Call for Intent to Propose

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Call for Intent to Propose

十一月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/400r1 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Title Call for Intent to Propose

Date 29 November, 2000 Submitted

Source Marco Naeve Voice: 414-449-7270 Eaton Corporation Fax: 414-449-6570 Milwaukee, Wisconsin E-mail: [email protected] Re: 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Tampa Bay The Low-Rate Study Group has discussed and generated numerous submissions, as well as items specific to applications and uses, for a low-power, low-rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN-LR). This material can be found on our anonymous ftp site in the following documents: 00234r0P802-15_WG-low rate presenation.ppt 00248r5P802-15_LRSG-PAR 00249r3P802-15_LRSG-5C 00314r0P802-15_LRSG-Overview-of-PAR-5C.ppt 00390r1P802-15_LRSG-Call-for-Applications.doc or TG4 CFA web site Abstract During the IEEE 802 LMSC Plenary in Tampa Bay, FL November 6th to 9th, 2000 the Low-Rate Study Group (LRSG) discussed and agreed to distribute a Call for Intent to Propose to provide sufficient notice to prospective presenters.

Purpose Submitted for release.

Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Call for Letters of Intent to Propose

Submission Page 1 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corporation 十一月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/400r1 At the IEEE 802 Plenary Meeting, in Tampa Bay in November, a new PAR was approved forming the IEEE 802.15 Task Group 4 (TG4). The PAR for TG4 can be found in IEEE 802.15 document 00/248.

The IEEE 802.15.4 Task Group is currently calling for low-rate wireless personal area network (WPAN-LR) applications. The submitters are asked to present their applications during the next interim meeting in Monterey in January of 2001. Following the review of the presented applications, the task group will issue a Call for Proposal (CFP) at the meeting. To provide sufficient notice, the task group is issuing this call for statements of intent to present proposals to TG4. The task group anticipates the call for proposals ending at the start of the March 12, 2001 meeting of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group. The submitters will be asked to present their proposals starting at the March meeting.

Letters of intent to propose a new standard in compliance with the accepted PAR should be sent to the acting Chairman of the WPAN-LR task group, Bob Heile, at [email protected] and to the Vice-Chairman, Pat Kinney, at [email protected], and to the Secretary, Marco Naeve, at [email protected] by January 14th 2001. The submitter may propose a PHY or a MAC solution or a combined PHY and MAC solution. The letter of intent should include the name of the submitter, the contact information such as e-mail address and phone number, the title of the proposal and it should state the type of the proposed solution (PHY or MAC only or PHY and MAC).

The next IEEE 802.15 interim meeting will be held during the week of January 15-19, 2001 at the Hyatt Regency in Monterey, California. The next 802 plenary meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Hilton Head, South Carolina during the week for March 12 th to the 15th, 2001.


The WPAN-LR project will define the PHY and MAC specifications for low data rate wireless connectivity for fixed, portable and moving devices with no battery or very limited battery consumption requirements typically operating in the Personal Operating Space (POS) of 10 meters. It is foreseen that a longer range at a lower data rate may be an acceptable trade-off.

The project will develop a standard for ultra low complexity, ultra low cost, ultra low power consumption and low data rate wireless connectivity among inexpensive devices. The data rate will be high enough (maximum of 200kbps) to satisfy a set of simple needs such as interactive toys, but scaleable down to the needs of sensor and automation needs (10kbps or below) for wireless communications.

The project may also address the location tracking capabilities required to support uses of smart tags and badges.

Submission Page 2 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corporation 十一月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/400r1 For more information on the Low-Rate Wireless PAN task group please check the documents listed in the reference section on the cover page of this document.

Submission Page 3 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corporation

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