Location: Telephone Time/Date: 1:30 p.m. to 3:25 p.m.; April 23, 2008 Members Present: Director Yehuda Bock, Brett Baker, Ross Carlson, Chairperson Adrian “Dick” Davis, and Steve Sarsfield – 5 (7 = quorum) Members Absent: Art Andrew, Giana “Gigi” Cardoza, IGPP Director Catherine Constable, Marti Ikehara, Greg Helmer, Steve Martin, John Orcutt, and Frank Webb – 8 Others Present: Executive Manager John Canas, Recorder Larry Fenske, Coordinator Maria Turingan – 3 Meeting Leader: Chairperson Dick Davis Agenda: See attached.

1. Welcome: a. Roll Call – See above. A quorum was not present. b. Review Agenda – The agenda was accepted as previously distributed by Davis with minor clarification as to when certain topics would be discussed. c. Review and Approve 3/26/08 EC Meeting Notes – Since a quorum was not present, Carlson will request approval of the referenced meeting notes by e-mail.

2. Director’s Report: Bock reported the following: a. NOAA/NGS has awarded CSRC a $300,000 grant for FY 08/09. b. NGS has approved the use of the JIMO process for the FY 08/09 grant. c. Contract/Projects Status Reports –  Central Coast HM – CSRC staff has created the following NGS “bluebook” files using CSRC utilities: the G-file, B-file, and SERFIL file. Ikehara will create the D-file and perform the orthometric height adjustment for the project. Bock has lifted the “stop work” order. The project’s completion date has been extended from April 11 to a date “to be determined.”  Northern San Joaquin Valley HM – A final task order has been prepared and submitted to the UCSD Contracts Office (Robert Beiner) for processing. Turingan and Beiner have raised a couple issues, but neither Bock nor Canas believe the issues are significant. The project will be processed in the same manner as the Central Coast HM. Since CSRC is performing considerable work on these projects, Bock will be the Project Manager for the Northern San Joaquin Valley project. d. HTDP – Staff has completed CSRC’s evaluation of version 3.0 of HTDP, an NGS program, and endorses its use. CSRC plans to incorporate HTDP, version 3.0, into CSRC’s processes. Davis indicated that Northern California surveyors have pretty much given up on previous versions of HTDP and are looking forward to the updated version. e. Bock indicated there is an issue with the reference frame used by the CSRC file provided for the 2007 National Adjustment. Bock will look into this in greater detail. The question is whether the coordinates provided were based on the reference frame ITRF 2000 or ITRF 2005 P.S. Subsequent to the meeting, Yehuda sent out an email and confirmed that indeed the SOPAC coordinates produced by SECTOR are in ITRF2005 and that appropriate changes are being made on the SOPAC and CSRC web sites,

EC Meeting Notes (4/23/08) Page 1 of 5 f. PGM – CSRC staff is continuing to enhance PGM as a result of work on the Central Coast HM project. NGS has requested that CSRC update the description of PGM on the NGS website. Bock remarked that PGM is available to all for use in support of projects. PGM is also valuable when used to create blue book files. Helmer requested CSRC support using PGM on a large Central California DWR mapping project. g. CSRC is working with PBO and LAX to establish a real-time station at LAX. This effort will enhance the coverage of real-time stations in Los Angeles. This further helps with continued cooperation efforts with PBO. h. UNVACO Meeting – Recently, Bock met with the new president of UNVACO, Dr. Mehgan Miller. Bock was pleased with Dr. Miller’s interest in the expansion of RT networks based, in part, on PBO stations. Canas was impressed with Dr. Miller’s knowledge and background in real-time networks. Bock is testing PBO real-time data streams out of Boulder, Colorado. The main problem is that the messages appear jumbled or noisy. He is hopeful that PBO can fix this problem. Once the problem is fixed, many more stations can be added to CRTN. PBO is also entertaining requests to turn many of their stations to real time.

3. FY 09/10 Funding: Because of the disappointing federal funding for FY 08/09, Kathleen Ritzman, UCSD Government Relations, has been working with Bock, Canas, Turingan, and the NGS’s partners from other states to develop strategies that ensure adequate funding in FY 09/10. Several strategies have been developed to improve future funding. Baker asked if any contacts are being made with State resources. Bock responded that there was an effort last year with Caltrans but it eventually fell apart. Carlson indicated that DWR is spending a large amount of money in Central Valley and may be willing to support CSRC efforts providing horizontal and vertical control in California.

4. Financial Reports: On April 18, 2008, Turingan distributed a Financial Report for the period from October 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008. This will be the report presented at the semi-annual Coordinating Council Meeting on May 8. In response to a question, Turingan said the Central Coast invoices are all paid, except the last invoice must be revised by Towill to conform to the 10 percent retention requirements. As shown on the Report, the Central Coast project is underfunded at this time.

5. Executive Manager’s Report: Canas reported the following: a. NGS Meeting – On April 10, Canas participated in teleconference meeting with NGS and other geodetic survey partners. Interest was expressed in PGM and the need to update the PGM description on the NGS website. b. Coordinating Council Meeting – Renee Shields, the NGS HM manager, will attend the meeting. c. FY 09/10 Funding – Canas has been working with Kathleen Ritzman and others to develop strategies to acquire adequate funding for FY 09/10. d. NGS RT Guidelines – Canas has advised others on how to obtain a draft copy of the Nation Geodetic Survey User Instructions for Classical Real Time GNSS Positioning. The principal author is William Henning, NGS’s RT specialist. This is a dynamic document and will be revised. e. Posting of Budgets/Work Plans – Canas suggested that CSRC’s annual budgets and work plans be posted on the CSRC website. Some information is available for early years but is lacking for recent years. Turingan said that she would ensure the information is posted.

EC Meeting Notes (4/23/08) Page 2 of 5 6. RTN Operators Network Meeting: See also discussion regarding this topic in the Meeting Notes for March 23, 20008. Bock asked whether the RTN Operators meeting (hosted by NGS) is still scheduled for May 16. Davis said as far as he knew it was. Bock said he would rather see that this meeting be cancelled and, if that was not possible, to postpone the meeting until Cecilia Whitaker, a CSRC consultant, could attend. He strongly believes that someone from CSRC should be present at the meeting. Bock expressed his opinion that he believed Caltrans is the prime reason for the meeting. Canas questioned who are the major players providing real time solutions. Davis responded that in Northern California there are four or five private networks. He also heard that there is a similar effort in Southern California. Bock indicated his concerns that the experience of SOPAC and CSRC in successfully operating CRTN (since 2001) is not being tapped. PBO and CSRC have open policies providing geodetic data. Quality of the stations is a concern of the private networks. Canas spoke with Mark Turner to delay the meeting to allow Whitaker’s participation. Canas also contacted NGS upper management regarding the hosting of a meeting for the private network providers. P.S. Greg Helmer will attend the RTN meeting representing SOPAC (which currently operates CRTN) and CSRC. Sarsfield brought up the fact that these networks are now running. There may be positive results from a meeting with NGS to add consistency. Another issue is the legality of the coordinate values being provided. They will not meet the Public Resources Code requirements unless the practitioner ties into existing control that does meet Public Resources Code requirements. Bock indicated that SOPAC would be providing a port that will provide a network solution for everyone containing ionosphere and troposphere corrections. PBO indicated that they would be upgrading 100 stations to real time throughout the region. Yehuda thought the timetable would be fairly short time frame. By coordinating through CSRC PBO would be dealing with only one entity instead of several operators. Bock is coordinating with Art to provide PBO a detailed map of station spacing for a statewide network. The discussion continued at length with the following conclusions:  Davis will discuss this issue, once again, with Ikehara and Mark Turner, the Caltrans manager.  Bock requested that the upcoming Coordinating Council meeting include a discussion of a quality, statewide RT network, based in part on PBO stations.

7. Contracts/Project Status Reports: See discussions under Item 2, “Director’s Report.”

8. Education & Outreach: a. CSRC/CLSA RTN Workshop, May 2 and 9 – The Workshop flyer has been mailed. Turingan will obtain registration figures and distribute a report to the EC members. CSRC officers and staff must register for the Workshop through CLSA. b. LCSO Meeting, April 3, Riverside – Davis spoke at The League of California Surveying Organizations meeting on April 3. He estimated that 75 to 80 attended. Canas complimented Davis for a job well done. c. CalGIS Conference, April 23-25, Modesto – Ikehara and Kevin Kelly, a CSRC Coordinating Council member, are attending this conference and are managing the CSRC booth.

EC Meeting Notes (4/23/08) Page 3 of 5 9. Executive Committee/Coordinating Council: a. Coordinating Council (CC) Spring 2008 Meeting – The CC Spring Meeting is scheduled for May 8 in San Jose. Turingan and Baker have nearly all of the logistic details completed but are continuing to work on those that remain. Several meeting participants commented that an agenda is needed soon. Davis requested all attendees to suggest agenda items for the CC meeting. Canas reported that David Moyer, retired NGS State Geodetic Advisor, would speak at the CC meeting. Time should be allotted also for Renee Shields to speak. b. EC Meeting Schedule – The date for the next EC meeting is Wednesday, May 7, an all-day, face-to-face meeting. Davis requested the EC members to suggest agenda items for the all-day EC meeting. a. EC Elections: Davis reported in an e-mail to the EC members that four positions would become vacant on July 1 and require elections to fill. The positions are Treasurer, Secretary, and two EC Member positions.

10. Old Business: a. CA CORS/CGPS – Canas reported that CSRC has not received any additional responses from NGS. b. CC Membership Committee – Carlson has received a few addition responses to the questionnaire that was recently distributed. He will summarize the responses and distribute a report to the EC members. Darrell Bain, from District 6 (Fresno) Caltrans, has expressed interest in becoming a member of the Coordinating Council. Carlson was directed to seek approval, by e-mail vote, from the EC members to add Bain to the Coordinating Council membership as “Non-Designated Professionals, Various Professions (at large).”

11. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

Respectively submitted by: Larry Fenske, Recorder

Assisted by and concurred by: Ross Carlson, CSRC Secretary

EC Meeting Notes (4/23/08) Page 4 of 5 CSRC Executive Committee Teleconference April 23, 2008 Agenda

Conference Line: 1-866-740-1260 Pass Code: 8222156 (followed by the pound key (#))


1:30 Welcome All  Roll Call (to determine quorum)  Review Agenda  Review and Approve March 26, 2008 EC Meeting Notes Director’s Report Bock  CSRC/UCSD Height Modernization Budget Efforts  Other Items Financial Report Turingan  Report through March 31, 2008  Other Items Executive Manager’s Report Canas  National Height Modernization Program  NGS Real-time Guidelines  Other Items Contracts/Projects Status Reports  Northern San Joaquin Valley Height Modernization Canas  Central Coast Height Modernization Ikehara/Bock Education & Outreach  CSRC/CLSA RTN Workshop Turingan o Status (Martin absent) o Attendance  LCSO Meeting (April 3, Riverside) Davis  CalGIS Conference (April 23-25, Modesto) Davis  Other Outreach Opportunities Executive Committee/Coordinating Council  CC Spring 2008 Meeting Baker/Turingan o Agenda Items Davis  April 7 EC Meeting (face-to-face in San Jose) All  EC Elections  Other Items Old Business  CA CORS/CGPS Andrew  CC Membership Committee Davis  Other Items All 3:30 ADJOURN

EC Meeting Notes (4/23/08) Page 5 of 5