Title: Soil-Landscape Mapping Western Australia Best Available Soils

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Title: Soil-Landscape Mapping Western Australia Best Available Soils

Dataset Title: Soil-landscape mapping Western Australia – Best available soils Custodian: Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Jurisdiction: Western Australia

Contact Contact Role: Point of contact Contact Organisation Name: Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Contact Organisation Jurisdiction: Western Australia Contact Name: Geographic Information Services Contact Position: Data manager Mail Address 1: Locked Bag No. 4 Mail Address 2: Suburb or Place or Locality: Bentley Delivery Centre State or Locality 2: WA Country: Australia Postcode: 6983 Telephone: 08 9368 3925 Facsimile: 08 9474 2405 Electronic Mail Address: [email protected]

Contact Role: Custodian Contact Organisation Name: Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Contact Organisation Jurisdiction: Western Australia Contact Name: Ted Griffin Contact Position: Research Officer Mail Address 1: Locked Bag No. 4 Mail Address 2: Suburb or Place or Locality: Bentley Delivery Centre State or Locality 2: WA Country: Australia Postcode: 6983 Telephone: 08 9368 3720 Facsimile: 08 9474 2405 Electronic Mail Address: [email protected]

Description Abstract: Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the best available scale (Version 05.01). It is a compilation of various surveys at different scales varying between 1:20,000 and 1:3,000,000.

Mapping conforms to a nested hierarchy established to deal with the varying levels of information resulting from the variety of scales in mapping.

For further information refer to Department of Agriculture Resource Management Technical Reports No. 280 and 313.

Land capability and land quality attribution is included, refer to Department of Agriculture Resource Management Technical Report No. 298 for a description of the methodology employed.

Search Words: GEOSCIENCES Geomorphology, SOIL Mapping, SOIL Surveys Geographic Extent: Western Australia.

Data Currency Beginning Date: 01-01-1987 Ending Date: Current

Dataset Status Progress: Complete Maintenance & Update Frequency: Biannually.

Access Stored Data Format: DIGITAL Oracle Spatial Available Format Types: DIGITAL Intergraph GeoMedia warehouse, DIGITAL ArcView shapefile, NON DIGITAL Plots and reports, DIGITAL Word, Excel, Access map unit attribute reports Access Constraints: Subject to data licensing agreement.

Data Quality Lineage: Data was collected through field observations and sampling and interpretation of aerial photography and satellite imagery at a variety of scales. Soil survey was carried out according to the standards set in "Australian Soil and Land Survey - Guidelines for Conducting Surveys", Gunn et al., CSIRO, 1988.

Data were transferred to aerial photography or satellite images and georeferenced for digitizing using Microstation. A few surveys were scanned, vectorised and georeferenced. Most data capture took place between 1987 and 1999. Surveys were edge-matched to ensure that joins and overlaps between datasets were rationalized. Individual survey datasets were imported into GeoMedia and combined into one dataset. During 2011/2012, topological errors were identified and corrected using GeoMedia Professional and checked using ArcGIS 10. The data was then written to the DAFWA Oracle Spatial database.

Attribute data is stored in a separate Oracle map unit database, but key attribute data is provided with the spatial data.

Positional Accuracy: Variable depending upon scale of survey + or – 25 to 500 m.

Attribute Accuracy: Accuracy of attribution is variable depending upon scale of survey (see reliability map). Note where a numerical value is stated as -99 or a text attribute value as ‘NA’, these attributes are not valid for the scale/type of mapping represented. Mainly used for land capability and land quality values outside the south west agricultural area where these have not been assessed.

Logical Consistency: Topological errors checked and corrected using ArcGIS 10 and GeoMedia Professional.

Completeness: Western Australia.

Metadata Date: 25-02-2016

Additional Metadata Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994. Projection: Geographic coordinates

Spatial Data Attributes ID Unique polygon identifier PROJ_CODE DAFWA Project Code PROJ_NAME Soil-landscape mapping project name MU_SYMBOL Full soil-landscape map unit symbol MU_ID Unique map unit identifier MU_NAME Map unit name MU_SUM_DESC Summary map unit description MU_SYSTEM Soil-landscape system MU_ZONE Soil-landscape zone MU_RGE Land system (RGE*) code MU_DISP Label used for map display MU_LAND_TYPE Rangelands land type MU_PAST_KIM Pastoral potential code (Kimberley mapping) MU_PAST_PRP Pastoral potential code (Pilbara mapping) MU_PAST_SRP Pastoral potential code (Southern rangelands) MU_COL_NO DAFWA soilgroup colour table number MU_COL_R Colour red value (0-255) MU_COL_G Colour green value (0-255) MU_COL_B Colour blue value (0-255) MU_AREA Map unit area in hectares MU_PERIM Map unit perimeter in kilometres CREATED_BY Oracle database account CREATION_DATE Creation date LAST_UPDATED_BY Oracle database account used for update LAST_UPDA1TE_DATE Date of last update LQ_EXCAVA_VL_L_PC Percent of map unit Very Low to Low Ease of Excavation LQ_FLOODR_M_H_PC Percent of map unit Moderate to High Flood Hazard LQ_INSTAB_M_H_PC Percent of map unit Moderate to High Land Instability Hazard LQ_MI_PURE_VL_L_PC Percent of map unit Very Low to Low Microbial Purification LQ_PH0_10_GE7_PC Percent of map unit 0-10cm layer pH >=7 LQ_PH0_101_LE4_5_PC Percent of map unit 0-10cm layer pH <=4.5 LQ_PH5080_GE7_PC Percent of map unit 50-80cm layer pH >=7 LQ_PH50801_LE4_5_PC Percent of map unit 50-80cm layer pH <=4.5 LQ_PHOS_L_H_E_PC Percent of map unit High to Extreme Phosphorus Export Hazard LQ_SALIN_M_E_PCPercent of map unit Moderate to Extreme Surface Salinity LQ_SA_RIS_M_PS_PC Percent of map unit Moderate to High Hazard or Presently Saline LQ_SI_DRA_VP_P_PC Percent of map unit Very Poor to Poor Site Drainage Potential LQ_SU_ACI_H_P_PC Percent of map unit High Subsurface Acidification Susceptibility or Presently Acid LQ_SU_COM_H_PCPercent of map unit High Subsurface Compaction Susceptibility LQ_URD_VS_S_PC Percent of map unit Very Shallow to Shallow Unrestricted Crop Rooting Depth LQ_WA_ERO_VH_E_PC Percent of map unit Very High to Extreme Water Erosion Hazard LQ_WA_LOG_M_VH_PC Percent of map unit Moderate to Very High Waterlogging Susceptibility LQ_WA_REP_H_PCPercent of map unit High Water Repellence Susceptibility LQ_WA_STO_EL_L_PC Percent of map unit Extremely Low to Low Soil Water Storage LQ_WI_ERO_H_E_PC Percent of map unit High to Extreme Wind Erosion Hazard LC_ANN_HORT Land Capability Code Annual Horticulture LC_ANN_HO1RT_12 Percent Class 1 or 2 Annual Horticulture LC_ANN_HO2RT_123 Percent Class 1, 2 or 3 Annual Horticulture LC_ANN_HO3RT_DESC Land Capability Decode Annual Horticulture LC_DRY_CROP Land Capability Code Dryland Cropping (Minimum Tillage) LC_DRY_CR1OP_12 Percent Class 1 or 2 Dryland Cropping (Minimum Tillage) LC_DRY_CR2OP_123 Percent Class 1, 2 or 3 Dryland Cropping (Minimum Tillage) LC_DRY_CR3OP_DESC Land Capability Decode Dryland Cropping (Minimum Tillage) LC_GRAZ Land Capability Code Grazing LC_GRAZ_12 Percent Class 1 or 2 Grazing LC_GRAZ_1123 Percent Class 1, 2 or 3 Grazing LC_GRAZ_DESC Land Capability Decode Grazing LC_PER_HORT Land Capability Code Perennial Horticulture LC_PER_HO1RT_12 Percent Class 1 or 2 Perennial Horticulture LC_PER_HO2RT_123 Percent Class 1, 2 or 3 Perennial Horticulture LC_PER_HO3RT_DESC Land Capability Decode Perennial Horticulture LC_VINES Land Capability Code Vines LC_VINES_12 Percent Class 1 or 2 Vines LC_VINES_2123 Percent Class 1, 2 or 3 Vines LC_VINES_DESC Land Capability Decode Vines REPORT_URL URL for soil report CODES_LIST URL for codes report LQ_BOOKLET URL to technical report REPORT_EXT URL for soil report

**Note: Characters shown in red are truncated from shapefile field names Land Capability Thematic Maps To generate a thematic map of Land Capability for a specified land use (eg. Dryland Cropping – Minimum Tillage), from available attributes select LC_DRY_CROP (unique entries). This attribute has six possible values and should be coloured using the RGB values shown below:

Code Legend Ust C M Y K R G B HTML n A1 >70% Class 1 or 2 124 100 0 80 0 0 255 51 00A076 A2 50-70% Class 1 or 128 40 0 40 0 153 255 153 A5D4B0 2 B1 >70% Class 1, 2 102 0 0 60 0 255 255 102 FFF99D or 3 B2 50-70% Class 1,2, 103 0 20 60 0 255 204 102 FAD579 3 C1 50-70% Class 4 or 18 0 40 0 0 255 153 255 F7B4CA 5 C2 >70% Class 4 or 5 35 20 60 0 0 204 102 255 CE7EAC

Land Quality Thematic Maps To generate a thematic map of a specified Land Quality (eg. Wind Erosion risk), from the available attributes select LQ_WI_ERO_H_E_PC. This attribute is a proportion of the map unit and should be displayed with the following class breaks (range entries) and RGB values:

Class Ust C M Y K R G B HTML n <3% 16 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 FFFFFF 3-10% 22 0 0 20 0 255 255 204 FFFCDA 10-30% 102 0 0 60 0 255 255 102 FFF99D 30-50% 103 0 20 60 0 255 204 102 FAD579 50-70% 18 0 40 0 0 255 153 255 F7B4CA >70% 35 20 60 0 0 204 102 255 CE7EAC

Note: Legend categories for land quality maps are: Subsurface compaction – High hazard (LQ_SU_COM_H_PC) Flood risk – Moderate or high hazard (LQ_FLOODR_M_H_PC) Phosphorus export – High to extreme hazard (LQ_PHOS_L_H_E_PC) Surface salinity – Moderate to extreme (LQ_SALIN_M_E_PC) Salinity risk – Moderate or high hazard or presently saline (LQ_SA_RIS_M_PS_PC) Subsurface acidification – High hazard or presently acid (LQ_SU_ACI_H_P_PC) Water erosion – High to extreme hazard (LQ_WA_ERO_H_E_PC) Waterlogging risk – Moderate to very high hazard (LQ_WA_LOG_M_VH_PC) Wind erosion – High to extreme hazard (LQ_WI_ERO_H_E_PC)

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