Readers Workshop Unit of Study Year-Long Planner s1

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Readers Workshop Unit of Study Year-Long Planner s1

Readers’ Workshop Unit of Study Year-long Planner: Kindergarten

Month Unit of Study Key Focus Lessons September Welcome to Kindergarten! o Building Community o Procedures and routines o Introduce classroom library o Turn and talk October Playing with Language, o Name study Letters, Sounds, and Words o Rhyming o Playing with language o Looking for letters, sounds & words November Concepts About Print o Introduction to a book o Directionality o 1:1 correspondence o Environmental Print December Being a Word Solver: Using o Use picture, pattern, & initial multiple cueing systems: sound clues meaning, syntax, visual o Look for words they know (M, S, V) o Stop and think while reading o Readers ask M, S, V questions January Launching Readers’ Workshop o What is Reader’s Workshop? o We are all readers o Respecting other readers o Choosing JR spots and books February Making Connections o What is schema? o What is your schema? o Using schema to understand March Creating Sensory Images o Making mind movies o Using 5 senses o Using sensory image to understand o Sharing your sensory images April Retelling o Telling stories about our lives o Retelling simple stories o Story structure – B, M, E o Story elements May Genre Study: Nonfiction o What is nonfiction? o Characteristics of nonfiction o Fiction vs. nonfiction o Using illustrations and captions June Author Study o Building schema for an author o Reviewing making connections, creating sensory images, & retelling as needed Welcome to Kindergarten Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Learning about Building Community Building Community Building Community Building Community kindergarten Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

What is a read-aloud? Procedures and routines Procedures and routines Procedures and routines Procedures and routines for read-alouds for read-alouds for read-alouds for read-alouds Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Read aloud teacher Read aloud teacher Read aloud teacher Read aloud teacher favorites/books about favorites/books about favorites/books about favorites/books about kindergarten kindergarten kindergarten kindergarten What is shared reading? Shared reading with a Shared reading with a Shared reading with a Shared reading with a big book poem song chant

Getting to know our Getting to know our Parts of a book – cover, Turn and talk Turn and talk classroom library classroom library pictures & words Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2 Playing with Language, Letters, Sounds, and Words Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chanting the alphabet Name Games DAY 1 Name Games DAY 2 Name Games DAY 3 Name Games DAY 4

Introduce nursery Chanting, singing, and Chanting, singing, and Chanting, singing, and Chanting, singing, and rhymes enjoying nursery rhymes enjoying nursery rhymes enjoying nursery rhymes enjoying nursery rhymes DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Create shared reading Create shared reading Create shared reading Create shared reading text(s) text(s) text(s) text(s)

Playing with language Playing with language Playing with language Rhyming words DAY 1 Rhyming words DAY 2 through songs and books through songs and books through songs and books DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3

Rhyming words DAY 3 Rhyming words DAY 4 Looking for letters we Looking for sounds we Looking for words we know in familiar charts know in familiar charts know in familiar charts and books and books and books Concepts About Print Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Print contains a message How to hold and turn Where on the page do Which way do readers Readers use a return pages of a book? readers start reading? read? left to right, top to sweep bottom

Word by word matching Word by word matching Word by word matching Word by word matching Word by word matching (1:1 correspondence) (1:1 correspondence) (1:1 correspondence) (1:1 correspondence) (1:1 correspondence) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Words and pictures are Words and pictures are Concept of letter vs. Concept of letter vs. Concept of letter vs. different different word word word Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Spaces are between Reading signs and Reading signs and Reading signs and Reading signs and words. environmental print environmental print environmental print environmental print Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Being a Word Solver Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday We are all word solvers. Good readers use picture Good readers use picture Good readers use picture Good readers notice and clues to read wordless clues to read wordless clues to read wordless use patterns as they read books. DAY 1 books. DAY 2 books. DAY 3 text. See See See DAY 1 for wordless books. for wordless books. for wordless books. Good readers notice and Good readers notice and Good readers match Good readers look for Good readers look for use patterns as they read use patterns as they read speech and print as they sight words and other sight words and other text. text. read. words they already words they already DAY 2 DAY 3 know in text. know in text. DAY 1 DAY 2

Good readers look for Good readers use the Good readers use the Good readers use the Good readers read sight words and other initial sound to decode initial sound to decode initial sound to decode across the whole word to words they already unfamiliar words. unfamiliar words. unfamiliar words. decode unfamiliar know in text. DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 words. DAY 3 Good readers stop and Good readers notice Good readers ask Good readers ask Good readers ask think as they read. when their reading questions as they read questions as they read questions as they read doesn’t make sense. words. words. words. “Does it look right?” “Does it sound right?” “Does it make sense?” Launching Readers’ Workshop Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday What is Readers’ What is an anchor chart? We are all readers. Getting to know our How to take care of Workshop? classroom library books

What kind of reader are How to turn and talk How do we listen? Respecting other readers What is a book bag? you? about a favorite book

Choosing a just right Choosing a reading spot Choosing a reading spot Why do readers leave How do we swap books? book Day 1 Day 2 their spot?

What is an independent Growing a conversation How to partner read Building stamina Readers think as they reading conference? read. Making Connections Unit Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday What is making What is schema? What is your schema? Good readers use their Good readers use their connections? schema to better schema to better understand a story. understand a story. Day 1 Day 2

Readers use their Readers use their Readers use their Readers use their Readers use their schema before they read. schema before they read. schema while they read. schema while they read. schema after they read. Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 1

Readers use their Readers make text-to- Readers make text-to- Readers make text-to- Readers make text-to- schema after they read. self connections. self connections. self connections. self connections. Day 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

We all have different We all have different We all have different schema. Day 1 schema. Day 2 schema. Day 3

Creating Sensory Images Unit Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday What are sensory What are the five Our sensory images can Our sensory images can Readers see pictures in images? senses? help us to better help us to better their minds based on understand and understand and words and pictures from remember the story. remember the story. the text. DAY 1 DAY 2 Readers hear sounds in Readers smell things in Readers imagine the feel Readers imagine the Good readers create their minds based on their minds based on of things in their minds taste of things in their sensory images that are words and pictures from words and pictures from based on words and minds based on words full of detail. the text. the text. pictures from the text. and pictures from the DAY 1 text.

Good readers create Recording our sensory Everyone creates Everyone creates Everyone creates sensory images that are images using different sensory images different sensory images different sensory images full of detail. illustrations based on their schema. based on their schema. based on their schema. DAY 2 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3

Reading With Meaning, Reading With Meaning, Reading With Meaning, Debbie Miller, pg. 93 Debbie Miller, pg. 93 Debbie Miller, pg. 93 Sharing our sensory Sharing our sensory images with a partner. images with a partner. DAY 1 DAY 2 Retelling Unit Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday What is retelling? Retelling helps you Readers retell stories Readers retell stories Readers retell stories understand from their own lives. from their own lives. from their own lives. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Good readers stop, Good readers can retell Good readers can retell Good readers can retell Good readers can retell think, and remember familiar stories with familiar nursery rhymes familiar stories without familiar nursery rhymes elements of a story. pictures. with pictures. pictures. without pictures.

Good readers can retell Good readers can Good readers can Good readers can Good readers can another person’s story. identify characters. identify the setting in a identify the problem and identify the problem and story. solution in a story. solution in a story. Day 1 Day 2

Good readers can Good readers can Good readers can retell a Good readers can retell a Good readers practice identify the structure of identify the structure of story in the correct story in the correct retelling with partners. a familiar story a familiar story sequence with pictures. sequence without (beginning, middle, & (beginning, middle, & pictures. end) using pictures. end) without pictures. Nonfiction Genre Study Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday What is nonfiction? What is nonfiction? Review anchor chart. Readers know the Readers choose NF Show several NF books. Show several NF books. Sort fiction and difference between books on topics they are nonfiction books and nonfiction and fiction. interested in. DAY 1 Begin anchor chart Continue anchor chart. discuss how we decided. Create anchor chart. “What do we notice about Reading With Meaning, nonfiction?” DAY 1 Debbie Miller, pg 144-147 Readers choose NF Readers learn new Readers learn new Readers learn new Readers learn new books on topics they are information when they information when they vocabulary about the vocabulary about the interested in. DAY 2 read NF. DAY 1 read NF. DAY 2 topic when they read topic when they read NF. DAY 1 NF. DAY 2 Reading With Meaning, Reading With Meaning, Debbie Miller, Debbie Miller, Pg 147-148 Pg 147-148 Nonfiction conventions: Nonfiction conventions: Nonfiction conventions: Nonfiction conventions: Sharing what we’ve Using photographs and Using photographs and Using captions to find Using captions to find learned about nonfiction illustrations to find new illustrations to find new new information DAY 1 new information DAY 2 information DAY 1 information DAY 2 Review of Strategies Through an Author Study Unit Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Introduce author Examine multiple books Examine multiple books Review making text to Review making text to by the author by the author and create self connections self connections anchor chart “Things we Day 1 Day 2 notice about ___” Making text to text Making text to text Review creating sensory Review creating sensory Review retelling connections connections images as we read images as we read Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2

Review retelling Celebrating and/or Celebrating and/or Celebrating and/or Day 2 sharing our favorite sharing our favorite sharing our favorite authors authors authors Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

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