Warren H. Chang, Jr
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RESUME ------
WARREN H. CHANG, JR. 3000 Socrates Drive Reno NV, USA 89512-4504 Phone: 775.322.7537 residential, msg/fax. 775.287.1868 cell, voice-mail. E-Mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
I want to offer my educational and varied field experience applied to creating, maintaining, repairing and upgrading any aspect of computer operations where I am needed -- as a Network/PC Support Technician or Engineer, Engineering Technician, Systems Trainer, Service Technician/Representative, Analyst, or the equivalent.
· Information Systems Technology, Associates in Business Finance: 1983 to 1987, The Windward Applied Sciences Degree. U. S. Air Force’s CCAF Air Community College, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. University, 1997 – based in Maxwell AFB, AL. · Communications and Computer Systems CERTIFICATIONS: Operation; Certifications, U. S. Military. USAF/USAR Base: U. S. Air Force and Air National Guard, Keesler, Mississippi, 1991. Also: U.S. Coast Guard, TRACEN, USAF Quality Awareness Certification, 04/1994. Oakland, California, 1979. USAF Computer and Communication Systems · Microcomputer Technology, Vocational Diploma. Operation Certification (equivalent to an A+ Associated Technical College, San Diego, California, Certification), 05/1991. 1988. ATC Electronics Program Certification, 07/1988. · Liberal Arts, Associates in Arts and Sciences OTC Series Field Training Program Certification, Degree, The Windward Community College, Kaneohe, 02/1988. Hawaii, 1983. · SBE Certified, Broadcasting Network Technician · College Majors: Pre-Medical / Psychology: 1977 to (equivalent to Network Plus Certification /FCC), 1987, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Oahu, Hawaii. 02/2006, Society of Broadcast Engineers, Reno Nevada, KNPB Chapter.
Broadcast I.T. Engineer: 05/2005 to 01/2006, Salary: $39000/Yr , F/T. Pappas Telecasting, Inc., KREN TV / KAZR TV, 5250 So. Virginia St., Suites 200 Station Office and 330 Corporate, Reno NV 89502. Support television stations KREN DT and KAZR TV broadcast engineering operations, I.T. maintenance, and assist the Engineering Department to ensure that the station’s I.T. needs and the corporate needs of the organization are met in respect to the Pappas Telecasting headquarters and their residence. Support of the Pappas’s Home-Office residence and the CEO of Pappas Telecasting, Inc. was on an “on-call” basis, although my support for the two television stations was on a full-time and overtime basis. President and CEO: Harry J. Pappas. Studio Supervisor’s and Chief Engineer’s names: Elizabeth Heywood and James Ocon, respectively. Phone: 775.333.2727. · Technician- A+ Staffing: 09/2004 to 05/2005, Wage: From $9/Hr. to $12/Hr. , F/T, depending on assignment. 940 Matley Ln., Ste. 8, Reno NV 89502. Serve as a Computer Technician for the KREN/KAZR television station in Reno, NV. Serve client employer Arrow Electronics Global Programming Services of Reno, Nevada. Implementation of electrostatic discharge measures throughout the P4 programming floor, electrical rewiring and software/BIOS upgrading work on the programming robots. Thorough maintenance/organization of their P4 programming warehouse, upkeep of programming operation’s supplies and meeting their floor’s inventory requirements. Also worked briefly in a temp job for Arrow in their Grave Shift Production as a Trainee, Programmer/Operator. Worked as a Product Puller and Checker for a warehoused book distribution firm, Appalachian Distributors, serving the publication needs of the entire western U.S. Also, Quality Control, Temp, for AC Delco / Auto Diesel Electric, Reno, NV. Director’s name: Peter Krup (Recruiter, Accounts Manager and Owner of A+ Staffing), Phone: 775.333.6623. Fax: 775.333.6625. · Technical Support / Help Desk Technician / Digital Photo Fix-It Department Technician– Eastridge Infotech: 10/2003 to 09/2004, Wage: $9/Hr. to 12/Hr., F/T, depending on assignment. 4950 Kietzke Ln., Ste. 301, Reno, NV 89509. Serving client employers (such as Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., and Lifetouch Portrait Studios, Inc.). Help-desk support, Tiers/Levels 1 through 3. Respond to tickets / customer service requests by phone, interacting with the Remedy Help-Desk database/netware, or appearing on-site to resolve the customer’s requests. Resolve various software, printer, peripheral and network problems for employees using all versions of Windows and Microsoft Office as well as other software suites Patch the Oracle-Daybreak WAN database, Adjust group policies as installed on each computer on the property in three facilities, as well as inventory auditing of all I.T. hardware and software assets on the client’s business property. Assist I.T. in maintaining proprietary and licensed software systems on departmental computers customized for insurance offices, collections, sales, service, legal, development, accounting, financing, etc. Edit production portrait photos (optical and digital) with Adobe Photoshop. Manager’s name: Jeannie Scinto (Eastridge Infotech, Technical Recruiter / Account Manager), Phone: 775.324.4004, Ext. 227. · Network & PC Technician: 07/2001 to 06/2002, Wage: $15/Hr. F/T. Siena Hotel Spa Casino, 1 South Lake St., Reno, NV 89501. Help-desk, network, PC/peripheral maintenance, and monitoring of a multiplicity of vendor netware and server systems. On-site computing assistance for all customers. Software installation/configuration. Inventory of computing devices. Organization and 1 maintenance of the I.T. Office. Alone, I ran the I.T. office operations during busy morning hours, 4 days a week, until more staffing arrived by noon to free me from the help-desk so I could perform on-site tasks in all other parts of the casino. Supervisor's and Manager’s names: Robert Riordan and Peter Gustafson. Phone: 304.363.4578 or 775.337.6260. · Firmware Engineering Technician, Level I and Level II: 11/1993 to 06/2001, Wage: $8/Hr. to $13/Hr., F/T. International Game Technology, North America HQ, Firmware Engineering Dept., 9295 Prototype Dr., Reno, NV 89521-8986. In-circuit emulation for testing programs and paytable data running on gaming/gambling slot machines and poker video systems. Generation, editing and proof-reading of probability accounting report documents. Generation of program code in DCL /Assembly and C language; editing, debugging, compiling and encoding on master EPROM chips for describing paytable programs that run on gaming/gambling machines. Maintained data into my SlotLog database which summarizes all IGT S-Plus slot machine paytables. As the Senior Technician, documented step-by-step procedures in accomplishing routine tasks and projects for ISO -compliance, as well as train/orient new technicians/engineers related to my work group in the operation, design and technical specifications of the gaming-gambling appliances, and review them in various technical aspects required in my job as well as it’s relation to the requirements of their own engineering/tech positions. As the Department's Facilitator, lend support in orienting new or transferred employees to the work environment, coordinate intra/inter-departmental information, and act as a liaison in resolving operational issues via officially-filed suggestions for improvements to business/manufacturing processes, property or products. Supervisors, Managers, Directors and Vice President’s names: Becky Rivera, Janean Bansemer, Laura Barrett, Ken Stern and Ali Saffari. Phone: 775.448.7777. · EPROM Room Technician: 11/1992 to 11/1993, Wage: $6/Hr., F/T. International Game Technology, EPROM Room, 2 nd Flr., 520 South Rock Blvd., Reno, NV, 89512. (New location: IGT, 9295 Prototype Dr., Reno, NV 89521-8986). Mass-production in burning-in and labeling of downloading programmable firmware PROMs and EPROMs containing paytable or game data specific to incoming orders. Clerical data-entry of specific information for each type and category of EPROM and their summarized paytable data into the AS400, MAPICS and VAX/VMS databases. Mechanical destruction of obsolete EPROMs containing copyright-protected data. Manager’s name: Becky Rivera. Phone: 775.448.7777. · Production Assembler: 11/1990 to 11/1992, Wage: $5/Hr., F/T. International Game Technology, 520 South Rock Blvd., Reno, NV, 89512. (New location: IGT, 9295 Prototype Dr., Reno, NV 89521-8986). Assemble gaming-gambling appliances (slot machines, poker machines, video games, testing machines, etc.), on several different production lines, each composed of 18 to 22 different development/build stations from start to finalized finish. Reviewed work and did spot-repairs on built components for quality control purposes. Assisted handlers in keeping the stations fed with raw materials, tools, stock and custom parts, etc. Assisted other Assemblers. Manager’s name: Steve Bell. Phone: 775.448.7777. · Communications and Computer Systems Operator: 01/1991 to 10/1996, Wage: DoD Pay Schedule equivalent to E-5 (Staff Sergeant). 152 Nevada Air National Guard, Airlift Wing, 1776 National Guard Wy., Reno, Nevada, 89502. (National Guard – serve a weekend a month and two weeks per year). Job required I maintain a Top Secret security clearance. Work with military base’s computer networks, comm-radio flight group, and Air Guard civil engineers. Communications security vault: Maintenance and processing of electronic distributed messages within the DOD AutoDIN system. Server Room: Processing of payroll and other digitized government forms. Base Property: Maintenance of Base Network's servers and repair and upgrade of PC systems base- wide. Train service personnel in computer systems security and N.B.C. protection and decontamination. Supervisor’s name: MSgt. Andre France. Phone: 775.887.7302. · OBTS Data-Processing Computer Clerk: 01/1990 to 05/1990, Wage: $7/Hr., F/T. Judiciary Computer Systems Division (currently known as "Telecommunications Information Systems Division."), State of Hawaii, Alakea St., Honolulu HI 96812. Clerical data entry of legal and judicial information for court cases within on-line databases, stand-alone or shared networks of data for the City of Honolulu, the State of Hawaii and/or U.S. Federal Government interstate tracking of judicial cases, criminals and suspects. Filing and other duties as assigned. Technical maintenance of PC systems in various offices and adjacent government facilities in the Honolulu Judiciary locale. Department Manager: Kenneth Sakuma (Ret.). Phone: 808.587.3100.
· Scott King, Broadcast / IT Engineer Corps of Engineers KREN DT / KAZR TV, 5250 So. Virginia St. Ste. #200, 47296 Hui Oo Wy, Kaneohe, HI 96744-4575 Reno NV 89502 808.239.6440 (home) 775.333.2727 (office) 808.438.3620 (office) [email protected] [email protected] · Dr. Umit A. Guneyi, MD; Medical Doctor / Hospital · Peter Gustafson, IT / MBA Administration 1100 18th Ave. S. Apt. B, Nashville, TN 37212 3025 Socrates Dr., Reno NV 89512 615.341.0779 (home) 775.786.2311 (home) [email protected] [email protected] · Kathleen Knight, Controller / Financial Analyst, U.S. · Karl D. Knight, Computer Specialist / Contractor Dept. of Energy 1299 N W Luoto Ct., Poulsbo, WA 98370 U. S. Air Force Research Lab, Department of Energy. 360.697.6032 (home) Albuquerque, NM [email protected] 505.853.4342 (office) Aaron McLane, Q.C. Technician, International Game [email protected] Technology 15260 Kivett Ln., Reno NV 89511 775.851.4433 (home) 775.448.7777 (office) [email protected]
· Timothy J. Inouye, E. E. Technician, U. S. Army 2