Study of James – Week 6

Pray and ask God, through the Holy Spirit, to help you understand the Bible and that its truth would be revealed to you as you study. Then, read the passages of Scripture designated for each day and answer the questions, using the referenced verses.

DAY 1. Read James 3:13-18, and answer the following questions. 1.) Think about a time when you resisted God, or wise counsel from a godly mentor, and instead decided to follow a path that seemed wise according to the word’s standards. What were the consequences of that decision?

2.) From James 3:13-16, what or who is the focus of worldly wisdom?

3.) According to James, what is the root cause of disorder and every evil practice? Gives some examples of how selfish ambition destroys individuals, families, and churches.

DAY 2. Read James 3:13-18, and answer the following questions.

1.) According to James 3:17-18, what or who is the focus of the wisdom that comes from heaven?

2.) Read James 1:5 and Proverbs 2:1-10. Is this wisdom from heaven available to all believers? How?

3.) Read and compare Matthew 5:1-12, called the “Beatitudes, with James 3:17. How are the two passages similar? DAY 3. Read James 3:13-18, and answer the following questions.

1.) James 3:13 describes one who is “wise and understanding” as living a life of humility that comes from wisdom. Read 1 Corinthians 3:18-20. What does God think of worldly wisdom? How does that help us with humility?

2.) Review again Matthew 5:1-12. When the wisdom of God flows out of our lives, what are the kinds of blessings promised in Matthew 5:1-12? How should this motivate us to seek the wisdom from heaven?

3.) Compare James 3:16 and James 3:18. How do you want your life to look? Where do you sacrifice peace and righteousness for selfish ambition?

DAY 4. Read James 3:13-18, and answer the questions below.

1.) Can we rely only on our experience and knowledge for wisdom in the family, in the church?

2.) What role does prayer play in seeking wisdom? Read James 1:5, and Ephesians 1:17-18?

3.) What role does humility play in the wisdom that comes from heaven? Read Colossians 3:1-3 and 4:5-6. Where is your focus when you are full of wisdom that comes from heaven?