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History of Cinema s1

American Poetry, 1871-1900

Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, Brown University

Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the Research Libraries Group

Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale American Poetry, 1871-1900

Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031

Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, Brown University

Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the Research Libraries Group

Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale

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American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holding of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays at Brown University……………..…………………. …………………vi Unit 21 (Reels 1001-1031)…………………………………………………………….… 1 American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays at Brown University The Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, which includes a strong Canadian literature list as well, is housed at Brown University’s John Hay Library in Providence, Rhode Island. It began in the mid-nineteenth century as the private collection of Albert Gorton Greene. Greene, a poet, lawyer, and judge, “collected poetry in a way unusual for his day,” reports the catalogue for the Special Collections at Brown: “instead of collecting only finely bound editions of the works of prominent poets, he attempted to collect every printed volume of American and Canadian poetry and plays.”1 Collecting American literature was unusual at the time, and collecting so broadly was certainly an eccentric practice. After his death in 1868, most of the American literature collection was purchased by Caleb Fiske Harris, an important collector of American poetry and plays, who continued to build the collection. Following Harris’s death in 1881, Senator Henry Bowen Anthony, a collector of Americana, bought the collection of about five thousand volumes and bequeathed it to Brown in 1884. The collection has continued to grow and today contains more than 250,000 titles.

The present Primary Source Microfilms edition of the John Hay Library’s microfilms of its holdings covers American poetry from 1871 to 1900.2 The selection of titles for microfilming was overseen by Rosemary Cullen, the senior scholarly resources librarian at the John Hay Library. Cullen states that the list of about 8,500 titles is as comprehensive as possible, and it is representative of the miscellaneous holdings of the collection from this period.

It is the nonselective collecting principle that makes the Harris Collection one of a kind, and the scholarly value of the archive today lies in its representation of little-known or unknown materials and figures, along with its holdings of well-known writers who continue to be regularly anthologized and taught. Thus, while it is certainly an important resource for textual scholars interested in variants of words, passages, and poems, in the “fluidity” of texts by major, canonical poets, the Harris Collection is an even more important resource for students and scholars of American social, cultural, and literary history, providing a wealth of materials for original research and analysis. Cullen reports that she regularly gets mail from scholars who have looked everywhere, with no success, to locate a text, and the Harris Collection will most likely have it. In her words, it is “the once famous, the never famous, the obscure” that the “Harris is really best known for,” and the value of this microform set, she adds, is that it makes available titles that are not likely to be available elsewhere.

1 Special Collections at Brown University: A History and Guide. Ed, Leslie T. Wendel. Providence, RI: Friends of the Library of Brown University, 1988, P. 93. 2 The present publication continues an earlier microfilm edition, American Poetry, 1609–1870, that was published in the 1970s.

vi The collection comprises not only books of poetry but ephemeral verses, such as pamphlets of poetry published as advertisements, that would not ordinarily have been preserved in libraries. The rapid proliferation of mass media of ephemeral publishing, serving diverse audiences and purposes, and the coincident impulse to collect such texts mark a late nineteenth-century moment, and it is the collecting of disposable ephemera that grants them their value for the present, because very few copies of such stuff survive or are publicly accessible.

Since the Harris Collection has preserved these texts without making editorial value judgments as to their literary merit, it has also preserved a material knowledge of books and publishing; as Anatole France wrote, “The only exact knowledge there is is the knowledge of the date of publication and the format of books.”3 Thus this microfilm publication is a useful resource not only for American cultural historians and students of literature but for scholars interested in the history of the publishing and circulation of texts in America. The microfilm edition gives images of the physical appearance of the volumes and indicates their dimensions with a centimeter ruler that shows the scale of the image, which would enable research on the changing packaging of books. And poetry volumes in the late nineteenth century not only came in different formats, but they often came with illustrations; a microfilm edition would document this “synaesthetic” cultural moment in American publishing that is likely indicative of a certain stage in the history of literacy.

Walter Benjamin, in his 1936 essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” describes the modern masses as “a collectivity in a state of distraction.”4 The Harris collection of American poetry, in the spirit of the distraction that is a symptom of the transition into modernity, documents the emergence of the masses and the publishing boom in poetry that accompanies it. Thus the collection, useful for scholars of book publishing and popular culture, also documents how what came to be the United States was in a state of “distraction” in a different sense as well. For in the late nineteenth century, the ongoing internal migration and foreign immigration rendered more difficult —and gave a different texture to—the general Western experience of modernization, urbanization, and industrialization.

The collection gives a sense of this peculiarly American version of late nineteenth- century “distraction.” There is a good deal of poetry published on the themes of urban versus rural life, on local events, and on regional experience—verse about the developing West, the various areas of the Midwest, and the South, as well as about specific states. Regional literature is a growing field of study, and, again, the “nonregional,” generic mediation of poetry would complicate the questions of that field of study in a productive way. There is also a lot of verse published in German, by native speakers, addressing other immigrant native speakers, as well as dialect ballads—which would be of interest for studies of dialect representation and even studies of the use of such dialect material by twentieth-century poets.

3 Quoted in Walter Benjamin, “Unpacking My Library.” In Illuminations. Ed. Hannah Arendt. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Shocken Books, 1978. P. 60. 4 In Illuminations, p. 239.

vii The archive holds many examples of poetry on domestic life, which would provide insights into daily life or quotidian experience. Occasional verses, such as graduation poems, poems commemorating marriage anniversaries, birthdays, and funerals, Easter and Christmas—the microfilm set has thirteen editions of Clement Moore’s 1823 poem “The Night Before Christmas”—are also of interest to American social and cultural historians. Sentimental love poems, pious verses on religious topics, verses on temperance and women’s suffrage, funerary verses, primers, alphabet rhymes, and songs and ballads for children are other areas of study that this archive would be useful for. Children’s verse, in particular, was a thriving genre at this time, and it is well represented. The collection also holds a lot of poetry on American history, patriotic poetry occasioned by the U.S. centennial, and poetry about the Civil War from both northern and southern perspectives, including memoirs and reminiscences about the experiences of specific regiments. Poetry about Native Americans—both eastern and western tribes—is also well represented. In general, the representations of American history and of race—of African Americans and Native Americans—in popular verse are topics that this archive makes available for study.

There are also little-known African American authors in the collection, as well as surprising items, such as an edition of Phillis Wheatley’s Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773), published by W. H. Lawrence and Company in 1887 in Denver, Colorado. This case brings up another area of interest—the history of the American publishing industry, which, while concentrated in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, was once far less centralized than it has become. As a counterforce against a modern distraction or “scattering,” many printers in many smaller cities and towns around the United States published verse of interest to the local community.

Finally, there is a huge number of examples of oral forms such as ballads, hymns, and songs that circulated in print in this period. These forms that rely on establishing multiple memory paths—of regular meter, vivid imagery, sound patterns such as rhyme schemes, alliterations, and repetitions of all sorts—also attest to the popularity of poetry as a genre. In the nineteenth century there was an oral culture of poetry, of memorization and recitation of poetry as a social activity, and a lot of the popular verse in the collection records, in print, that history of an oral culture in the process of gradually being printed out of social existence.

The availability of such archival materials makes for the infrastructure of literary research, and this microfilm edition is invaluable for scholars and students who do not have easy access to the Harris Collection, saving them precious travel time and funds. The project will open up areas of research on materials that are difficult to access and therefore in danger of being overlooked. And such material also forms an infrastructure for new kinds of communication between archival research in social and cultural history, textual scholarship, and literary criticism and theory.

For the archive would also be useful for scholars and critics who work on canonical figures—from both the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. It would enable work on

viii literary historicizing, so to speak, of major poets by invoking the context of the history relevant for literary production—what kinds of poetry were being published, circulated, and read and in what format. Each social activity has its different historical trajectory, and a poet’s response to his or her historical, social, political, and economic contexts is always mediated by the generic rules of the medium and a historically changing concept of what can be said and received as poetry at any given time. A poet like Emily Dickinson, for example, was in conversation with the popular culture and the sentimental discourses of her time, and an understanding of her work, including her radical formal innovations, would benefit from placing her in the context of the prevailing cultural discourses as they circulated in the convention-bound medium of poetry. How poetry negotiates between the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions that may determine certain aspects of literary production and generic imperatives is a crucial question: poetry will not reduce to its diverse determining contexts, but it needs to be placed in conversation with these contexts. And this archive would enable investigations of poetry in its multiple contexts, as well as help keep in view the essentially popular nature of poetry as an art form. Poetry was, in the late nineteenth century, a mass art: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has about 150 entries in this thirty-year time period; Oliver Wendell Holmes has about sixty; John Greenleaf Whittier has eighty-two entries. Edgar Allan Poe has sixty-one titles, in English and in French.

The archive would also be useful for work on canonical modern poets born in the last decades of the nineteenth century, for it brings up important questions. What kinds of verse were twentieth-century poets like Robert Frost and Edwin Arlington Robinson or modernist poets like T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, or Wallace Stevens exposed to? What was the popular poetic and literary cultural environment of their crucial formative years? How did the backdrop of popular poetry affect the development of an elitist modernist aesthetic and the inaccessibility of much of modern verse to a general audience?

Another fascinating line of work such an archive would enable is tracing the influence of major figures like Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman,5 Ralph Waldo Emerson, or Emily Dickinson through the verse published in the 1870–1900 period, to see how they were appropriated and to what extent they may have reached the modern poets indirectly, through a kind of popular-cultural mediation, as well as directly. To know what the modern poets read and in what format would enrich our conceptualization of the modernist turn. Dickinson, for example, was an important predecessor for Hart Crane, but he read the only available edition of Dickinson’s work—the collection “edited by two of her friends Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson,” which went through many printings in the late nineteenth century. Thus the archive is a valuable resource not only for American social and cultural historians but for scholars and critics who work on canonical figures.

The archive presents the big picture—a view of poetry as a mass medium. Modernist poets, in their effort to fashion a different readership, lost both the popular readers of poetry and the notion of poetry as a popular art. The Harris Collection contains work by many poets I have never heard of—poets who are no longer in print or anthologized. Yet

5 Works by Walt Whitman are found in American Poetry, 1609–1870.

ix their books went through multiple editions by major commercial publishers. There was an audience for this material that enabled the emerging masses to see themselves as reflected in the medium of popular poetry and its sentimental depiction of emotional lives and subjective, private experiences. For the generic subject matter of lyric poetry becomes a desirable commodity at a certain point in history, when the status of the individual subject and of his or her “private” experiences comes into question, and the historical moment shapes the sentimental forms that the representations of subjective experience take.

Out of the mass medium of popular verse crystallize texts that survive, are reprinted, and continue to be anthologized. For a scholar interested in how that happens, in all that is involved in the process of selection and canonization, an archive such as this would again be a valuable resource. For example, the amazing number of women poets who had access to publication at this time is a phenomenon that raises the question of canonization. Numerous women poets, now unknown, had many books that went through multiple editions, published by major publishing houses. Who gets edited out? And why? This cannot be reduced to some kind of sexist conspiracy, since women were audible and there were also a lot of male poets who were very popular in their day but did not last. With such an archive it would be possible to trace, decade by decade, how a literary culture evolves by choosing the images of itself and the spokespeople it wants to preserve, the subjects it responds to, and the language or kinds of language use that it wants to keep hearing.

Mutlu Konuk Blasing Professor of English Brown University



The original microfilming of the manuscript collection took place at Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the research Libraries Group. Primary Source Microfilm duplicated the master negative microfilm, preserving the original arrangement of items. The Guide lists the files in the order in which they were filmed.

xi American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Upshaw, William D. (William David), Author: Urmy, Clarence Thomas, 1858-1923. 1866-1952. Title: A rosary of rhyme / By Clarence T. Urmy. Title: "Earnest Willie," or, Echoes from a Imprint: San Francisco : Jos. Winterburn & Co., recluse : containing the letters, poems, printers and electrotypers, 1884. addresses and sketches--chiefly moral and Collation: 100 p. ; 19 cm. religious--with bits of laughing humor, smiling Reel: 1001 Position: 6 fancy and tender sentiment - everywhere. The earnest heart-throbs / of William D. Upshaw .. Author: Urmy, Clarence Thomas, 1858-1923. Edition: Eighth edition. Title: A vintage of verse / by Clarence Urmy .. Imprint: Atlanta, Ga. : The Franklin Printing Imprint: San Francisco : William Doxey, at the and Publishing Co., 1899. sign of the lark, 1897. Collation: [4], xxi, [1], 694 p., [13] leaves of Collation: 119 p. : 20cm. plates : ill., ports. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1001 Position: 7 Reel: 1001 Position: 1

Author: Juvenal. Author: Upson, Arthur, 1877-1908. Title: The first satire of Juvenal / translated into Title: At the sign of the harp / by Arthur Upson ; English verse by Edward P. Usher .. with two drawings by Ada B. Hillman. Imprint: Cambridge [Mass. ? : s.n.], 1876. Imprint: Minneapolis, Minnesota : Published by Collation: 15 p. ; 25 cm. the University Press, 1900. Reel: 1001 Position: 8 Collation: 71 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 1001 Position: 2 Author: Utter, Rebecca Palfrey, 1844-1905. Title: The king's daughter and other poems / by Author: Upton, Bertha, 1849-1912. Rebecca Palfrey Utter. Title: The golliwogg's polar adventures. / Imprint: Boston : J. Stilman Smith & Company, Pictures by Florence K. Upton ; verses by 1888. Bertha Upton. Collation: [4], 63 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: London ; New York & ; Bombay ; Reel: 1001 Position: 9 Longmans, Green & Co., c1900. Collation: 62 [i.e. 66], [1] p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 28 cm. Author: Vail, A. L., Mrs., 1838-1892. Reel: 1001 Position: 3 Title: Poems / By Mrs. A. L. Vail. Imprint: Philadelphia : [s.n], 1893. Collation: 54 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Urch, David. Reel: 1002 Position: 1 Title: Illustrated poem of historical points of interest in and about our city and harbor islands Imprint: [Portsmouth, N. H.? : s.n.], c1894. Title: Valedictory poem and oration : Collation: [30] p. : ill. ; 12 x 15 cm. Pronounced before the senior class in Yale Reel: 1001 Position: 4 College, Presentation Day, June 21, 1889. Imprint: New Haven, Conn. : The Stafford Printing Co., 1889. Author: Urmy, Clarence Thomas Collation: 34 p. ; 24 cm. Title: A few poems… Reel: 1002 Position: 2 Imprint: San Francisco; 1887 Collation: 18cm 42p. Reel: 1001 Position: 5 Author: Valentine, Mary A., b. 1853. Title: Waiting for the Master, and other poems. / By Mrs. Mary A. Valentine. Imprint: Huntington, Indiana : The U.B. Publishing Establishment printers, [1900] Collation: 26 p. : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1002 Position: 4

1 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Van Allen, William Harman, 1870- Author: Vance, Robert B. (Robert Brank), 1931. 1828-1899. Title: A Christmas posy : being ten poems / by Title: Heart-throbs from the mountains / by William Harman Van Allen. Robert B. Vance. Imprint: [Elmira? N.Y.] : Privately printed, Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist 1900. Publishing House, 1887. Collation: [15] p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 149 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 1002 Position: 5 Reel: 1002 Position: 10

Author: Van Aulen, Mary Elizabeth. Author: Vance, Sylvester Graham. Title: Home thoughts. / By Mary Elizabeth Van Title: Lord Healey and other poems, / by Aulen. Sylvester Graham Vance. Imprint: Chicago : Knight & Leonard, 1884. Imprint: Marshalltown [Iowa] : S.G. Vance, Collation: 62 p. ; 17 cm. 1890. Reel: 1002 Position: 6 Collation: 227 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 1002 Position: 11

Author: Van Bibber, Thomas E. (Thomas Emory), 1812-1881. Author: Van Derveer, Belle. Title: The flight into Egypt. : A narrative poem, Title: Soul waifs : poems / by Belle Van with some minor poems. / By Thos. E. Van Derveer. Bebber, .. Imprint: Buffalo : The Peter Paul Book Co., Imprint: San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft & Co., 1895. Printers, 1880. Collation: 207 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Collation: vi, 222, [1] p. ; 21 cm. cm. Reel: 1002 Position: 7 Reel: 1003 Position: 1

Author: Van Bibber, Thomas E. (Thomas Author: Vanderwater, Rosalie. Emory), 1812-1881. Title: Two teaparties / by Rosalie Vanderwater ; Title: The Holy Child, or, The flight into Egypt / with illustrations by Wilson De Meza. by Thomas E. Van Bibber. Imprint: New York ; London & ; Paris : Cassell, Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Petter, Galpin & Co., c1882. Putnam's Sons, 1887 ([New York] : The Collation: [59] p. : ill. (party col.) ; 25 cm. Knickerbocker Press) Reel: 1003 Position: 2 Collation: ix, [1], 251 p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1002 Position: 8 Author: Van Dusen, Washington, b. 1857. Title: Songs of life and love / by Washington Van Dusen. Author: Van Blarcom, Venie. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by J.B. Title: Dorothy and the Christ-child / by Venie Lippincott Company, 1899. Van Blarcom ; with pictures by Will Phillip Collation: 49 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 Hooper. cm. Imprint: New York : E.R. Herrick & Company, Reel: 1003 Position: 3 Publishers, c1897. Collation: [38] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Author: Van Duzee, I. D. (Ira Damon), 1829- Reel: 1002 Position: 9 1909. Title: By the Atlantic : later poems / by I.D. Van Duzee .. Imprint: Boston ; Lee and Shepard publishers, 1892. Collation: ix, [1], 484 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1003 Position: 4

2 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031

Author: Van Duzee, I. D. (Ira Damon), 1829- Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. 1909. Title: The poetry of the Psalms, for readers of Title: In the Genesee : early poems / by I.D. Van the English Bible / by Henry Van Dyke, .. Duzee. Imprint: New York : T.Y. Crowell and Imprint: Boston : DeWolfe, Fiske & Co. Company, 1900. publishers and booksellers, [1891] Collation: [4], 24, [3] p. ; 20 cm. Collation: [8], 215 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1004 Position: 6 Reel: 1003 Position: 5

Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Title: The poetry of the Psalms, for readers of Title: The builders and other poems / by Henry the English Bible / by Henry Van Dyke, .. Van Dyke. Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Edition: [First edition] Company Publishers, 1900. Imprint: New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, Collation: 29 p. ; 19 cm. 1897. Reel: 1004 Position: 7 Collation: vi, 87, [2] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1004 Position: 1 Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Title: Ships and havens / by Henry Van Dyke .. Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Title: The builders and other poems / by Henry Company Publishers c1897. Van Dyke. Collation: 37 p. ; 19 cm. Edition: Third edition. Reel: 1004 Position: 8 Imprint: New York : Charles Scirbner's Sons, 1898, c1897. Collation: vi, 87, [2] p. ; 20 cm. Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Reel: 1004 Position: 2 Title: The toiling of Felix : a legend on a new saying of the Christ / by Henry Van Dyke. Imprint: New York : Privately printed, 1898. Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Collation: 34 p. ; 20 cm. Title: The builders and other poems / by Henry Reel: 1004 Position: 9 Van Dyke. Imprint: New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1900, c1897. Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Collation: vi, 87, [2] p. ; 20 cm. Title: The toiling of Felix, and other poems / by Reel: 1004 Position: 3 Henry Van Dyke. Imprint: New York : Charles Scribners Sons, 1900. Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Collation: [7], 88, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Title: God and little children : the blessed state Reel: 1004 Position: 10 of all who die in childhood proved and taught as part of the Gospel of Christ. / By Henry Van Dyke, .. Author: Vandyne, William Johnson. Imprint: New York : Published by Anson D.F. Title: Revels of fancy. / By William Johnson Randolph and Co., c1890. Vandyne. Collation: 81 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Boston : A.F. Grant, Publisher, 1891. Reel: 1004 Position: 4 Collation: 55 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1004 Position: 11

Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933. Title: The Henry van Dyke calendar Imprint: [United States : s.n., 18--] Collation: [12] leaves : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 1004 Position: 5

3 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Van Hoevenbergh, Henry. Author: Vannah, Kate, 1855-1933. Title: The Indian Pass : an Adirondack legend / Title: Verses / by Kate Vannah. by Henry Van Hoevenbergh. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Imprint: New York : Press of E. Scott, 1888. 1883, c1882. Collation: 10 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 117 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1004 Position: 12 Reel: 1005 Position: 3

Author: Van Hook, Mary Jolly. Author: Van Norman, Ina E. Wood. Title: Love songs / by Mary Jolly Van Hook. Title: Minnewaska : a legend of Lake Mohonk, Imprint: Cincinnati : Press of Curts and sequel to Longfellow's Hiawatha, and other Jennings, 1899. lyrical poems / by Ina E. Wood Van Norman. Collation: 56 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. Imprint: Chicago, Ill. : Published by Donohue Reel: 1004 Position: 13 & Henneberry, c1897. Collation: 243 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 23 cm. Author: Vanhoutin, J. J. Reel: 1005 Position: 4 Title: Electric pen sketches. : Pioneer days, and other poems. / By J.J. Vanhoutin. Imprint: Cincinnati, O. : F.L. Rowe, publisher, Author: Van Nostrand, D. H., Mrs. 1899. Title: Poems. / by Mrs. D.H. Van Nostrand. Collation: 112 p. ; 19 cm. Edition: Author's edition. Reel: 1004 Position: 14 Imprint: Troy, N.Y. : Edward H. Lisk, printer, 1884. Collation: 142 p. ; 17 cm. Author: Van Loon, Hannah. Reel: 1005 Position: 5 Title: Miscellaneous poems / by Mrs. Hannah Van Loon. Imprint: Towanda, Penna. : "Bradford Author: Tollens, H. (Hendrik), 1780-1856. Republican" Printing House, 1880. Title: The Hollanders in Nova Zembla (1596- Collation: 143 p. ; 19 cm. 1597) : an Arctic poem translated from the Reel: 1004 Position: 15 Dutch of Hendrik Tollens / by Daniel Van Pelt, ... ; with a preface and an historical introduction by Samuel Richard Van Author: Van Nada, L. Belle. Campen, ... ; including notes. Title: Poems / by L. Belle Van Nada ; with Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnma's preface. Sons, 1884. Imprint: Indianapolis : Carlon & Hollenbeck, Collation: xvii, [1], 120 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Printers and Binders, 1881. ill. ; 19 cm. Collation: viii, 151 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1005 Position: 6 Reel: 1005 Position: 1

Author: Van Schaack, Kate Ashley. Author: Vannah, Kate, 1855-1933. Title: Poems / by Kate Ashley Van Schaack. Title: From heart to heart. / By Kate Vannah, .. Imprint: Cambridge [Mass.] : Tribune Imprint: Boston : J.G. Cupples Company, Publishing Company, 1881. c1893. Collation: 106, [6] p. ; 19 cm. Collation: [2], ix, [1], 108 p., [1] leaf of Reel: 1005 Position: 7 plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1005 Position: 2 Author: Van Vliet, F. G. Title: Pen pictures of Leeds-on-the-"Catskill," the author's birth-place. / F.G. Van Vliet. Imprint: New York : Press of L.F. Fetzer, 1896. Collation: [2], 95 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1005 Position: 8

4 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Van Vliet, F. G. Author: Vasser, William Edward, b. 1855. Title: Reminiscence : the Old Stone Bridge at Title: Poems of William Edward Vasser Leeds-on-the-Catskill / affectionately dedicated Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : C.R. & H.H. Hatch, by his father to Wm. C. Van Vliet. Printers, 1879. Imprint: New York : [s.n.], 1886. Collation: 16 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: 12 p. : 1 ill. ; 14 cm. Reel: 1006 Position: 7 Reel: 1006 Position: 1

Title: Baccalaureate sermon and class Day Author: Van Vliet, F. G. exercises, Vassar College Title: The spinning wheel ; Our heirloom ; A Imprint: [New York? : s.n.], 1879. soliloquy / F.G. Van Vliet. Collation: 51 p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: New York : Edwin W. Dayton, 1893. Reel: 1006 Position: 8 Collation: [32] leaves : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1006 Position: 2 Author: Vaughan, George. Title: Progressive religious, and social poems. / Author: Van Zandt, George Harrison. By Geo. Vaughan. Title: Poems of George Harrison Van Zandt Imprint: [United States : s.n.], c1880. Imprint: Philadelphia, Pa. : Published by Jay & Collation: 62, [2], [63]-74, [2], [75]-99, [1] p. ; Co., 1886. 22 cm. Collation: iv, 256 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Reel: 1006 Position: 9 20 cm. Reel: 1006 Position: 3 Author: Vaux, Roberts, 1786-1836. Title: Nostra alma mater. : A poem delivered Author: Van Zile, Edward S. (Edward Sims), before the alumni of Haverford College, June 1863-1931. 20, 1882. / By Roberts Vaux. Title: The dreamers and other poems / Edward Imprint: Philadelphia : [s.n., 1882] S. Van Zile. Collation: 18 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: New York ; London : F. Tennyson Reel: 1006 Position: 10 Neely, c1897. Collation: vi, 151 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1006 Position: 4 Author: Vawter, Clara. Title: Of such is the kingdom / Clara Vawter ; with illustrations by Will Vawter. Author: Varney, George J. (George Jones), Imprint: Indianpolis, Indiana, U.S.A. : The 1836-1901. Bowen-Merrill Company, c1899. Title: The story of Patriots' Day, Lexington and Collation: 912 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Concord April 19, 1775 : with poems brought Reel: 1006 Position: 11 out on the first observation of the anniversary holiday, and the forms in which it was celebrated / by Geo. J. Varney. Author: Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard Publishers, Title: Bonny birds / illustrations by 1895. Palmer Cox ... ; stories by E. Veale .. Collation: x, [2], 170, [4] p. : ill., maps ; 18 cm. Imprint: [Philadelphia] : Hubbard Pub'g Co., Reel: 1006 Position: 5 c1897. Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1007 Position: 1 Author: Vasser, William Edward, . 1855. Title: Flower myths and other poems. / By William Edward Vasser. Imprint: Louisville, Ky. : Printed for the author by John P. Morton and Company, 1884. Collation: 90 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1006 Position: 6

5 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. Author: Veeder, Emily Elizabeth, b. 1841. Title: Brownies and other stories / illustrated by Title: In the garden and other poems / by Emily Palmer Cox ; the stories told in prose by E. Elizabeth Veeder. Veale, .. Imprint: Philadelphia & ; London : J.B. Imprint: New York : Hurst & Company Lippincott Company, 1895, c1894. publishers, c1900. Collation: [2], 104, [1] p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 320 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. Reel: 1007 Position: 8 Reel: 1007 Position: 2

Author: Vegetarian Supply Co. Author: Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. Title: I've come out of my burrow to borrow. Title: Busy brownies / illustrations by Palmer Imprint: Prov., R.I.: Presented by the Cox ... ; stories by E. Veale .. Vegetarian Supply Co., [189-?] Imprint: [Philadelphia] : Issued by the Collation: [7] leaves : ill. ; 40 x 100 mm. Philadelphia Inquirer Company, c1896. Reel: 1007 Position: 9 Collation: [32] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1007 Position: 3 Author: Ver Beck, Frank, 1858-1933, Title: A hand-book of golf for bears / by Frank Author: Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. Verbeck ; verses by Hayden Carruth. Title: Jack the giant / illustrated by Palmer Imprint: New York : R.H. Russell, Publisher, Cox ...; stories by E. Veale, .. 1900. Imprint: [Philadelphia] : Hubbard Pub'g Co., Collation: [59] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. c1896. Reel: 1007 Position: 10 Collation: [32] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1007 Position: 4 Author: Verder, Daniel Hugh. Title: A book of sonnets / Daniel Hugh Verder. Author: Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. Imprint: [Conn?] : Copyrighted by Francis Title: The jolly Chinee / illustrated by Palmer Trevelyan Miller, c1899. Cox, ...; stories by E. Veale, .. Collation: [12] leaves ; 26 cm. Imprint: [Philadelphia] : Hubbard Pub'g Co., Reel: 1007 Position: 11 1897, c1896. Collation: [32] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1007 Position: 5 Title: Celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the State Normal School at Castelton, Vermont, and register of teachers and graduates Author: Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. Imprint: Rutland [Vt.] : The Tuttle Company, Title: The rival babies / illustrations by Palmer Printers, 1894. Cox ... ; stories by E. Veale .. Collation: 54 p., [6] leaves of plates : 1 ill., 5 Imprint: [Philadelphia; : Hubbard Pub'g Co., ports. ; 26 cm. c1896. Reel: 1007 Position: 12 Collation: [12] p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. Reel: 1007 Position: 6 Author: Ray, P. Orman (Perley Orman), b. 1875. Author: Vedder, C. S. (Charles Stuart), 1826- Title: University of Vermont Founder's Day, 1917. May 1, 1897 : addresses by Perley Orman Ray, Title: Holland : a poem. / By Rev. Charles S. 1898, George Maynard Hogan, 1897 and Vedder, ... ; written for the anniversary of the Professor Davis Rich Dewey, ... with the song Holland Society, of New York, 1892. and odes written for the occasion. Imprint: [New York?] : Lucas & Richardson Imprint: Burlington, Vermont : Printed for the Co., 1898. Free Press Association, 1897. Collation: 16 p. : ports. ; 23 cm. Collation: 34 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 22 Reel: 1007 Position: 7 cm. Reel: 1008 Position: 1

6 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: S. J. E. Author: Vickers, George M. (George Morley), Title: Verses and valentines. / S.J.E., A.R.R., b. 1841. M.S.B. Title: Beautiful selections for the autograph Imprint: [United States : s.n.], 1898. album : love, friendship, wit. Collation: [44] p. ; 16 cm. Imprint: Baltimore, Md. : Published by Kohler Reel: 1008 Position: 2 Manufacturing Co., c1891. Collation: [8] p. ; 14 cm. Reel: 1008 Position: 7 Author: Aial. Title: Verses of my youth. : A keepsake for my friends, being a few of those that were not torn Author: Vickers, Robert H. (Robert Henry), up. / By Aial. 1830?-1897. Imprint: [New York?] : H.O.A. Industrial Title: American liberata / by Robert H. School Steam Print, 1882. Vickers .. Collation: 67 p. ; 15 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Charles H. Kerr & Reel: 1008 Position: 3 Company, 1895. Collation: 75 p., [2] leaves of plates : 2 ports. ; 18 cm. Title: Verses on the extreme and singular beauty Reel: 1008 Position: 8 of a sunset-scene from the Brooklyn Bridge, and its blessed significance to the author, especially in the hour of a deep experience, awakened by Author: Victor, Frances Fuller, 1826-1902. some meditations on the dear memory of his Title: The new Penelope, and other stories and pastor poems. / By Mrs. Frances Fuller Victor. Imprint: New York : Press of B.W. Dinsmore & Imprint: San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft & Co., [1887] Company, Printers, 1877. Collation: 8 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 349 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 1008 Position: 4 Reel: 1008 Position: 9

Author: Vickers, George Edward. Author: Viett, George Frederic, b. 1868. Title: Gettysburg. : A poem. / By George E. Title: "Thou beside me singing." and other Vickers. poems : a book of verses / by George F. Viett. Imprint: Philadelphia, Pa. : Thomas R. Davis, Imprint: Philadelphia : P.W. Ziegler & Co., Printer, c1890. c1900. Collation: [36] p.; 25 cm. Collation: 183 p. : ill., ports. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1008 Position: 5 Reel: 1009 Position: 1

Author: Vickers, George M. (George Morley), Author: Vinton, J. D. (Jonathan Dwight), 1831- b. 1841. 1903. Title: Ballads of the Occident / by George M. Title: Poems / by J.D. Vinton, .. Vickers. Imprint: Philadelphia : [J.D. Vinton], 1884. Imprint: Philadelphia, Pa. : The Parkview Collation: [2], 56, [1] p. ; 14 cm. Publishing Company, 1898. Reel: 1009 Position: 2 Collation: 256 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1008 Position: 6

7 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Vinton, J. D. (Jonathan Dwight), 1831- Author: Voldo, Venier. 1903. Title: A song of America, and minor lyrics, / by Title: Vinton's poems : translations, V. Voldo. miscellaneous, sacred and humorous, / By J.D. Imprint: New York : Hanscom and Company, Vinton , ... illustrated. 1876. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.D. Vinton & Co., Collation: 206 p. ; 18 cm. 1885. Reel: 1010 Position: 2 Collation: [3], 240, [1] p, [15] leaves of plates : ill. ; 17 cm. Reel: 1009 Position: 3 Author: Edelweiss, Otto von. Title: Ros et rosa lyrica / Otto von Edelweiss. Imprint: Pittsburgh : The Eichbaum Press, Author: Vinton, J. D. (Jonathan Dwight), 1831- 1893. 1903. Collation: 68 p. ; 21 cm. Title: Shadows from life and other poems / J.D. Reel: 1010 Position: 3 Vinton. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.D. Vinton & Co., 1891. Author: Von K. Camilla K., b. 1840. Collation: 264 p. ; 17 cm. Title: Sea-leaves. / By Camilla K. Von K. Reel: 1009 Position: 4 Imprint: Santa Barbara, Cal. : Independent Print, 1887. Collation: 178, [3], v p. ; 19 cm. Author: Vinton, J. D. (Jonathan Dwight), 1831- Reel: 1010 Position: 4 1903. Title: Sonnets, roundels, madrigals, etc., / by J.D. Vinton, .. Author: Vorse, H. Ellen. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.D. Vinton & Co., Title: Poems / by Mrs. H. Ellen Vorse. 1888. Imprint: Wellesley Hills [Mass.] : Printed by Collation: 134 p. ; 17 cm. Charles M. Eaton, [189-?] Reel: 1009 Position: 5 Collation: 16 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1010 Position: 5

Author: Voldo, Venier. Title: Poems from the Pacific : the West's reply Author: Vose, James G. (James Gardiner), to England's laureate / by Venier Voldo. 1830-1908. Imprint: San Francisco : The Bancroft Title: An oration pronounced before the Alumni Company, 1888. Association of Brown University, in the First Collation: 172 p. ; 20 cm. Baptist Church, Providence, R.I., June 19th, Reel: 1009 Position: 6 1900. / BBy Rev. James Gardiner Vose, .. Imprint: Providence, : Preston & Rounds Company, 1900. Author: Voldo, Venier. Collation: 31 p. ; 26 cm. Title: A song of America, and minor lyrics, / by Reel: 1010 Position: 6 Venier Voldo. Imprint: New York : Hanscom and Company, 1876. Author: Wade, A. Annie, d. 1893. Collation: 206 p. ; 18 cm. Title: The poetical works of A. Annie Wade. / Reel: 1010 Position: 1 Published for her friends, by her husband, Levi Wade ; compiled and arranged, with biographical sketch of the author by Frank H. Wade, .. Imprint: Allegheny, Pa. : [L. Wade], 1895. Collation: 227 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1010 Position: 7

8 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Wadsworth, E. Clifford. Author: Wagner, Madge Morris, d. 1924. Title: A winter pastoral and other poems. / By E. Title: Poems / by Madge Morris. Clifford Wadsworth ; with illustrations by the Imprint: San Francisco : The Golden Era author. Company, 1885. Imprint: Brooklyn, N.Y. : Frederick Berg, Collation: 134, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; publisher, 1892 ([New York] : A.C. Huene & 19 cm. Bro.) Reel: 1011 Position: 2 Collation: 80 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., ports. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1010 Position: 8 Author: Wagner, Philip Matthew, 1868-1914. Title: At the dawn, or, First attempts at poetry / by Philip Matthew Wagner, principal of schools, Author: Wadsworth, Wedworth, 1846-1926. Zoar, O. Title: Leaves from an artist's field-book / poems Imprint: [Zoar, Ohio] : Published by the author, and illustrations by Weworth Wadsworth. 1893. Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop Co., c1891. Collation: 103, [1] p. : ill. ; 16 cm. Collation: [17] leaves : ill. ; 23 x 32 cm. Reel: 1011 Position: 3 Reel: 1010 Position: 9

Author: Wainwright. Author: Wadsworth, Wedworth, 1846-1926. Title: Muster : June 8 to 12, inclusive / Title: The song of the bells, : an Easter chime. / dedicated to the W.C.G. by the author. Original poem by Wedworth Wadsworth ; Imprint: [Worcester, Mass. : s.n. 1897] illustrations by Harriet Webster Fowler. Collation: 8 p. ; 22 cm. Imprint: Munich & ; New York : Obpacher Reel: 1011 Position: 4 Brothers, [18--] Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 15 cm. Reel: 1010 Position: 10 Author: Wainwright, Joel. Title: Rural poetry : lecture delivered in S. Anne's schools, Houghton, November 4th, 1892 / Author: Wady, Clifton S. (Clifton Sanford), by Joel Wainwright, J.P. .. 1860-1936. Imprint: Ashton-under-Lyne [England] : Title: Poems / by Clifton S. Wady, .. William Brown and Son, printers..., [1893] Imprint: Boston : Press of Blair & Hallett, 1888. Collation: [6], 38 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Collation: 24 leaves, [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Reel: 1011 Position: 5 26 cm. Reel: 1010 Position: 11 Author: Waite, C. W. (Campbell Waldo) Title: Helen / by Campbell Waldo Waite ; Author: Morris, Madge, 1862-1924. illustrated by Louis Braunhold. Title: At San Diego Bay / a souvenir by Madge Imprint: Chicago : W.E. Dibble & Co., 1890. Morris. Collation: vi, [7]-388 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Imprint: San Diego, Cal. : Golden Era Reel: 1011 Position: 6 Co., [1898?] Collation: [10] leaves : ill. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1010 Position: 12 Author: Waite, Gertrude R. Mitchell. Title: How Tommy was cured of crying : and other rhymes for the little ones / by Gertrude R. Author: Wagner, Madge Morris, d. 1924. Mitchell Waite ; illustrated by Bernice Roberts Title: Debris : selections from poems / by Mackin. Madge Morris. Imprint: New York (114 Fifth Avenue) ; Imprint: Sacramento [Calif.] : H.S. Crocker & London ; Montreal : The Abbey Press, Co., printers, 1881. publishers, c1900. Collation: 98 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 55, [1] p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Reel: 1011 Position: 1 Reel: 1011 Position: 7

9 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Waites, Alfred. Author: Walker, Elliot, 1855- Title: Thomas Beket, or, The mitre and the Title: Cat tales in verse / written by Elliot crown Walker. Imprint: Worcester, Mass. : For private Imprint: New York (114 Fifth Avenue) ; circulation, 1883. London ; Montreal : The Abbey Press, c1900. Collation: vi, 102 p. ; 24 cm. Collation: 47 p. : 1 port. ; 17 x 23 cm. Reel: 1011 Position: 8 Reel: 1011 Position: 14

Author: Field, Eugene, 1850-1895. Author: Walker, Edward Dwight, 1859-1890. Title: In New Orleans / Eugene Field. Title: Poems / by Edward Dwight Walker. Imprint: New Orleans : Waldhorn Company, Imprint: New York : The De Vinne Press, 1893. Inc., [ca. 1894] Collation: 31, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 4 p. ; 13 cm. Reel: 1012 Position: 1 Reel: 1011 Position: 9

Author: Walker, Fred Goldsmith. Author: Waldron, Adelaide Cilley, 1843-1909. Title: My leisure moments / by Fred Goldsmith Title: On Christmas day / [Adelaide Cilley Walker. Waldron] Imprint: Salem [Mass.] : Barry & Lufkin, Imprint: Worcester, Mass. : Bullard Art printers and publishers, 1892. Publishing Co., 1888. Collation: 104 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 23 Collation: [7] leaves : 1 col. ill. ; 15 cm. cm. Reel: 1011 Position: 10 Reel: 1012 Position: 2

Author: Waldron, Adelaide Cilley, 1843-1909. Author: Walker, Fred Goldsmith. Title: On fancy's wing / Adelaide Cilley Title: My leisure moments / by Fred Goldsmith Waldron. Walker. Imprint: [Worcester, Mass.? : s.n.], c1890. Imprint: Salem [Mass.] : Barry & Lufkin, Collation: [7] leaves ; 17 cm. printers and publishers, 1893. Reel: 1011 Position: 11 Collation: 107 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1012 Position: 3 Author: Waldon, Ruth. Title: The wife of "Ostler Joe" : a travesty / by Ruth Waldon .. Author: Walker, Horace Eaton, 1852- Imprint: Ottawa, Illinois : Published by R.W. Title: Acrisius, king of Argos, and other poems / Brower, music dealer and publisher, c1886 by Horace Eaton Walker. (Ottawa, Ill. : Journal Steam Print) Imprint: Claremont, N.H. : Geo. Putnam Co., Collation: 8 p. ; 15 cm. 1895. Reel: 1011 Position: 12 Collation: 95 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 1012 Position: 4

Author: Wales, Florence. Title: Violets / by Florence Wales. Author: Walker, Horace Eaton, 1852- Imprint: Boston, U.S.A. : L. Prang & Title: Intimations of Heaven and other poems / Co., c1893. by Horace Eaton Walker. Collation: [6] leaves : col. ill. ; 15 x 23 cm. Imprint: Claremont, N.H. : Geo. I. Putnam Co., Reel: 1011 Position: 13 1898. Collation: 130 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1012 Position: 5

10 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Walker, Horace Eaton, 1852- Author: Wallace, Charles William, 1865-1932. Title: The lady of Dardale and other poems / by Title: Spider-webs in verse : a collection of Horace Eaton Walker. lyrics for leisure moments, spun at idle hours . Imprint: Manchester, N.H. : Browne & Rowe, by Charles William Wallace .. publishers, 1886, c1885. Imprint: Lincoln, Neb. : State Journal Collation: xiii, [3], 608 p., [12] leaves of plates : Company, printers, 1892. ill., ports. ; 23 cm. Collation: xii, 186 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Reel: 1012 Position: 6 20 cm. Reel: 1013 Position: 5

Author: Walker, Marie Woodruff. Title: A romance of the willow / by Marie Author: Wallace, George A. Woodruff-Walker (Clifton Esdaile) Title: From taps till reveille / by George A. Imprint: New York : Hosford & Sons, 1892, Wallace. c1891. Imprint: Bowling Green, Ky. : From the press Collation: 74 p. : 1 ill. ; 22 cm. of the Park City Daily Times, 1895. Reel: 1013 Position: 1 Collation: vi, [3]-136 p. : 1 port. ; 22 cm. Reel: 1013 Position: 6

Author: Walker, W. S. Title: Between the tides : comprising sketches, Author: Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905. tales and poems including H-u-n-g-r-y L-a-n-d / Title: The wooing of Malkatoon ; Commodus / by W. S. Walker. by Lew Wallace ; illustrations by Du Mond & Imprint: Los Gatos, California : W.S. and Glenn Weguelin. Walker, printers, 1885. Imprint: New York and ; London : Harper & Collation: [4], 250 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 Brothers Publishers, 1898, c1897. port. ; 20 cm. Collation: [6], 167, [2] p., [12] leaves of Reel: 1013 Position: 2 plates : 12 ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1013 Position: 7

Author: Wall, Annie Russell Title: Some scatterd leaves / by Annie Wall Author: Wallace, Susan E. (Susan Elston), Imprint: Buffalo [N.Y.] : Charles Wells 1830-1907. Moulton, 1893 Title: Ginèvra, or, The old oak chest : a Collation: 41 p. : ill. ; 22 cm Christmas story / by Susan E. Wallace ; with Reel: 1013 Position: 3 illustrations by General Lew Wallace. Imprint: New York : Worthington Co. ..., 1887, c1886. Author: Wall, Oscar Garrett. Collation: 60 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill., ports. ; Title: Sunny nooks, or, Halting place stories / by 22 cm. O.G. Wall .. Reel: 1014 Position: 1 Imprint: Buffalo [N.Y.] : The Peter Paul Book Company, 1895. Collation: vi, [7]-111 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; Author: Wallace, W. DeWitt (William DeWitt), 18 cm. 1838- Reel: 1013 Position: 4 Title: Idle hours / by W. DeWitt Wallace. Imprint: New York (27 West Twenty-third St.) ; London (27 King William St., Strand) : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1890 (New York : Knickerbocker Press) Collation: vi, [2], 76 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1014 Position: 2

11 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Title: The oldest drama in the world : the book Author: Walter, Carrie Stevens, d. 1907. of Job arranged in dramatic form with Title: Rose-ashes / by Carrie Stevens Walter. elucidations / by Rev. Alfred Walls ; with a Imprint: San Francisco : C.A. Murdock & Co., prefatory note by Henry A. Buttz .. 1890. Imprint: New York : Hunt & Eaton ; Collation: vi, [7]-85 p. ; 18 cm. Cincinnati : Cranston & Stowe, 1891. Reel: 1015 Position: 3 Collation: 124 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1014 Position: 3 Author: Walter, Joseph R. (Joseph Rhoads), 1849-1890. Author: Walser, G. H. (George Henry), b. 1834. Title: A convivial poem read before the Psi Title: Poems of leisure / by G.H. Walser. Upsilon Assocaition of Philadelphia : at the Imprint: Lamar, Missouri : South-West second annual re-union, May 7, 1879 / by Missourian Print, 1890, c1891. Joseph R. Walter .. Collation: 211 p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: [Philadelphia : s.n., 1879] Reel: 1014 Position: 4 Collation: [8] p. ; 25 cm. Reel: 1015 Position: 4

Author: Walser, G. H. (George Henry), b. 1834. Title: The bouquet : a poetic treasury of flowers, Author: Waltham (Mass.) their classics and vocabulary / by G.H. Walser .. Title: Proceedings at the celebration of the Imprint: [Lincoln, Neb.] : G.H. Walser, c1897. sesqui-centennial of the town of Waltham : held Collation: 275 p. : 2 ports. ; 24 cm. in Music Hall, on Monday, January 16, 1888. Reel: 1014 Position: 5 Imprint: Waltham [Mass.] : Press of Ephraim L. Barry, 1893. Collation: 104 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 port. ; Author: Walsh, Henry C. (Henry Collins), 23 cm. 1863-1927. Reel: 1015 Position: 5 Title: By the Potomac ad other verses / by Henry Collins Walsh .. Imprint: Philadelphia : MacCalla & Company, Author: Walton, Ellis. printers ..., 1889. Title: Playmates / by Ellis Walton. Collation: iv, [5]-66 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: New York : The Art Lithographic Reel: 1014 Position: 6 Publishing Co. ; London : The Artistic Lithographic Company, [1899?] Collation: [2] p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. Title: Enchiridon of criticism : the best Reel: 1015 Position: 6 criticisms on the best authors of the nineteenth century / edited by William Shepard [psued.] Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Author: Walton, Faith. Company, 1885. Title: Poems / by Faith Walton. Collation: 278 p. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Jansen, McClurg and Reel: 1015 Position: 1 Company, 1880, c1879. Collation: 152 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1015 Position: 7 Author: Walsh, William Shepard, 1854-1919. Title: Faust : the legend and the poem / by William S. Walsh ; with etchings by Hermann Faber. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1888, c1887. Collation: 48 p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 ill. ; 27 cm. Reel: 1015 Position: 2

12 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Walworth, Clarence A. (Clarence Author: Warder, Geo. W. (George Woodward), Augustus), 1820-1900. b. 1848. Title: Andiatorocté, or, The eve of Lady Day on Title: Utopian dreams and lotus leaves / by Geo. Lake George : and other poems, hymns, and W. Warder. meditations in verse / by the Rev. Clarence A. Imprint: London : Sampson Low, Marston, Walworth .. Searle, & Rivington ..., 1885. Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Collation: viii, 408, 8 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Putnam's Sons ..., 1888. port. ; 20 cm. Collation: v, [1], 244 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 1017 Position: 1 Reel: 1015 Position: 8

Author: Wardwell, Harrison B., 1833-1890. Author: Warburton, Sybil. Title: Poems / Rev. Harrison B. Wardwell ; Title: The silent watcher, or, York as seen from arranged by the author. Agamenticus : giving a glimpse into its past Imprint: Portland, Me. : Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, history as the city of Gorgeana, with a few 1879. suggestive pictures of the town at the present Collation: 132 p. ; 19 cm. time / by Sybil Warburton. Reel: 1017 Position: 2 Imprint: Boston : The Heintzemann Press, 1897. Collation: [5], 70, [7] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Author: Wardwell, S. P. (Stephen P.) Reel: 1015 Position: 9 Title: The do-do, or, Toddy Tom's ghost : a legend of Onset Bay / by S.P. Wardwell .. Imprint: Boston : Samuel Hamilton, printer ..., Author: Ward, Joseph H. 1883. Title: Ballads of life / by J.H. Ward... ; Collation: 68, [1] p. ; 24 cm. illustrated with numerous engravings, from Reel: 1017 Position: 3 original designs drawn by Weggeland. Imprint: Salt Lake City, Utah : Jos. Hyrum Parry & Co., publishers, 1886. Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. Collation: [4], xii, [13]-202, [2] p., [1] leaf of Title: Rhymes of Ironquill plates : ill., 1 port. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : T.J. Kellam Reel: 1016 Position: 1 Publisher, 1885. Collation: 155, [2] p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1017 Position: 4 Author: Ward, William Henry, b. 1826. Title: All sides of life : a volume of prose and poetry / by William Henry Ward ; with a brief Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. history of the author, written by himself. Title: Rhymes of Ironquill Imprint: Des Moines, Iowa : Iowa Printing Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : Kellam Book and Company, publishers, 1886, c1885. Stationery Co., publishers, 1889. Collation: 400 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 Collation: 207, [1] p. ; 21 cm. cm. Reel: 1017 Position: 5 Reel: 1016 Position: 2

Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. Author: Warder, Geo. W. (George Woodward), Title: Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kansas b. 1848. Imprint: Chicago : A.C. McClurg and Title: Eden dell, or, Love's wanderings : and Company, 1892. other poems / by Geo. W. Warder. Collation: 187, [5] p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Kansas City [Mo.] : Press of Ramsey, Reel: 1017 Position: 6 Millett & Hudson, 1878. Collation: vi, [7]-358 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1016 Position: 3

13 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. Author: Warman, Cy, 1855-1914. Title: Some of the rhymes of Ironquill : (a book Title: Tales of an engineer ; with Rhymes of the of moods) rail / by Cy Warman. Edition: Fourth edition. Imprint: New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, Imprint: Topeka [Kan.] : Crane & Company, 1898, c1895. 1896, c1895. Collation: viii, [2], 242, [3] p. ; 19 cm. Collation: x, 9-334 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1019 Position: 3 Reel: 1018 Position: 1

Author: Warner Brothers (Bridgeport, Conn.) Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. Title: Illustrated tale of Coraline : from birth Title: Some of the rhymes of Ironquill : (a book until acknowledged the queen of corsets. of moods) Imprint: New York ; Chicago : Warner Edition: Fifth edition. Bros., [188-?] (Chicago : Shober & Imprint: Topeka, Kas., U.S.A. : Crane & Carqueville Lith. Co.) Company, 1896, c1895. Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 17 cm. Collation: x, 9-334 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1019 Position: 4 Reel: 1018 Position: 2

Author: Warner, D. S. (Daniel Sidney), 1842- Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. 1895. Title: Some of the rhymes of Ironquill : (a book Title: Poems of grace and truth / by D.S. of moods) Warner .. Edition: Ninth edition. Imprint: Grand Junction, Mich. : Gospel Imprint: Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. : Crane & Trumpet Publishing House, 1890. Company, 1899. Collation: [3], 343 p. : ill., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Collation: [1], x, 9-334 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1019 Position: 5 Reel: 1018 Position: 3

Author: Warner, Theodore Davenport, d. 1907. Author: Ware, Eugene Fitch, 1841-1911. Title: Madalena, or, The maids' mischief : a Title: Some of the rhymes of Ironquill : (a book drama / by Theodore Davenport Warner. of moods) Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Edition: Tenth edition. Company, 1888, c1887. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. : Crane & Collation: 245 p. ; 19 cm. Company, 1900. Reel: 1019 Position: 6 Collation: [1], xi, [1], 9-344 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1019 Position: 1 Author: Warren, Frank C. Title: The legend of Dilsberg / Frank C. Author: Young Men's Library Association Warren, M.D. .. (Ware, Mass.) Imprint: Jamaica Plain [Boston, Mass.] : Printed Title: Dedication of the library building / Young by J. Allen Crosby, 1895. Men's library Association, Ware, Mass., July 19, Collation: [1], 13, [1] leaves ; 20 cm. 1881. Reel: 1020 Position: 1 Imprint: Ware, Mass. : Chas. W. Eddy, printer, [1881] Collation: 24, [3] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill., Author: Warren, George M. plans ; 22 cm. Title: Der poems von Friederick Scholtz / by Reel: 1019 Position: 2 George M. Warren. Imprint: Tonawanda [N.Y.] : Warren & Chapman, publishers, 1880, c1879. Collation: [2], 49 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1020 Position: 2

14 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Warren, Henry Vallette. Author: Washington, Lucy H. (Lucy Hall Title: There go the ships ; and After many days / Walker), 1835- by Rev. H. Vallette Warren .. Title: Echoes of song / by Mrs. Lucy H. Imprint: Buffalo [N.Y.] : Charles Wells Washington. Moulton, 1898, c1897. Imprint: Springfield, Ill. : Edwin S. Walker, Collation: viii, [2], 131 p. ; 20 cm. publisher ..., 1878. Reel: 1020 Position: 3 Collation: 200 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1020 Position: 9

Author: Warren, M. Title: Creation : a poem / by M. Warren. Author: Washington, Lucy H. (Lucy Hall Imprint: Boston : A. Williams & Co., 1878. Walker), 1835- Collation: 32 p. ; 18 cm. Title: Memory's casket / by Mrs. Lucy H. Reel: 1020 Position: 4 Washington. Imprint: Buffalo [N.Y.] : Charles Wells Moulton, 1891. Author: Washburn, Dexter Carleton, 1861- Collation: [2], 154 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Title: Songs from the seasons and other verses / 19 cm. by Dexter Carleton Washburn. Reel: 1020 Position: 10 Edition: Second edition. Imprint: St. Johnsbury [Vt.] : Charles T. Walter, 1888, c1887. Title: U.S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.C. : Collation: 118 p. ; 19 cm. indelible photographs. Reel: 1020 Position: 5 Imprint: New York : A. Witteman ..., c1895 (New York : The Albertype Co.) Collation: [19] leaves : 16 ill. ; 13 x 19 cm. Author: Washburn, Edward Abiel, 1819-1881. Reel: 1020 Position: 11 Title: Voices from a busy life, or, Selections from the poetical works of the late Edward A. Washburn, D.D. Author: East Washington Citizens' Association Imprint: New York : Anson, D.F. Randolph & (Washington, D.C.) Company ..., c1883. Title: "The new era" : grand celebration of the Collation: [2], 186 p. ; 19 cm. opening of the new bridge, Penna. Ave. S.E., Reel: 1020 Position: 6 Washington, D.C., Monday, August 25, 1890 / compiled for executive committee, E.W.C.A. . Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Gibson Bros., Author: Washburn, Francis, 1843-1914. printers and bookbinders, 1890. Title: The temple and its visitor / by Rev. Collation: 59 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. Francis Washburn. Reel: 1021 Position: 1 Imprint: New York : Thomas Whittaker ..., [188-?] Collation: 21 p. ; 15 cm. Author: Wason, S. Theresa. Reel: 1020 Position: 7 Title: Poems / by S. Theresa Wason, New Boston, N.H. Imprint: Manchester, N.H. : John B. Clarke, Author: Washburn, Owen Redington, 1866- printer, 1880. Title: Out of a young man's life : poems / by Collation: iv, [5]-138 p. ; 19 cm. O.R. Washburn. Reel: 1021 Position: 2 Imprint: Meadville, Pa. : McCoy & Calvin, 1897. Collation: 59 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 1020 Position: 8

15 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Schneckenburger, Max, 1819-1849. Author: Waterloo Library and Historical Title: The watch on the Rhine / illustrated by Society (N.Y.) G.W. Brenneman. Title: The centennial celebration of General Imprint: Boston : Charles E. Brown & Co., Sullivan's campaign against the Iroquois c1892. in 1779 : held at Waterloo, Collation: [32] p. : ill., music, ports. ; 24 cm. September 3rd, 1879 / prepared by Diedrich Reel: 1021 Position: 3 Willers, Jr. ... ; to which is prefixed a sketch of the Waterloo Library and Historical Society by Rev. S.H. Gridley, D.D. ; published under Author: Waterbury Watch Co. the auspices of the Waterloo Library Title: The boys [sic] own book / [presented by and Historical Society. the Waterbury Watch Co.] Imprint: Waterloo, N.Y. : Observer Steam Imprint: New York : S.C. Patterson, c1885. Print, 1880. Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 14 cm. Collation: [6], 356 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill., Reel: 1021 Position: 4 ports. ; 24 cm. Reel: 1021 Position: 8

Author: Waterbury Watch Co. Title: Tick, tick, tick and other rhymes Author: Waterman, Luther Dana, 1830-1918. Imprint: New York : Mayer, Merkel & Title: Phantoms of life / by Luther Dana Ottmann, lith., [188-?] Waterman. Collation: [8] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 12 cm. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons ..., Reel: 1021 Position: 5 1883. Collation: [2], 95 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1021 Position: 9 Author: Waterbury Watch Co. Title: Tick, tick, tick and other rhymes Imprint: New York : S.C. Patterson, Author: L.E. Waterman Company. Advertisers' Publishing, [188-?] Title: Ye Fogy booke Collation: [8] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 12 cm. Imprint: [New York : L.E. Waterman Co., ca. Reel: 1021 Position: 6 1900] Collation: [12] p.: ill. ; 16 cm. Reel: 1021 Position: 10 Author: Waterhouse, Alfred James. Title: Some homely little songs / by Alfred James Waterhouse. Author: Waterman, Mary Bissell, 1836-1889. Imprint: San Francisco : The Whitaker & Ray Title: A Christmas whiff!! from Polly's smelling Co. (incorporated), 1899. bottle / by M.B.W., author of "Hello! Santa Collation: 176 p. ; 19 cm. Claus" Reel: 1021 Position: 7 Imprint: Utica, N.Y. : Published by D. Waterman, c1887 (Rochester, N.Y. : Press of Democrat and Chronicle) Collation: 27 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. Reel: 1021 Position: 11

Author: Waterman, Mary Bissell, 1836-1889. Title: "Gathered fragments" : Easter, Xmas, and other poems / by Mary Bissell Waterman . Imprint: Utica, N.Y. : Published and for sale by Daniel Waterman, c1889 (Rochester, N.Y. : Democrat and Chronicle Print) Collation: 56 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1021 Position: 12

16 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Waterman, Nixon, 1859-1944. Title: A book of verses / Nixon Waterman. Imprint: Boston & ; Chicago : Forbes & Company, 1900. Collation: [2], vii, [8]-226, [1] p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1022 Position: 1

Author: Waterman, Nixon, 1859-1944. Title: Some home-made poems / by Nixon Waterman. Imprint: Boston and ; Chicago : The Greenleaf Company, 1895. Collation: 110 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1022 Position: 2

Author: Waters, Gay, 1856- Title: The poetical works of Gay Waters : including the Wicota .. Imprint: Cincinnati, O.[hio] : Standard Publishing Co. Print, c1887. Collation: vi, 153 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 1022 Position: 3

Author: Watres, H. G. (Harriette Gertrude Hollister), b. 1821. Title: Cobwebs / by H.G. Watres (Stella of Lackawanna) Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop and Company ..., c1886. Collation: 219 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1022 Position: 4

Title: Pilgrim songs : being a rendering into English of fifteen Hebrew lyrics, with an essay and some explanations / by Arthur C. Watkins .. Imprint: Hannibal, N.Y. : A.C. Watkins, 1899. Collation: 35 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1022 Position: 5

Author: Watson, Edward Willard, 1843-1925. Title: Songs of flying hours / by Dr. Edward Willard Watson ...; illustrations by Agnes M. Watson. Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry T. Coates & Co., 1898, c1897. Collation: [2], 5, [1], 181, [2] p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1022 Position: 6

17 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Watson, Florence. Author: Watters, Augustus. Title: Sweet summer land : an idyl / by Mrs. Title: Poems, / by Augustus Watters .. Florence Watson. Imprint: Newark, N.J. : L.J. Hardham, printer, Imprint: Denver, Colo. : The Chain & Hardy 1892. Co., 1892, c1886. Collation: 96, [2] p. ; 12 cm. Collation: [5], 28 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1023 Position: 5 Reel: 1022 Position: 7

Author: Watters, Augustus. Author: Wason, H. L. (Harriet L.), d. 1904. Title: Arcadia, and other poems. ; Together Title: Letters from Colorado / by H.L. Wason. with, The final religion seeay. / By Augustus Imprint: Boston : Cupples and Hurd ..., 1887. Watters. Collation: xi, [1], 158, [4] p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Newark [N.J. : s.n.], 1897 [i.e. 1898] Reel: 1022 Position: 8 Collation: 96 p. ; 16 x 13 cm. Reel: 1023 Position: 6

Author: Watson, Moody M. Title: A poetical tribute to our naval heroes, Author: Smyth, Florida Watts. who fought the Battle of Manila, in Luzon Bay, : Title: The varied grace of nature's face. Florida Sunday, May 1st, 1898. / By Moody M. Watson .. E. Watts. Imprint: Haverhill, Mass. : Press of C.C. Morse Edition: Author's edition. & Son, c1900. Imprint: [St. Louis, Mo.?] : F.E. WAtts, c1895. Collation: 8 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: x, 119 p., [15] leaves of plates : ill. ; Reel: 1023 Position: 1 20 cm. Reel: 1023 Position: 7

Author: Watson, Rosamund Marriott, 1863- 1911. Author: Watts, Thomas T. Title: Vespertilia and other verses / by Title: The song of a septuagenarian. Rosamund Marriott Watson .. Imprint: Highlands, New Jersey : [s.n., 19--?] Imprint: London : John Lane, the Bodley Head ; Collation: 100 p. ; 17 cm. Chicago : Way and Williams, 1895. Reel: 1023 Position: 8 Collation: ix, [3] 110, [2], 16 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1023 Position: 2 Author: Waugh, Ida. Title: Holly berries / with original illustrations Author: Watson, W. F. (William Franklin), by Ida Waugh. 1861-1953. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton & Title: The children of the sun and miscellaneous Co. ... ; London : Griffith & Farran ..., c1881. poems. / By Wat. Collation: 48 p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm. Imprint: Springfield, Mass. : W.C. King & Co., Reel: 1023 Position: 9 publishers, 1886. Collation: 104 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1023 Position: 3 Author: Waugh, John, 1814-1897. Title: Messiah's mission. : A poem in nine books. / By John Waugh. Author: Watters, Augustus. Imprint: Rochester, N. Y. : E. R. Andrews, Title: Arcadia, and other poems. ; Together printer ..., 1888. with, The final religion seeay. / By Augustus Collation: [4], 164 p. ; 17 cm. Watters. Reel: 1023 Position: 10 Imprint: Newark [N.J. : s.n.], 1897 [i.e. 1898] Collation: 96 p. ; 16 x 11 cm. Reel: 1023 Position: 4

18 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Waugh, Lorenzo, b. 1808. Author: Webster, Edward, 1818-1900. Title: Autobiography of Lorenzo Waugh. Title: Heart and home. : A series of articles Edition: Third and enlarged edition. illustrative of the domestic and civic virtues, as Imprint: San Francisco, Cal. : S.P. Taylor & they present themselves in the scenes of every- Co., printers and binders, 1885. day life. ... / Written by Edward Webster .. Collation: 351 p., [11] leaves of plates : ill., Imprint: Rochester, N.Y. : E. Webster, c1889 ports. ; 20 cm. (Rochester, N.Y. : Press of Rodell Brothers) Reel: 1023 Position: 11 Collation: vi, [2], 296 p., [4] leaves of plates : 4 ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 1024 Position: 5 Author: Wayland, Marion Title: Pleasant times, containing dialogues, recitations, motion songs, charade acting, Author: Webster, Emma Speakman, 1848-1934. proverbs, etc. for school and home Title: A Buck Hill idyll Speakman Webster. entertainment. Written exclusively for this work Imprint: [Philadelphia : Friends' Book by Marion Wayland. Association of Philadelphia, 19--?] Imprint: Boston, H.A. Young and co. c1885 Collation: 48 p., [8] leaves of plates : 10 ill. ; 15 Collation: cm. Reel: 1024 Position: 1 Reel: 1024 Position: 6

Author: Weare, W. K. Author: Webster, Mary C. Title: Songs of the Western shore. / By W.K. Title: The wonderful Christmas tree! : A story in Weare .. phyme. / By Mary C. Webster. Imprint: San Francisco : Bacon & Company, Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : American Publishing 1879. Company, 1882. Collation: 204 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 Collation: 95 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. cm. Reel: 1024 Position: 7 Reel: 1024 Position: 2

Title: Pearls strung by Ella Weed : [quotations Author: Weatherbee, Mary Woodward. from literary authors] Title: Until the dawn / by Mary (Woodward) Imprint: New York : Anne Brown, 1898. Weatherbee. Collation: [2], 199 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Worcester, Mass. : Published for the Reel: 1024 Position: 8 author, 1888. Collation: [20 leaves ; 18 cm. Reel: 1024 Position: 3 Author: Weed, Emily Stuart. Title: Poems / by Emily Stuart Weed. Imprint: Greenwich, Conn. : [s.n.], 1932. Author: Webber, Fred. W. Collation: 125, [2] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Title: Samson's riddle. : A poem. / By Fred. W. port. ; 18 cm. Webber. ; Read at the 47th Annual Reel: 1025 Position: 1 commencement of Lewis College (formerly Norwich University), Northfield, Vermont, June 23, 1881. Author: Weeden, Howard, 1847-1905. Imprint: Boston : Press of George H. Ellis ..., Title: Bandanna ballads : including "Shadows 1881. on the wall" : verses and pictures by Howard Collation: 10 leaves ; 23 cm. Weeden ; introductimn by Joel Chandler Harris. Reel: 1024 Position: 4 Imprint: New York : Doubleday & McClure Company, 1899. Collation: xvi, [2], 90, [1] p. : ports. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1025 Position: 2

19 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Weeden, Howard, 1847-1905. Author: Wegern, Carl von. Title: Shadows on the wall / by Howard Title: Tante Bemmchen in Amerika. : Deutsch- Weeden. amerikanische Operetten Burleske. : Textbuch. / Imprint: N.Y. [i.e. New York] : M. Stolz & Von John Weimann und Carl von Wegern. ; Company, publishers ..., c1898. Musik von Carl von Wegern. Collation: [31] p. : ports. ; 22 cm. Imprint: N.Y. [i.e. New York] : Stuyvesant Reel: 1025 Position: 3 Press, [189-?] Collation: [16] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1025 Position: 8 Author: Weeks, Caleb S. Title: Human life, or, "The course of time" as seen in the open light. / By Caleb S. Weeks. Author: Weinacht, Richard. Imprint: New York : Samuel C.W. Byington & Title: Carnevals-Blüthen. : Humoristische Co. ..., 1889. Vorträge und Lieder / von Richard Weinacht. ; Collation: 359 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Mit einem Anhang, enthaltend siebzehn der cm. beliebtesten Carnevals-Melodien. Reel: 1025 Position: 4 Imprint: New York : Druck und Verlag von Hermann Bartsch ..., 1886. Collation: 234 p., [1] leaf of plates : music, 1 Author: Weeks, Caleb S. port. ; 18 cm. Title: The philosophy of evil, in a new gospel Reel: 1025 Position: 9 lesson, from the apple trees. / By Caleb S. Weeks. Imprint: New York : S.C.W. Byington & Co. ..., Author: Weisse, Jane Lee Hunt, b. 1805. 1890, c1886. Title: Writings for the aged / by Mrs. Jane Lee Collation: 11, [9] p. ; 19 cm. Weisse. Reel: 1025 Position: 5 Imprint: New York : Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Co. ..., 1887. Collation: 86 p. ; 24 cm. Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. Reel: 1025 Position: 10 Title: Pope's essay on man, with responding essay: Man seen in the deepening dawn, Caleb S. Weeks. Author: Weitzel, Sophie Winthrop. Imprint: New York : Fowler & Wells Co. ..., Title: From time to time : a book of verse / by 1887. S.W. Weitzel. Collation: 91 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Reel: 1025 Position: 6 Company (incorporated), c1892. Collation: 64 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1026 Position: 1 Author: Weil, Carl. Title: Gedichte aus den Papieren des verstorbenen Rev. Carl Weil. / Gesammelt und Author: Welburn, Drummond, b. 1818. zusammengestellt von Frau W. Weil .. Title: The American epic. : A concise scenic Imprint: Pittsburg, Pa. : [W. Weil?], 1892. history of the United States. / By a citizen of Collation: 34 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 Nashville. cm. Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : Printed for the Reel: 1025 Position: 7 author : Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South : Barbee & Smith, agents, 1891, c1890. Collation: 279 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., ports. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1026 Position: 2

20 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Welburn, Drummond, b. 1818. Author: Welles, Charles Stuart, 1848-1927. Title: The American epic. concise scenic history Title: The lute and lays Charles Stuart Welles .. of the United States, and other selected poems. / Imprint: New York : The Macmillan Company ; By a citizen of Nashville. London : George Bell & Sons, 1899. Edition: Revised and enlarged edition. Collation: [8], 103 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : Printed for the Reel: 1027 Position: 1 author : Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South : Barbee & Smith, agents, 1892. Author: Welles, Charles Stuart, 1848-1927. Collation: 318, [2] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., Title: The lute and lays / by Charles Stuart ports. ; 19 cm. Welles .. Reel: 1026 Position: 3 Imprint: New York : The Macmillan Company ; London : George Bell & Sons, 1899. Collation: [8], 103 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Author: Welcker, Adair. port. ; 19 cm. Title: A dream of realms beyond us / by Adair Reel: 1027 Position: 2 Welcker .. Edition: Third separate American edition. Imprint: San Francisco : Cubery and Company, Author: Welles, Charles Stuart, 1848-1927. book and job printers ..., 1902, c1900. Title: Bohême Charles Stuart Welles. Collation: 28 leaves, 8 p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons ..., Reel: 1026 Position: 4 1878, c1877. Collation: 70 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 1027 Position: 3 Author: Welcker, Adair. Title: Flavia / by Adair Welcker. Imprint: Berkeley, California : A. Author: Welles, Charles Stuart, 1848-1927. Welcker, [1887],c1885. Title: Lilian / by Charles Stuart Welles. Collation: 118 p. ; 16 cm. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons ..., Reel: 1026 Position: 5 1879. Collation: Reel: 1027 Position: 4 Author: Weld, Martha Coles. Title: Illustrated tableaux for amateurs / by Martha Coles Weld ; illustrations drawn by Author: Welles, H. T. (Henry Titus), 1821- Susan M. Barstow. 1898. Imprint: Philadelphia : Publication Department, Title: Open leaves, or, Lights and shadows / by The National School of Elocution and H.T. Welles. Oratory, 1887, c1886. Imprint: Minneapolis : Printed by Marshall Collation: 2 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. Robinson, 1897. Reel: 1026 Position: 6 Collation: [4], 130 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 1027 Position: 5

Author: Weller, Ella Fraser. Title: Nestlings collection of poems / by Ella Title: Souvenir of Wellesley. / Illustrated. Fraser Weller ; illustrated by K.A. Fraser from Imprint: Wellesley, Mass. : Steven & Fuller, pictures of children in the author's immediate c1888. circle of friends. Collation: [67] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Imprint: San Francisco : Californian Publishing Reel: 1027 Position: 6 Co., 1892. Collation: [7], 46, [1] leaves, [11] leaves of plates : 11 ports. ; 22 cm. Reel: 1026 Position: 7

21 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Wellington, Carrie L. Fisher, 1843- Author: Wells, Emmeline B. (Emmeline 1879. Blanche), 1828-1921. Title: Leaflets along the pathway of life. / By Title: Musings and memories / Emmeline B. Mrs. Carrie L. Fisher Wellington. ; Collected Wells. and dedicated to her friends as a tribute of Edition: Second edition, with later poems and sisterly affection by Sarah C. Fisher. some hitherto unpublished. Imprint: Boston : Mills, Knight & Co., Imprint: Salt Lake City, Utah : The Deseret printers ..., c1883. News, 1915. Collation: xi, [1], 274 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: 336 p., [2] leaves of plates : 2 ports. ; port. ; 18 cm. 20 cm. Reel: 1027 Position: 7 Reel: 1028 Position: 1

Author: Wells, Amos R. (Amos Russel), 1862- Author: Welter, Everhard, b. 1818. 1933. Title: Forty-two years of eventful life in two Title: Rollicking rhymes for youngsters / by wars, : in the great Wild West and in Amos R. Wells ; illustrated by L.J. Bridgman. Washington, D.C., of a veteran of the Mexican Imprint: New York ; Chicago ; Toronto : War, now almost blind. : With an appendix. Fleming H. Revell Company, c1902. "Rebecca, his Rebecca, the American noble Collation: [2], 157 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm. woman of old Virginia, the true-hearted wife, the Reel: 1027 Position: 8 devoted, loving mother of eight children--four sons and four daughters." / By Everhard Welter. Imprint: Washington, D.C. : [E. Welter?], 1888. Author: Wells, Amos R. (Amos Russel), 1862- Collation: 33 p. ; 23 cm. 1933. Reel: 1028 Position: 2 Title: Just to help : some poems for every day / by Amos R. Wells. Imprint: Boston and ; Chicago : United Society Author: Welty, Edwin Arthur, b. 1853. of Christian Endeavor, c1900. Title: Ballads of the bivouac and the border / by Collation: 45, [3] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 19 Edwin Arthur Welty ; with introduction by cm. Colonel William W. West, of Philadelphia. ; Reel: 1027 Position: 9 Illustrated by Capt. J.M. Bagley, artist of the State Historical Society of Colorado. Imprint: Buffalo : The Peter Paul Book Author: Wells, Carolyn, d. 1942, Company, 1896. Title: At the sign of the Sphinx. Second series / Collation: 128 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 by Carolyn Wells. facsim., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Imprint: New York : Duffield & Company, Reel: 1028 Position: 3 1906. Collation: [10], 128 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1027 Position: 10 Author: Welty, J. Jerome, 1860-1934. Title: Sunshine and frost / by J. Jerome Welty. Imprint: Columbus, O. : William G. Hubbard & Author: Wells, Carolyn, d. 1942, Co., 1894. Title: The jingle book / by Carolyn Wells ; Collation: 124 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 pictured by Oliver Herford. cm. Imprint: New York : The Macmillan Company ; Reel: 1028 Position: 4 London : Macmillan & Co., ltd., 1899. Collation: viii, 124, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. Author: Wenzel, Henry, Jr. Reel: 1027 Position: 11 Title: Pencilled thoughts. : A collection of poems and discourses / by Henry Wenzel, Jr. Imprint: New York : For the author : Gilliss Brothers & Turnure, Art Age Press, 1890, c1889. Collation: 159 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1028 Position: 5

22 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Werden, E. Author: West, James H. (James Harcourt), Title: Sketches in prose and verse, on secular 1856- and religious subjects, : including Bible stories Title: In love with love : four life-studies / by in rhyme and verse, and other subjects. / By E. James H. West .. Werden. Imprint: Boston : James H. West, Publisher ..., Imprint: Pittsfield, Mass. : Press of the Sun c1894. Printing Company, 1888. Collation: [2], 109, [5] p. ; 16 cm. Collation: 48 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 1029 Position: 3 Reel: 1028 Position: 6

Author: West, James H. (James Harcourt), Author: Wert, J. Howard. 1856- Title: Poems of camp and hearth. / By J. Title: Holiday idlesse, and other poems. / By Howard Wert .. James H. West. Imprint: Harrisburg, Pa. : Harrisburg Publishing Edition: New edition, enlarged and illustrated. Company, 1887. Imprint: Boston : A. Williams & Co., Collation: 176 p. ; 18 cm. publishers ..., 1882. Reel: 1028 Position: 7 Collation: 250, [2] p., [3] leaves of plates : 3 ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 1029 Position: 4 Author: Wellesley-Wesley, Ernest G. Title: Songs of the heart / by Ernest G. Wellesley-Wesley. Author: West, James H. (James Harcourt), Imprint: Boston, Mass. : The Morning Star 1856- Publishing House ..., 1899. Title: In love with love : four life-studies / by Collation: 140, [3] p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 ill., James H. West .. 1 port. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Boston : James H. West, Publisher ..., Reel: 1028 Position: 8 1895, c1894. Collation: [2], 109, [5] p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 1029 Position: 5 Author: Wesleyan University (Middletown, Conn.) Title: Semi-centennial of Wesleyan University, : Author: West, James H. (James Harcourt), Wednesday, June 29th, 1881. 1856- Imprint: [Middletown, Conn. : The University?, Title: Kalligo. : A poem. / By James H. West. ; 1881] Illustrated. Collation: 48 p. ; 24 cm. Imprint: Boston : [J.H. West], No. 52 Federal Reel: 1029 Position: 1 Street, 1881. Collation: xii, [11]-39, [1] p. : ill. ; 17 cm. Reel: 1029 Position: 6 Author: West, James H. (James Harcourt), 1856- Title: Holiday idlesse, and other verses. / By Author: West, James H. (James Harcourt), James H. West. 1856- Imprint: Boston : [J.H. West] No. 52 Federal Title: Uplifts of heart and will : religious Street, 1880. aspirations in prose and verse / by James H. Collation: 72 p. ; 19 cm. West .. Reel: 1029 Position: 2 Edition: Thirty thousand, with additions. Imprint: Boston : Geo. H. Ellis ..., 1898, c1893. Collation: [1], 106 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 1029 Position: 7

23 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Westcott, Mary W. Author: Weston, Roxana, 1800-1891. Title: Footfalls of loyalty. / By Mrs. Mary W. Title: Poems / by Miss Roxana Weston. Westcott .. Imprint: Augusta [Me.] : Press of Charles E. Imprint: Lincoln [Neb.] : Journal Company, Nash, 1889. state printers, 1886. Collation: viii, 332 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: vi, 191 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1030 Position: 5 Reel: 1029 Position: 8

Author: Weston, William G. Author: Westcott, W. B. B. Title: A birthday poem, : dedicated to my dear Title: [Tobogganing] : dedicated to the daughter, Mary B. Robinson. August 17th, 1886. Saratoga Toboggan Club, / by W.B.B. Westcott, Imprint: [United States : W.G. Weston, 1886] February, 1887. Collation: 11 p. ; 22 cm. Imprint: Saratoga Springs [N.Y.] : Geo. W. Reel: 1030 Position: 6 Ball, printer and stationer, 1887. Collation: 15 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 1029 Position: 9 Author: Wetherald, A. Ethelwyn. Title: The house of the trees & other poems / Ethelwyn Wetherald. Title: A New Year's greeting / from the Western Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Lamson, Unitarian Sunday school Society. Wolffe & Co. ; Toronto : William Briggs, c1895. Imprint: [Chicago? : The society, 18--?] Collation: [10], 94, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: 7 p. ; 18 cm. port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1030 Position: 1 Reel: 1030 Position: 7

Title: A New Year's greeting / from the Western Author: Wetherbee, Emily Greene, 1830-1897. Unitarian Sunday school Society. Title: Poems and addresses of Emily Green Imprint: [Chicago? : The society, 18--?] Wetherbee : a memorial volume / with Collation: 7 p. ; 18 cm. introduction by John Francis Gildea, Reel: 1030 Position: 1 editor "History of Lawrence and vicinity" Imprint: Lawrence, Mass. : The Lawrence Publishing Co., 1898. Author: Weston, Emma G. (Emma Gertrude) Collation: x, 163 p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 ill., 1 Title: The old home and other poems / by Emma port. ; 19 cm. G. Weston. Reel: 1030 Position: 8 Edition: Third edition. Imprint: Concord, N.H. : Republican Press Association, 1897. Author: Witherby, John. Collation: v, [1], 90 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Title: "Shadows" : being a familiar presentation port. ; 19 cm. of thoughts and experiences in spiritual matters, Reel: 1030 Position: 3 with illustrative narrations. / By John Wetherbee. Imprint: Boston : Colby & Rich, Publishers ..., Author: Weston, Emma G. (Emma Gertrude) 1885. Title: The old home and other poems / by Emma Collation: 288 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 G. Weston. cm. Imprint: Concord, N.H. : Republican Press Reel: 1031 Position: 1 Association, 1895. Collation: v, [1], 91 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 1030 Position: 4

24 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Wetherbee, Lyman. Author: Wheeler, Dora. Title: The home on the hillside, / by Lyman Title: The prize painting book, Good times / Wetherbee. ; Illustrated. pictures by Dora Wheeler ; words by Candace Imprint: Adrian, Mich. : S.F. Finch, Wheeler. Printer, 1896. Imprint: New York : White & Stokes, Collation: [121] p. : ill., ports. ; 19 cm. Publishers, c1881. Reel: 1031 Position: 2 Collation: 64 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 8

Author: Wetherell, James Elgin, 1851-1940. Title: Over the sea. : A summer trip to Britain. / Author: Wheeler, E. J. (Edward Jewitt), 1859- By J.E. Wetherell. 1922. Imprint: Strathroy, Ont. : Published by Evans Title: The Dutchman / by Edward J. Wheeler. Brothers, 1892. Imprint: New York : Funk and Wagnalls Collation: 120 p. ; 18 cm. Company ..., 1899. Reel: 1031 Position: 3 Collation: [6] p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 9

Author: Wetmore, Hugh A. Title: Cowboy love song and other poems / by Hugh A. Wetmore. Imprint: Duluth : Franz E. Wetmore, 1900. Collation: [44] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 4

Author: Whalley, H. J. Title: Awaking in Paradise. : A meditation. / By H.J. Whalley. Imprint: London : J. Masters and Co. ..., 1893. Collation: 15 p. ; 12 x 15 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 5

Author: Wharf, James W. Title: Promiscuous poems. : Humorous, sentimental and instructive. / By James W. Wharf. Imprint: Olney, Illinois : Published by the author, 1893 [Olney, Ill.? : Advocate Print) Collation: 136 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 6

Author: Whedon, James P. Title: A day and its dreams / by James P. Whedon. Imprint: Chicago : [J.P. Whedon?], 1900. Collation: [2], 56, [1] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 7

25 American Poetry Unit 21: Reels 1001-1031 Author: Wheeler, E. J. (Edward Jewitt), 1859- 1922. Title: Stories in rhyme for holiday time. / By Edward Jewitt Wheeler. ; Illustrated by Walter Satterlee. Imprint: New York ; London : Funk & Wagnalls ..., 1884. Collation: 102 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Reel: 1031 Position: 10


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