Project 1.3.4 House Insulation Rubric

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Project 1.3.4 House Insulation Rubric

Project 1.3.4 Renewable Insulation Rubric

Elements Weight 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1–0 Points Total The insulation material The insulation material The insulation material The insulation There is no selected is selected is selected is material selected is evidence that the environmentally friendly, environmentally environmentally environmentally insulation material can be recycled, and friendly, can be friendly, can be friendly, can be was strategically has a maximum recycled, and has a recycled, and has a recycled, but the selected. thickness of 1 in. The maximum thickness of maximum thickness of thickness exceeds 1 design can be easily 1 in. The design can 1 in. The design is in. The design is Insulation 2 taken on and off of the be easily taken on and difficult to take on and difficult to take on Design acrylic box, yet it off of the acrylic box, off of the acrylic box. and off of the acrylic provides maximum yet it provides An excessive amount box. An excessive insulation. A minimal sufficient insulation. of tape is used to amount of tape is amount of tape is used An excessive amount adhere the insulation used to adhere the to adhere the insulation of tape is used to to the acrylic box. insulation to the to the acrylic box. adhere the insulation acrylic box. to the acrylic box. The house insulation The house insulation The house insulation The house insulation The house design is the most design is economical, design is economical is somewhat insulation has not economical and but it does not and maintains a economical but been strategically Engineering possesses the highest possess the highest moderate R-value. All maintains a low R- chosen, and 3 Economics R-value in the class. All R-value in the class. waste material has value. All waste accurate records waste material has been All waste material has been accounted for in material has been of waste materials accounted for in a been accounted for in a spreadsheet. accounted for in a have not been spreadsheet. a spreadsheet. spreadsheet. kept. All calculations are All calculations are Most calculations are Several calculations There is little accurate and fully accurate, but a portion accurate and are are inaccurate. evidence that documented, including of documentation may mostly fully Calculations may be calculations were equations, variables, be missing. documented. missing attempted or Calculations 6 steps, and units. documentation, documented. including equations, variables, steps, and units.

© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principle of Engineering Project 1.3.4 Renewable Insulation Rubric – Page 1

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