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PRESENT: - Councillors D. Jones (Chairman), Mrs S. Anthony, Mrs E. McNeil- Watson, W. G. Drury, R. Kelly, J. Rees and B. Wallace . In attendance: Mr V. Hanson (Councillor designate) Mrs G. Lawson (Clerk).

Councillor D Jones in the Chair

Min No. 54/08 Public Representation a) Green Space behind St Denys Church The bin has been emptied and the grass cut. The Clerk had received confirmation that the seat will be inspected with a view to it being included in a small programme of remedial works for park furnishings scheduled to be undertaken in May 2008.

Min No. 55/08 Declaration of Interests There were no declarations of Interests.

Min No. 56/08 Apologies Apologies for absences were received from Councillors Mrs J. Stone, P. Gough, and A. Prosper.

Min No. 57/08 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2008 were received and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

Min No. 58/08 Matters Arising a) Maintenance of the Alexander Garden (Min No.41/08a refers) A quotation had been received from Slate Signs and Designs for a plaque commemorating the naming of the Alexander Garden after Miss Hannah Clement Alexander, the former head teacher of Llysfaen Council School and Llysfaen Primary School. Samples of the company’s work together with a mock up of the inscription were examined. It was agreed that the sum of £340 for the provision and installation of a slate tablet was acceptable. The inscription would be amended to read Miss H. C. Alexander and the final design and installation would be designated to the Clerk and Chairman for completion. b) Lisvane Youth Club (Min No 41/08b refers) The Clerk had met with the Rev. Paul Thompson and indicated the Council would continue to support the Youth Club with a financial grant but did not wish to be part of the Management Committee. The matter would be reported to the next meeting of the Parochial Church Council. 105 c) A Shared Community – Proposed Meeting with Community Councils in the Cardiff Area (Min No 5/08c refers) A meeting of all the Community Councils in the Cardiff area was scheduled to be held on Wednesday 16th April 2008 at which the above document would be considered. Lisvane Community Council would be represented by Councillors Jones and Kelly. d) Alcohol Designated Public Place Order (Min No /08d refers) – As there was no police officer in attendance at the PACT Meeting this item was deferred to the next meeting. e) Community Council Elections All candidates should have received a letter from the Returning Officer confirming their election to the Community Council. The Members present completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and were advised by the Clerk that the candidates’ election expenses form must be completed and returned to the Electoral Registration Officer.

The Community Council has to co-opt one additional member who must take up the post within 35 days from the date a person elected would have taken up office; failure to do so may result in Cardiff County Council issuing notices for an election to be held to fill the vacant post.

The Chairman indicated that Councillors Drury and Wallace had decided not to seek re-election and on behalf of the Council thanked them for their services to the Community over the last 13 and 9 years respectively.

The Chairman indicated that with effect from the time Councillor Wallace stands down from Office, to the Annual General Meeting he had asked Councillor Kelly to assume the role of Vice-Chairman.

Min No. 59/08 Lisvane Community Building Project (Min No42 /08 refers) The Chairman reported on the Building Working Party meeting held on 14th March 2008. The Chairman and Clerk were due to meet the Architect on the 16th April 2008 for a further update and it was agreed to hold a meeting of the Building Working Party on 22nd April 2008.

Min No. 60/08 Cardiff Local Development Plan (Min No. /08 refers) – The Clerk had written to Cardiff County Council enquiring as to when the Local Development Plan is scheduled to be deposited and whether it was their intention to hold a conference /consultation exercise on the Traffic Issues. A reply was awaited.


The Civic Societies in Cardiff and Penarth were to hold a one day conference on Saturday 18th October 2008 on ‘Future Cardiff’ they were also waiting for information on when the plan would be deposited and whether an Officer from the Authority would be prepared to address the conference

Min No. 61/08 Police Matters a) Crime Statistics There were 14 and 17 instances of reported crime in February and March respectively compared with 8 and 10 in the previous year. Giving a total of 31 crimes in the two month period..

The Clerk was pleased to report that Community Constable Dave Rodgers had returned to work and that he wished to thank Council for their best wishes during his recent absence from work. He anticipated being able to resume normal duties by the end of the month. b) Police Survey South Wales Police have engaged Cardiff University to undertake a detailed survey of residents’ views as to whether they perceive crime is on the rise. The Clerk had assisted one of the Community Support Officers to identify a sample of residents who reflected the demography of the village and would be prepared to participate in the Survey.

Min No. 62/08 Highways/Footpath a) Sign at Ty Mawr Car Park (Min No /08a refers) – The Clerk had obtained three quotations for the sign at the exit of the Ty Mawr Public House. They are:- Highway & Industrial Equipment Ltd at £310.00 Standard Signs – £450.00 Signs Express £494.28 plus VAT (SAFE’S quotation) It was agreed that the Community Council would contribute half of the cost based on the lowest tender with the remaining funding being provided by SAFE. b) Safety Issues for Horse Riders – Request for Signage (Min No /08d)– Following another accident on Graig Llwyn Road involving a speeding car and horse and rider the Clerk had received a request from SAFE to approach Cardiff County Council regarding the provision of warning signage. A representative from Traffic Management had met with the rider involved in the accident on 7th April 2008 and had viewed the problems in St Mellons Road, Maes-y-Bryn Road, Graig Llwyn Road and Rudry Road. Communications are in progress between Cardiff County Council and Caerphilly Borough Council with the aim of erecting appropriate road warning signs for equestrian users.

107 c) Footpath between Mill Road and Millwood The Clerk had received an email from a resident complaining about the amount of glass on the above footpath. The resident had contacted the Highways Department who had informed her that it was not their responsibility as the path was not adopted. The Clerk had immediately inspected the footpath which had already been cleaned by one of the local residents. Following discussion it was agreed to obtain the appropriate forms from the Footpaths Officer and register the footpath as a public right of way.

d) Cardiff County Council Road Improvements Recording equipment had been installed on Church Road to monitor the volume and speed of traffic as the Authority were assessing whether to extend the 20 mph zone further.

It had also been confirmed that funding was available in this year’s budget to provide a mini roundabout at the junction of Heol-y-Delyn and Mill Road.

Min No. 63/08 Parks a) Development of Sporting Facilities (Min No 28/08 refers) The NatWest CricketForce day on 5th April 2008 was a resounding success. There were about 250 volunteers on the day and all the materials had been donated. What started with a field which had not been used for cricket in about seven years with two very tired buildings had by the end of the day been totally transformed. The main building had been completely rewired, painted and had a new kitchen fitted. The patio which was being laid by Cardiff Parks was taking shape, about three quarters of the boundary had a picket fence which was being made, painted and installed, the outfield had been cleared and the cricket square cleared and levelled. Planning permission to extend the Main Building to incorporate another outbuilding to make one big pavilion is expected in the next few weeks. The Club is also planning to install outdoor nets. The Club’s long term aim is still to have a ground in Lisvane as they have more than enough teams to warrant two pitches but in the meantime they will have to continue to hire additional pitches.

The Clerk had circulated a report from the first Rhymney Nant Fawr River Valley Workshop. Although it is not a high priority they have noted the use of flat land in the river valley for improving sporting facilities. As there had not been any feed back from the meeting in October 2007 with Jonathan Morgan A.M. the Clerk had sent a reminder seeking details of any progress.

Min No 64/08 Lisvane Community Council Policy Documents (Min No 29/08 The Clerk reported on the cost of providing a fireproof storage cabinet. Given the cost involved and the problem of locating the cupboard it was agreed to refer the issue to the Building Working Party for inclusion in the new building. 108

The Clerk had located a number of companies which would be suitable to undertake the work of scanning the old minute books and a local resident had also indicated she would be prepared to undertake the project. It was agreed that the Clerk would obtain details of the cost involved in completing this project. Additional work was still required on the drafting of the revised policies which will be sent to Councillors as soon as possible.

Min No. 65/08 Welsh Assembly Government a) Local Government Members Code of Conduct The Clerk had circulated the revised Code of Conduct which had been issued by the National Assembly. As the document had only been received earlier in the day it was agreed to defer the policy document until the next meeting. b) Local Vision – Statutory Guidance on Developing and Delivering Community Strategies The Clerk had ordered additional copies of the above document which would be circulated to members in due course. In the interim the Clerk had photocopied the section relating to Community Councils. It was agreed that consideration of the document would be deferred to the next meeting. c) Draft Fire and Rescue Service National Framework for Wales 2008-20011 The above document is available from the Clerk or on the National Assembly web site. The closing date for comments is the 20th June 2008.

Min No.66/08 Planning a) Weekly Planning Schedules 13th March 2008 – Corpus Christie High School - New Drama Facilities and Sports Hall to include changing facilities, conditioning suite and classrooms 20th March 2008 - 2, Holeside - Single Storey side extension 27th March 2008 - 15, Close Llysfaen – Erection of conservatory at rear of property. 3rd April 2008 - Bryn Glas, Church Road – Construction of 5 Dwellings. 10th April 2008 - The Old Cottage, Cherry Orchard Road – New Smoking Shelter. 29 Ridgeway – Games Room Extension behind existing garage.

It was agreed that the Council’s concerns regarding the access and egress to the Bryn Glas site be conveyed to the Planning Officer with a request that the matter be referred to Traffic and Transport for evaluation.

Min No. 67/08 Reports a) Friends of Coed-y-Felin – The Minutes of the meetings held on 5th March 2008 were received and noted. 109

Min No.68/08 Correspondence a) One Voice Wales - OVW will be represented at the National Eisteddfod in August and are inviting Councils to participate by promote the work they are undertaking to encourage other areas of Cardiff to establish Community Councils. The cost of the stand and translation costs would be met by OVW. It was agreed to refer the issue to the Joint Councils Meeting to see if a joint presentation for the Cardiff Area was viable.

Buckingham Palace Garden Party – One Voice Wales requested nominations from existing Chairmen to attend the Buckingham Palace Garden Party. As the Chairman had already attended a Garden Party he was not eligible to be nominated. The Clerk had contacted OVW to see if one of the Councillors could be nominated and had been advised that the invitation this year was for Chairmen only.

The next Area Meeting will be held on 28th April 2008 in Cowbridge. b) Wales Rural Forum – Developing The Village Shop The Forum is being held on 17th and 18th May 2008 in Ceredigion c) Principles of Good Administration Copies of the document were circulated. d) Local Health Board The next meeting of the Local Health Board will be held on 28th May 2008. e) Treetops A request had been received from Treetops Nursery to plant a tree in the Alexander Garden to mark their 40th Anniversary. The Clerk had contacted Cardiff County Council Parks Department who did not have any objections to the proposal. The Community Council endorsed the request subject to further discussions with the Parks Department and Treetops to identify a suitable tree.

f) Enhanced cover in light of the Corporate Homicide and Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007. The above act comes into force on 6th April 2008 and Zurich Insurance Company has reviewed the Employers’ and Public and Products Liability Policies to provide Corporate Manslaughter defence costs up to £5 million. Policies will be amended automatically from 1st April 2008.

Min No. 69/08 Finance a) Application for Grants – There were no applications for Grant Assistance.

Before the cheques were signed the Clerk clarified issues relating to the One 110

Voice Wales Membership which was based on 1380 actual dwellings and not the 1330 dwellings listed on the Register of Electors. CPRW membership and whether any additional contribution would be made and the new tables were awaited from the Inland Revenue so tax and national insurance had not been deducted from the Clerks Salary.

b) Cheque Signing Cheque Number Payee Amount £ 301253 SWALEC 841.23 301254 One Voice Wales 316.00 301255 Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales 20.00 301256 British Telecommunications 94.42 301257 Brookview Garden Services Ltd 97.53 301258 British Gas 330.37 301259 G. Lawson (Salary) 657.54 301260 Cancelled 301261 G. Lawson (Staples) 64.99

Min No. 70/08 Date of Next Meeting – The next meeting of the Community Council will be the Annual General Meeting and will be held on Monday 12th May 2008 at the Cabin, Old School, Lisvane commencing at 7.30 p.m. “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

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