1. Welcome - Jenel Nels, President

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1. Welcome - Jenel Nels, President

Cody Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes February 15, 2017

1. Welcome - Jenel Nels, president

Attending: Laurie Brasche, Misty Miller, Shannon Goad, Joe Nels, Wil Hanson, Mike Duncan, Keith McConnell, Kari Beth Hamilton, Kim Munn, Jess Gisi, Allison Berg, Jenel Nels, Caroline Everitt, Elizabeth Foad, Michelle Mahrt, Jen Dumas, Lisa and Travis Walker and Lia O’Malley.

2. Approval of meeting minutes - Motion made to approve the January min made by Wil Hanson, and seconded by Jess Gisi

3. Character Counts- 11 referrals , Sarah Foad, Baily Walker, Ozzie Duncan all referred by Mrs. Rokes

4. Mr.McConnell presented special request for funding since he was asking for over $150. He is looking for approximately $390 for 14 gel printing plates to be used for all grade levels and are currently used at Bridgeview. We voted to approve this and keep the gel plates at Cody.

5. Treasurer’s Report - Caroline Everitt, Treasurer • Little activity in January, received $100 from fall frolic silent auction, $554 box tops plus interest and $10 babysitting fees. We have $300 budgeted for JA bowl a thon but only need $150. Budgeted $500 for PV golf outing which donates to PV foundation scholarships. $600 library expense and $103 expense for PTA coffee. January brought in $658 and $1300 went out. No word on Happy Joes bill from Bingo night or chrome books yet…

6. Committee reports

1. Cody Calypso - Stacy Porter is transitioning her chair position. Calypso was a fun event!

1. Scholastic Book Fair - Michelle Mahrt Book fair is coming up during conferences and at lunch time. We need volunteers during the day or book fair will not be open. Another enews will go out after Presidents Day asking for volunteers and room parents will also send email.

2. Variety Show- Misty Miller is taking this over. The theme will remain red carpet but we will have some changes. Each student may be in only one act this year. We encourage students who don’t want to be on stage to participate with seating, lighting, etc. Food options are being discussed. Perhaps placing orders ahead of time for subway or jimmy johns for performers and family members as the show will begin at 5:00 PM.

3. Cody Cares- Mrs. Rokes had new baby boy Emerson and PTA provided her family $25 to Big Dave and Holly’s.

7. Old business 1. Playground- We will replace old bubble with new piece the students voted on in PE class with pennies. The district will rip out the old piece and supply tools. Parents will help install the new piece over the summer with a district supervisor and a supervisor from the playground company. Wil made the motion to earmark $30,000 for this project. Misty Miller seconded.

8. New business 1. Walk a thon-Kim Munn- we are exploring a new way to do walk a thon to make it more family friendly and less competitive. The idea is to have the entire school and families walk together. Instead of t-shirts we may do frisbees, water bottles, or cinch sacks. Kids are most interested in popsicles so we will keep those too! Prior years every student received a tshirt and we are looking to do away with this as it is a large expense. We want and need to keep sponsors.

2. Open committee chairs and board positions: We need to know these by March so we can book events in April for 2017/18 school year. The following positions are open: staff appreciation, communications, bingo, co chairs for frolic, variety show, and Secretary

Motion to adjourn made by Wil Hanson seconded by Caroline Everitt

Upcoming dates 2/21/17 Skate Party 6pm-8pm

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