Washington High School PTA

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Washington High School PTA

Washington high School PTA Meeting minutes October12,2010

President Sorina Abernathy called the meeting to order at 9:05am. The meeting was held at Washington High School in room 128. Twenty five people were in attendance.

Dr. Ralph Plagman, Principal, introduced 3 new teachers. Jay Arduser will be teaching ELL and Read 180. Jeannie Pfeiffer, is also a Read 180 teacher. And our new Journalism teacher and assistant Speech coach is Kyle Phillips.

Presentation by Mr. Duke who runs the study table: Study table is a unique opportunity for Washington students of any academic or economic level to get free help with their homework after school. The program is available Monday through Thursday from 2:45 – 4:00. The average attendance is 20 -30 students on any given day. The most common help is given in Math and science but help is given in every academic area. There are five computers available for student use. Mr. Duke finds Study Table to be very rewarding as a teacher and appreciates the cross section of students that come ready to learn. Needs for the program include: treats, graphic calculators, note cards, highlighters and other study supplies as well as volunteers to tutor Math or Science.

Leslie Caton of the City PTA spoke briefly to thank the Washington PTA for their efforts. She also circulated a survey to aid the city PTA in planning beneficial programs to offer support to local schools. Everyone is welcome to attend the City PTA meetings. The next meeting is at Kennedy High School on Monday, November 15th.

Executive Committee Reports Secretary – Minutes of the September 14th meeting were approved.

Treasurer – The only expenses so far this year have been for freshman orientation and the open house treats totaling $462.

Staff Comments

Mrs. Sue McDermott, Counseling Dept. Chair, announced that October 8th was the deadline for PSAT sign up. The $20 test is taken mainly by juniors as practice for the college entrance exams. She reminded parents that Mr. Duers will be offering free 3 day ACT prep classes taking place after school from 3 – 4:15 on October 18th, 20th, and 22nd. Students may sign up for the reviews in the counseling office. Parents were also asked to push senior students to get their college applications out by Thanksgiving. The counselors will be taking their college tour in Minnesota November 3rd -5th. Finally, students with concerns about 2nd trimester schedules should come in and see their counselors now. Please see the attached counselors notes for more details. Dr. Peggy Hardesty, freshman counselor, expressed appreciation to the PTA for the wonderful food provided to staff during conferences. She reported that the freshman orientation in August went smoothly and that the freshman class is off to a great start. Peggy gave credit to Barb Campbell for the designing the excellent college planning brochure to aid parents and students. On December 20th, the college planning committee has planned a luncheon that will give interested juniors and seniors a chance to visit the Warrior alumni to learn about college life.

Dr. Ralph Plagman reported that the cultural Diversity Workshop that was held at Pinicon Ridge Park last month was very well attended. Students are encouraged to sign up for the upcoming Leadership Retreat that will be held at Camp Wapsi on October 28th -29th. Permission slips for that trip are due this Friday, October 15th. Dr. Plagman also commended the various Warrior musical groups for their fall accomplishments, including a 4th place finish in the Marching Band Competition in Des Moines and the 9 freshman students who were chosen for OPUS. The addition of freshman to marching band has been a positive one.

Committee Reports:

Cookie Sales – Kathy Bjornsen circulated a sign up for the 1st cookie sale of the year that will take place on Friday, October 29th from 7:30 – 11:30. Volunteers should bring candy or sprinkles.

School Cents – Anne Salamon reminded parents to please get their receipts stamped at Lindale Mall. Wash is currently in 4th place. Anne has been working hard to publicize the program and on getting students involved. Please patronize Lindale Mall shops including the Collins Road Hy-Vee and surrounding restaurants and turn in your receipts!!!

Health Ed – Wash students and staff had great attendance at the “Out of Darkness” suicide walk last weekend and raised $1700 for the cause.

Volunteer Coordinator – Darcy Rouse-Traut reminded volunteers to fill out a yellow card so that we can get credit for the volunteer hours they give.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am.

Molly Bjornsen, Vice President

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