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Wahluke School District

Morris Schott Elementary

Student Handbook 2013-2014

MSE – School of H.E.R.O.es

Mission Statement: “At MSE we are guiding students to be the future Heroes of our community”

4/30/2018 Wahluke School District Morris Schott Elementary Student Handbook

Mission Statement: At Morris Schott Elementary, we are guiding students to become the future H.E.R.O.es of our community – Healthy, Educated, Respectful, and Goal Oriented.

Parent Information: Welcome to Morris Schott Elementary School! It is our desire that you and your child enjoy participating in all of the educational opportunities at MSE. We look forward to providing your student with many excellent opportunities to learn and prepare for their future.

We know that your involvement increases the likelihood of your child’s success. We actively encourage your participation in your student’s school activities. Many events have been planned to provide you with opportunities to share in your student’s school experiences and further learn about the ways you can best help him or her succeed in school. Your help is needed in many ways. Please contact your child’s teacher or principal about volunteer opportunities.

We provide a positive, growth-promoting learning environment for all Morris Schott Elementary School students. Please familiarize yourself with the information in this handbook. It addresses many of the most common questions that arise about our school. As always, when you have questions, concerns or ideas for improvement, I invite you to contact me.

Welcome to MSE – School of Heroes!

Karl Edie, Principal

The Wahluke School District complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity or expression, national origin, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, age, or honorably discharged veteran or military status. This holds true for all programs and services. The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Equity and Civil Rights/Title IX Director and/or Section 504/ADA coordinator at (509)932-4565.

4/30/2018 Philosophy

“We are a dedicated staff working together with our community to create a positive learning environment where every student is challenged to reach their full potential and become constructive members of society.”


PHYSICAL NEEDS: *Building and grounds are to be maintained so they are safe, attractive, and used optimally.

SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL NEEDS: *Students are to be guided in developing a sense of self and self-worth while working productively within limits. *Students and adults are respectful of each other’s rights and ideas and are encouraged to accept differences among individuals.

CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION NEEDS: *Students are to be provided current curriculum, materials, instructional practices, and extended experiences. *Appropriate classroom placement is provided to each child through thoughtful and balanced grouping.

ALL ADULT STAFF WILL: *Recognize our own self worth and our value as a team member. *Respect group and individual rights, participate in decision-making, and practice open communication. *Respect and follow the building operating principles. *Respect and encourage involvement of parents.

FISCAL RESOURCES: *When appropriate, the distribution of school funds will be determined through shared decision-making.


PHYSICAL NEEDS: *Children should have an adequate supply of clean clothing that fits well and is appropriate for the various weather conditions of Mattawa. *Basic nutritional needs of each child should be met each day. *Based on age/developmental level, children should have a certain number of hours of sleep each night. *Children should receive age-appropriate supervision and should not be left at home unless their safety and security needs have been provided for.

Dress Code All clothing worn during school or at school-sponsored events must adhere to the dress code. All polo’s must be of solid color consisting of maroon, black, white, and gray for the tops. Pants may consist of black or blue jeans, black slacks, or khaki slacks. Students may wear outerwear (coats) to and from school. Coats do not need t be in uniform color.

SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL NEEDS: *Children are more likely to experience success if they have been taught manners and respect for others. *Children are more likely to experience success in school when parents, children, and teachers work together as a cooperative team; respectful of each member’s contribution to the child’s welfare and education. *Children have a basic need to know that they have value and are loved. As parents and caregivers, it is important that we communicate this love and respect to children daily. Children are most likely to

4/30/2018 demonstrate respect for public safety and security workers, i.e. police and fire department, if parents foster this respect.

CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION NEEDS: *Both the amount of time and quality of television viewing should be monitored. *Children should be read to each day. *A quiet and comfortable space for at home study should be provided and maintained to promote the development of high quality study skills.

ATTENDANCE Regular, punctual school attendance is critical for student success. No amount of teaching, homework, tutoring or support can make up for absences from school. Please be sure your child attends school each day on time for maximum benefit. State laws require schools to respond to absences via telephone calls, attendance plans, and, ultimately, by filing a petition with the Juvenile Court of Grant County for violations of the school attendance law, RCW 28A. 225.010. Whenever a student has failed to attend school and is unexcused five (5) times in any month or ten (10) times in a school year, the school must file charges against the student, parent or the student and parent. The following are considered excused absences: 1. Illness or a health condition 2. A religious observance, when requested by a student’s parent 3. A school-approved activity 4. A family emergency 5. Disciplinary actions or short-term suspensions are required by law 6. The principal may, upon request by a parent, grant permission in advance for a student’s absence providing such absence does not adversely affect the student’s educational progress. Because our district is required to have documentation of our efforts to comply with this law, we require a written note requesting that the child be excused for one of the above reasons. Parents have 72 hours (three days) to get the note to the school. After 72 hours, all absences without a note will be marked unexcused. The legal process leading to a hearing in juvenile court begins with the first unexcused absence. A fine of $25.00 per unexcused absence, detention, community service and/or referral to the Truancy Board are all options available to the judge to respond when students have multiple unexcused absences. If you have any questions about the attendance policy or procedures, please contact the building principal. Only the principal is authorized to approve absences; appeals may be made to the Superintendent and then the Board. If you know your child will be gone for an extended time please fill out a pre-arranged absence form at the office before you leave. This way they will be excused and will not be withdrawn from our records. Return to School Upon returning to school following the absence, the student must present to the office a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian stating the time and reason for the absence. Makeup Work It will be the student’s responsibility to arrange for all makeup work following an excused absence. The school allows one day “makeup” time for each day a student has been absent. No amount of make up work can take the place of in-school instruction. School Activity Students absent from class for the purpose of participation in a recognized school activity, such as athletics, music or student government will not be penalized, provided the student makes up the work missed. Leaving School during the Day Saddle Mountain Elementary has a closed campus. Once students arrive at school, they must remain on campus unless excused by parents through the office. Students who leave any time during the school day must report to the office and sign out, prior to leaving the premises. Students off campus without permission are considered truant. Admit to Class All students that have been absent must report to the office when they return to school and obtain an admit- to-class slip. Excused slips will be issued only after a note is presented to the office that is written by a parent or guardian. Tardiness Students are required to be at school no later than the beginning of the regular school day unless properly excused. Students are required to attend class on time. Students who are repeatedly late for school or class will be subject to progressive discipline. Truancies

4/30/2018 A student who is absent without prior knowledge and consent of a parent will be considered unexcused (truant) example of unexcused absences, which may be cause for progressive disciplinary action, includes, but is not limited to the following: *Student leaves school without a parent signing them out. *Student is absent from school without prior permission of parents. *Student fails to verify an absence. *Student who is excessively tardy. *Pursuant to RCW28A.225.030, the Becca Bill, see section on Becca Bill.

BECCA BILL The following is a required legal notice mandated by the modifications made in the school attendance laws. Please note that all schools in Washington State are subject to these same rules, called “The Becca Bill.” The law requires our School District to file a petition with the Juvenile Court of Grant County for violations of the school attendance policy that relates to excused and unexcused absences.

SCHOOL HOURS Please make sure that your child arrives on time each day so that they are not marked absent. Supervision is provided for students between the hours of 7:30 am and 3:15 pm. Students who arrive late to school should stop at the office for a tardy slip before going to class. School hours for students are from 8:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. LATE START will be the first day of each full school week; class will begin at 9:15a.m. (Bus schedules will run the same as a normal day but one hour later, as well as supervision of students).

PHONE CALLS AND MESSAGES/BUS CHANGES Please make any special after school arrangements with your child (ren) at home so they have clear instructions on what they are supposed to do. Bus changes will NOT be accepted after 2:00pm for any reason. Per transportation director, ONLY 3 changes per year are allowed. For child’s safety, students in grade Pre-K and Kinder will not be let off the bus unless a parent or caregiver I waiting for them at the bus stop. Failure to meet the bus on time 3 times will cause in the suspension of transportation services for 1 week. After the 3rd week of suspension, if occurred, transportation will be suspended for the remaining of the school year. We do not interrupt the classroom instruction with phone calls, you may leave a message and it will be relayed to your child at the end of the day. Children are not allowed to call home to ask to visit a friend or make an arrangement of their own. EMERGENCY CONTACTS In case of emergency it is vital that we have all the necessary information needed to be able to contact you. Many times, changes occur in emergency contacts addresses and phone number and we are not notified. For the safety of your children, PLEASE CHECK TO SEE THAT WE HAVE ALL OF YOUR CHILD’S INFO UPDATED AT THE OFFICE. Students will not be released from school to any person except for those that have been designated by the parents on the emergency release form. Information must be updated yearly and I required by Washington State Law.

CONCERNS If you have a concern regarding your children the following steps might be helpful: *If it’s a classroom situation, contact your child’s teacher by either calling the school office at 932-4433 or asking to talk directly with the teacher or by visiting the classroom. If the situation is not resolved, please contact the principal. * In any school-related situation, inside or outside the classroom, feel encouraged to contact the principal. She is there to be of help to you, your child, and the learning process. * The school counselor is available for counseling assistance and can also be reached through the school office. PLAYGROUND RULES *Toys from home are not allowed at school because they could get lost, stolen, or broken. *School is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items. *Food is not allowed on the playground. *Play fighting and wrestling may cause injuries and are not allowed. *Students are expected to talk nicely to others and be respectful of playground supervisors. *Playing tag or other running games is limited to the soccer field area. *Students need to respect the need for quiet around the school building and stay in designated play areas. *Absolutely no throwing of rocks, sand, snowballs or any other object that may endanger others.

4/30/2018 Progressive discipline is in place for students who do not abide by this safety rule. *Students must act in a responsible manner while using the bathrooms. Vandalism anywhere on school grounds will be an automatic suspension.

TELECOMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONIC DEVICES All students are strongly encouraged not to have in their possession at any time on any school district property any electronic or telecommunication device. However, in recognition of parents’ decisions regarding the safety and communication needs of their families the following procedures are placed into effect so as to establish and create as positive a learning atmosphere as possible. The district prohibits the use of all personal telecommunication/electronic devices (including, but not limited to, cell phones, PSP’s, I-Pods and all MP-3 based devices, etc.) during the school hours for students in grades P-8. If a parent/guardian wishes his/her child to have a cell phone, it must remain out of sight and be turned off during school hours. All communication between parents and students in grades P-8 must go through school personnel during the school day. Students in the possession of telecommunication or other electronic devices shall observe the following conditions:  All telecommunication/electronic devices may not be in visible sight or operated in school at the elementary, middle and junior high schools or in class or during instructional time at senior high school, unless an emergency situation exists that involves imminent physical danger or a school administrator authorizes the student to do otherwise.

 Students who violate this policy will be subject to progressive disciplinary action up to and including confiscation of the device for the remainder of the school year. The first step in most cases shall be confiscation, after which the student my pick the device up at the end of the school day. A device which has been confiscated more than once shall only be returned to the student’s parent or guardian.

 Teachers may allow the use of telecommunications/electronic devices in their own classrooms if such use contributes to instructional and/or educational purposes. Teachers will notify principals, in writing and prior to the beginning of the year, the details of allowable use. This use will also be communicated with parents in letter form.  Students are responsible for telecommunication/electronic devices they bring to school or onto district-owned transportation. The district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of such devices brought onto school property even when confiscated nor will the school investigate the loss or damage of such an item.

 While on school property after school hours or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities occurring after school hours, students may possess and use personal telecommunication/electronic devices. These include, but are not limited to, pagers, beepers, MP3 players and cellular phones. The possession and use of such devices must not pose a threat to academic integrity, disrupt the learning environment or violate the privacy rights of others.

 Occasionally school pictures will be used for various media outlets – digital and print media – for use of school promotion. If you would not like your student featured in school pictures, please contact the office and fill out an opt-out form.


Aspirin/Tylenol No school staff member may issue aspirin/Tylenol to any student. Parents are not to send Tylenol/aspirin to school with their student, and should consider keeping their child at home if this medicine is needed throughout the day. Special Medical Situations and Administering Medication If special medication must be administered, we need your cooperation. The school will accept, store in a safe place, and make available to your child the medicine needed, provided that: 1. Parents have requested this assistance in writing on a physician form, taking full responsibility of any reaction or other risks involved. Written directions by a licensed physician are required. 2. Medication is supplied by the parent or guardian in a properly labeled container bearing the child’s name, date, name of the medicine, dosage, instructions for use and the physician’s name in an amount not to exceed a two week’s supply. Medication request forms are available at the school office.

ECP’s (Emergency Care Plan) 4/30/2018 Pursuant to RCW 28A.210.320 and WAC 392-380-005 to 080, notify the school office of any special medical problem, preferably at the beginning of the school year or when the situation dictates. Any student requiring an Emergency Care Plan, ECP, and/or medication /medication orders, will be excluded from school until completed. Health Forms All students must have current health form turned in to the office within the first week of school. Your child (ren) will not be permitted to attend school after the first week until a health form has been received. ILLNESS POLICY If in the last 24hrs your child (ren) has had diarrhea, vomiting, fever or any other illness that needs your full attention, please DO NOT send them to school. Students must be free of these symptoms for at least 24 hrs in order to be allowed back in school.

CERTIFICATE OF IMMUNIZATIONS All students must have a C.I.S. form in their file before they can be enrolled in school. All immunizations must be current unless claiming a personal or religious exemption from them. If your parent or guardian is claiming a personal or religious exemption for you, you will be subject to Temporary Exclusion during outbreaks of communicable disease in the area. Any student with a Conditional Admission must show proof of completion of the required immunizations by the first day of attendance in the next school year.

OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE POLICY All students are required to go outside for recess unless the temperature is 18oF or lower. If your child has a medical condition that requires them to be indoor, a doctor’s note will be required.

VISITORS Parents are always welcome to visit the school. Anyone visiting the campus must sign in with the office and receive a visitor’s pass. Morris Schott Elementary has a closed campus. Students are not permitted to bring friends or relatives to school that are not enrolled at Morris Schott Elementary School. No one under age 18 is permitted on campus during school hours unless accompanied by a parent or prior approval has been arranged with a teacher/staff member.

VOLUNTEERING Morris Schott Elementary School welcomes family involvement. Volunteers help build a better future for our children. If you can spare a few hours a week—or even just one—to help in and around classrooms, and if you want to make a difference for ALL children, please contact your child’s teacher or the main office. Schools with a strong volunteer program produce students who perform better overall.

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Conferences are scheduled in the fall and spring; you will be notified of date/time. Additional conferences are arranged by appointment with your child’s teacher. Please contact your child’s teacher through the office or email to arrange a conference.

TEXTBOOKS Students will be issued textbooks for most of their classes. These books are issued to students by number. Students are responsible for taking care of the books that are checked out and returning them at the end of the course. Any damage or excessive wear and tear may result in a fine. Students must pay for lost books that have been checked out to them, this includes library books.

PROGRESS REPORTS The purpose of this report is to inform parents or guardians of their child’s progress in school. Progress reports are sent home every three weeks. The following dates indicate the end of the 3-week periods.


4/30/2018 Mattawa Elementary School uses standards based report cards. Report cards are mailed to parents every nine weeks or four times during the school year. It is wise for students to keep up their daily work, homework and test preparation. GENERAL GRADING SYSTEM 4 – Above standard 3 – Meets standard 2 – Approaching standard 1 – Below standard

HOMEWORK Many courses require independent practice at home to reinforce classroom learning. Homework is more than doing an assignment—it is studying each subject on a regular basis. The daily amount of time required for homework will vary with the subject and your child’s needs. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns about the amount of homework for which your child is responsible.

You can help your child succeed by insisting on a regular time and place each day for homework and by providing pencils, paper and a well-lighted place for study. Make sure your child knows how important schoolwork is to you. STUDENT CONDUCT The board requires that each student follow the rules of conduct and accept corrective action taken as a result of conduct violations. Students are expected to: 1. Conform to reasonable standards of acceptable behavior; 2. Respect the learning, safety and well-being of others; 3. Preserve the degree of order necessary for a positive climate for learning; and 4. Submit to the authority of staff and respond accordingly. Compliance with Rules Students shall comply with all rules adopted by the district, including rules and levels of expected conduct described in this procedure. Failure to do so shall be cause for corrective action. The rules shall be enforced by school officials: (a) on school property (b) on property used for school purposes, or (c) off school grounds at any school activity, function or event, or in other circumstances where the conduct has a detrimental effect upon the maintenance and operation of the schools or the District. For a statement of possible consequences for the violations stated below, please consult the discipline matrix at the end of this section. Criminal Acts The following acts are among those defined as criminal offense under the laws of the State of Washington, Grant County, and the City of Mattawa. Students involved in such acts are subject to prosecution and will be reported to the police. Appropriate action may be taken by school authorities if the incident is school related, regardless of whether or not criminal charges result.

o Damage or theft of property o Extortion, assault or causing physical injury o Weapons and dangerous instruments o Fighting, harassment or insubordination o Narcotics, alcoholic beverages and stimulant drugs Cumulative Violations A student who repeatedly fails to comply with various school policies, rules and regulations will be subject to Suspension and/or Expulsion. The seriousness of the violation is not the only criteria for disciplinary actions, and repetitive minor violations can result in stringent action. RCW 28A.600.020 requires that the principal consider long-term Suspension or Expulsion for students who disrupt the school environment repeatedly. Alteration of Records A student shall not falsify, alter, or destroy a school record or any school-related communication. This includes communications to and from school. Alcohol, Chemical Substances and Tobacco Products A student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used any alcoholic beverage, illegal chemical substance or opiate, or tobacco product. Assault Assault is defined as any unwanted touch. Assault is a criminal act. Bus Misconduct

4/30/2018 Any misconduct by a student which, in the opinion of the bus driver or bus supervisor, is detrimental to the safe operation of the bus shall be sufficient cause for the principal to suspend the transportation privilege. Cheating A student shall not knowingly submit work of others represented as his/her own. Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others. Computer Misuse Any violation of the Wahluke School District Acceptable Use Policy shall be considered computer misuse. Inappropriate use of telecommunications equipment will be cause for disciplinary action. Please see the included Acceptable Use Policy and form included in this handbook. The form must be returned to the school office. Defiance Students are required to comply with reasonable requests and directions from school staff. Failure to do so is defiance. Disruptive Conduct A student shall not intentionally cause a substantial and material disruption of any school operations. The following illustrate the kinds of offenses that are prohibited:

1. Interfering with the educational process with conduct such as obscenity, defamatory statements, misbehavior, or disrespect of staff. 2. Occupying a school building or school grounds in order to deprive others of its use; 3. Blocking the entrance or exit of any school building or room in order to deprive others of passing through; 4. Setting fire to or substantially damaging school property; 5. Preventing students from attending a class or school activity; 6. Blocking normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic on a school campus; 7. Interfering with the conduct of any class or activity Extortion A student shall not extort anything of value, threaten injury or attempt to cause injury, or intentionally behave in such a way as could reasonably be expected to cause injury to any person. False Alarms A student shall not activate a fire alarm for other than the intended purpose of the alarm. Fighting/ Encouraging the Act of Fighting Fighting is mutual assault (unwanted touching). Fighting is not allowed. Law enforcement may be contacted in cases of fighting. Students who watch a fight or encourage others to fight will receive the same consequences as those who fight. Fireworks A student shall not possess, transmit, use, distribute, or sell firecrackers or other fireworks. Flagrant Disrespect Swearing, vulgarity, profanity, or disrespectful words, symbols or gestures directed to a staff member or adult are prohibited. Forgery/Lying Students may not produce false or misleading information. Students must identify themselves correctly to staff who request identification. Lying to staff during an investigation may lead to additional disciplinary consequences. Gambling Students may not play cards, dice, or games of chance for money or other things of value. Gang Activity A student shall not engage in gang activity; including, without limitation, illegal, intimidating and harassing conduct. Gang activity includes the expressions of gang membership such as gang colors, use of hand signals, and symbols of affiliation. Specifically prohibited are apparel, jewelry or accessories, graffiti, or manner of grooming (including tattoos) which denote membership in a gang by virtue of their color, arrangement, trademark, symbol alteration, or any other attribute. RCW 28A.600.455 Harassment Sexual Harassment: Sexual advance, request for sexual favor, sexual comment, cartoon, innuendo or any other conduct of a sexual nature which is unwelcome or uninvited and is directed by a student toward another student, teacher or other person, is prohibited. Student Harassment for Reason of Race, Religion, Ethnic Origin, or Physical, Mental or Sensory Disability: Harassment in the form of slurs or other harassment based on race, religion, ethnic origin, or disability (physical, mental or sensory) is prohibited. A slur is a type of harassment and is defined as any derogatory action such as: remark, word, joke, picture, or gesture referencing or directed to any individual or group(s) which is of a racial, ethnic, religious, or physical, mental or sensory disability nature.

4/30/2018 Other Harassment: Other harassment is also prohibited and is defined as intimidating another person in a way that relates to a person’s race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or physical, mental or sensory disability, which causes physical injury, or by words or conduct places that person in fear of harm to his/her person or property or causes disruptive conduct. Inappropriate Language/Gestures Students are not allowed to use vulgar, profane or obscene language, gestures, symbols or writing. Swearing is considered an automatic step four. Loitering A student shall leave the school campus at the official close of the school day unless permission to do otherwise has been granted. Students are not allowed to loiter in hallways and common areas during the school day. Reckless Endangerment A student shall not behave in such a way as to create a hazardous condition which may result in damage to persons or property. Theft/Possession of Stolen Property Stealing or being in possession of stolen property, or assisting others in stealing or possessing stolen property, is prohibited. Threat A student shall not make any threat; verbally, in writing, or otherwise; that adversely impacts or interferes with school activities. Threats and harassment are considered an automatic step four. Tobacco (see Alcohol and Drugs) Trespass by Students A student shall not be in an unauthorized place under school jurisdiction and/or refuse to leave when asked to do so. Vandalism Willful, reckless or accidental destruction or defacement of property is prohibited.

Vulgar or Lewd Conduct A student shall not use lewd, indecent or obscene acts or expressions.

REGULATION OF DANGEROUS WEAPONS ON SCHOOL PREMISES: It is a violation of Wahluke district policy #4210 and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities. School officials shall notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, including a one-year expulsion for a violation involving a firearm. However, the superintendent may modify the one-year expulsion on a case-by-case basis. A complete text of this policy is available at the District office.

SUPPORT SERVICES FOR STUDENTS AND FAMILIES There are many adults on campus that are available if a student is concerned about a situation or are experiencing difficulty with another student. Students should attempt to solve their own problems at school. When this isn’t possible, the student should get help from the nearest adult. Classroom situations are best resolved by the classroom teacher, and students should let the teacher know if they are having difficulty. Other situations are best referred to the counselor or principal. It is important that students report problems in a timely manner to enable school officials to help resolve the issue quickly. Parents are encouraged to help their children report problems. Complaint forms are available in the office.

COUNSELING SERVICES The school counselor is a resource for children, parents, and school staff, who have been trained to deal with a variety of problems relating to young people. The counselor works with students individually and in small groups to build self-esteem, teach friendships skills and anger management, and assist students in dealing with divorce or a death in the family.

Parents are their child’s best source of help, and because of that, a very important part of the educational team. Often parents need someone to talk to regarding a concern about their child, or they need to know

4/30/2018 where to get outside help. Frequently, the school counselor can provide that information. Please feel free to call or visit the counselor.

DISASTER DRILLS/EMERGENCIES Emergency Closing In case of severe weather or other emergencies a “no school” announcement will be made over local radio stations between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. Radio stations to listen to are KPQ Wenatchee (102.1), OK95 Tri- Cities (95), KXLE Ellensburg (1240 AM), KZTA Yakima (90.1), KWIQ Moses Lake (100.3), KONA Tri- Cities (105.3) and NPR Columbia Basin (89.1/89.9). A school day lost because of closure will be made up at a later date. There may be days when, because of hazardous road conditions, an early dismissal becomes necessary to insure safe completion of bus routes. Students will be excused if parents decide to keep children home due to weather conditions. Evacuation Drills Evacuations drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution. It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone obeys orders promptly and clears the building by the described route as quickly as possible. The teacher in each classroom will give the students instructions. Fire & Safety Evacuation Procedures Try to become familiar with evacuation routes and the location of the fire extinguishers and first aid kits. It is the feeling of the Wahluke School District and the Grant County Fire Department that there are no major impediments for evacuation of mobility impaired individuals. Restrooms and other isolated public areas will be checked by an assigned staff person to insure that the rooms are vacated.

1. When the bell sounds, leave the building as quickly and orderly as possible. 2. Go with your classes to the nearest exit. If you are alone proceed to nearest exit. 3. Close the door as you leave the room 4. Go 160 feet to the upwind side of the building insofar as possible. 5. Stay together as a class. 6. Teachers are to take roll outside the building and are responsible for assisting any visual, hearing or mobility impaired individuals. 7. Wait for the all-clear signal to return to the building. The all-clear signal consists of two (2) short rings. 8. The teacher will assist the evacuation of impaired individuals.

The Wahluke School District complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity or expression, national origin, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, age, or honorably discharged veteran or military status. This holds true for all programs and services. The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Equity and Civil Rights/Title IX Director and/or Section 504/ADA coordinator at (509)932-4565.

Discipline Matrix Morris Schott Elementary School

Infraction Definition Minimum Maximum References Alcohol/Drugs a) Possession (of any alcoholic beverages/illegal Suspension* Expulsion* #3240 drugs/drug paraphernalia on or about the school premises or at any school sponsored activity (includes look a likes) RCW b) Evidence of sale/trafficking 28A.635.020 c) Enticement RCW d) Under the influence of alcohol/drugs 69.50.435

4/30/2018 Arson Using fire to destroy or attempt to destroy property Suspension Expulsion* #3240 RCW RCW 9.40.060

Assault Physical Attack/ Unwanted touch Suspension Expulsion* #3240 RCW Bus -Disregard of state bus regulations Conference Suspension #3240 Misconduct -See bus regulations with the student Changes Falsification, alteration, destruction of a school record or Conference Suspension #3240 any school related communication. Includes notes with the from/to parents. student

Computer/ Violation of acceptable use guidelines consistent with Conference Expulsion RCW28A.650. Internet WSD Student policy with the 005 Misuse student RCW28A.650. Loss of use 010 #2022 Copyright Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted Conference Expulsion P.L. 94-553 Compliance materials with the #2025 student

Defiance Willful disobedience, insubordination. Refusal to follow Conference Expulsion #3240 reasonable staff directions with the RCW student 28A.600.040 RCW 28A.600.460 Displays of Romantic touching, sexually oriented actions, indecent Conference Expulsion Affection liberties with the student Disregard School Failure to follow school rules as out lined in Student Conference Suspension #3240 Rules and Handbook or interfering with the learning, safety or with the RCW Regulations well-being of others. student 28A.600.040 Disruptive Conduct (including language) that creates a substantial Conference Suspension #3240 Conduct and material disruption of any school operation or with the (Repeated) deprives others of learning, safety or well-being student Explosive Use, threat to use, possession or sale of explosive device Suspension Expulsion* #3240 Devices including fireworks and ammunition RCW 9.41.270 RCW 90.74.020 RCW 9.61.160 Extortion Threatening or intimidating to achieve something of Conference Expulsion value. with the student False Alarms Activation of an emergency alarm in a non-emergency Suspension Expulsion or drill situation Fighting/ a) Physical contact with intent to inflict harm Suspension Expulsion* #3240 Encouraging the b) Standing around watching and/or cheering on WAC Act of Fighting fight; or being involved with anyone seeking 180.40.070 to fight another student Flagrant Swearing, vulgarity, profanity or words symbols or 2 Days Expulsion #3240 Disrespect gestures directed to a staff member/adult Suspension RCW 28A.600.040 RCW 28A.635.010 Forgery, Lying, Producing false or misleading information Conference Suspension #3240 Cheating with the student Gambling Participating in games of chance for purpose of Conference Suspension* #3240 exchanging anything of value with the RCW student 28A.600.040 Gangs/Gang The use of colors, insignia, dress, gestures, actions, Conference Expulsion* #3240 Related Activities and/or language to create reasonable belief that a student with the RCW is involved in a gang. Participating with 2 or more others student 28A.600.455 in a violation of rules or laws. 4/30/2018 Inappropriate Vulgar, profane or obscene language or gestures, Conference Expulsion #3240 Language/ symbols or writings, spitting with the Gestures student Reckless Creating hazardous conditions which may result in Suspension Expulsion* #3240 Endangerment damage to persons or property RCW 4.24.190

Sexual/Malicious Statements or actions that intimidate other Suspension Expulsion* #3207 Harassment Title VII Civil Rights Act 1964 Tardiness Late arrival to class or school Conference Suspension #3240 with the student Theft  Sale, possession of items not belonging to you. Suspension Expulsion* RCW 9A.56  Encouraging the act Restitution Restitution Tobacco Possession/use of tobacco in any form Suspension Long Term #3240 Suspension RCW 28A.210.310 Trespassing/ Presence in unauthorized places or without legitimate Conference Suspension* #3240 Loitering reason. Refusal to leave school property with the student Unexcused Absence not excused by the school Parent Juvenile #3122 Absence or Conference Court RCW Truancy 28A.225.010

Vandalism Intentional destruction of property Suspension Expulsion* #3240 Restitution Restitution #6500 RCW 28A.635.060

Weapons a) Possession or use of dangerous object which is Parent Expulsion* #3240 meant to inflict harm Conference RCW 9.41.280 b) Possession of Gun on Campus, includes look-alikes Expulsion* Expulsion* RCW 28A.600.420 c) Use of any object to intimidate or threaten

*REMEMBER: If an infraction violates state lay, a State Law Agency will be contacted. RCW: Revised Code of Washington, a State Law WAC: Washington Administrative Code, State Law Reference #: Wahluke School Board Policy

The Wahluke School District complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity or expression, national origin, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, age, or honorably discharged veteran or military status. This holds true for all programs and services. The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Equity and Civil Rights/Title IX Director and/or Section 504/ADA coordinator at (509)932-4565.

4/30/2018 Morris Schott Elementary School (509) 932-3877

August 2013-2014 Agosto 2013-2014

Dear Parent/ Guardian: Estimado Padre/Tutor:

We ask that you review the Student Handbook including the Dress Code and the Student Acceptable Use Policies (internet use permission) with your child. Please complete the information below when completing your review.

Les pido que revisen esta libreta para los estudiantes con su hijo/a que incluye el código de vestuario y la póliza para los estudiantes y permiso en el uso de internet. Cuando terminen de revisar esta libreta por favor firmen en la línea abajo

My child, ______and I have reviewed and understand the Student Handbook, Dress Code and Internet Policies for 2013/2014 school year. Mi hijo(a) ______y yo hemos leído la libreta de estudiantes, las reglas de vestuario y la póliza de uso del internet 2012/2013 de este año escolar.

______Yes, I give permission for my child to access the internet using the school computers. My child agrees to follow all the internet use policies. Si doy permiso de que mi hijo (a) tenga acceso a la internet cuando use las computadoras la escuela. Mi hijo seguirá las pólizas de internet.

______Student Signature/Firma de estudiante Date/Fecha

______Parent/Guardian Signature/Firma de Padre o Tutor Date/Fecha

______Teacher Signature/ Firma de Maestro(a)


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