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The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe Warm—Up

A) Three points about tuberculosis (such as symptoms, ways of getting the disease, historical occurrences): 1- 2- 3-

B) How did tuberculosis affect Edgar Allan Poe’s life?

C) What kind of stories do you think Poe would write about if he had lived in our day?

Summary of the story

A dangerous disease is killing many people in horrific ways. Prince Prospero is determined not to be a victim of death and retreats to a fortified castle, taking with him 1,000 of his loyal followers. After many months locked away (safe from the disease), the Prince decides to throw a masquerade ball to distract everyone from the death outside the castle walls. The dance is held in an elaborate suite, with seven rooms, each decorated with a different color. Everyone seems to avoid the seventh room because it is creepy (black carpets and red windows) and has an ebony clock that strikes on the hour, every hour. The sound of the clock is so chilling and terrible that the musicians stop playing and the party comes to a halt. But then they go back to normal and dance and party away. After a while, the people notice a figure dressed in such a way that brings fright into their hearts. Whilst many among them wear hideous and even frightening costumes, only this figure brings true terror. He is shrouded in burial robes with a death mask covering his face. As a final grotesque touch, his face and body are spread with blood. The Prince is upset that this intruder would enter their party and yells, “STOP HIM!” What happens next changes their lives forever. [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Checking for comprehension

1. Why does Prince Prospero and his followers retreat to his palace?

2. Describe the rooms in which the entertainment takes place:

3. Explain how the party is disrupted.


1. Compare life outside the palace with the life of the people Prospero brought inside. Give several, specific points of comparison.


2. What do you learn about Prince Prospero from his desire and his attempts to keep his household free of the plague?

3. What mood or effect is created by the colors and the lighting in the rooms of the ball? 4. Why does the clock have such a dramatic effect on the dancers?

5. What techniques does Poe use to create a feeling of terror?

Understanding allegory/symbolism

1. Which might each symbol from the story represent?

a. Prince Prospero:

b. The masquerade:

c. The masked figure:

d. The clock:

2. What do you think Poe is presenting as the lesson in this story? [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Application to the real world "Every tiny part of us cries out against the idea of dying and hopes to live forever."

—Ugo Betti

Based on “The Masque of the Red Death,” explain whether you think POE would agree with this statement.

Then explain whether or not YOU agree.