Church Phone: (781) 878-0650 (Leave Message on Machine) Church E-Mail
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Church Phone: (781) 878-0650 (leave message on machine) Church e-mail: [email protected] Minister: Rev. Ed Hardy Religious Education Director: Becky Paul Home: (781) 293-2447 e-mail: [email protected] Prudential Committee: Kareen Arena: Co-Chairperson Home: (781) 878-1988 e-mail: [email protected] Cheryl Gardner: Co-Chairperson Home: (781) 585-4556 e-mail: [email protected] Margaret Holmes: Clerk Home: (781) 982-2893 e-mail: [email protected] Aaren Arena Home: (781) 878-1988 e-mail: [email protected] Jason Carter Home: (781) 447-1147 e-mail: [email protected] Susan Curran Home: (781) 767-4230 e-mail: [email protected] Gary Paul Home: (781) 293-2447 e-mail: [email protected] Katie Tierney Home: (781) 982-9576 e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Phil Berry Home: (781) 585-4412 e-mail: [email protected] Asst. Treasurer: Danny Howland Home: (781) 871-0471 e-mail: [email protected] Music and Worship: Marc Tierney Home: (781) 982-9576 e-mail: [email protected] House & Grounds: Paul Arena Home: (781) 878-1988 e-mail: [email protected] Music Director: Lillian Cunningham-Hall Home: (781) 878-3396 Flower Committee: Debby Arena Home: (781) 878-4470 Church Secretary: Aaren Arena Home: (781) 878-1988 e-mail: [email protected] Visit our website:
From the Minister Rev. Ed Hardy A COLLECTION OF ITEMS… I feel I haven’t seen many members of the congregation in a long, long time. When did I see you last? Hmm…. If you don’t serve on a committee that I meet with regularly, then it has been a long time. Maybe it was Christmas Eve…Wasn’t that a wonderful service? Music was great! Snacks after worship fabulous! Christmas, it has been a long time. I miss you. When we miss a Sunday, the one day of the week most of us are together, or two Sundays, then it might seem as if we have lost contact. Services that members learned and practiced music for got bumped. Sorry, John McClintock. John learned a new song—“Strangely Wrapped Gifts” for a service of the same name— snow bumped it once and we switched service to try and have “Strangely Wrapped Gifts” on another Sunday and snow bumped that service too. Well, I’ve wrapped that sermon up and put it in storage for next Christmas season. We’ll unwrap it in 2010. 2010? Have you gotten used to writing that yet? A whole decade—poof, just like that it is now gone. It seems like yesterday I was twenty. Where did all that go? Oh, well, Happy New Year! OUR BIG NEWS: Kelly and I have decided to move. Our one bedroom apartment was stretched to the seams when Khenpo Karten Rinpoche came to stay with us for a month last year. Kelly and I would get a little frayed at the edges. Then he came this year and stayed for three months! We decided that no matter how much we love Khenpo-la and no matter how much we dislike packing, moving, unpacking, learning a new neighborhood, maybe finding a new auto repair mechanic (we love Chuck at Mid-Way auto in Abington), no matter how anxious all that change might make us, we needed to move. We need a room for Khenpo-la. And thinking towards the future, when Kelly finishes her training next year she’ll need a room for her practice. So that’s a three bedroom apartment. Maybe an apartment that would allow a dog? I could really use a dog. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the members of the congregation who have a dog and invite me to their house for some other reason—like a committee meeting or a party and I can get an all too seldom dose of dog. Maybe closer to the ocean? Or a place with more trees? We looked at an apartment within walking distance of Wompatuck State Park. Oh, a Starbucks close by would be nice—I’ve grown very fond of a Venti Chai latte, with two Splenda and no foam—does anyone know how to spell addicted? Kelly has several friends in Quincy and along Route 128 headed north. We would like to get Khenpo-la and us closer to the “Red” line so he could visit friends by himself and we could leave the car home when we go to concerts and museums. At first I was opposed, but as I would drive around the Wollaston and Merrymount areas of Quincy I began to change my mind. Okay, I’ll look in Quincy. The apartment hunt is wicked. Things come and go quickly. Pictures of rooms are adjusted to look larger. Green lawns seen on the internet turn to concrete when you drive down the street. Attractive apartments that rented months ago are left on the internet—it’s called “bait and switch.” Right about now my daughter, Julia, would say, “Is this going to be a sermon?” We found a keeper. We love it. We like the landlord and we will miss our present landlord. Kelly and I will be moving in February to 62 Hudson St. in the Merrymount section of Quincy. We have four bedrooms on two floors—second and third, two full baths, plenty of storage and a laundry in the basement—There is a God! Anyone got any cardboard boxes? Anyone got a full size bed? Khenpo-la’s room needs the bed, a small desk, a bureau, a nightstand, a lamp—Our décor is Early Garage and Late Attic. See you in church, Ed
Worship Services – February 2010 February 7 – To Be Announced February 14 – What’s Love Got To Do With It? – Led by Rev. Ed Hardy Ahem! It Is Valentine’s Day. What’s love got to do with it? Hurry, make sure you have the card, the flowers and the box of chocolate candies—crème filled are my preference. What’s love got to do with it? February 21 – Lay led Service by Danette Carter February 28 – Dr. Death and the Dough – Led by Rev. Ed Hardy “ Dr. Death” is a title Jack Kevorkian receive early in his career as a pathologist. He assisted in the suicide of over 130 patients during the 80’s and 90’s. In November of 1998 Dr. Kevorkian was brought to trial for the murder of Thomas Youk, 52, who suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was found guilty and served 8 years of a ten to twenty five year sentence. As we debate a National Health Care plan and it’s costs it seems an appropriate time to revisit the ethics and life of Jack Kevorikan. RE Update and News: Becky Paul, DRE 1/24 Classes - begin in church with Rev. Ed images and concepts in the stories and their 1/31 Classes - begin upstairs own experiences. The children are encouraged 2/7 Classes - begin upstairs to express their own ideas and beliefs about 2/14 Intersession Break God through discussion, song and art projects. 2/21 Session IV begins It’s our goal to help them develop a language 2/28 Classes - begin in church with Rev. Ed with which they can speak about God. Parents are invited at any time to find out more about the Session III curriculum and volunteer their time in the God Images & Stories about God classroom or at special RE events. The Spirit Seekers shared their ideas about the Image of God by drawing pictures and sharing them with the group. They plan to create a book of God Images. Their homework assignment is to find at least five different images of God from different religions using books, magazines, or the Internet and bring them to their next class. We are hoping to put together an intergen service at the end of the next session so the children can share their work and ideas with the congregation. Stay tuned!
Finally…Success! The Christmas Pageant that almost wasn’t…. was a big hit!!! The performance took place on January 6th, (the twelfth day of Christmas) and the cast was outstanding! Unfortunately, my pictures came out horrible so if you were there and have any pictures, please forward them to me at Teachers: [email protected]. I’d love to post them on Paul Anderson – Chalice Children the website. These kids endured not one, but Marc Tierney – Spirit Seekers two cancellations due to snow! Their last The third session of RE has gotten off to a late rehearsal was weeks before the show, yet they start with cancellations due to snow, but is now all remembered their cues and lines! They really up and running. The Chalice Children have shined! Thanks to everyone who came to the begun with a story called “Hide and Seek with play and to all those wonderful people who God”. They are discovering and sharing their made it all possible. Danette Carter, director, ideas about where to find God and what God Katie Tierney, costumes, Joe Herosy on guitar looks like to them. (This idea of searching for and our adult choir, Chris Ricciotti, John God is supported by the UU Principle, which Burrows, Linda Tesauro, Donna Amado and urges us to affirm and promote a free and Janine Anderson. Thanks also to Cheryl responsible search for truth and meaning.) Gardner and Kareen Arena for helping out with The children also learned that God has many costume changes, and to Mark Gardner, Jason names, and no one name is better than any Carter, Danny Howland, and Joe Herosy for the other. Stories are combined with activities, which sound system. Oh…and everyone who brought help the children make connections between snacks…thank you!
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Youth Advisors: Danny Howland & Susan Kavka 781-878-8906 Last weekend, some of us attended the”CON” (Youth Conference) at the Westminster Church in Rhode Island. While it was a small group, we still had a great time and made great pizza & homemade German pretzels. Feather Football was awesome to watch and will probably become a yearly event. Our new helpful advisors, Lara & Joe Herosy also attended the CON. It was refreshing to have new advisors participate in this event…and Joe keep us all on beat with his trash barrel drumming. Back in December, 3 Youth & myself went to the Norwell UU Church for a RAVE dance. There were 50 or more teens at the dance. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and made some new connections with Youth from other churches in the area. The Channing Church Youth Group is working on hosting an open house gathering for Youth on the South Shore in the near future. UPCOMING EVENTS: Jan 24 – NEXT Youth Group Meeting 5-7PM March 27-28th – Duxbury Sr High CON – this year is a one day-night con April 9-11th – Brewster CON (in April with April!) May 8th – Duxbury Jr high CON Saturday The Youth Group will be holding a Bake Sale to benefit the RELIEF FUND for those who need help in Haiti. Date will be announced next week. Any and all help is appreciated. Please contact Susan Kavka 781-826-8906.
Just a friendly reminder that in the cold dark days of winter, we have an invite for you to join a friendly warm gathering of people for our Knitting Circle on Wednesday nights. The next few weeks will be focused on any new knitters who join our group. Our regular knitters are welcome (and encouraged) to attend to knit and offer your help with new folks. Date: Wednesdays Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm Location: 393 Union Street - Rockland, MA Bring your projects and a snack to share. We look forward to seeing you! BLUE MOON COFFEEHOUSE UPCOMING SHOW
All shows start at 7:30 The Channing Unitarian Universalist Church, 45 Webster Street, Rockland Admission: $6 at the door, Children under 12 Free
Save The Date: Feb. 6th February’s Coffeehouse promises to be a very good show. The acoustic folk pop quartet, Tripping Lily, peforms at the Blue Moon Coffeehouse in Rockland on Saturday, February 6th at 7:30 p.m. This young, energetic band spent several weeks at number one on Boston folk radio station WUMB. Their ability to blend contemporary and traditional music makes them, in the words of The Boston Globe, “a genre unto themselves.” In between sets, they’ll be an open mike and a raffle. For more information on the band, you can visit their website at For more information on this and upcoming shows at the Blue Moon Coffeehouse, you can visit Hope to see you there! Cheryl & Mark Gardner Upcoming Shows Feb 6th March 13th April 17th Tripping Lily Patti DeRosa Three Cats and a Dog
* * ** Snow Cancellations ** The Snow is coming ... Prudential has worked out a procedure for canceling church due to heavy snow storms. So when the snow falls and you are unsure if there will still be a service or an event just call Channing Church. We will put the message that church has been cancelled on our answering service (we thought this would work better than one or two people trying to call everyone, & maybe miss notifying someone). Sunday service cancellations will be posted by 8:30am. If the answering service message does not say church has been cancelled we will still have church that Sunday. Cancellation notices will also be posted on our website. The decision to cancel will be made by Cheryl & Kareen, Prudential Co-Chairs, & will be made considering all factors involved such as; how bad the snow is, if anyone is available to shovel the church walks, if plows have cleared the streets & Ike’s Way leaving room to park cars, if the minister or lay led person is still able to make it to the church, to be in the pulpit for the service, if there is a power failure, etc. If you are not sure if a church event has been cancelled please call Channing 781-878-0650 or visit to check. On Saturday, February 20 at 6 p.m. we will be having our Chinese New Year Dinner followed by a Chinese Auction! We will need donations of items for the Chinese Auction (This is a great time to pass on those special Christmas gifts you got, that you just don’t know what to do with – share the joy with someone else!). There will be a sign up sheet available on Sunday mornings so that we can order enough food, or contact the fundraising committee.
Channing Church Penny Race Our Winter Penny Race is finished! and the winners will be revealed on Sunday Jan 24th. So be sure to be stay after the service for the rewards of Hot Chocolate and S’mores To join our Spring Penny Race, starting Feb. 7th, please see Aaren Arena.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Our Mystery Night and Dinner has ? ? been postponed until a later date. ? ? So be on the look out for more ? ? information in upcoming newsletters. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
CAN “U” HELP? We’re Moving Phil & Donna Berry are moving from Kingston to a home in Plympton. Some 4 ½ miles closer to Channing Church & just about ¼ mile from Cheryl & Mark Gardner. DATE – JANUARY 30TH @ 8:AM - 8 LODGEPOLE LANE, KINGSTON MA. 02364 781-585-4412 MOVING TO: 4 CRANBERRY KNOLL PLYMPTON MA. 781-585-4412 (same as Kingston) We plan on having a 16 ft. Box Truck for easy packing!! We have over 36+ boxes already moved to the new house!! We have bureaus (drawers taken out) for easy moving, Clothing, in boxes, Hutch & Wall Unit (empty for easy moving), Small Freezer w/ Moving Dolly Any and All who would like to help, we don’t think it will take that long, maybe 2+ hours. Even if just a load of “shtuff” would be appreciated… More the Merrier!!… After the Move: Beer, Burgers & Sandwiches, Relaxin & Thank U’s All and Any Help would be greatly appreciated…If “U” can help, just let us know… 781-585-4412 THANKS FOR ANYTHING “U” CAN DO….PHIL & DONNA A birthday is just the first day of another 365 day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. ~Author Unknown BirthdayBirthday WishesWishes Happy Birthday wishes to:
January 7 – Aaren Arena 8 – Mary Pietrusko February 2 – Paul Norkus 12 – Sydney Paul 3 – Allyson Willette 14 – Sandra Williams 6 – Jarrin Kavka 21 – Bill Norkus 13 – Harriet Winer 25 – Pete Arena, Jr 20 – Jeanette Chandler 25 – Stacey Leonard 22 – Julian Anderson 26 – Maddy Willette
And Happy Anniversary to ... Paul and Kareen Arena (January 12)
Do we have your family’s birthdays or anniversaries? If not, please take a minute to send them in. Mail us, email us or leave a note in the office next time you’re at church. We want to make sure that we list the birthdays and anniversaries of everyone in our church family. Thank you!
Caring and Sharing
o Congratulations to Cory Patten for leading his first Sunday service on January 17th! We’re looking forward to your next one!
o Happy Birthday to Jarrin Kavka who is turning 18 on February 6th and to his cat Dusty, who will be turning 2 the same day!
o Congratulations to Sara Carter on receiving two Platinum and two High Gold awards at her competition for Music Theatre!
o A BIG thanks to all who helped out with this years Christmas Pageant: Joe Herosy, Becky and Gary Paul, Katie and Marc Tierney, Janine Anderson, Donna Amado, Linda Tesauro, Chris Ricciotti, John Burrows, Kareen Arena, Cheryl and Mark Gardner and Jason Carter. And especially all the kids! You were awesome!!
o Dear Channing Church, Thank You! in regard to our 20th Annual Coffeehouse to Benefit Rockland Emergency Food Pantry that we held in October at Channing. Thanks so much for letting us use your hall every year. It is really perfect for our event and everyone loves it and looks forward to it! Together we made $1576.25 for the Food Pantry! Thanks again for the part you’ve played in our success. Sincerely, Karen Haffner, Coffeehouse Organizer Do you have other interesting All submissions are welcome! news items about a church You may leave them in the church family member you think office, mail them, or email them. might be nice to include? We want your news! Channing Church January 24, 2010 – March 6, 2010
SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT Jan 24 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30
Service led by Rev. Ed
Penny Race RE Meeting @ Party 11:30am Danette’s Knitting Circle 7pm 7:30-9:30 pm Jan 31 Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6
House & Blue Moon Grounds Knitting Circle Coffee House Meeting 7pm 7:30-9:30 pm 7:30pm Feb 7 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13
2nd Penny Race Begins
Fundraising meeting 11:30am Knitting Circle 7:30-9:30 pm SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 20 Valentine’s Day President’s Ash Day Wednesday Service led by Rev. Ed Prudential Chinese New Chocolate Meeting Year Dinner & Auction 7pm Auction 6pm 11:30 am Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27
Layled Service by Danette Carter Movie Night for Adults with Potluck 6:30pm
Feb 28 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6
Service led by Rev. Ed
House & Grounds Meeting 7pm Channing Unitarian Universalist Church 45 Webster Street Rockland Ma 02370 (781) 878-0650
January 22, 2010
Our Family Is A Circle of Strength and Love UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST WORSHIP – Sundays at 10 AM Childcare available Religious Education Classes available
The deadline for the next issue of THE CHANNING CIRCLE is Sun February 14th. Submissions may be emailed as an attachment to: [email protected] or dropped off in hard copy at the church office.
UPCOMING FEBRUARY EVENTS INCLUDE: Wednesdays,7:30 – 9:30 PM Knitting Circle at Chris Ricciotti’s house Saturday, Feb. 6th Saturday, Feb. 20th 7:30 PM Blue Moon Coffee House 6 PM Chinese Dinner & Auction Sunday, Feb. 14th Friday, Feb. 26th 11:30 AM Chocolate Auction 6:30 PM Movie Night For Adults with Potluck Chocolate Auction 2010 Valentine’s Day Sunday, February 14th 11:30am Bring your sweetie for some sweets! We are having a Chocolate Auction again! So get out those great recipes and start thinking chocolate. The more bakers the more to bid on and the more variety. If you don’t end up baking please come and bring lots of cash for bidding! This is a chance to satisfy your yen for chocolate and help support Channing Church as this is a fund raising event! Ooo!! I can smell that yummy chocolate aroma now! Put a note on your calendar for Sunday, February 14. The auction will be held right after the Coffee Hour. If you plan on making a chocolate item please let me know – I’d just like to know that we are going to have enough items to auction off. Any questions may be asked of the fundraising committee. Thank you everyone, Kareen Arena (781) 878-1988.