Hypnotize Yourself Hypnosis Script

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Hypnotize Yourself Hypnosis Script

Hypnotize Yourself

Hypnosis Script

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Hypnotize Yourself Hypnosis Script

Hello and welcome back to HYPNOTIZE YOURSELF - Hypnotic World's special 'help yourself' program. The first step is setting down your goal. Decide what you want to achieve. If your goal is to lose some weight, then let's be precise and say exactly HOW MUCH weight you want to lose. If your goal is to be more creative, well, in what way? Again, be precise, do you want to draw, to sing, to write a book, write poetry or songs, learn to play a musical instrument or a language - again, which musical instrument? Or which language? The subconscious mind is like a small child, it really does need things spelling out clearly. You have to tell it EXACTLY what you want of it. Perhaps you want to be famous, what would you do? Sing? Dance? Act? Present a program? So define your objective precisely. Then decide, again realistically, WHEN you should achieve your goal. For example - In five years time I want to be a professional dancer. ------> Next year I want to run my own florist business. ------> Tomorrow I'm going to deliver a brilliant speech. ------> Next week I'll have made new friends. I hope this gives you some idea of the type of thing we're talking about. DEFINITE PLAN = DEFINITE ACTION. Okay so you've decided on your goal, you've decided on the time factor involved. Are there practical steps that you need to take to achieve your goal? Using the above examples, if you've never danced in your life then the first step would be to enroll for some lessons, or if your ambition is to run your own business, how much do you know about your subject? Is there anything that you need to do to help yourself? If your ambition was to make new friends, how would you do it? Join a club? Go out more? Be generally more friendly towards the people at work? Once you've identified your first step, you need to ground it. Begin by writing it down. For example, if you want to lose two stone in weight, your first step might be to stop eating biscuits. BUT . . . . BE POSITIVE. If you write down "I will stop eating biscuits" Your subconscious mind is going to latch onto those words "eating biscuits" - therefore you need to rephrase the sentence to a more appropriate one. "I will eat more fresh fruit and vegetables". THIS IS BETTER - BUT AGAIN . . . . If you say "I will" then the word implies (and correctly so) that this is something that is going to happen sometime in the future. And we all know that tomorrow never comes. So you need to envisage this activity as already taking place. "I eat fresh fruit and vegetables." GREAT. Just one more thing though. Add some emotion to it . . .for example "I enjoy eating . . .(and define the fruit and vegetables if possible, to) - juicy oranges, crisp red apples and raw vegetables (like carrots, cauliflower, peppers, etc).

Downloaded by Marion Schellekens (member #13495). © 2000-2017 Hypnotic World and/or contributors. All rights reserved. Re-distribution without express written permission is prohibited. Hypnotize Yourself Hypnosis Script

Obviously you don't want to list a dozen or more fruit and vegetables, but where you can be precise then this is better. Now we have the goal, which in this case, is to become two stone lighter, and we have the first step, which is to enjoy eating oranges, apples or whatever, and we have written down the first step, which is, in effect, the act of grounding - stating our intention. By now you have hopefully decided upon your goal, and written down the first step that you need to take to achieve your goal. Once you've taken that first step, you're on your way to becoming the person that you want to be, whether it's becoming a non smoker, a more confident person or a slimmer you - once your subconscious mind has ACCEPTED the new idea, it will propel you towards behaving in such a way as to attaining, and then retaining your goal. All you need to do is to: a. Have your 'FIRST STEP' written down, and in front of you. b. Have in your mind, your ultimate goal. c. Tell yourself "What my mind can conceive, my self can achieve". d. Read this section, until you come to the words "FIRST STEP" then close your eyes and visualize your ULTIMATE GOAL. e. Quieten your mind for 5 minutes of clock time, whilst your subconscious mind reprograms itself towards achieving your ultimate goal. f. After 5 minutes - or when you're ready - silently count up to 10 in your mind, then take a couple of deep breaths and open your eyes. g. Repeat this procedure every day for three weeks, to reinforce your suggestions. h. When the FIRST STEP has been achieved, move on to the second one, and then the third, if appropriate. Now, you're sitting here, looking at these words and even whilst you notice how each word is made up of one or more letters, I wonder if you've noticed how many words there are to each sentence? Some words have three or more letters in them and some sentences have eight or less words in. You may notice one or two words, or even more, with two letters in, or even one, but even as you're reading these words I wonder if you can notice how some words that are joined together to make just one word, are really two words. Then there are words within words, like together, which was a word just two lines above this one, which contains at least three words in succession, and other words may have the same letter in, sometimes repeated not just once, but twice, or even more. There are other words which sound like another word yet have a different meaning to them, like the words which and witch, or wear and where, other examples are the words tyre and tire, or clothes and close.

Downloaded by Marion Schellekens (member #13495). © 2000-2017 Hypnotic World and/or contributors. All rights reserved. Re-distribution without express written permission is prohibited. Hypnotize Yourself Hypnosis Script

And even whilst you're reading the words written here, perhaps you can notice how some words can convey very special meanings, and without even realizing it you can begin to notice a certain heaviness in the eyes as you go inside and think about those meanings and the way that words or letters sound. Perhaps you've have the experience of writing down a word that you've written many times before, and suddenly the letters in the word look as though they should be written down differently, perhaps in another order, maybe omitted altogether. And your feet can begin to feel really comfortable as they rest there on the floor, and even whilst you're looking at these words, I wonder if you can notice a very slight tingling sensation there in those feet, as they begin to feel heavy and comfortable, and if the words that are written here are not for you, you can ignore them, and let yourself drift down deep into a comfortable place, as the comfort and relaxation begins to spread through those feet and all the way up the body, to the top of the head. And if you find it easier to just close your eyes then you can try, just for a little while, to let them remain open, because soon, very soon, you're going to find yourself drifting all the way down, deeper and deeper still, into a lovely calm and comfortable feeling. For with each word that you see and each breath that you take, your relaxation is spreading through every part of your body and your mind, as you drift deep down into a wonderfully safe place, just noticing now, the gaps between the words and how they form patterns which drift down, deeper down, and those feet are just so heavy now that I want you, when you're ready, to just gently close your eyes and visualize yourself taking that wonderful FIRST STEP. Ideomotor signals are an effective means of uncovering information that is being withheld from the conscious mind, the involuntary responses, when set up properly, give valuable insight into the workings of the subconscious mind.

Downloaded by Marion Schellekens (member #13495). © 2000-2017 Hypnotic World and/or contributors. All rights reserved. Re-distribution without express written permission is prohibited.

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