Lesson 6: Looking at Perspectives
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Lesson 6: Looking at perspectives
Length of lesson: 75 minutes (plus extra time to complete activity 2 for homework)
Prior knowledge (what should the teacher have already covered) Understanding of the impact of attitudes and opinions on the experience of disability Resources required Access to internet for extra campaign information Planning template for activity 2 and visuals (optional) ‘101 Ways...’book Materials to make posters. Key Concepts To create a cultural shift in community attitudes and behaviours, key messages need to be promoted successfully to capture attention and make the intended changes. Learning outcomes LO1: Students identify elements of a successful campaign designed to change attitudes and behaviours LO2: Students combine and apply knowledge to develop a campaign to promote inclusive communities.
Australian Curriculum Links
HPE Subject Area ACPPS057: Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours General Capabilities by the end of year 6 (level 4): PSC: Personal and Social Capability CCT: Critical and Creative Thinking EU: Ethical Understanding L: Literacy
PSC: Work collaboratively: contribute to groups and teams, suggesting improvements in methods used for group investigations and projects.
PSC: Make decision: identify factors that influence decision making and consider the usefulness of these in making their own decisions.
EU: Reflect on ethical action: articulate a range of ethical responses to situation in various social contexts.
EU: Examine values: examine values accepted and enacted within various communities.
L: Deliver presentations: plan, research and deliver presentations on learning are topics selecting appropriate content and visual and multimodal elements to suit different audiences.
L: Express opinion and point of view: use subjective, objective and evaluative language, and identify bias.
CCT: Evaluate procedures and outcomes: evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products, performances, methods and courses of action against given criteria.
Assessable moments: As students undertake the learning experiences described in the lesson, take note of a range of assessable moments to provide information about student achievement. Ongoing assessment will provide evidence of the extent to which students achieve the identified Australian Curriculum links. Assessable moments are linked to learning outcomes and are identified by the
1 YEARS 5-6
Lesson 6: Looking at perspectives
following identifier:
LO (insert number)
2 Format Lesson Plan: Suggested sequence of learning experiences
Intro State the learning intention: In the last lesson, we learned about how attitudes can impact on community life. If we have a ‘can do’ attitude, and focus on what people can do 15 mins (their skills and abilities), we create opportunities for people to feel valued and contribute to their community – this is essential for an inclusive community. Today, we are going to explore these concepts further and look at the elements of successful campaigns. You will then design your own campaign that promotes inclusive communities. Optional - Let’s start by looking at an on-line campaign to get people thinking.
Optional stimulus material: (Teacher’s notes – this short video clip aims to break down stereotypes and labels associated with appearance. It was a part of a campaign launched during Ramadan (commemorative month of fasting observed by Muslims worldwide) and should be viewed beforehand by the teacher to ensure it is appropriate for the students). Show the You Tube clip and have a short class discussion to reflect on the impact of the clip. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84OT0NLlqfM&feature=youtu.be
Refer to book: ‘101 Ways To Include People With Disability’ (available through the Everyone Everyday project team. Email [email protected] to order a copy of the book).
Let’s also look at some ideas from school students about how to include people with disability. This may give us some ideas on campaigns to change attitudes.
Body Activity 1: Campaigning for change
We all have attitudes and opinions that impact on the way we view the world, and the way 25 mins we respond to others. Our attitudes and opinions have an enormous impact on the people around us. If we have negative attitudes and opinions about people in our community (eg people who are different including people with disability), we create barriers to these people participating in community life.
There are, and have been, many campaigns that aim to create a ‘cultural shift’ in attitudes and behaviours. A campaign will often use a slogan, key phrase, or visual image to capture attention and get the message across. Let’s look at some successful campaigns targeting a range of issues including public health, environment and safety.
Teacher’s notes: Use an internet search engine to find out more about these campaigns. You do not have to go through all the campaigns listed – just pick the ones you are most familiar with.
LO1 Part 1: Class discussion: Go through each successful campaign listed below and discuss the questions that follow.
What are the key messages of each campaign? How did they get the message across? (eg TV campaign, radio campaign, catchy jingle, mascot, graphic images, competitions) Why do you think the campaign was so successful? Who were the campaigners targeting?
3 Format Lesson Plan: Suggested sequence of learning experiences
1. SLIP. SLOP. SLAP. (now also includes SLIDE and SEEK) Slip (on a shirt). Slop (on sunscreen). Slap (on a hat). Slide (on sunglasses). Seek (shade). (Sun safety Campaign) 2. Earth Hour.(Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change). 3. Every cigarette is doing you damage. (Campaign to encourage smokers to stop smoking and highlight the support available to them.) 4. Life. Be in it. (Campaign encouraging Australians to live a healthy and active lifestyle). 5. Do the right thing. (Anti-litter campaign) 6. Kids Alive – Do The Five! (Pool safety campaign promoting five key messages – Fence the pool, Shut the gate, Teach your kids to swim – it’s great, Supervise – watch your mate and learn how to resuscitate).
Can you think of any others?
Part 2: There have been campaigns and key messages to promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards people with disability.
Student task: Students work in pairs. Each pair chooses 3 statements to report on. For each statement, what message do you think is being promoted in relation to community perceptions about people with disability? There is no wrong answer – just encourage students to explore the statement and describe their own response to it.
1. Don’t DIS my ABILITY (Celebrates the diversity and ability of people with disability) 2. disAbility (Put the focus on ability) 3. Labels are for Cans, Not People (YouTube clip about stereotyping, and making incorrect assumptions based on appearance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r- tSYczTLCk ) The clip takes 2 minutes 33sec. 4. Small changes, BIG DIFFERENCE (We can all do things, no matter how small, to change the experience of disability for the people in our community). 5. Every Australian Counts. (Campaign to promote the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS will support people with disability to have greater choice and control over the supports and services they require). 6. Put the person first, not their disability. (See the person first. Do not define a person by their disability. Show respect and don’t make assumptions about what the person’s abilities are). 7. Every contact counts. (Be aware that every interaction you have each day has an impact on both you and the other person. This includes the choices you make relating to whether you will engage with someone or not. Choosing to avoid or ignore someone with a disability sends a strong message to that person that you do not value them. We all benefit from positive interactions each day).
Main points to highlight: To create a cultural shift in community attitudes and behaviours, key messages need to be promoted successfully to capture attention and make the intended changes.
30 minutes Activity 2: Become an agent for change!
Refer to lesson 4 planning template for the following task. In the previous activity, we
4 Format Lesson Plan: Suggested sequence of learning experiences
looked at examples of key messages that have been used to change attitudes and behaviours towards people with disability.
LO2 Student task: Your task is to work in pairs to design a campaign to either: promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards people with disability, and/or promote inclusive communities.
A planning template is provided to help you organise your ideas. Your campaign can include a poster, a song, a logo, a short video presentation, a debate, a flash mob, a competition, a presentation at assembly, a play, a letter to the editor, or anything else that you think will promote your message.
Students present their campaigns to the class (or whole school if practical).
Additional For homework, complete activity 2. activity
Conclusion and þLO1, LO2 Class discussion: reflection What did you learn today? 5 mins Why is this important? What questions do you have?
5 Activity 2: Become an agent for change!
Student task: Your task is to work in pairs to design a campaign to either: promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards people with disability, and/or promote inclusive communities. Planning template
What will you call your campaign?
PICK AN ACTION What attitudes and behaviours are you wanting to change?
Who are you targeting with your message? Example: classmates school community local community GIVE A REASON WHY What are the key messages you are promoting through your campaign? PICK WHAT TO CREATE List ideas: How will you promote the key messages? Example: Poster Short video song logo or other visual role play Flash Mob competition presentation (eg using powerpoint) debate cartoon letter to the editor Other What resources (materials) will you need for your campaign? DON’T BE BORING How can you make your campaign interesting?
RECORD THE SUCCESS How will you know if your campaign is successful?