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School Newsletter Ryde Public School Street Address: Pope St, Ryde NSW Australia 2112 Telephone: 9809 3181 Fax: 9808 2732 E-mail: [email protected]
Issue 11 – Term 3 – Week 2 星期五, 27 四月 2018
Principal’s Report Mathematics lesson. The lesson demonstrated new approaches to teaching Mathematics. Thank you to Mrs Welcome to Term 3. We have started the term with Liu who gave a clear explanation of the difference some exciting events for the staff and the students. On between teaching in Australia and China. the first day of the term the staff had training in the morning on aspects about students with disabilities, predominately about students with Aspergers and Autism. In the afternoon the staff had the opportunity to attend workshops with teachers from the following schools: North Ryde, Truscott Street, Kent Rd, Ryde Public School and Ryde East at North Ryde Public School. The teachers were able to attend two workshops
We have an exciting term with many events. Please encourage your child to be in the many activities that are organised.
Mr Robert Ryan Relieving Principal 27 July 2011 on a selection of topics. The workshops were on: Digital Literacy, Boys Education, Use of Notebook in Literacy Electronic Devices Sessions, Differentiation in the Curriculum (K-2/3-6), All student mobile phones and electronic games are to be Pro-Bots Exploring Maths in the Classroom, Healthy given to the office during school time. The office staff will Living at School, Bee-Bots, Video Conferencing, Glogs, look after the devices. L3 at Truscott St, Asia in Focus and Reading In-depth. This is to prevent damage, the risk of loss, temptation for All teachers enjoyed the opportunity to learn from their students to use them instead of being engaged in own colleagues. Our Mrs Taylor, who is on maternity learning and disputes over ownership. leave with babe in arms, gave an excellent presentation on Video Conferencing. Bus Bay Please ensure you follow the road signs at the bus bay. If On Friday the school had the wonderful opportunity to you intend to visit the school during the day please park have twenty four teachers from China visit. The teachers at the shopping centre. The bus bay is a Kiss and Ride were from Zhengzhou which is in the Henan Provence of zone where students are picked up or dropped off within China. They had a tour of the school visiting many a matter of minutes. No student is permitted to walk classes and speaking with many of our students. A huge between cars to get into a car. We have two members of thank you to four boys from SPAM for their special effort staff at the bus bay each afternoon assisting the students interpreting and chatting to the teachers. The teachers to find their parents’/caregivers’ car and ensuring the were quite impressed by our programs and how we smooth flow of cars along the bus bay. The Council cater for students from various cultural backgrounds and Rangers are also often at the bus bay ensuring the safety with specific learning needs. Thanks also to Mrs. of your child /children. Stoyanoff and Mrs. Dolan who each conducted a
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Sushi Day SB Consistent Effort: Connor K All orders for Sushi Day must be in no later than Improvement: Daniel K Tuesday 2 August. Each Sushi roll will be $3.50. This is SD Consistent Effort: Jayden F, Krikor M a Year 6 fund raiser. A table will be set up outside the SR Improvement: Jordan S staffroom where students will collect their orders. Sushi LIBRARY day will be held on Thursday 4 August. Consistent Effort: Thomas P (JG), Stephanie C (SC) SPECTRA Awards ESL-JNR Science Program Exciting Children Through Research Improvement: Farham D (KM), Atilla A (JD) Activities ESL-SNR Parents frequently ask the school for extra quality Academic Achievement: Calvin S (SC), Ha Nuel activities their children can complete at home. The K (MS) SPECTRA Awards provides such a program. STLA Academic Achievement: Emily Lin (JG) The SPECTRA Awards was developed, and is COMMUNITY LANGUAGE administered, by the Australian Science Teachers Academic Achievement: Vincent Xiao (JT), Helen Association. It aims to stimulate and maintain interest in Gu (JT) science and provides a series of science activities that Consistent Effort: Joan Y (MM) may include practical and observational activities, visits, READING RECOVERY research and experimental work. Improvement: Charm F (LM) Notes will be distributed to classes if you would like your MUSIC Academic Achievement: Alexander C (MR), child to be part of this program. Laura S (JS)
Presentation Assembly Achievement Awards Congratulations to the following students who were Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded certificates at the Presentation Assembly which presented with Achievement Awards for earning five was held in Term 2 on Friday 1 July 2011: Ryde Rewards: KL Consistent Effort: Noah K, Tiffany T KL Tiffany T, Bilizhati B, Zechariah R KM Academic Achievement: Melody S KM Farham D, Rio K Consistent Effort: Omair A KS Joyce S, Farhan M, Ryan T KS Consistent Effort: Joyce S, Tariq R JD Lateisha J, Hannah R, Casey M, Jessica C, JD Academic Achievement: Christian S Shubh S Improvement: Lana S, Rahman R JG Tashwana P, Chanhee Y, Sassan A, Kaleb H, JG Consistent Effort: Annie H, Aiden S Abi T, Improvement: Isaia F JS Natasha L, Laura S, Oscar B, James M, Jenaya JS Academic Achievement: Natasha L C, Trinity T, Timod D, Jireh S, Chang S Consistent Effort: Loya I, Jeremy W JT Jong Hoon K, Sabina B, Helen G, Sadaf O, Elijah Improvement: Rita C W, Sophie T, Hamze D, Tiana H JT Academic Achievement: Leo L MM Chen Ming F, Kate E, Isabella H, Rizky A, David Consistent Effort: YiLei S, Jeffery W R, Eddy S MM Academic Achievement: Isabella H, Timothy H MR Pearline H, Alexander C, Kenneth C, Pablo N Consistent Effort: David R MS Jasmin T, Maxine G, Jessie Z, Keanu E, Ayesha Improvement: Shara S F, Henry T, Sophie X MR Academic Achievement: Rainbow Y, Darrel C SRO Sadia N, Lianna B, Arielle N, Justin S Improvement: Maysaa G, Jayden P SW Mounir K MS Academic Achievement: Jeremy D, Teena Z OC5 Ke Jia L, Vincent X Consistent Effort: Jasmin T LM Crystyn R, Sean S Improvement: Ayesha F SD Krikor M SW Academic Achievement: Rachel S, Liz C, Dunya V Consistent Effort: Christian F SRO Academic Achievement: Edith C, Oliver G Consistent Effort: Livia W, Emmanuel V SC Academic Achievement: Nina L, Annica R Consistent Effort: Matthew L Improvement: Winnie Z OC5 Academic Achievement: Leo S, Kevin Y, Joyce W Consistent Effort: Yon S OC6 Academic Achievement: Edson W, Carloine X, Lucas M Consistent Effort: Rupesh S LM Improvement: Harrison R
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Ryde School has registered to participate in the McCAIN School Vege Patch Program. By collecting packets of Listed below are the opening dates and times for our McCAIN frozen vegetables and McCAIN Purely Potato School Uniform Shop for Term 3. If you are unable to range we can collect points. These points can be attend the shop to purchase for your child please send redeemed for veggie patch equipment. Our students in an order form with payment and we will fit your child would benefit greatly from seeing our vege garden grow with the correct sizes. Please be aware that receipts and having the appropriate tools we need to care for our will be sent home the following week. garden. Please send in any empty McCAIN packets to Mrs Tall. Students will kept informed of our point tally. Uniform sizes start at size 4 and continue in even sizes only. The only odd size available is in the school jumper having a size 5. P&C News
The P&C would like to take this opportunity to thank all TERM 3 OPENING DATES & TIMES the staff, students & their families for supporting the various P&C events throughout the year including Thursday 4 August 8.30am - 10.30am Gelato Day, Clean-Up Ryde Public Day, Cake & Jelly Thursday 18 August 8.30am – 10.30am Stall, Mother’s Day Stall, State Election BBQ, Easter Thursday 1 September 8.30am – 10.30am Raffle, & the Mid-Year Disco. With your support the Thursday 15 September 8.30am – 10.30am P&C is able to make a financial contribution to the Thursday 22 September 9.00am – 2.00pm school each year. Last year’s donation of $6000 was used to purchase books for the library and musical DUE TO A SUPPLIER PRICE INCREASE THE COST instruments to support specialist Music classes. In OF OUR SCHOOL HATS WILL BE INCREASED TO 2011 fundraising profits will go towards purchasing $15.00 FROM 18/7/2011 (TERM 3). Technology resources along with a continuing focus ALSO DUE TO INCREASES IN OUR CREDIT CARD on new library books. The P&C are also proud to have BANK TRANSACTION FEES WE NEED TO RAISE contributed $336 towards the purchase of resources to THE CREDIT CARD PERCENTAGE FROM 1.5% TO support teaching and learning of Indigenous Cultures. 3%, EFFECTIVE 25 JULY 2011. This money was raised from the Mufti Day held during National Reconciliation Week. At the end of Term 2 the Mid-Year Disco was held. Thank you to all the students, staff & parents who COMMUNITY NEWS attended. Over 180 students danced the evening away along with their teachers & parents, proving some dance moves just never fade. Special thanks to Ms Barltrop for her excellent management of the dance floor during the Junior Disco & Mr Ross for his command of the microphone at the Senior Disco. Much appreciation to Mrs Pocknall for organising the music, Jennifer L in SPAM for the ticket design, Zeljka Karac for printing the tickets & helping all night, Jules Bloomfield for picking up the disco lights & Gabrielle & Chloe Barton for stepping in at the last minute to help in the canteen. Also, thank you to the staff that made themselves available to supervise, hand out treats, man the door & all parents who ARE YOU A BUSY MUM AND NEED HELP volunteered their services in some way. WITH THE IRONING Look out for up-coming events in August: Mini-Donut & Hot Chocolate Day and Fathers Day Stall. A notice will Pick up and delivery available. be sent home shortly with more details. For further information and pricing call P&C Committee Angellah on: 0405 974 397
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necessarily endorsed by the school
You are invited to a Fathers’ Day Breakfast At Ryde Public School
Dear Fathers, or Grandfathers, or Carers,
To celebrate Fathers’ Day and the important role you have in your children’s lives, we are inviting Fathers (or Grandfathers or Carers), to a special Fathers’ Day breakfast.
A delicious cooked breakfast will be served on Tuesday, 30th August, 2011, commencing at 7:45am in the courtyard area. A vegetarian selection will be offered.
The children would be very excited if you could make it to
this breakfast with them, so please try to come along!
To assist with catering, please complete the reply slip below and return it to the class teacher by Friday, 26th August, 2011. As our special guests, there is no cost involved. We really hope you can make it!
REPLY SLIP - 1 reply slip per family (Please return to the class teacher by Friday, 26th August, 2011)
Yes! I will be at the Fathers’ Day Breakfast on Tuesday, 30th August, 2011, at 7:45am.
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CHILD(REN)’S NAME(S): ______CLASS: ______
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Advertisements placed in this newsletter are not ______CLASS: ______
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