Basic Skills Teaching Inventory
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Basic Skills Teaching Inventory
1. Approximately what percent of California Community Colleges students place into at least one basic skills course in reading, writing, ESL or math a. 25% b. 35% c. 50% d. 60% e. Over 70%
2. What percent of the students in your class most likely require additional pre-collegiate training in order to be successful in college-level course work? a. 10% b. 20% c. 40% d. 60% e. Over 70%
3. In the courses I teach a. I believe student learning styles are not relevant or have no real basis in teaching. b. I am aware that students may have different learning styles. c. I have seen evidence of different learning styles among my students, but do not know how to incorporate that observation into my teaching. d. In my courses I explain that students may have different learning styles and try to adjust my teaching strategies when I can. e. Students, in my courses, must complete an analysis of their learning styles and think about how their learning style relates to studying the specific material in my class.
4. How do you inform students of your expectations for the course? a. I informally discuss my overall expectations with the students but have nothing specific on paper. b. I have written the course expectations in the syllabus and discuss them on the first day of class. c. I provide course expectations in the syllabus and on various assignments. d. I provide course expectations on the syllabus, with each assignment, and through discussion. e. I provide course expectations in the syllabus, a rubric with assignments which we discuss prior to the assignment, and feedback that shows where the students have specifically missed expectations.
5. Concerning the design of your course, which is most true? a. I adopted a course organization from a senior instructor and have continued using it. b. I have worked hard to create the course organization as it is now and I am satisfied with my work. c. I have worked on my course organization and attempt to assess the effectiveness of the course, but have been unable to incorporate any changes. d. I regularly reassess my course content, design and teaching strategies. e. I regularly reassess my course content, design and teaching strategies then document and share those changes and the data that led me to make them.
6. Regarding the feedback you provide your students a. I provide my student with the scores on their work. b. I respond to all student work with some form of feedback. c. I respond to all student work within a few days after the work is submitted. d. I respond to all student work regularly, timely (within 2-5 days after the student turns in the work and with specific information. e. Regular, timely (within 2-5 days after the student turns in the work), based upon a rubric, with diagnostic and specific information. 7. The methods I use to grade my students involves a. Three or fewer exams, assessments, or assignments that are predominantly of one variety (essays, multiple choice, etc) b. Three or fewer exams, assessments, or assignments or more opportunities to examine student’s understanding but only one variety (essays, multiple choice, etc) c. I assess my students frequently in a variety of different ways (projects, labs, quizzes, case studies). d. I assess my students frequently in a variety of different ways (projects, labs, quizzes, case studies) and try to take into account various learning styles. e. I assess my students frequently in a variety of different ways (projects, labs, quizzes, case studies), taking into account various learning styles, and authentic to real world tasks that relate to my course material.
8. The assignments in the courses I teach typically require students to (select all that apply) a. Work collaboratively for a grade b. Create projects involving multiple components of course content c. Take exams d. Turn in homework e. Examine complex problems or case studies
9. I would judge the objectives and outcomes I set for students in my course as (select all that apply) a. Appropriate to the level of the students that take the class. b. Consistent with the outcomes needed for the courses this course feeds. c. Robust and challenging for all students d. Individually tailored to the needs of the student e. Adjusted every semester depending upon the class as a whole
10. The objectives and outcomes in my courses are a. Independently but thoughtfully designed by me b. Based on the objectives and outcomes outlined in the text c. Consistent with my colleagues objectives and outcomes d. Based upon objectives and outcomes e. Consistent with the outcomes my colleagues have designed
BSI Teaching Case Study
After the first assignment in your class you realize the students are woefully unprepared. 30% did not turn in the assignment, 15% turned in partially completed assignments and 20% wrote answers that revealed the students did not understand the assignment or produced really poorly written responses. The papers you’ve graded resulted in a highly bimodal curve.
When speaking with the class, you learned that there was an obvious lack of understanding about the reading material and vocabulary associated with the course and some students have not purchased the book. Many students complained that they have not had time to do the reading on the assigned syllabus.