LEGEND Lesson Summaries

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LEGEND Lesson Summaries

Apex Fun Run LEGEND Lesson Summaries

Letting parents know what lessons the kids are learning can be a great way to keep them engaged and to further the conversation about each lesson at home.

Below are brief summaries of this year’s LEGEND lessons; feel free to use them for daily parent updates and FaceBook postings!

Remember the lesson context: this year’s theme is about kids ‘writing their own story’ – about the legend they will leave with their lives.

LESSON DAY 1: LEARN (“Gotta’ Learn, Gotta’ Grow, Gotta’ Gain, Gotta’ Know!”) Today (APEX TEAM MEMBER NAME) visited our classroom and we talked all about the first page in becoming LEGENDARY LEADERS, which is to LEARN! This lesson was all about how learning is important, not just in the classroom, but EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME! Each and every one of us has the opportunity to learn every day. Please be sure to ask your student what they ‘learned’ today :).

LESSON DAY 2: Engage (“Legends… ENGAGE! I am FOCUSED!”) Today was all about page number two in becoming LEGENDARY LEADERS. We learned about being ENGAGED. The Apex Team taught us that being engaged is giving your full attention and mind to something or someone. Put down the distractions, stay focused, and GET IN THE GAME!

LESSON DAY 3: Give (“I’ve got A LOT to give! [Time, Talent and Treasure]”) I sure hope you are on pins and needles waiting to hear about our third page in becoming a Legendary Leader! We are officially there; the third page is to GIVE. Apex taught us that there are three ways in which one can GIVE: The Three T’s.

TREASURES: Anything that has value that can be given away. TALENTS: An ability that you can share to strengthen or benefit your team. TIME: Being there for someone.

Time is one of the hardest talents to give, there is so little of it in today’s society. I hope you and your child take the time tonight to talk about some of the talents you see in them. Thank you for your support of your child, this classroom and our school. You truly are making a difference.

00a4ce09ea1d1c66821d6dc2abc08820.docx LESSON DAY 4: Empower (“I KNOW You Can!”) We are ALMOST to the finish line of becoming LEGENDARY LEADERS. Today we learned all about what it means to EMPOWER someone. <> shared with our class that sometimes in life we all need a boost, an empower boost! Leaders use their words to boost others to give them confidence. This is one of the ways we can make others feel capable and able to succeed.

We had so much fun giving each other empower boosts in class today, please check in with your child and ask for an empower boost this evening!

LESSON DAY 5: Never Quit (“Never Quit… Roll with it!”) The Apex Team stopped by today to talk to the students about the 5th page in becoming LEGENDARY LEADERS. NEVER QUIT was today’s lesson. Behind every great accomplishment is a long list of failed attempts but it is how we get up that shows our true leadership.

Not quitting and getting back up sure does take some humility. I’m wondering if any of my rockstar parents have a story about when they had to get back up and keep trying? Perhaps we can all take a moment to share a story about Not Quitting with one of our future leaders tonight?

LESSON DAY 6: Do (“It’s MY time!”) The Apex team stopped by today to talk about the last page in our legendary story: Legendary Leaders take action; they DO. If we don’t go out and DO, we miss out on the incredible potential to change the world around us.


The students have had a great time learning our Legendary Leadership Lessons, and now it is time for the Fun Run!

APEX reminded us all to get a good night sleep, stay hydrated, have great breakfast, and don’t forget those tennis shoes tomorrow.

All friends and family are invited to come and cheer on your students at the Fun Run – doing their very best at the run is their last step in becoming Legendary Leaders and we know they would love for you to see what they can do! Our race schedule is:



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