Chapters 2 , 3 and 4 Oklahoma History Vocabulary

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Chapters 2 , 3 and 4 Oklahoma History Vocabulary

Chapters 2 , 3 and 4 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. TELL ME WHY THIS WORD IS IMPORTANT TO OKLAHOMA HISTORY! Chapter 2 1. Aquifer 13. Latitude 25. Lakes and rivers 2. Basin 14. Longitude 26. High plains 3. Butte 15. Mesa 27. Gypsum hills 4. Climate 16. Natural resources 28. Wichita Mountains 5. Drought 17. Plateau 29. Red Bed plains 6. Ecosystems 18. Topography 30. Arbuckle Mountains 7. Elevation 19. Tornado 31. Red River Plains 8. Environment 20. Tributary 32. Sandstone Hills 9. Erosion 21. Weather 33. Prairie Plains 10. Fossil fuel 22. Wildcatter 34. Ozark Plateau 11. Geography 23. Cross timbers 35. Ouachita Mountains 12. Irrigation 24. “initial point” Chapter 3 1. Ancestors 7. Domesticated 14. Shaman 2. Anthropologist 8. Fossil 15. Totem 3. Archeologist 9. Forager 16. Viceroy 4. Artifact 10. Nomadic 17. Bering Straight 5. Atlatl 11. Petrogylphs 18. Paleo Indian Hunters 6. Barter 12. Prehistoric people 19. Bow and Arrow 13. Protohistoric 20. Buffalo 21. Indian Leadership Positions Chapter 4 1. Alliance 7. Immunity 13. Smallpox 2. Cartographer 8. Isthmus 14. Vikings 3. Colony 9. Middleman 15. Coronado 4. Conquistador 10. Missionary 16. Onate 5. Economy 11. Northwest passage 17. Horses 6. Expedition 12. Skirmish Chapters 5 and 6 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. Chapter 5 1. French and Indian War 10. Long expedition 19. Lucrative 2. Revolutionary War 11. Sibley Expedition 20. Pirogue 3. Manifest destiny 12. Adams Onis Treaty 21. Ratify 4. Louisina purchase 13. Three Forks Area 22. Renegade 5. Nopolean Bonaparte 14. Appropriate 23. Reasons for land claim 6. Thomas Jefferson 15. Confederacy 24. Effects of Revolution on 7. Louis and Clark Epedition 16. Encroachment Indians 8. Richard Sparks 17. Flotilla 25. Right of deposit 9. Pike- Wilkenson Expedition 18. Long hunters

Chapter 6 1. New states 9. 5 tribes 18. Lottery 2. War of 1812 10. Assimilation 19. Reservation 3. Andrew Jackson 11. Andrew Jackson 20. Stockade 4. Impressments 12. Syllabary 21. Osage and Western 5. Missouri compromise 13. Sequoyah Cherokee 6. Ceded 14. Indian Removal Act 22. Fort Smith 7. Early forts 15. Removal of each tribe 23. Fort Gibson 8. Cherokee outlet 16. Stokes Commision 24. “talking leaves” 17. Allotment 25. Conditions of trail of tears Chapters 7 And 8 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. Chapter 7 1. Academy 9. Interpreter 17. 5 forts or camps 2. Annuity 10. Literacy 18. George Catlin 3. Culture shock 11. Minority 19. Broken Treaties 4. Desperado 12. Mission 20. Light Horseman 5. Destitute 13. Negotiations 21. The Cherokee Advocate 6. Dragoons 14. Peacekeeping mission 22. Gopher John 7. Emigrant 15. Isaac Mc coy 8. Human rights 16. Henry Leavenworth

Chapter 8

1. Annex 5. Expansion 9. Manifest Destiny 2. Buffer zone 6. Immigrants 10. Gold Rush 3. California Trails 7. Steamboats 11. Indian Transportation 4. Caravan 8. Transcontinental 12. Butterfield Overland Railroad Mail Chapters 9 and 10 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. Chapter 9 1. Abolitionist 8. Outpost 15. Underground railroad 2. Brigade 9. Popular sovereignty 16. Uncle tom’s cabin 3. Compromise of 1850 10. Secede 17. Abe Lincoln 4. Free state 11. Slave state 18. Albert pike 5. Guardianship 12. State’s rights 19. Battle of honey springs 6. Guerrilla 13. Supply dept 20. Appomatox courthouse 7. Neutral 14. Tariff 21. General stand waitie

Chapter 10 1. Freedman’s Bureau 5. Reconstruction 8. Quanah Parker 2. Homestead Act of 1862 6. Regiments 9. Chief Black Kettle 3. Land speculator 7. “Strong Medicine” 10. General George Custer 4. Pacific Railway Act Chapters 11 and 12 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. Chapter 11 1. Barbed Wire 5. Mixed Bloods 9. MKT 2. Bootlegger 6. Royalties 10. Lighthorse Police 3. Full bloods 7. Tenent Farmers 11. Outlaws in Indian 4. “Iron Horse” 8. John F. Brown Territory 12. Education in Indian Territory Chapter 12 1. Dawes Act 9. Curtis Act 17. Greer County 2. Allotments of 5 tribes 10. David L. Payne 18. No Man’s Land 3. Boomers 11. Rider 19. First Territorial 4. Springer Amendment 12. Squatters Government 5. Unassigned Lands 13. Benjamin Harrison 20. Cherokee Commission 6. Homestead act 14. Guthrie 21. Normal School 7. How to claim land 15. Oklahoma City 22. Mattie Beal 8. Homesteading 16. Organic Act 23. Provisional Government 24. Elias C. Boudinot Chapters 13 and 14 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. Chapter 13 1. Railroad 10. Mining 18. Bicameral 2. Santa Fe Railroad 11. William C. Renfow 19. Labor Code 3. Shawnee 12. State of Sequoyah 20. Education 4. Interurban 13. Enabling Act 21. Suffrage 5. Boll weevil 14. Progressive Movement 22. Prohibition 6. Snyder Tornado 15. Progressive Ideals in 23. Jim Crow Laws 7. Subscription schools Constitution 24. November 16, 1907 8. Delmar Gardens 16. Referendum 25. Charles N. Haskell 9. Electric Park 17. Governor

Chapter 14 1. First State Legislature 8. 1908 election 15. Jim Thorpe 2. Higher Education 9. Grandfather clause 16. Black Gold 3. First 3 colleges 10. Kate Banard 17. Glenn Pool 4. De facto segregation 11. Oklahoma City 18. Cushing Field 5. Ordinance 12. 1910 cencus 19. Healdton 6. Socialist party 13. Gerrymandering 20. Headright 7. Cooperatives 14. Plessy v. Fergoson Chapter 15 – Oklahoma History Vocabulary

All Vocabulary should be completed from this chapter as you go through the reading. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper with the number of the term. All vocabulary should include all of the important facts (ex: the who, what, where, when, how, and significance). Make sure you list the key people that go with an event. The basic book definition is not always going to be enough information. Chapter 15 1. Inflation 12. Mechanized farm 22. Drop of Agriculture and 2. Martial law equipment Oil 3. KKK 13. “motoring” 23. Alfalfa Bill 4. Petrochemicals 14. Will Rodgers 24. CCC 5. Barnstormer 15. Radio 25. PWA 6. Partisan 16. First Airports 26. WPA 7. Indict 17. Route 66 27. Dust Bowl 8. Labor strikes 18. Great Depression 28. Woodie Guthrie 9. “red scare” 19. Credit 29. Shelterbelts 10. Coal production 20. Stock market 30. Black Wall Street 11. Wheat 21. Black Tuesday

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