BULLETIN NO. 058-17 Educator Growth and Development
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August 18, 2017 (X) Action Required Due Date: October 9, 2017 (X) Informational
BULLETIN NO. 058-17 Educator Growth and Development
TO: Educational Service District Superintendents School District Superintendents School District Business Managers School Building Principals Assistant Superintendents for Teaching and Learning School District Personnel Directors School Public Relations Professionals
FROM: Chris Reykdal, Superintendent of Public Instruction
RE: Teacher and Principal Program Evaluation Updates
CONTACT: Sue Anderson, Director, Educator Effectiveness [email protected], 360-725-6116 Agency TTY 360-664-3631
PURPOSE/ BACKGROUND This bulletin provides school districts current information to support statewide educator evaluation implementation, including: Teacher Training Fund (iGrant 664) 2017-18
Changes in Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
Evaluator Training Report
Implementation of Center for Educational Leadership 5D+ framework 3.0
TPEP TEACHER TRAINING FUNDS 2017–18 The 2017 Legislature appropriated $5 million “solely for the provision of training for teachers in the performance-based teacher principal evaluation program” during the 2017–18 school year. School districts will apply for their portion of the funding through iGrants Form Package 664. This grant funds Teacher and Principal Evaluation Program (TPEP) teacher training activities from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
Applications opened August 9 and will close October 9. After October 9, the funding for districts that have not submitted an application will be reallocated to districts that have applied for funding for 2017–18.
Priorities for this grant are first-year teachers, teachers who are new to the district, teachers who are new to Washington, and other teachers who may be on the Comprehensive evaluation for the first time.
Keep in mind that these teachers need at least six hours of professional learning that provides: An introduction to the evaluation system and any local regulations or definitions that have been codified. A working knowledge of the district’s chosen instructional framework.
An opportunity to see how the rubrics connect to their work in classrooms.
An understanding about how the student growth components will be implemented in your district. For teachers who have previously received the foundational training described above, 2017–18 training should deepen knowledge of the framework and enhance opportunities for application. See the TPEP website for possible scenarios.
FUNDING The maximum allocation a district will receive is based on its percentage of the state’s total teachers employed in their district on October 1, 2016 (School Apportionment and Financial Services report, “School District Personnel Summary Profiles – 2016–17”.
To view your district’s maximum allocation, see the District Allocation Table 2017-18 on the TPEP website. Funding is based on a $500 “floor” per school district plus a per-FTE amount for the number of teachers employed statewide for 2016–17; this FTE amount equates to roughly $74 per teacher for TPEP teacher training in the coming year.
REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES Districts will claim reimbursement for TPEP teacher training expenses via the iGrants claiming system, in accordance with OSPI’s current grants management process. Documentation for expenses should remain in district files for audit purposes. See the TPEP website for allowable and excluded expenses.
TPEP ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING FUNDS (iGrant 773) Some funds will be available in 2017–18 to be used for principal, assistant principal, or principal evaluator training in the instructional and leadership frameworks between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. The iGrant form package 773 will be released in September. Additional communication regarding this iGrant package will follow in a future bulletin.
Several changes in WAC 392-191A are now required for all districts. These changes include: Carrying the score from the Comprehensive evaluation through the Focused evaluation period for teachers and principals who have completed the Comprehensive evaluation, have received a Level 3 (proficient) or Level 4 (distinguished), and have been moved to the Focused evaluation. This change is proposed to encourage teachers and principals to address areas of challenge during the Focused evaluation process.
Establishing a December 15 deadline for a teacher or principal on a Focused evaluation to be moved to a Comprehensive evaluation for that school year.
Expanding the definition of “observation” to include activities that may take place outside the classroom or school day. See the TPEP website for answers to questions about this Teacher/Principal Evaluation WAC Change.
By September 15, OSPI will distribute to district superintendents information about principal attendance at state-supported evaluator training during the 2016–17 school year. Districts should retain this information as another piece of documentation regarding the training of evaluators. Each district’s Superintendent is responsible for assuring that all evaluators have completed required training (see RCW 28A.405.130).
IMPLEMENTATION OF CEL 5D+ VERSION 3.0 The TPEP Steering Committee approved the use of CEL 5D+ version 3.0 for evaluation purposes beginning in the 2017–18 school year. CEL documents on the TPEP website have been updated to reflect the changes.
For questions regarding this bulletin, please contact Sue Anderson, Educator Effectiveness, at 360-725-6116 or email [email protected]. The OSPI TTY number is 360-664-3631.
This bulletin is also available on OSPI’s Bulletins and Memoranda website.
Michaela W. Miller, Ed.D., NBCT Deputy Superintendent
Cindy Rockholt, NBCT Assistant Superintendent Educator Growth and Development
Sue Anderson Director Educator Effectiveness
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