Child and Youth Safety Policy
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Frederick Christian Fellowship
Child and Youth Safety Policy February 2013 Table of Contents
2 FCF Child and Youth Safety Policy February 2013
I. Objective Our objective at FCF is to do our utmost to ensure the safety of the children and youth who attend our services and programs. We pay careful attention to current security trends and go to great lengths to offer a safe atmosphere. Our commitment to offer a safe environment extends to those situations that are within our reasonable control and is not a guarantee to prevent circumstances beyond that control.
II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to delineate the standards for and responsibility of leaders serving in FCF’s children’s and youth ministry areas, and to define safe operations within these areas in order to offer children and youth a safe environment that allows them to encounter God and gives parents peace of mind.
III. Definitions For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply. Child: any person who is not yet middle school age Youth: any person who is currently attending middle or high school or is middle or high school age Leader: any youth or adult volunteer or staff member who serves in a children’s or youth ministry area Safety Team: staff and volunteers with medical, security, administrative, and pastoral counseling experience who have been assigned to the FCF Safety Team Sprouts: refers to ministries for infants to pre-kindergarten Ignite: refers to ministries for students in kindergarten to fifth grade Fusion: refers to ministries for students attending middle school or who are middle school age Velocity: refers to ministries for students attending high school or who are high school age
IV. Leader Requirements The following policies pertain to the requirements for service in children’s or youth ministry areas. Leaders must: Have attended FCF for at least 6 months prior to serving. Have FCF attendees as references willing to offer recommendation. Agree with FCF’s statement of beliefs. Have a background check on file. (Background checks are repeated every three years and kept on file for 7 years.) Be able to perform the basic functions of the position. Meet age requirements particular to each ministry area: o Nursery: at least high school age; or at least middle school age if a parent is present o Crawlers-Ignite: at least middle school age
3 FCF Child and Youth Safety Policy February 2013
o Fusion-Velocity: at least 25 years old or able to demonstrate sufficient spiritual, emotional, and relational maturity Read, sign, and abide by this policy.
V. Leader Interaction with Children and Youth The following policies govern the interaction of leaders with children and youth. The purpose of these policies is to prevent the possibility for situations that could lead to inappropriate contact, conversations, or relationships or the accusations of such. Leaders are required to not only abide by these policies, but mutually enforce them amongst other leaders. A leader will not be permitted to serve with children or youth should it become known that he or she has not abided by these policies or has failed to enforce them as necessary.
The following policies pertain to all children and youth ministry areas. Never be alone with a child or youth. For accountability purposes, another non-spouse adult must always be present (within view). (This policy is subordinate only to specific circumstances covered by Youth Specific Policies.) Never be alone with any child/ren or youth of the opposite gender. For accountability purposes, another non-spouse adult must be physically present. Never take a child or youth out of the class for any reason, with the exception of extenuating circumstances in which it is necessary to escort a child or youth of the same gender to another area of the church facilities. Always arrive 30 minutes before each service. Hugs must be initiated by the child or youth and should not linger. Discipline is a necessity for kids to feel safe, but must be performed in love. o Discipline must never involve physical contact unless the safety of a child or youth is at risk. o Discipline must never consist of condescending remarks or verbiage intended to shame or embarrass a child or youth.
The following policies are specific to the Sprouts ministry area. No lap sitting (for children age 3 and above). Volunteers under 16 years of age in the nursery are not allowed to pick-up or carry babies. When changing a diaper, wipe as minimally as necessary. Gloves must be worn when changing or assisting a child. No volunteers may close the door to the nursing mother’s room while changing a child. If a child needs help in the bathroom, an adult volunteer must prop the door open so the adult is visible. For accountability, another adult must be physically present to monitor the room and the adult who is helping the child.
VI. Children and Youth Check-in, Pick-up, and Monitoring The following policies govern the check-in, pick-up, and monitoring of children and youth on the FCF campus. The purpose of these policies is to prevent child abduction, especially in the context of custody disputes. These policies also prevent children and youth from being able to
4 FCF Child and Youth Safety Policy February 2013 leave a classroom at any time of their choosing, which can make them vulnerable to compromising circumstances. Children and youth in all ministry areas must check in at one of the FCF kiosks and have a name tag to enter any ministry room. Children in the Sprouts and Ignite ministry areas need to be checked-in on the attendance sheet at their rooms. Parents need to indicate whether or not they are serving and where they are serving on the check-in sheet. Youth in the Fusion and Velocity ministry areas must check-in on the attendance sheets upon arrival at their rooms. Children and youth in the Sprouts, Ignite, and Fusion ministry areas are never permitted to leave the room except with someone who has a tag that matches the number on the child/youth name tag. Youth in the Fusion ministry area who serve in the Sprouts or Ignite ministry areas are never permitted to leave the room in which they are serving except with someone who has a tag that matches the number on the youth’s name tag. In the event of a lost tag, a staff member must check the identification of the person picking-up against the records in Fellowship One before the child or youth can be released from the room. Fusion students who attend Fusion first service and serve in the children’s ministry second service will be escorted by a Fusion leader from the Fusion room to their serving room after first service. These students will need to be checked in for the room they will be serving in prior to attending Fusion. Children in the Sprouts and Ignite ministry areas must be accompanied while on the FCF campus.
VII. Children and Youth Areas (Rooms and Hallways) The following policies ensure rooms and hallways are safe places for children and youth. The purpose of these policies is to prevent the possibility for situations that could lead to inappropriate contact, conversations, or relationships or the accusations of such. These policies are also intended to ensure the safety of children and youth within our reasonable control. No one other than background checked leaders, tagged students, safety team members, or visiting parents or potential leaders with an orange visitor tag may enter children or youth rooms. Children and youth may enter rooms no earlier than 8:40 for first service and 10:55 for second service. Children and youth may never enter a room until two leaders who are not a married couple are present. If two leaders who are not a married couple are not present at 8:40 or 10:55, then: o Leader/s must be pooled from another room to the room that is lacking two leaders, or o If there are not enough leaders to pool from another room, the students from the room lacking two leaders must be checked-in to a room that has two leaders until enough leaders arrive to open the former room. A leader in each room must monitor the radio during the services.
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o Channel 3 only transmits emergency announcements, but is not monitored by the Safety Team. o Channel 2 transmits emergency announcements and is monitored for transmissions to the Safety Team. o Channel 1 is for conversations that would otherwise dominate Channel 2. At the start of service, room doors in the Sprouts and Ignite ministry areas must be propped open no more than six inches (all doors are locked and propped for quick lock down capabilities). The children’s hallway will be closed and locked from the outside from 30 minutes after the start of service to five minutes prior to the end of service. Only safety team members, child/youth volunteers, staff, and parents with child pick-up tags will be allowed access. Due to food allergies in the Sprouts and Ignite ministry areas: o All snacks must be approved by a staff member. o Children’s tags must be checked before giving them a snack to ensure they do not have a known food allergy.
VIII. Emergency Procedures The following policies govern emergency procedures. The purpose of these policies is to ensure the safety of children and youth in the event of an emergency. Actions outlined in this plan may be performed by staff, leaders, sound booth volunteers, and safety team members and may occur simultaneously.
A. General Policies A radio must be worn by at least one leader in each room. The safety team will use this to inform the room of any safety or emergency concerns. If an announcement is transmitted, but is not understood, follow this rule: if you are not sure, shut the door (all doors are locked and propped for quick lock down capabilities). Make the safety team or FCF staff aware of people or situations that appear to be abnormal (DLR, doesn’t look right). It is always better to err on the side of caution than dismiss a situation that may be a safety concern.
B. Medical Emergency in the Children’s and Youth Areas Call 911 from the emergency site. (leader) Contact the sound booth or safety team and give the emergency type and location. (leader) Evacuate the area, if necessary. (leader) Talk with children about what has occurred. (leader or staff member) Provide a note to parents about the incident. (leader or staff member)
NOTE: Non-emergency medical incidents must be documented and parents must be notified. (leader or staff member)
C. Security Emergency in the Children’s Areas or Lobby Call 911 from the emergency site. (leader) Contact the sound booth or safety team and give the emergency type and location. (leader)
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If reporting a potential security issue, keep the threat/concern in sight if possible. Evacuate the area if possible. (leader) Safety team or sound booth volunteer will transmit “lockdown” over the radio. In the Children’s Area rooms, a leader will close all doors to the room they are in. In the Youth Area, a safety team member will lock front doors. Leaders should not communicate the condition of lockdown to children. Do not open the door in the event someone knocks or attempts to enter. The safety team will notify each room when it is safe to open the door by unlocking the door from the outside with a key and opening it.
D. Security Emergency in Other Areas 911 will be contacted (safety team, sound booth volunteer) Safety team or sound booth volunteer will transmit, “Lockdown” over the radio. In Children’s Area rooms, a leader will close all doors. In the Youth Area, a safety team volunteer will lock front doors. Leaders should not communicate the condition of lockdown to children. Do not open the door in the event someone knocks or attempts to enter. The safety team will notify each room when it is safe to open the door by unlocking the door from the outside with a key and opening it.
E. Common Evacuation Procedures for Children’s and Youth Areas The fire alarm will sound or a safety team sound booth volunteer will transmit, “Classroom leader, evacuate the building.” In Children’s and Youth Area rooms, a leader will take the attendance sheet, check bathrooms and any other rooms, turn off the lights, shut the door to the hallway, and exit along the route posted by the door in each room. Leave any coats/diaper bags. (leader) Be sure the children are quiet and calm (leader) Once evacuated, take attendance using the attendance sheet to ensure everyone is accounted for. (leader) The safety team will transmit over the radio and ask your specific room if all students are present and accounted for (leader/ safety team) When everyone is accounted for and the all-clear is given, parents will be released to pick up their children in order of age. High school students will also be released at this time. Release children and youth only to someone who has a tag that matches the number on the child’s or youth’s name tag. In the event of an evacuation drill: once the majority of children have been picked-up and after a reasonable amount of time, take the remaining children back to the appropriate room.
F. Specific Evacuation Procedures for Children’s and Youth Areas 1. In the Sprouts area: Children in the Toddler Rooms and Three and Four Year Old Rooms should line up by the back door, hold onto the rope (found in the cubby on the wall by the back door in Toddler Rooms and in the small group leader bins Three and Four Year Old Rooms), and exit to the west side of the parking lot (near the shed) walking close to the grass.
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Walkers (wagons are in the closet) will exit the door inside the room that exits into the Four Year Old Room. There will be a staff person outside the door to assist with the walkers.
2. In the Ignite area: K-5th grades, N1, N2, and 2SK will exit out of the South Side Entrance. Go down the stairs to the west side of the parking lot. Staff members will meet you at the south doors to assist in getting infants/crawlers to the parking lot. Stay close to the grass and have the class remain with you.
3. In the Youth Areas Leaders and students will exit to the rear of the building (west side) and continue west into the grass on the other side of the parking area.
IX. Youth Specific Policies A. Policies for Youth Events In addition to standard policies for leader interactions with youth, the following additional policies govern events that occur outside of regular Sunday programming for middle school- and high school-age youth. For events that occur on the FCF campus: o Students must sign an attendance sheet upon arrival and provide contact information for a parent or legal guardian. o Depending upon the event, students may need to have an “FCF Youth Group Waiver and Parental Consent Form/Emergency Medical Release and Liability Waiver” signed by a parent or guardian in order to participate. o Married couples are permitted to be the sole leaders only at mixed-gender events with approval from the appropriate youth ministry staff member. o No one other than background checked leaders, checked-in students, relevant safety team members, and visiting parents or potential leaders with an orange name tag may participate in youth events. Exceptions and exclusions may apply depending upon the event. For events that occur off the FCF campus: o Students must have an “FCF Youth Group Waiver and Parental Consent Form/Emergency Medical Release and Liability Waiver” signed by a parent or guardian in order to participate. o Married couples are permitted to be the sole leaders only at mixed-gender events with approval from the appropriate youth ministry staff member. o Students and/or parents or guardians must sign an attendance sheet upon arrival, provide relevant contact information, indicate allergies or special medical conditions, and check-in necessary medications. In addition to the policies above, the following policies apply to overnight events that occur off the FCF campus: o As long as youth are awake, a leader of the same gender must also be awake and present with those youth. o No one other than background checked leaders and checked-in students may participate in overnight events.
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B. Interactions with Youth The following policies govern the interaction of middle and high school ministry leaders and youth. Because leaders in the middle and high school ministry areas may frequently interact with students outside of FCF facilities and may develop mentor-type relationships with students, specific policies have been developed to govern these interactions. The purpose of these policies is to prevent the possibility for situations that could lead to inappropriate contact, conversations, or relationships or the accusations of such. Leaders are required to not only abide by these policies, but mutually enforce them amongst other leaders. A leader will not be permitted to serve with children or youth should it become known that he or she has not abided by these policies or has failed to enforce them as necessary.
1. Leader-Initiated Gatherings Leaders are permitted to organize and/or host youth gatherings that are additional to regularly scheduled youth events. Standard policies regarding leader interactions with youth apply to these gatherings, as well as the following: All gatherings must be approved by the appropriate youth ministry staff member. Leaders must confirm that youth have received verbal permission from a parent or guardian in order to attend a gathering. Youth must be supervised at all times. If the gathering will be mixed gender, a male and female youth leader must be present. If the gathering is gender specific, it is preferable for two leaders of that gender to be present. However, it is permissible for only one leader of that gender to be present, as long as other options have been exhausted and with staff approval. There must be a leader to student ratio of at least one leader to no more than nine students. If the gathering will be overnight: o And there are mixed genders, there must be separate sleeping areas for each. o As long as students are awake, a leader of that gender must also be awake and present with those students.
2. Youth-Initiated Gatherings High school age youth actively involved in the high school ministry are permitted to advertise youth gatherings that are additional to regularly scheduled youth events. Youth must receive permission from the appropriate youth ministry staff member prior to advertising. Such events are not considered FCF events. However, youth leaders participating in such events must abide by all policies set forth herein.
3. One-on-One Mentoring between Leaders and Youth Youth gatherings are preferable to one-on-one encounters between leaders and youth. However, there are circumstances when a youth is facing significant life challenges and one-on-one mentoring is necessary. The following policies govern one-on-one mentoring between leaders and youth. One-on-one mentoring must be approved by the appropriate youth ministry staff member. The staff member must be made aware of the meeting date, time, and location. The staff member must be notified of any changes.
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A leader must receive verbal approval from the youth’s parent or guardian prior to one- on-one mentoring. The parent or guardian must be made aware of the meeting date, time, and location. The parent or guardian must be notified of any changes. One-on-one mentoring may only occur between a leader and youth of the same gender. One-on-one mentoring must occur in a public area where others are present (in eye-shot, but not necessarily ear-shot) or in a common area of the youth’s home when a parent or guardian is present in the home. Any exceptions to this rule must be explicitly approved by the appropriate youth ministry staff and the youth’s parent or guardian.
4. Driving Youth The following policies govern situations in which it is necessary for a youth leader to drive youth. A leader must receive approval from the appropriate youth ministry staff member before driving in a vehicle with youth. A leader must receive verbal approval from a parent or guardian before driving in a vehicle with youth, with the exception of events in which it is previously known to parents that youth will be driven in vehicles by leaders. A leader may never be alone in a vehicle with a youth of the opposite gender. When driving multiple youth of the same gender as the driver: o It is preferable for another leader to be present. o If another leader is not available, it is permissible to be in a vehicle with students of the same gender as the driver given other options for having an additional leader have been exhausted. When driving multiple youth of the opposite gender from the driver: o Another leader of the opposite gender from the driver must also be in the vehicle. o A leader or leaders of the same gender as the driver may never be in a vehicle with youth who are all of the opposite gender. When driving multiple youth of each gender: o It is preferable for another leader of the opposite gender from the driver to be present. o If another leader of the opposite gender from the driver is not available, it is permissible for two leaders of the same gender to be in a vehicle with youth of each gender given other options for having mixed-gender leaders were exhausted. o If another leader of the same gender is not available, it is permissible for one leader to be in a vehicle with youth of different genders given other options for having another leader were exhausted. When driving a single youth of the same gender: o It is preferable for another leader to also be in the vehicle. o If another leader cannot be in the vehicle, it is permissible for a leader to be alone in the vehicle with a student of the same gender given all other options have been exhausted. o In these circumstances, a leader must call or text the appropriate youth ministry staff member and parent or guardian: . When they leave from the initial location,
10 FCF Child and Youth Safety Policy February 2013 . When they arrive at any intermediate destination, . When they depart any intermediate destination, and . When they arrive at the final destination.
5. Electronic Communication with Youth Leaders are encouraged to communicate with youth outside of youth events and programs using such means as texting, Facebook, and email. Leaders must receive verbal approval from parents prior to any protracted communication with students. Electronic communication with youth of the opposite gender is prohibited with the following exceptions: communication that can be externally monitored (i.e., public dialogue on Facebook) and limited communication to answer questions or provide information regarding ministry events, etc. If a youth of the opposite gender initiates or seeks protracted electronic communication, they should be redirected to a leader of the same gender.
11 Acknowledgement and Agreement
I acknowledge that I have read the Frederick Christian Fellowship (FCF) Child and Youth Safety Policy and that I fully understand the policies delineated herein. I agree to abide by these policies, ensure other leaders abide by these policies, and report any instances of misconduct to an FCF staff member. I recognize that a failure to do so will disqualify me from serving with children or youth at FCF.
______(Printed Name)