Software Requirements Specification s9

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Software Requirements Specification s9

Software Requirements Specification

Requested by: Mr. Jay Bebb Director Siena College Residence Life

Mr. Brian Peppiatt Assistant Director Siena College Information Systems

Roommate Connection Siena College Roommate Match Game

Advanced Digital Data, Inc.

Prepared by: Christopher Conway Jessica Gallo, Team Leader Patrick Gray Eric Heidelmark Jennifer Stannard

October 30, 2003

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 1 - Roommate Connection Roommate Connection Software Requirements Specification

Table of Contents

Software Requirement Specifications

Section 1: Product Overview and Summary………………………………….3 Section 2: Development, Operating, and Maintenance Environments……….3 Section 3: External Interfaces and Data Flows..….…………………………..4 Sample Screens……………………………………………………5 Section 4: Functional Requirements…………………...……………………..3 Section 5: Exception Handling……………………………………….………4 Section 6: Early Subsets and Implementation Priorities….…………………..4 Section 7: Foreseeable Modifications and Enhancements…………………....4 Section 8: Acceptance Criteria………………………………………………..5 Section 9: Testing Requirements…….……………………………………….5 Section 10: Design Hints and Guidelines.……………………………………...5 Section 11: Glossary of Terms…………………………………………………8


Section 1: Gantt Chart…………………………………………………………A1 Section 2: Data Flow Diagrams……………………………………………….A2

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 2 - Roommate Connection 1-1: Product Overview and Summary

Each year, the Siena College Residence Life deals with hundreds of incoming students, honoring roommate requests and assigning roommates to those students who have not made requests. In previous years, the Siena College Office of Residence Life has relied heavily on summer orientation programs as a way for these incoming students to meet potential roommates. However, many students do not find a roommate at orientation, leaving the Residence Life staff with the job of matching students, which produces an extensive amount of paperwork and is very time consuming.

The Roommate Connection Software will allow the Residence Life staff to offer another service to both incoming and returning students. It will also eliminate much of matching currently done by the Residence Life staff. This software system will allow students to register and build a personal profile that will be used to match them with other students. This information will be submitted via an on-line form and stored in a database. Matches will be generated based on the information stored within the database, and students will have the ability to view the names, email addresses, and personal profiles of those students with whom they have been matched. Students will also have the ability to request a roommate within the Roommate Connection system. As a result, the system will provide a computerized alternative to the paper based matching that is currently used, and offer students another opportunity to find a roommate.

1-2: Development, Operating, and Maintenance Environments

This system will be developed on the workstations in the Siena College Software Engineering Lab. The database management system has yet to be determined (either mySQL or Oracle) and all web page development and maintenance will be done using DreamWeaver.

The Siena College Roommate Connection will primarily be used by the incoming students of the college who are seeking a roommate. In addition, Roommate Connection will also be available to upperclassmen that would like a new or additional roommate. One other type of user will be the Residence Life staff, who will use the system to assign usernames and passwords to the incoming students. Both students and the Residence Life staff will be able to access the system on any computer system with an Internet connection and a web browser. Student users will have the ability to make changes only to their personal profiles while the Residence Life staff will be able to perform any necessary changes or additions to the system. Mr. Brian Peppiatt, the Assistant Director of Information Systems at Siena College, will perform maintenance of the system.

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 3 - Roommate Connection 1-3: External Interfaces and Data Flows

Pages 5 through 9 of this document are sample forms that will be used by both incoming and returning students.

Page A2 through A20 of the appendix illustrate the flow of information to/from each user of the Roommate Connection system. In each diagram, rectangles are used to represent the users of the Roommate Connection Software. The users are identified as Students and Administrator. The circles are used to represent a process that results in the transformation of data. Arrows between objects illustrate the flow of information. The data will be stored in the Roommate Connection Database, as illustrated in the data flow diagrams.

Sample Screens  Welcome Screen – This is the screen the user will first see upon entering the Roommate Connection system. It will prompt the user for his or her username and password. If they have not registered, they can click on the appropriate link and will be sent to the registration screen.  Registration Screen – Here the user will be prompted to enter their name, email address, username, password, and security question. The security question will be used to grant the user access in the case of a forgotten password. Once the user has completed this registration screen, the user will be granted access to the system. If the user is not verified as a Siena College student, their account will be deleted from the system.  Personal Profile Screen – After entering the system, the user will be prompted to fill out a brief questionnaire that will be used as their personal profile. The answers selected by the user will be stored in the appropriate table(s) of the Roommate Connection database. Once the user has completed the personal profile, they will receive email notifications when they have been matched with other users. This email will request that the user login to the system in order to view their matches.  Matches Screen – After the user has been notified of their matches, they will log into the system and see the names of the students with whom they have been matched. From this screen, they can click on the name of the listed student to see a side-by-side comparison of the answers submitted in the personal profile. This will allow to the user to have a better understanding of why they were matched with that particular individual and to see how they might have answered differently. At this screen the user can also request a roommate pairing. They can enter the username of the user with whom they wish to live and begin the verification process.  Match Results Screen – This screen shows the user how they answered particular questions in the personal profile versus how the matched user they selected answered. Bolded items indicate where the two users had an agreement, and normal text indicates different responses.

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 4 - Roommate Connection Home

Siena Home


Links Page Login: Logout Not registered yet? Sign Up!



Webmaster: Nick Johnson Copyright © 2004 Siena College Residence Life. All rights reserved. Revised: .

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 5 - Roommate Connection Home Enter the following contact information: Name E-mail Siena Home Username ResLife Password Confirm Links Page Password Security Logout Question Security Answer Your user name and password will be emailed to the address you provide once you have been verified as a Siena College student

Webmaster: Nick Johnson Copyright © 2004 Siena College Residence Life. All rights reserved. Revised: .

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 6 - Roommate Connection

Home Are you:

Siena Home Male Female ResLife Do you mind living with a smoker: Links Page Yes No Logout Where are you from?

City Suburb Rural Other

How studious are you?

1 - I never study

How organized are you?

1 - Not very

How late do you stay up on a weekend evening?

9:00pm or earlier

Submit Form Clear Form

Webmaster: Nick Johnson Copyright © 2004 Siena College Residence Life. All rights reserved. Revised: .

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 7 - Roommate Connection Home You have found 5 matches!

LOGIN NAME EMAIL Siena Home Chris scc3937 [email protected] ResLife Conway Eric seh2832 [email protected] Links Page Heidelmark spg4213 Pat Gray [email protected] Logout sdj1995 Derek Jeter [email protected] Jeremy sjs2034 [email protected] Shockey Please enter the login of the match you have chosen:

Roommate's Login:

Submit Match Webmaster: Nick Johnson Copyright © 2004 Siena College Residence Life. All rights reserved. Revised: .

Your Answers Question # seh2941's Answers Rural 1 Rural

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 8 - Roommate Connection Non-Smoker 2 Non-Smoker Rarely Study 3 Moderate Studier Moderately Organized 4 Not Very Organized 2:00AM 2:00AM 5 Long walks on beach 6 Laughing in the rain Silent Study area 7 Silent Study area Night Owl 8 Night Owl Not Pious 9 Not Pious Sports Fan 10 Sports Fan

Webmaster: Nick Johnson Copyright © 2004 Siena College Residence Life. All rights reserved. Revised: .

1-4: Functional Requirements

The Roommate Connection system will serve 3 users, students (both incoming and returning) and the administrator, Brian Peppiatt. The following is a list of functional requirements that the system will perform for each user:

 Incoming Student Users: 1. An on-line registration form that will allow the user to select a username and password, enter their email address, and answer a security question. 2. An on-line form that will allow the user to change their password, email, or security question. 3. An on-line form for the user to complete a personal profile that will be used to generate matches.

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 9 - Roommate Connection 4. An on-line form for the user to modify any information previously entered within the personal profile. 5. Confirmation to the user after each submission of information. 6. An email notification to the user if matches have been found or someone has selected the user as their roommate. 7. An on-line form that allows the user to select another user they have been matched with and view his or her personal profile. 8. An on-line form for the user to select a roommate.

 Returning Student Users 1. All the same functions as the incoming student users (see above). 2. The ability to view lottery numbers of other users.

 Administrator 1. A report that will summarize how many users are currently registered within the system. 2. A security system that will use a password to restrict outside users from gaining access to the database. Incoming students will initially use a general login assigned by the Residence Life staff. Returning students will use their Siena login. The administrator, Brian Peppiatt, will have complete access. 3. An email notification of all confirmed roommate pairings. 4. The ability to view unmatched users. 5. A random match generator to be used for those users who have not requested a match.

All information submitted through the Roommate Connection on-line forms will be stored in an Oracle database, referred to as the Roommate Connection database.

1-5: Exception Handling

The Roommate Connection system will allow users three attempts at login. After three failed attempts, if the user has registered, they will be asked the security question they selected during registration. If the question is answered correctly, the user will be given access to the system and will be forced to choose a new password. If the user is not registered or they answer the security question incorrectly, the user will be denied access to the system.

The Roommate Connection system will also notify the user if there was a problem with submitting the information entered by the user either during registration or while completing the personal profile.

1-6: Early Subsets and Implementation Priorities

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 10 - Roommate Connection The most essential components of the system are:

 The on-line registration of incoming students (returning students will not need to register as they will use their Siena username and password to access the system).  The on-line completion of a personal profile by each registered student.  The on-line requests by the administrator to modify, delete, and add components to both the system and the database.

1-7: Foreseeable Modifications and Enhancements

Future additions to the Roommate Connection system include the following:

 A time and date constraint that will allow access to the system only within a certain time frame.  A website that will allow users to view the various residence halls and sample rooms within each hall.

1-8: Acceptance Criteria

The Roommate Connection system will allow each user to complete the following tasks within the web-based interface:

 Student Users (incoming and returning students) to: 1. Select a username and password for access to the system; 2. Access the system based on a security question in case of a forgotten password. The user would then choose a new password; 3. Complete a personal profile that will be used to match them with other students; 4. Update their answers in the personal profile; 5. View a list of students with whom they have been matched; 6. View the answers provided by the students with whom they have been matched in order to see where they differed (if at all), and; 7. Submit a roommate request that will be verified by the system and then sent to the Residence Life Staff.

 Administrators to: 1. View the number of users currently registered; 2. Update or modify the web-based user interface; 3. Add, delete, or modify information stored in the database tables, and; 4. View confirmed roommate pairings.

1-9: Testing Requirements

The Roommate Connection system will be thoroughly tested to ensure that all data entered by the user is saved to the appropriate database table(s). In addition, the system

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 11 - Roommate Connection will be tested to ensure that the data stored in the database is secure and not available to outside users. All matching functions, administrative functions, and communications between the system and users will also be tested.

1-10: Design Hints and Guidelines

The Roommate Connection system will use a web-based interface to gather information from each user in the form of a personal profile. Each user will also have the ability to edit their saved information. This data will be submitted via the web-based interface and will then be stored in the Roommate Connection database.

1-11: Glossary of Terms

ADD, Inc. – Advanced Digital Data, Incorporated

Automated Email – an electronic message generated by the system

Controlled Decentralized – an organizational structure for teams in which a team leader is defined, but all problem solving and decision making remains a group activity.

Database – a structure for storing and retrieving related information

Data Flow Diagram – a graphical representation that depicts information flow and the transformations that occur as data moves from input to output

DreamWeaver – a program used in the development of web pages

Gantt Chart – a graphical based timeline containing relevant dates with regard to the project plan

Java Script – a language used in the development of web pages

Linear Sequential Model (Classic Waterfall) – a model for software engineering that suggests a linear, or sequential, approach to software development

Perl – a language used in form handling for web sites

Personal Profile - the personal characteristics and preferences of the user that is used to match them with other users

Process – an activity or a transaction that transforms data

Registered User – a user that has signed on to the Roommate Connection system and has completed a personal profile

Roommate Pairings – when two users have requested each other as roommates

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 12 - Roommate Connection Siena Login – a username and password assigned by Siena College that allows students to access computers on campus

SQL – standard query language; a language used in the creation and maintenance of databases

Username – a system created identifier for users

Web-based – a software that uses the world wide web on the Internet as a user interface

A2: Diagrams

Advanced Digital Data, Inc. - 13 - Roommate Connection

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