English Peppered Moth

Before 1845 most of the peppered moths in Manchester, England were light in color. The light colored moths were difficult prey for birds because they blended with the light-gray bark of the trees. The few black peppered moths stood out in their surroundings and were an easy target for the birds. During this period, there was a large population of light-colored moths and a very small population of dark- colored moths. Beginning in 1845, smoke and soot created by the Industrial Revolution began to darken the bark of the trees. In a period of a few years, the population of light-colored moths fell sharply while the population of the dark-colored moths rose dramatically. Can the changes in the moth population be explained by means of natural selection?

1. Describe the moth population before 1845.

2. What environmental conditions favored the light-colored peppered moths?

3. What animal is the natural predator of peppered moths?

English Peppered Moth

Before 1845 most of the peppered moths in Manchester, England were light in color. The light colored moths were difficult prey for birds because they blended with the light-gray bark of the trees. The few black peppered moths stood out in their surroundings and were an easy target for the birds. During this period, there was a large population of light-colored moths and a very small population of dark- colored moths. Beginning in 1845, smoke and soot created by the Industrial Revolution began to darken the bark of the trees. In a period of a few years, the population of light-colored moths fell sharply while the population of the dark-colored moths rose dramatically. Can the changes in the moth population be explained by means of natural selection?

1. Describe the moth population before 1845.

2. What environmental conditions favored the light-colored peppered moths?

3. What animal is the natural predator of peppered moths? 4. What color of peppered moth was the easiest prey before 1845?

5. What happened beginning in 1845 to change the environment?

6. Which kind of moth became the most successful following the changes to the environment?

7. Which moths reproduced more of their kind after 1845?

8. How would Darwin explain the story of the light and dark colored peppered moth?

4. What color of peppered moth was the easiest prey before 1845?

5. What happened beginning in 1845 to change the environment?

6. Which kind of moth became the most successful following the changes to the environment?

7. Which moths reproduced more of their kind after 1845?

8. How would Darwin explain the story of the light and dark colored peppered moth?