Name Yariv Tsfati Date: April 11, 2002

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Name Yariv Tsfati Date: April 11, 2002

Name Yariv Tsfati Date: August 2007

Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications

I. Curriculum Vitae

1. Personal Details

Name: Yariv Tsfati Electronic Address: [email protected] Telefax Number: ++972-4-8249120

2. Higher Education

1993.1996 B.A. Communications and Political Science, University of Haifa (Dean’s List; Degree granted 1997)

1996-1998 M.A. Political Science, University of Haifa (Cum Laude; Degree granted 2000)

1998-2001 Ph.D. The Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania (Degree granted 2002)

3. Offices in University Academic Administration

2002 Chair, Academic Supervising Committee for the Students’ Union ------elections

2003-6 Chair, MA committee, Department of Communication

4. Active Participation in Scholarly Conferences (recent years)

Conference Place and Dates Title of Presentation The International New Orleans, 1. Parents’ third person perceptions Communication 2004 regarding the influence of television: Association (ICA) Rebelde Way in Israel (with R. Ribak & J. Cohen) 2. Mainstream media skepticism and exposure to alternative news media: The case of Israel (with Y. Peri) 3. On the importance of feeling trusted: Exploring possible correlates of journalists’ perceptions of audience trust Association for Toronto, 2004 Parents’ third person perceptions Education in regarding the influence of television (with Journalism and Mass R. Ribak & J. Cohen) Communication (AEJMC) Israeli Communication Beer Sheva, Presumed media influence and Association (ISCA) 2004 democratic legitimacy (with J. Cohen) The International New York City, 1. The Third-Person Perception as a Self- Communication 2005 Preserving Mechanism (with N. Tal Association (ICA) Or) 2. What is Good Journalism? Comparing Israeli Public and Journalists' Perspectives (with O. Meyers and Y. Peri) 3. The influence of presumed media influence and democratic legitimacy: The case of Gaza settlers” (with J. Cohen) Association for San Antonio, Democratic consequences of hostile Education in 2005 media perceptions: The case of Gaza Journalism and Mass settlers” (with J. Cohen) Communication (AEJMC) World Association of Cannes, 2005 Preserving the Self Through Biased Public Opinion Response to Survey Items (with N. Tal Research (WAPOR) Or) Israeli Sociological Bar Ilan Politicians' perceptions of media Association (ISA) University, influence and their consequences (with J. 2006 Cohen and T. Sheafer) Israeli Communication Jerusalem, 2006 The influence of Presumed Media Association (ISCA) Influence in Politics (with J. Cohen and T. Sheafer) The International Dresden, 2006 1. The influence of presumed media Communication influence in politics: Do politicians' Association (ICA) perceptions of media power matter? (with J. Cohen and T. Sheafer) 2. Coverage of terrorist attacks in the Israeli press: Center versus periphery. (with M. Yarchi) National San Antonio, The influence of presumed media Communication TX, 2006 influence and minority alienation: The Association case of Arabs in Israel The International San Francisco, Exploring journalists' perceptions of Communication CA, 2007 media influence (with O. Livio) Association (ICA) 2 WAPOR Regional Jerusalem and The influence of presumed media Seminar on Public Haifa, 2007 influence and strategic voting (with J. Opinion, Cohen) Communication and Elections

5. Colloquium Talks and other Invited Addresses

1. Tsfati Y. & Cohen J. (December 2006). "The influence of presumed media influence: New evidence on an old hypothesis" The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Communications Colloquium.

2. Tsfati Y. & Cohen J. (November 2005). "Consequences of the third person effect: The influence of presumed media influence" Emek Yezreel College, Department of Communications Colloquium.

3. Tsfati, Y. (March 2003) “Does audience trust in the media matter?” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Communications Colloquium

4. Tsfati, Y. (December 2002) “A matter of trust” Tel Aviv University, Department of Communications Colloquium.

5. Price, V., Cappella, J. N., Tsfati, Y., and Stromer-Galley, J. (October 2000). “Theory and research on deliberation and its impact: The Electronic Dialogue Project in Campaign 2000”. Invited presentation to the first annual conference on Public Opinion in the Digital Age, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

6. Research Grants  The German-Israeli Foundation, Research grant for young scholars, 24,500 Euros to investigate "The influence of presumed media influence on people mentioned in the news" (2007-8)  The Israeli Democracy Institute, $8,000 total to investigate media coverage of the 2006 Israeli election campaign (2006; with Gabriel Weimann and Tamir Sheafer).  The Edelstein Foundation for Population Studies, $2,500 total to investigate "The influence of presumed media influence and social alienation: The case of Arab citizens in Israel" (2006).  The Israeli Science Foundation, ISF, $29,000 to host an international workshop on “the influence of presumed media influence” (2005; with J. Cohen).  The Israeli Science Foundation, ISF, $64,000 total to investigate "Media coverage of peripheral communities, third person effects and thoughts about residential mobility" (2004-2005; with J. Cohen).  The Burda Center for Innovative Communications at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, $4,000 to investigate "online news exposure and trust in the mainstream media" (2003). 3  The Edelstein Foundation for Population Studies, $8,000 total to investigate "media coverage of peripheral communities, third person effects and thoughts about residential mobility (2002-2003; With J. Cohen and E. Avraham).  The Israeli Democracy Institute, $16,000 total to investigate Israeli journalists. (2002; 2004)

7. Awards, Scholarships.  National Communication Association, Political Communication Division, Top paper award (Chicago, IL, 2007, with J. Cohen; Top four papers)  The Robert M. Worcester Award, for the year's outstanding paper contributed to the International Journal of Public Opinion Research. World Association for Public Opinion Research (Phoenix, AZ, 2004; $500)  International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, Top paper award (New Orleans, 2004, with R. Ribak and J. Cohen; $200)  National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Top paper award (Miami Beach, 2003, with J. Cohen; Top three papers)  International Communication Association, Political Communication Division, Top Student Paper Award, (Seoul, 2002; $500)  The Naomi C. Turner award for best student paper, World Association for Public Opinion Research (Rome, 2001; $500)  International Communication Association, Political Communication Division, Top Student Paper Award, (San Francisco, 1999)  Haifa University scholarship for doctoral students studying abroad (2000; $20,000).

8. Teaching

A. Courses taught in recent years:

Title Year Type Level Institution Media and Elections 2005 Seminar Undergrad Haifa U Introduction to 2003 Seminar Graduate Tel Aviv U Political Communication Trust and Mistrust in 2002-6 Seminar Undergrad Haifa U media Institutions Mass Media Effects 2002-6 Advanced Undergrad Haifa U course MA Research 2002-6 Seminar Graduate Haifa U Methods BA Research 2003 Introductory Undergrad Haifa U Methods Communication and 2002-6 Advanced Undergrad Haifa U Political Behavior course Advanced Statistical 2003-4; Graduate Haifa U Models 2006 4 B. Supervision of graduate students in recent years:

 Ms. Moran David (Co-advisor with Dr. Ami Pedazhur), Media coverage of terrorist attacks in Israeli newspapers – Center versus periphery, September 2004.  Mr. Ilan Peri (Co-advisor with Prof. Avraham Brichta), Public satisfaction with news media coverage of the Israeli elections and its correlates, March 2004  Mr. Roi Estline, The correlation between perceptions of discrimination and trust in mainstream media and the consumption of sectorial media, October 2006  Ms. Michal Fuks (Co-advisor with Dr. Nurit Tal Or), "Success has many fathers while failure is an orphan": Limits of the Third Person Perception among smokers and non-smokers, April 2007  Ms. Dana Markovitch, Physical appearance as a predictor of televised news coverage among politicians in Israel  Mr. Ari Limor



The consequences of mistrust in the news media: Media skepticism as a moderator in media effects and as a factor influencing news media exposure. University of Pennsylvania, 2001, Advised by Prof. Joseph N. Cappella (492 pages.)


1. *Tsfati, Y. (Forthcoming). Hostile media perceptions, presumed media influence and political alienation: The case of Arabs in Israel. Journal of Communication

2. *Cohen, J. Tsfati, Y., & Sheafer, T. (Forthcoming). The influence of presumed media influence in politics: Do politicians' perceptions of media impact matter? Public Opinion Quarterly.

3. * Tal Or, N., & Tsfati, Y. (2007). On the substitutability of the third person perception. Media Psychology 10 (2), 231-249. (Equal contribution)

4. Tsfati, Y., & Peri, Y. (2006). Mainstream media skepticism and exposure to extra-national and sectorial news media: The case of Israel. Mass Communication & Society 9 (2), pp. 165 -187.

5. Tsfati, Y., Meyers, O. & Peri, Y. (2006). What is good journalism? Comparing Israeli public and journalists' perceptions. Journalism 7 (2), pp. 153-174. 5 6. Tsfati, Y. & Cohen, J. (2005). The influence of presumed media influence on democratic legitimacy: The case of Gaza settlers. Communication Research, 32 (6), pp. 794-821. A Hebrew reprint of this article was accepted for publication in Media Frame: Israeli Journal of Communication.

7. Tsfati, Y., & Cohen, J. (2005). Democratic consequences of hostile media perceptions: The case of Gaza settlers. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 10 (4), pp. 28-51.

8. Tsfati, Y. & Cappella, J. N. (2005). Why do people watch news they do not trust: Need for cognition as a moderator in the association between news media skepticism and exposure. Media Psychology 7 (3), pp. 251-272.

9. Tsfati, Y., Ribak, R., & Cohen J. (2005). Rebelde Way in Israel: Parental perceptions of television influence and monitoring of children’s social and media activities. Mass Communication & Society 8 (1), pp. 3-22.

10. Tsfati, Y., & Cohen J. (2004). Object-subject distance and the third person perception. Media Psychology 6 (4), pp. 335-362. (Equal contribution)

11. Tsfati, Y. (2004). Exploring possible correlates of journalists’ perceptions of audience trust. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (2), pp. 274-291.

12. Tsfati, Y. & Cohen, J. (2003). On the effect of the “third person effect”: Perceived influence of media coverage and residential mobility intentions. Journal of Communication 53 (4), pp. 711-727.

13. Tsfati, Y. & Cappella, J. N. (2003). Do people watch what they do not trust? Exploring the association between news media skepticism and exposure. Communication Research 30 (5), pp. 504-529.

14. Tsfati, Y. (2003). Debating the debate: the impact of exposure to debate news coverage and its interaction with exposure to the actual debate. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 8 (3) pp. 70-86.

15. Tsfati, Y. (2003). Does audience skepticism of the media matters in agenda setting? Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 47 (2), pp. 157 – 176.

16. Tsfati, Y. (2003). Media skepticism and climate of opinion perception. The International Journal of Public Opinion Research 15 (1), pp. 65-82.

17. Tsfati, Y., and Weimann, G., (2002). Terror on the Internet. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 25 (5), pp. 317-332 (Equal contribution).

6 18. Tsfati, Y. (2001). Why do people trust or mistrust media pre-election polls? Evidence from the 1996 Israeli election campaign. The International Journal of Public Opinion Research 1 3(40), Winter 2001. pp. 433-441.

19. Tsfati, Y. (2000). Pre-election polls and the active audience: Trust in polls as a mediating factor in the perception of the climate of opinion. Israeli Sociology 2 (2). Pp. 457-480. (Hebrew)

20. Tsfati, Y. (2000). Al-Hamishmar: The anatomy of a party-sponsored newspaper. Qesher 27. pp. 59-67. (Hebrew)

21. Tsfati, Y. (1999). The ethnic demon in Israel: Inside the bottle, on a slow flame. Megamot 40 (1), pp. 5-30. (Hebrew) Reprinted in Lissak, M., & Hailan, N. (Eds.) Gaps and Inequality in Israel, Vol 2, Raanana: Open University, pp. 796-818. (Hebrew)

22. Tsfati, Y. and Weimann, G., (1999). Terror on the Internet, Politika 4, pp. 45- 64 (Hebrew). (Equal contribution)


1. * Sheafer, T, Weimann, G., & Tsfati, Y. (Forthcoming). Media Coverage of Israeli Elections: Mediating the Campaigns in the Holy Land. In Strömbäck, J., & Kaid, L. L. (Eds.) Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

2. * Weimann, G., Tsfati, Y., & Sheafer, T. (Forthcoming). Media and the 2006 election campaign: Public needs and attitudes and the functioning of the news media. In Asher Arian and Michal Shamir (Eds.) The Elections in Israel: 2006. Jerusalem: The Israeli Democracy Institute.

3. Gunther, A.C., Perloff, R.M. & Tsfati Y. (Forthcoming). The third person effect. In Wolfgang Donsbach and Michael Traugott (Eds.) Handbook of Public Opinion Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (Approx. 10 pp.)

4. Peri, Y. & Tsfati, Y. (2007). Mainstream media skepticism and exposure to sectorial and extra-national media. In Dan Caspi (Ed.), Media and Democracy in Israel. Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute. (Hebrew; pp 162-184)


1. * Tsfati, Y. (Forthcoming). Journalists, credibility of, In Donsbach, (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing.

2. * Tsfati, Y. (Forthcoming). Imersonal effects, In Donsbach, (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing.


1. Peri, Y., Tsfati, Y., & Tukachinsky, R. (2007). Does Media Influence National Morale? Media Trust Index: Report number 7. Tel Aviv University: Hertzog Institute for Media, Society and Politics. (Hebrew; 19 pp.)

2. Weimann, G., Tsfati, Y., & Tukachinsky, R. (2006). News Coverage of the Elections for the 17 th Knesset. Media Trust Index: Report number 5. Tel Aviv University: Hertzog Institute for Media, Society and Politics. (Hebrew; 23 pp.)

3. Tsfati, Y. (2006) Telepopulism: Media and Politics in Israel [book review] Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 24 (4), [Approximately 2 pp.].

4. Arian, A., Ben-Nun, P. Barnea, S. & Tsfati, Y. (2005). Media and Democracy in Israel: Three Different Vantage Points. Jerusalem: The Israeli Democracy Institute. (Hebrew and English; 52 pp.)

5. Tsfati, Y., & Livio, O. (2005). Mekatrim aval merutzim. Haayin Hashveet (7 th Eye), 55, pp. 6-10 (Hebrew)

6. Peri, Y., Tsfati, Y., & Tukachinsky, R. (2005). News Consumption on Internet Sites. Media Trust Index: Report number 4. Tel Aviv University: Hertzog Institute for Media, Society and Politics. (Hebrew; 12 pp.)

7. Tsfati, Y. (2004) The moral foundations of trust [book review] Journal of Communication, 54 (3), pp. 581-583.

8. Peri, Y., Tsfati, Y, & Dor, D. (2004). Israeli Attitudes towards Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Israeli Media. Media trust index: Report number 3. Tel Aviv University: Hertzog Institute for Media, Society and Politics. (Hebrew; 12 pp.)

9. Peri, Y., & Tsfati, Y. (2004). Public and Journalists’ confidence in the media. Media trust index: Report number 2. Tel Aviv University: Hertzog Institute for Media, Society and Politics. (Hebrew; 19 pp.)

10. Tsfati, Y., & Livio, O. (2003). Israeli journalists flunk the media. Haayin Hashveet (7 th Eye), 43 (Hebrew), 4-9.

11. Peri, Y., & Tsfati, Y. (2003). Media trust index: Report number 1. Tel Aviv University: Hertzog Institute for Media, Society and Politics. (Hebrew; 11 pp.)


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