2017/2018 Issue 2 What in the World? Level 1 Article - 1

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2017/2018 Issue 2 What in the World? Level 1 Article - 1

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2017/2018 • Issue 2 What in the World? • Level 1 • Article - 1 - The Desperate Plight of the Rohingya

The United Nations (UN) calls the influx. Bangladesh already hosts health services. Rohingya of Myanmar the world’s 750,000 Rohingya refugees. Most The Rohingya can’t vote, and in most persecuted people – and of them fled there before the 1982, the government took away recent events seem to support current crisis began. their citizenship, too. That means this description. Who Are The Rohingya? they can’t get passports. They are Since late August, the Rohingya Most Rohingya are Muslims. Until the largest stateless group in have been running for their lives. they started leaving, about 1.1 the world. They are trying to escape million Rohingya lived in Rakhine A History Of Persecution government forces who are State on Myanmar’s northwest Why are the Rohingya the object burning their villages and shooting coast. That’s about one-third of the of so much discrimination? Partly their people. At least 400 state’s population. because they’re different. Their Rohingya have died in the The Rohingya have lived in culture, language, and religion set violence. Over 400,000 more have Myanmar since at least the 12th them apart from the Buddhist streamed out of Myanmar on foot. century. That’s when their Indian, majority. Poverty plays a role, too. Nearly 200 Rohingya villages have Chinese, and Arab ancestors More than 78 percent of been emptied. That’s about 30 migrated to the region. Many also households in Rakhine State are percent of the total in the arrived in the 19th century, struggling to survive. Everyone is Southeast Asian nation. encouraged by the British. fighting for scarce resources. “[It’s] a textbook example of A Stateless People Tensions Escalate ethnic cleansing,” said the top The Rohingya believe they have a In 2012, after decades of human rights official at the UN. right to live in peace in Myanmar. persecution, ethnic riots took Most of the refugees have fled to The government, however, refuses place. Hundreds of Rohingya were Bangladesh. Others have taken to to recognize them as one of the killed. More than 140,000 others dangerous seas. They hope to country’s 135 ethnic groups. It were forced into filthy camps. reach Malaysia, Thailand, and says they are illegal migrants of The event was a turning point for Indonesia. However, these Bengali origin and it restricts how some Rohingya who decided they neighbours are reluctant to take in they study, work, travel, marry, had had enough. They formed the the Rohingya. They fear that they practice their religion, and access Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army won’t be able to cope with the 2017/2018 • Issue 2 What in the World? • Level 1 • Article - 2 - (ARSA) to fight back. nation. that want to create an Islamic state. On August 25, ARSA attacked Eventually, however, the military Stinging Criticism police posts, killing 12 officers. decided to loosen its grip on Analysts agree that it would be That sparked the ongoing fierce power. In 2012, it allowed, for the hard for Ms. Suu Kyi to denounce response from security forces and first time, mostly-free elections. the treatment of the Rohingya. Her vigilantes. Ms. Suu Kyi was given honorary civilian government does not want Aung San Suu Kyi Canadian citizenship for her to provoke the military. Still, the Many people have been looking to efforts. She was also awarded the world is angry about her failure to Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Nobel Prize for peace because help these desperate people. Kyi to speak up for the Rohingya. judges said she represented “an UN Secretary-General Antonio outstanding example of the power Ms. Suu Kyi came to power in Guterres called for an end to the of the powerless.” Yet Ms. Suu November 2015. Before cruelty. He said Rohingya refugees Kyi has refused to side with the that – between 1989 and should be free to return home Rohingya. Instead, she says she is 2010 – she spent most of her time with dignity. the victim of “fake news”. under house arrest. The military “[The status of] the Rohingya, has that ruled Myanmar at that time According to her government, been left unresolved for far too was trying to stop her from security forces are not targeting long,” he said. working to bring democracy to the civilians. Rather, they are fighting back against a group of terrorists

About Myanmar The Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar is also known as Burma. It has nearly 53 million people and is about the size of Alberta. At one time, Myanmar was an independent kingdom. In 1886, it was annexed by the British Empire. Japan occupied the country during World War II. It was returned to British control until independence in 1948. The military ran the country between 1962 and 2011. During this time, the generals in control abused human rights and turned the international community against them.

annex: to take control of a country or region by force migrant: someone who moves to a different place or country Bengali: a major ethnic and linguistic group in South Asia Muslim: someone who follows or practices Islam Buddhist: of or relating to a religion of eastern and central persecute: to subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, Asia growing out of the teaching of Siddhārtha Gautama especially because of race or beliefs ethnic cleansing: the mass expulsion or killing of members of United Nations: an international organization formed in 1945 an unwanted ethnic or religious group to increase political and economic cooperation among 193 ethnic riot: a violent protest by a crowd of people against a member-countries particular ethnic group vigilante: someone who tries to catch and punish criminals by house arrest: the state of being imprisoned in one’s house or themselves, without waiting for the police quarters

2017/2018 • Issue 2 What in the World? • Level 1 • Article - 3 - 2017/2018 • Issue 2 What in the World? • Level 1 • Article - 4 - On The Lines

Answer the following in complete sentences:

1. What is the population of Myanmar?

2. List at least three other important facts about this country.

3. How long have the Rohingya lived in this country?

4. How many Rohingya lived in northwest Myanmar before the current crisis?

5. Explain why this ethnic group has faced discrimination and persecution over the decades.

6. What restrictions has Myanmar’s government imposed on the Rohingya?

7. What happened in 2012? What did some Rohingya do as a result?

8. What did members of this militant group do in late August?

9. How did the government respond to these attacks? Describe what happened to many Rohingya.

Just Talk About It 1. What if... you were not a citizen of any country? 2. In what ways might poverty fuel hatred and violence? Explain. 3. a) Bangladesh is a poor nation. As you see it, what is Bangladesh’s responsibility to the Rohingya refugees? What is the world’s responsibility? b) If you were Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, how would you respond to the Rohingya refugee crisis? Explain. 4. a) What is your understanding of the term ‘genocide’? Use a dictionary to help you define this term, if necessary. b) What evidence is there in the article that supports the view that the Myanmar government is committing genocide? What evidence refutes this view? Explain. 5. Imagine that you are Aung San Suu Kyi, writing in your journal about the plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar. What are your inner thoughts about this crisis? How do they compare with your outer actions? Explain. 6. An old adage says One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. What is your understanding of this adage? As you see it, how might this adage relate to the situation in Myanmar? Explain. 7. ARSA has done more harm to the Rohingya than good by turning to violence. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons to support your response.

2017/2018 • Issue 2 What in the World? • Level 1 • Article - 5 - On Line

1. Read “Myanmar Follows Global Pattern in How Ethnic Cleansing Begins” from the New York Times at https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/world/asia/myanmar-rohingya-ethnic-cleansing.html?mcubz=1 2. Watch (and fact check) Aung San Suu Kyi’s statement at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/20/fact- check-aung-san-suu-kyi-rohingya-crisis-speech-myanmar 3. Read a Vox explainer of the crisis at https://www.vox.com/world/2017/9/18/16312054/rohingya-muslims-myanmar-refugees-violence 4. Learn more about the ARSA at http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/12/asia/arsa-rohingya-militants-who-are-they/index.html 5. See a Child Wellbeing snapshot of Rakhine State from UNICEF at https://www.unicef.org/myanmar/Rakhine_State_Profile_Final.pdf

Quiz The Desperate Plight of the Rohingya Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer on the line beside each question: ______1. Which religion do most Rohingya in Myanmar practice? a) Buddhism b) Christianity c) Islam d) Hinduism ______2. How many Rohingya have left Myanmar in recent weeks? a) 250,000 b) 400,000 c) 750,000 d) 1.1 million ______3. To which country did most of these people escape to? a) Bangladesh b) China c) Japan d) India ______4. True or False? Most citizens of Myanmar are Buddhist. ______5. True or False? Aung San Suu Kyi is speaking out in support of the Rohingya. 6. Would you consider the ARSA to be a terrorist organization or a group of freedom fighters? Why? Explain.

2017/2018 • Issue 2 What in the World? • Level 1 • Article - 6 -

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