Council Member Hollier Led Prayer and Pledge. All Were Present
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Council Member Hollier led Prayer and Pledge. All were present.
Council Member Montoucet motioned to accept Regular Minutes of January 8, 2015 as written. Seconded by Council Member Hollier, motion carried unanimously.
No Mayor’s Report
Senator Jonathan Perry reported on Legislatives updates and the session will be held April 13 thru June 11, 2015. He also gave his phone number if anyone needs to contact him 337-523-8018 Senator Perry asked for support on his re-election. No action taken.
Council Member Richard motioned to adopt Ordinance #2015-1 An Ordinance amending the Scott Municipal Code regulating Billboards. Ordinance would allow one billboard every 2,500 linear feet. Motion was seconded by Council Member Hollier, motion carried unanimously.
Council Member Richard motioned to re-appointed Mr. Bobby Dunn to the Police Civil Service. Seconded by Council Member Bergeron, motion carried unanimously. Attorney Babin sworen Mr. Dunn in, no other action taken.
Mr. Bobby Cormier, Emergency Security Operation Director of Consolidated Government discussed changes to the Public Health Millage. He stated that the Assessed Valuation for Mosquito Control and Health units are currently separate and total 3.56 mills. Mr. Cormier stated if the voters combine the two millages keeping the rate at 3.56, Animal Control could be added without an increase in millages this would take the burden off the smaller municipality. Currently a larger building is needed for Animal control so this would allow funding to build a larger building without raising the millage and save funding for the city. The Election will be March 28, 2015. No action was taken.
Council Member Montoucet introduced Ordinance 2015-2, An Ordinance amending article III codes and permit fees of Chapter 8 Buildings and Building regulations of the Scott Municipal Code. Ordinance will up for adoption at the next regular schedule Council Meeting. Chief Leger asked to table Police Department, Amend budget $2500 to make Risk Management payment.
Ms. Logan Shelton asked for a Variance to Ordinance #2013-10 Installation of Mobile Homes, Age of home to be moved at 1000 Lebesque Road. After a lengthy discussion, variance failed for lack of a Motion. No action taken.
Variance to Ordinance #2013-10, Installation of Mobile Homes Age of mobile home to be moved at 231 Ile De Canne Road. Ms. Katie Hebert no action taken.
Council member Richard motioned to amend budget for lighting at Farmers Market $25360.88. The City received $20,000 from LCVC. Seconded by Councilman Montoucet, motion carried unanimously.
Council Member Hollier motioned to adopt Resolution #2015-2, A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute and act of cash sale and grant of servitudes (Ardoin Sewer Pump Lift Station) Seconded by Council Member Richard, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned
______Purvis J. Morrison Mayor
______Donna B. Jumonville City Clerk