B. Cytogenesis the Formation and Development of Cells

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B. Cytogenesis the Formation and Development of Cells

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Greek Roots 9

1. cyto - cell 7. paleo - ancient, prehistoric a. cytolysis – destroying of cells a. Paleolithic – Stone Age b. cytogenesis – the formation and development of cells b. Paleozoic – the era when fossils were formed c. cytology – the study of cells c. paleobotany – the study of ancient plants d. cytoplasm – protoplasm in cells (the liquid in a cell) d. paleontology – study of ancient forms of life in e. cytokinesis – the changes that take place in the prehistoric times cytoplasm of a cell during the stages of development e. paleography – ancient writings 2. aesthet - feeling, perception 8. hemo – blood a. kinesthesia – the sense that detects bodily position, a. hemophilia – medical problem when one’s blood weight, or movement of the muscles, tendons, and does not clot well, keeps bleeding (sometimes called joints a “free bleeder”) b. telethesia – the response or perception of distant b. hemostat – a clamp used in surgery to stop bleeding stimuli by extrasensory means (ESP) c. hemoglobin – the red coloring in the blood, if low, a c. aesthete – a person highly sensitive to art and beauty person has anemia (without enough good blood cells) d. esthetics (or aesthetics) the study or philosophy of d. hemorrhage – to bleed profusely beauty e. toxemia – blood poisoning e. anesthesia – a drug that numbs pain, loss of f. anemia – to be low in red blood cells, weak sensation, or feeling induced by medication 9. neuro – nerve 3. kine, cine – move a. neurology – the study of the nervous system a. cytokinesis – (see definition under cyto) b. neuralgia – pain in a nerve or nerves b. kinetics – the science that deals with movement and c. neurosis – mental or emotional disorder, usually the forces action on objects involving anxiety and depression c. kinesiology – study of the principles of anatomy in d. neurologist – doctor who works with nerves and relation to human movement nerve pain d. cinema – a motion picture 10. proto – first e. cinematography – the art of making motion pictures a. protozoan – belonging to one-cell animals f. kinescope – the film of a TV program or the picture b. protocol – an original draft or record of a treaty tube before ratified; also, the proper way to do something, g. kinetograph – a motion picture camera as in etiquette or medical treatment (like a drug 4. lysis - loosening, destroying treatment for cancer) a. hemolysis – destruction of the red corpuscles c. protoplasm – essential material of all animal and b. paralysis – partial or complete loss of motion plant cells c. catalysis – the change in rate of a chemical reaction d. proton – the nucleus of an atom; has a mass of one in a cell by the addition of something which does not (1) and a charge of electricity change itself e. prototype – the original model (the first one) d. hydrolysis – the loosening or changing of a substance f. protomorphic – primitive in form by using water 11. zoo – animal e. lysimeter – a device for determining the solubility of a. paleozoology – study of ancient or prehistoric substances animals f. neurolysis – destruction of nerve tissue b. zoo – a collection of animals 5. glyph – carve c. zoophobia –fear of animals a. hieroglyphics – sacred carvings d. zoomorphism – use of animals in literature or b. glyph – a carving graphics c. glyptography – a design cut or engraved on a gem, e. zoophilia – great affection (love) of animals seal, etc f. zoometry – measurement of animals g. zoology – study of animals 6. hiero – sacred h. zodiac – the use of animals for signs in astrology a. hierocracy – government by priests or other religious people 12. agon - contest, struggle b. hierology – the study of sacred things a. protagonist – the main character (the one people c. hierodule – in ancient Greece, a temple slave are pulling for) dedicated to the service of a god b. antagonist – the bad guy (the one who is working d. hierarchy – the arrangement of people or items by against the protagonist) importance (sacredness) c. agony – the pain of a struggle d. agon – the conflict of characters in a drama e. antagonize – to cause pain by struggling with Name ______

Greek Roots 9 f. agonistic – acting in a painful way

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