need to be Review process should assist Ongoing Departments more sensitive to equity issues in selection committee composition

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 7 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  People should be Problems raised re selection processes: Ongoing HR encouraged to report to NTEU raises issues of concern with HR at HR any problems its monthly management meetings. Other experienced in Selection concerns are raised from time to time by Committees. individual staff members. Where required, feedback is given, the issues explored or if necessary, investigations undertaken.  A Selection Committee 1. Materials developed following 2011 On going checklist should be imbizo include: developed a. EE Guide for Academic Selection Committees (This covers critical issues to be considered and is considered as a checklist for all members of committee) b. EE Guide for Support Staff Selection Committees c. EE Guide for applicants for posts so that they in turn also understand how EE impacts selection decisions Already in existence, prior to imbizo and which act as a checklist: d. HR staff have a EE Fact sheet that outlines issues to be considered (this acts as a checklist for them as well) e. Guideline for Chairpersons which covers the critical issues at each stage of the selection process f. Minute of the selection process which requires documenting of consideration of all equity issues.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 8 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  Recruitment, selection and Review and other work necessary Employment retention strategies should Equity Committee be revisited.  Raise awareness of ‘watchdog’ structures.

INSITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN  ALF members to discuss VC stated that the Imbizo agenda needs to ALF how to take the IDP issues be taken to the next level and this is to be forward at the meeting on repeated with HoDs, Senior and Middle 29 June 2011 Managers. It was hoped that repeat Imbizos would occur in Sept 2011. A Management Imbizo took place on 12 Sept 2012.  Develop an IDP Still not completed. First draft – SAM meeting of 18 July 2012 decided on Sept 2011 new process to complete the plan. With Final draft – Sandy’s leaving, Orla has kindly agreed to end of 2011 assist with the collation of the IPD documentation. The current documentation will be sent out and senior management are asked to give input. This will ensure a base/draft document to work on. A working group also met on the weekend of 28 July 2012 to discuss wary forward in developing IDP.  Communicate the IDP No. SAM and ALF did not come to an Sandy drafting process to all agreement on a plan for the drafting Stephenson Imbizo participants via process, hence there was no process to email and place relevant be communicated documents on the intranet.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 9 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible The Draft IDP to be placed IDP drafting process was discussed at on the IPC agenda. SAM and ALF meetings but because there was no agreement on a process at these meetings, not taken forward to IPC agenda.

SHAPE AND SIZE  Produce a proposal Ric Bernard, Rod document regarding RU’s Walker and Dave size and shape from 2014- Sewry. Additional 2020. persons can be  The size and shape co-opted proposals should observe the need for diversity, relate to the enrolment plan as well as the infrastructure and financial plans and propose alternative scenarios.  ALF to set timescales for No timescales set but draft size and shape the shape and size document has been prepared and will be assessment process. presented to the University.  Updated transformation No, not at every meeting. Will be followed DEANS statistics should be up. provided at every faculty meeting.  The current faculty Size and shape - IPC ALF,IPC structure should be revisited, especially the existence of one- department faculties.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 10 Timeframe/ Person(s) Outcome Progress to date Rating Deadline Responsible  Post-grad development ALF, IPC? issues should be included in assessment of size and shape.

Rhodes University Equity Institutional Culture, progress since 2011 Imbizo | November 2012 11

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