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Global Timeline


1760 George III becomes King of England Rousseau publishes the Social Contract Tristram Shandy by Sterne is published. Berlin is burned by the Russians 1761 James Otis gives a four hour speech against the Writs of Assistance. Franz Josef Haydn becomes court composer to Prince Esterhazy. The first life insurance policy in the United States was issued, in Philadelphia. 1762 British seizes Cuba and the Philippines from Spain. Catherine II (the Great), becomes Empress of Russia. Louisiana ceded to Spain by France in an attempt British control of the region. The Social Contract and Emile is published by Rousseau. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart performs at the Imperial court in Vienna at age 6. 1763 The Seven Years War ends with the Treaties of Paris and Hubertusburg. Pontiac's Rebellion Augustus III dies; he is succeeded (1764) by Stanislaw II, the last king of Poland. Britain returns Cuba and the Philippines to Spain in exchange for Florida. Canada and the territory east of the Mississippi River is ceded to Britain by France. France recognizes Britain’s dominance in India. 1764 German historian Johann Winckelmann publishes his History of the Art of Antiquity. Thomas Chatterton writes the Rowley poems at the age of 12. 1765 Joseph II becomes the Holy Roman Emperor January - Parliament passes the Stamp Act to pay for the French and Indian War. The Stamp Act Congress meets in New York Horace Walpole publishes his Gothic novel The Castle of Otranto. Robert Clive is appointed governor of Bengal in India. Sir William Blackstone begins his Commentaries on the Laws of England. 1766 English chemist Henry Cavendish isolates hydrogen gas for the first time. The Nautical Almanac provides the first practical method for determining longitude. 1767 Repeal of the Stamp Act The Townshend Duties go into effect. The Mason-Dixon Line established between Maryland and Pennsylvania Russian-Turkish War begins (ends 1774) 1768 The first modern Circus is formed in England by Philip Astley James Cook discovers and explores the east coast of Australia. Turks Declare war on Russia Genoa sells its rights in Corsica to France. Joshua Reynolds becomes the first president of the Royal Academy in London. Bougainville claims the Pacific island of Tahiti for France. The first weekly numbers of the Encyclopedia Britannica are issued. 1769 James Cook Lands in New Zealand The first working automobile in history was a steam tractor used to pull artillery for the French Army. Daniel Boone explores a route through the Cumberland Gap. James Watt patents a condenser to improve the performance of steam engines. Richard Arkwright invents a spinning frame to mechanize cotton weaving.

1770 The Boston Massacre Captain James Cook Discovers the Great Barrier Reef off Australia by running his ship the Endeavor on it, by accident. James Cook discovers Botany Bay Thomas Jefferson begins building Monticello, his house in Virginia. Louis, the future king of France, marries Marie Antoinette. Lord North becomes Prime Minister of England. Gainsborough paints The Blue Boy. British explorer James Bruce discovers the source of the Blue Nile. Marie Antoinette, age 14, married the future King Louis XVI of France, who was 15. 1771 North Carolina Regulators Rebellion ends. Gustav III succeeds his father as king of Sweden. 1772 1st traveler's checks issued (London) James Cook crosses the Antarctic Circle and circumnavigates Antarctica. The First Partition of Poland American artist Benjamin West paints The Death of Wolfe. 1773 The Boston Tea Party Pope Clement XIV suppresses Jesuits Peasant uprisings begin in Russia (ends 1775) She Stoops to Conquer written by Anglo-Irish author Oliver Goldsmith. Calcutta becomes the capital of British India. Don Cossack Yemelian Pugachev leads the Peasant's Revolt in Russia. 1774 Louis XVI becomes King of France Treaty of Kutchuk-Kainardji ends the Russo-Turkish War. The Coercive Acts are passed by Parliament. British clergyman and scientist Joseph Priestley identified a gas which he called "dephlogisticated air," later known as oxygen. The First Continental Congress opens for business. Declaration and Resolves by the First Continental Congress Warren Hastings appointed Governor-General of India. Rhode Island becomes the first Colony to abolish slavery. Joseph Priestly discovers oxygen. 1775 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Speech by Patrick Henry

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